Fraud With

RevCent offers Sentinel, an in-house multi layered anti-fraud system which protects your account from processing fraudulent charges.

1 Fraud Firewall
  • IP:
  • Reputation: 99
  • Blocked: false
  • OK
2 Visitor Validator
  • ID: zRdNE92O0
  • Behavior: Normal
  • Is Bot: false
  • OK
3 Third Party
  • Source: SEON
  • Score: 21
  • Threshold: 40
  • OK

What Is

Sentinel is a multi-layered anti-fraud tool that analyzes IP addresses, validates tracking visitors and utilizes third parties before processing payments.

Sentinel Docs


Built by RevCent after years of experience with ecommerce payments.

Prior To Payment

Sentinel prevents fraudulent payments from reaching the processor.


Scans purchase attempts using three separate anti-fraud tools.


Several rules and limits can be customized based on your business.


How It Works

Before sending a payment request to the processor, Sentinel verifies the request is not fraud using three anti-fraud tools.

Fraud Firewall

The Fraud Firewall is an IP analysis and rate limiting tool within Sentinel.

Fraud Firewall Docs

  • Analyzes customer IP addresses.
  • Prevents card testing events.
  • Built in IP reputation system.


  1. Payment request received
  2. Request limit OK
  3. IP reputation OK
  4. No IP fraud match
  5. Continuing to Visitor Validator...
Visitor Validator

The visitor validator compares our tracking visitor data with the related purchase attempt.

Visitor Validator Docs

  • Validates device data.
  • Saves browsing history.
  • Detects bots and scripting.


  1. Visitor ID is valid
  2. No bot or scripting detected
  3. No visitor fraud match
  4. Visitor data saved to request
  5. Continuing to Third Party check...
Third Party Check

Link integrated third party anti-fraud services with RevCent for a final fraud check.

Third Party Docs

  • SEON
  • Kount
  • MaxMind


  1. Third party check enabled
  2. Send request to third party
  3. Third party responded with OK
  4. Third party data saved to request
  5. OK to Process Payment
Know More

Data Enrichment

Enrich your customer data by using SEON as your Sentinel third party anti-fraud service. Utilize the enriched data for targeted marketing, customer grouping and more.


Online Profiles

SEON is able to provide specific information on a customers' online profiles.

  • Know what companies a customer is registered with online.
  • Companies include Facebook, Google, LinkedIn, Skype, Ebay and more.
  • Online profile details can include profile picture, urls, etc.

Phone Details

SEON can also provide detailed customer phone info, including carrier, region and app installs.

  • Phone apps installed and registered under the phone number.
  • Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, Telegram and more.
  • Detailed phone validation, including carrier info and region.

BIN Details

Credit card BIN details are available when using SEON, including issuer and contact info.

  • Detailed card issuer information, including contact phone number.
  • Utilize the BIN data for reporting and advanced payment routing.
  • Extremely useful when displaying error messages to customers.
Real Stories

Case Studies

Below are two real world case studies regarding RevCent clients that were protected by Sentinel.

Case One

2,500 per minute

Stolen Cards Blocked
  • Single card testing event.
  • Within a five minute period.
  • None sent to the processor.

One day, a RevCent users' online store was targeted by fraudsters attempting to test approximately 2,500 stolen cards. These card testing events happen rapidly, and if not protected, can cost a lot of money in transaction fees.

Sentinel is built to stop card testing events, and is easily able to handle rapid influxes of fraudulent payment attempts. Once Sentinel detected the event, it immediately prevented the tests from reaching the processor.

After realizing the card testing wasn't going to work, the fraudsters stopped attempting to test cards after a few minutes. From our experience, this is the standard operating procedure for card testers.

Not only did RevCent save the client money in transaction fees, it also gained valuable intel to prevent future events and fraudulent payments for all RevCent users.

Case Two

$360,000 one month

Fraud Prevented
  • Total amount calculated.
  • Within a one month period.
  • None sent to the processor.

We analyzed the total number of fraudulent payment attempts prevented in one month for a particular user. We calculated the amount that was prevented from being sent to the processor and determined it was roughly $360,000 in total.

Sentinel analyzes every payment attempt to determine whether a payment is legitimate before it is sent to the processor. It uses three methods in succession: Fraud Firewall, Visitor Validator and Third Party.

In this specific case, approximately 55% of the fraud was blocked via the Fraud Firewall, 45% blocked by the visitor validator and 10% blocked by the third party anti-fraud service SEON.

RevCent saved the client a considerable amount in transaction fees, chargeback costs and potentially having a merchant account terminated.