RevCent API V1
You are viewing the Version 1 API Docs. If you are looking for the Version 2 API Docs, please click here.
The V1 API is a JSON based API. All calls are performed via http POST, with a JSON body, and application/json as the content type. This allows a coding language agnostic method of calling the V1 API without the need for an SDK. Simply call the V1 API endpoint using your authorization credentials in the header. All api calls must use the http POST method. Other http methods will be rejected. It is important to set the Content-Type in your POST header to "application/json".
V1 vs V2
The difference between the V1 API and V2 API is purely based on the need for an open standard interface. The V1 API does not follow an open standard for third parties to programmatically integrate. The V2 API follows the OpenAPI 3.1 standard, allowing developers and third parties to programmatically integrate using the specification file.
Which Should I Use?
If you are integrating with RevCent for the first time, we recommend using the V2 API and its specification. If you are currently using V1 API please continue to use it, as the V1 API will never be deprecated.
Whitelist RevCent
All requests from RevCent will use the following IP addresses:
If you need help please do not hesitate to contact us.
API Endpoint
Each account has two API Keys, a live key and a test key. This allows you to test the API and view results using the test/live mode toggle in the user dashboard.
Depending on the key used, RevCent will use the appropriate merchant gateway endpoint for test/live transactions. For example, if you use a test RevCent key we will use the test endpoint for the merchant gateway. A live RevCent key will use the live merchant gateway endpoint.
The x-api-key should be in the header of the API request.
"headers": { "Content-Type": "application/json", "x-api-key": "YOUR_REVCENT_API_KEY" }
Request Body
Every request body is a JSON object, containing the request object. The request object contains both type and method properties. This determines the actions that the specific POST request is going to perform.
In the example, the type is 'sale' and the method is 'retrieve'. Depending on the type and method, certain properties are required. All schema examples in the docs specify required properties depending on request.
{ "request": { "type": "sale", "method": "retrieve", "id": "mJWJbKNQ4QI8XbwmyyW7" } }
Request Example
The example contains a request using CURL showing the POST method, content-type header, x-api-key header and JSON body.
curl --location --request POST '' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --header 'x-api-key: YOUR_REVCENT_API_KEY' \ --data-raw '{ "request": { "type": "sale", "method": "retrieve", "id": "mJWJbKNQ4QI8XbwmyyW7" } }'
Idempotent Requests
The RevCent API supports idempotency for safely retrying API requests without performing the same specific operation twice.
This is useful for retrying disrupted requests while avoiding the chance of double charging a customer. To perform an idempotent request, provide the idempotency_key property within the request object. RevCent will check existing idempotency keys submitted within the past 24 hours for the API account. If an idempotency key match is found, the API request is immediately rejected and not saved.
The idempotency key must be at least 10 characters in length and can be up to 255 characters in length. We recommended you use V4 UUIDs. Retrieve requests ignore idempotency keys.
Important: Only use idempotency keys if you know when and why to use them. Resubmitting the same idempotency key when purposely retrying a declined payment request will result in an error, and the retry payment will never be attempted.
{ "request": { "type": "sale", "method": "create", "idempotency_key": "2c74f520-2b7f-44ea-b547-96e3fcaf7462", ... } }
A campaign is a way to group, categorize and filter various items within your account.
Campaign Create
Create a new campaign.
Request JSON Schema
The main request object
The type of request being made.
The method for the request type.
The campaign name.
The campaign description.
The campaign status.
An array of one or more organization IDs.
Response JSON Schema
The API call ID of the request. Every API request is assigned an ID.
Indicates whether the API call was processed.
The unix timestamp of when the API call was made.
The result code for the request.
0 = RevCent Error
1 = Success
The RevCent ID of the campaign.
The name of the campaign associated with the item.
The API request method.
The API request type.
The a brief description of the result of the API call.
Request JSON
{ "request": { "type": "campaign", "method": "create", "name": "New Name", "description": "Description.", "enabled": false, "organization": [ "4rBAwPJzlPSg9lRwGVmX", "NkEzVWEdV7C9wvKn19Q8" ] } }
Response JSON
{ "api_call_date": "2023-02-02T19:51:40+00:00", "api_call_id": "KnBKryj7jOFPLW1pqkVM", "api_call_processed": true, "api_call_unix": 1675367500, "campaign_id": "rmNPb2opoyfdBV4v0m7P", "campaign_name": "New Name", "code": 1, "organization": [ { "id": "4rBAwPJzlPSg9lRwGVmX", "name": "AdWords Org" }, { "id": "NkEzVWEdV7C9wvKn19Q8", "name": "Acme Org" } ], "request_method": "create", "request_type": "campaign", "result": "Campaign created." }
Campaign Edit
Modify a campaign. Only provide the fields you wish to modify.
Request JSON Schema
The main request object
The type of request being made.
The method for the request type.
The campaign ID.
The campaign name.
The campaign description.
The campaign status.
An array of one or more organization IDs.
Response JSON Schema
The API call ID of the request. Every API request is assigned an ID.
Indicates whether the API call was processed.
The unix timestamp of when the API call was made.
The result code for the request.
0 = RevCent Error
1 = Success
The RevCent ID of the campaign.
The name of the campaign associated with the item.
The API request method.
The API request type.
The a brief description of the result of the API call.
Request JSON
{ "request": { "type": "campaign", "method": "edit", "name": "Updated Name", "description": "Description.", "enabled": true, "campaign_id": "rmNPb2opoyfdBV4v0m7P", "organization": [ "NkEzVWEdV7C9wvKn19Q8" ] } }
Response JSON
{ "api_call_date": "2023-02-02T19:51:04+00:00", "api_call_id": "9rwkYO1v7XFEB6mGdM8p", "api_call_processed": true, "api_call_unix": 1675367464, "campaign_id": "rmNPb2opoyfdBV4v0m7P", "code": 1, "organization": [ { "id": "NkEzVWEdV7C9wvKn19Q8", "name": "Acme Org" } ], "request_method": "edit", "request_type": "campaign", "result": "Campaign edited." }
Campaign Retrieve
Retrieve current information on a single campaign or multiple campaigns.
Please view Pagination and Filters for details on retrieving multiple items.
Request JSON Schema
The main request object.
The type of request being made.
The method for the request type.
The RevCent ID of the item. Required if multiple property equals false or is not present.
Whether it is a multiple type request.
Response JSON Schema
The API call ID of the request. Every API request is assigned an ID.
Indicates whether the API call was processed.
The unix timestamp of when the API call was made.
The result code for the request.
0 = RevCent Error
1 = Success
The number of result items contained in the current page.
The current page of result, same as requested page, default is page 1.
The API request method.
The API request type.
An array of objects, each object being a unique item.
The unix timestamp of when the item was created.
The description of the item.
Whether the campaign is enabled.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
The name of the item.
Any organizations associated with the campaign.
Organization ID.
Organization name.
The unix timestamp of when the item was updated.
The total number of result items for the given request.
The total number of pages for the given request.
Request JSON
{ "request": { "type": "campaign", "method": "retrieve", "id": "JN0Zpj7RGJiwKqAnRoy6" } }
Response JSON
{ "api_call_id": "Q45jJa6ZjgFYmK5Ek86l", "api_call_processed": true, "api_call_unix": 1570281688, "code": 1, "current_count": 1, "current_page": 1, "request_method": "retrieve", "request_type": "campaign", "results": [ { "created_date_unix": 1550530876, "description": "Twitter campaign sales and customers.", "enabled": true, "id": "JN0Zpj7RGJiwKqAnRoy6", "name": "Twitter Campaign", "organization": [ { "id": "NkEzVWEdV7C9wvKn19Q8", "name": "Acme Org" } ], "updated_date_unix": 1551406538 } ], "total_count": 1, "total_pages": 1 }
A chargeback within RevCent is created either using the API or via a third party integration for credit card transactions within RevCent.
Chargeback Create
Create a chargeback within RevCent via the chargeback create method. A chargeback is specific to an existing RevCent credit card transaction. Therefore, when creating a chargeback, the transaction_id or gateway_transaction_id for the related transaction must be provided.
It is recommended to distinguish the chargebacks by sub type(s), i.e. Verifi, RDR, etc., if applicable, using metadata. Only include metadata entries that are applicable to the chargeback. Examples recognized by RevCent below:
- { "name": "is_rdr", "value": "true" }
- Verifi
- { "name": "is_verifi", "value": "true" }
- Ethoca
- { "name": "is_ethoca", "value": "true" }
- TC40
- { "name": "is_tc40", "value": "true" }
Request JSON Schema
The main request object
The type of request being made.
The method for the request type.
The RevCent transaction ID for the chargeback related transaction. If not present, you must provide the gateway_transaction_id property.
The gateway transaction ID for the chargeback related transaction. Only provide if the transaction_id property is not present.
The chargeback amount.
The acquirer reference number.
The date the chargeback created by the issuing bank.
The date the chargeback was received.
The chargeback case number.
The chargeback reason code.
The RevCent third party integration ID.
The third party chargeback ID.
The third party order ID.
You can choose to void the transaction, which will automatically issue a full refund. Default is false. Note: This cannot be undone.
Representment details related to the chargeback, if a representment has taken place.
Whether a representment has been initiated. Read-only once set.
The date the representment was initiated. Read-only once set.
Whether the representment has completed, with an outcome. The initiated property must be set, or have been previously set, to true. Read-only once set.
The date the representment was completed, with an outcome. Read-only once set.
The outcome of the chargeback representment. Can be either "pending", "won" or "lost". The initiated and completed properties must be set, or have been previously set, to true.
Response JSON Schema
The amount of the item.
The API call ID of the request. Every API request is assigned an ID.
Indicates whether the API call was processed.
The unix timestamp of when the API call was made.
The RevCent ID of the campaign.
The name of the campaign associated with the item.
The RevCent ID of the chargeback.
The result code for the request.
0 = RevCent Error
1 = Success
The RevCent ID of the customer.
Gateway related to the item.
The RevCent ID of the gateway.
The transaction ID assigned by the merchant gateway.
The merchant account ID associated with the merchant gateway.
The API request method.
The API request type.
The a brief description of the result of the API call.
The RevCent ID of the credit card transaction.
Whether the transaction was simultaneously voided along with the chargeback creation.
Request JSON
{ "request": { "type": "chargeback", "method": "create", "transaction_id": "EMO5Xo8qMEf15YXQywkR", "gateway_transaction_id": "60157523306", "amount": 140, "arn": "arn_1", "chargeback_date": "12/01/2020", "received_date": "12/04/2020", "case_number": "1234", "reason_code": "4", "third_party_chargeback_id": "cb_1", "third_party_order_id": "or_1", "void_transaction": false, "representment": { "initiated": true, "initiated_date": "12/04/2020" }, "metadata": [ { "name": "is_verifi", "value": "true" } ] } }
Response JSON
{ "amount": 21.39, "api_call_id": "WmbX7n17zGTL65ZqPnp9", "api_call_processed": true, "api_call_unix": 1609122150, "campaign_id": "mJ1zZoOobEuP8pnWKXd1", "campaign_name": "Adwords Campaign", "chargeback_id": "j0a9dNwVKqu8Qz5Vl6ZZ", "code": 1, "customer_id": "2rn1nnqKN6i6wmdKolJE", "gateway": "", "gateway_id": "LYE26MW8Rlh5VbJmlp2l", "gateway_transaction_id": "60158956353", "merchant_account_id": "5678", "request_method": "create", "request_type": "chargeback", "result": "Chargeback created.", "transaction_id": "gYZVZZbdmRTl7g2aJyNN", "void_transaction": false }
Chargeback Edit
Edit an existing chargeback within RevCent via the chargeback edit method.
Request JSON Schema
The main request object
The type of request being made.
The method for the request type.
The RevCent chargeback ID.
The chargeback amount.
The acquirer reference number.
The date the chargeback created by the issuing bank.
The date the chargeback was received.
The chargeback case number.
The chargeback reason code.
The RevCent third party integration ID.
The third party chargeback ID.
The third party order ID.
Representment details related to the chargeback, if a representment has taken place.
Whether a representment has been initiated. Read-only once set.
The date the representment was initiated. Read-only once set.
Whether the representment has completed, with an outcome. The initiated property must be set, or have been previously set, to true. Read-only once set.
The date the representment was completed, with an outcome. Read-only once set.
The outcome of the chargeback representment. Can be either "pending", "won" or "lost". The initiated and completed properties must be set, or have been previously set, to true.
Response JSON Schema
The API call ID of the request. Every API request is assigned an ID.
Indicates whether the API call was processed.
The unix timestamp of when the API call was made.
The RevCent ID of the chargeback.
The result code for the request.
0 = RevCent Error
1 = Success
The API request method.
The API request type.
The a brief description of the result of the API call.
Request JSON
{ "request": { "type": "chargeback", "method": "edit", "chargeback_id": "0p9yLjoq91u9wVEqZ2M2", "amount": 140, "arn": "arn_1", "chargeback_date": "10/01/2020", "received_date": "10/04/2020", "case_number": "1234", "reason_code": "4", "third_party_chargeback_id": "cb_1", "third_party_order_id": "or_1", "representment": { "completed": true, "completed_date": "12/04/2020", "outcome": "won" }, "metadata": [ { "name": "is_rdr", "value": "true" } ] } }
Response JSON
{ "api_call_id": "mJLY1aqWOvCJBL4wAqV8", "api_call_processed": true, "api_call_unix": 1609122072, "chargeback_id": "Nk6llENAROsKvm8PLlOw", "code": 1, "request_method": "edit", "request_type": "chargeback", "result": "Chargeback edited." }
Chargeback Retrieve
Retrieve current information on a single chargeback or multiple chargebacks.
Please view Pagination and Filters for details on retrieving multiple items.
Request JSON Schema
The main request object.
The type of request being made.
The method for the request type.
The RevCent ID of the item. Required if multiple property equals false or is not present.
Whether it is a multiple type request.
Response JSON Schema
The API call ID of the request. Every API request is assigned an ID.
Indicates whether the API call was processed.
The unix timestamp of when the API call was made.
The result code for the request.
0 = RevCent Error
1 = Success
The number of result items contained in the current page.
The current page of result, same as requested page, default is page 1.
The API request method.
The API request type.
An array of objects, each object being a unique item.
The amount of the transaction associated with the fraud detection.
The acquirer reference number, if applicable.
The RevCent ID of the campaign.
The name of the campaign associated with the item.
The case number, if applicable.
The date the chargeback occurred.
The unix timestamp of the date the chargeback occurred.
An array containing check direct IDs related to the item.
The unix timestamp of when the item was created.
The customer object.
The customers' first address line.
The customers' second address line.
Whether the customer has been blocked from purchases.
The customers' city.
The customers' company.
The customers' country.
The customers' email.
Whether the customer is currently enabled.
The customers' first name.
The customers' full address.
Whether the customers' address was successfully geocoded using the Google geocoding service.
The Google place ID for the customers' address using the Google geocoding service.
The RevCent ID for the customer.
Your internal ID for the customer.
The customers' last name.
The approximate latitude for the customers' address using the Google geocoding service.
The approximate longitude for the customers' address using the Google geocoding service.
The customers' phone number.
The customers' state.
The customers' state in long format.
The customers' status.
The customers' zip or postal code.
An array containing discounts related to the item.
An array containing fraud detection IDs related to the item.
Gateway related to the item.
The name of the item.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
The merchant account ID associated with the merchant gateway.
The transaction ID assigned by the merchant gateway.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
An array containing invoice IDs related to the item.
Whether the chargeback is associated with a RevCent third party integration.
ISO 4217 currency code.
Whether the item was created using a live or test RevCent API key.
The merchant account ID associated with the merchant gateway.
An array containing offline payment IDs related to the item.
The original API call that created the entity associated with the chargeback.
The RevCent ID of the original API call that created the entity associated with the chargeback.
The date of the API call.
The unix timestamp of the date of the API call.
The API call type.
The API call method.
The IP address that was used to make the API call.
An array containing RevCent PayPal transaction IDs related to the item.
An array containing pending refund IDs related to the item.
An array containing product sale IDs related to the item.
The chargeback reason code.
The date the chargeback was received by you or the third party.
The unix timestamp of the date the chargeback was received by you or the third party.
If a chargeback has an initiated representment, details on the representment will be provided.
Whether a representment has been initiated.
The date the representment was initiated.
Whether the representment has completed.
The date the representment was completed, with an outcome.
The outcome of the chargeback representment. Can be either "pending", "won" or "lost".
An array containing sale IDs related to the item.
An array containing salvage transaction IDs related to the item.
An array containing shipping IDs related to the item.
The current status of the related item.
An array containing subscription renewal IDs related to the item.
An array containing tax IDs related to the item.
The third party chargeback ID.
If the chargeback was created by a third party integration, details will appear here.
The ID of your RevCent third party integration.
The name of your RevCent third party integration.
Details on the specific third party.
The RevCent ID for the third party.
The name of the third party.
The third party order ID.
The specific transaction the chargeback is related to.
The RevCent transaction ID.
The unix timestamp of the date the transaction was created.
The date the transaction was created.
The unix timestamp of the date the transaction was updated.
The date the transaction was updated.
The transaction amount.
An array containing credit card transaction IDs related to the item.
An array containing trial IDs related to the item.
The unix timestamp of when the item was updated.
An array containing usage account invoice IDs related to the item.
An array containing usage account IDs related to the item.
An array containing usage item invoice IDs related to the item.
An array containing usage item IDs related to the item.
The total number of result items for the given request.
The total number of pages for the given request.
Request JSON
{ "request": { "type": "chargeback", "method": "retrieve", "id": "O04ll4qkllTXqA5Xd79L" } }
Response JSON
{ "api_call_id": "5rkZvym5BNIO6WQX9PJl", "api_call_processed": true, "api_call_unix": 1609120332, "code": 1, "current_count": 1, "current_page": 1, "request_method": "retrieve", "request_type": "chargeback", "results": [ { "amount": 42.36, "arn": "12345", "campaign_id": "JN0Zpj7RGJiwKqAnRoy6", "campaign_name": "Twitter Campaign", "case_number": "56789", "chargeback_date": "2020-12-23T05:00:00+00:00", "chargeback_date_unix": 1608699600, "check_directs": [], "created_date_unix": 1608738415, "customer": { "address_line_1": "1600 Pennsylvania Ave", "address_line_2": "", "blocked": false, "city": "Washington", "company": "", "country": "USA", "email": "", "enabled": true, "first_name": "George", "full_address": "1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC 20500, USA", "geocode_success": true, "google_place_id": "ChIJGVtI4by3t4kRr51d_Qm_x58", "id": "4r158EzJmmcVM69dNLkg", "internal_id": "pres_0001", "last_name": "Washington", "lat": "38.8976633", "lon": "-77.0365739", "metadata": [], "phone": "1234567890", "state": "DC", "state_long": "DC", "zip": "20500" }, "discounts": [], "fraud_detections": [], "gateway": { "name": "", "id": "LYE26MW8Rlh5VbJmlp2l", "merchant_account_id": "12345678" }, "gateway_transaction_id": "60158776104", "id": "O04ll4qkllTXqA5Xd79L", "invoices": [], "is_third_party_integration": false, "iso_currency": "USD", "live_mode": false, "merchant_account_id": "12345678", "metadata": [], "offline_payments": [], "origin_api_call": { "id": "RJblXjvvEgsqjGQrBjoX", "date": "2020-12-22T23:22:04+00:00", "date_unix": 1608679324, "type": "subscription", "method": "renew", "ip_address": "123.456.789.101" }, "paypal_transactions": [], "pending_refunds": [], "product_sales": [], "reason_code": "2", "received_date": "2020-12-23T05:00:00+00:00", "received_date_unix": 1608699600, "representment": { "initiated": true, "initiated_date": "2020-12-22T23:22:05+00:00", "completed": true, "completed_date": "2020-12-25T01:26:18+00:00", "outcome": "won" }, "sales": [ "y2wARbKL8PCPL46Xb7qA" ], "salvage_transactions": [], "shipping": [ "y2Wrl6kwZoUdBWJjABp0" ], "status": "Created", "subscription_renewals": [ "zGkXy5Qa0OH4qWAozq58" ], "tax": [ "qZM1QVAqwRik6BJNq6vW" ], "third_party_chargeback_id": "", "third_party_integration": null, "third_party_order_id": "", "transaction": { "id": "pgPbQlGpr8fWQ72NbQrB", "created_date_unix": 1608679325, "created_date": "2020-12-22T23:22:05+00:00", "updated_date_unix": 1608859578, "updated_date": "2020-12-25T01:26:18+00:00", "amount": 42.36 }, "transactions": [ "pgPbQlGpr8fWQ72NbQrB" ], "trials": [], "updated_date_unix": 1608738415, "usage_account_invoices": [], "usage_accounts": [], "usage_item_invoices": [], "usage_items": [] } ], "total_count": 1, "total_pages": 1 }
A coupon is created within the RevCent web app and can be applied to initial sales, subsequent subscription renewals and future customer purchases based on settings. Create specific rules, expiration dates and discount types within the web app when creating a coupon.
Coupon Validate
Validate a coupon using the coupon code. A rejected coupon code will display an error explaining the reason for rejection, while an applicable coupon code will display the discount type and amount.
To get the actual discount amount for a new sale using a valid coupon, use the sale estimate API request.
Request JSON Schema
The main request object
The type of request being made.
The method for the request type.
The coupon code.
Response JSON Schema
The API call ID of the request. Every API request is assigned an ID.
Indicates whether the API call was processed.
The unix timestamp of when the API call was made.
The result code for the request.
0 = RevCent Error
1 = Success
The coupon associated with the coupon code.
If coupon code submitted is invalid, this coupon property will equal null.
Check for null coupon property in response to validate coupon code.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
The coupon code.
Whether the coupon is enabled.
The coupon start date.
The coupon end date.
The coupon discount type, either percent or amount.
The coupon discount value relative to the discount type.
The total number of times the coupon was used in a successful sale.
The coupon profile associated with the coupon.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
Whether the coupon profile is enabled.
Whether there is a maximum use limit within the coupon profile associated with the coupon.
The API request method.
The API request type.
Whether the coupon code is valid. If invalid (coupon = null) the reason for the coupon code being invalid.
Request JSON
{ "request": { "type": "coupon", "method": "validate", "coupon_code": "10percent" } }
Response JSON
{ "api_call_id": "qZBoPgKB0lIOJG6LJZ4R", "api_call_processed": true, "api_call_unix": 1570459361, "code": 1, "coupon": { "id": "VPmmrpbVl7cQ9JaXEanl", "coupon_code": "10percent", "enabled": true, "start_date_unix": 1567559820, "end_date_unix": 1580446800, "discount_type": "percent", "discount_value": 10, "num_use": 66, "coupon_profile": { "id": "k6vvXQwwNycvJM7yMwzL", "enabled": true, "num_use_max": 0 } }, "request_method": "validate", "request_type": "coupon", "result": "Valid" }
A customer is an individual that is created either by sale, signup, etc. Every customer is given a unique ID as well as the ability to add multiple credit cards.
Implement metadata when creating a sale or customer for enhanced analytics. Our TrackJS feature is extremely useful for tracking visitors and linking them to new customers. We highly recommend you implement metadata as well as TrackJS to know more about your customers.
Customer Create
Create a customer via the customer create method. Useful for signup or prospect purposes where a sale has yet to take place.
AdWords Integration
If you wish to associate the item with a specific AdWords click ID include an "adwords_click" object in your request metadata array. RevCent will detect the specific metadata object with name="adwords_click" and pull data on the AdWords click ID. Read more about integrating AdWords with RevCent on our Knowledge Base .
"metadata":[{"name": "adwords_click", "value": "ADWORDS_CLICK_ID_HERE"}]
Request JSON Schema
The main request object
The type of request being made.
The method for the request type.
The customer object receives first priority as details if creating a new customer.
If the customer object is not present the bill_to and ship_to objects will be used in the respective order.
If neither customer, bill_to or ship_to objects are provided the new customer will be created as 'Anonymous'.
This does not apply if using a customer_id field in the request where applicable.
To use as the billing information. If not present the customer object will be used.
Your internal customer ID.
The campaign to associate with the request. This can be either the RevCent ID of the campaign or the RevCent name of the campaign.
If you wish to add a payment method with the customer upon creation.
The credit card number. This value must be a valid credit card number as a string.
The credit card expiration month. Two digit integer, MM.
The credit card expiration year. Two digit integer, YY.
The credit card code as a string. Depending on the card type this can be different lengths.
If you wish to set the credit card as the default payment method for the customer. Default is true if customer has no active or unexpired cards on file.
Response JSON Schema
The API call ID of the request. Every API request is assigned an ID.
Indicates whether the API call was processed.
The unix timestamp of when the API call was made.
The RevCent ID of the campaign.
The name of the campaign associated with the item.
The RevCent ID of the customer credit card used if a transaction occurred.
The result code for the request.
0 = RevCent Error
1 = Success
The email address of the related customer.
The first name of the related customer.
The RevCent ID of the customer.
The last name of the related customer.
The API request method.
The API request type.
The a brief description of the result of the API call.
Request JSON
{ "request": { "type": "customer", "method": "create", "campaign": "Twitter Campaign", "customer": { "first_name": "udhi", "last_name": "pguolnvc", "address_line_1": "1600 Pennsylvania Ave", "address_line_2": "", "city": "Washington", "state": "DC", "zip": "20500", "country": "USA", "company": "", "email": "", "phone": "1234567890" }, "bill_to": { "first_name": "udhi", "last_name": "pguolnvc", "address_line_1": "1600 Pennsylvania Ave", "address_line_2": "", "city": "Washington", "state": "DC", "zip": "20500", "country": "USA", "company": "", "email": "", "phone": "1234567890" }, "internal_customer_id": "cus_7791", "payment": { "credit_card": { "card_number": "4242424242424242", "exp_month": 12, "exp_year": 20, "card_code": "999" } }, "metadata": [ { "name": "adwords_click", "value": "Cjat0KwhCQjdTq..." }, { "name": "sign_up_page", "value": "v1" } ] } }
Response JSON
{ "api_call_id": "Nk5voyYVvgTOJkEdGRyj", "api_call_processed": true, "api_call_unix": 1565814918, "campaign_id": "JN0Zpj7RGJiwKqAnRoy6", "campaign_name": "Twitter Campaign", "card_id": "YaVqjAZNqzCGvrrZgGqm", "code": 1, "customer_email": "", "customer_first_name": "udhi", "customer_id": "mJGAbQ0zAmU12rpngR1M", "customer_last_name": "pguolnvc", "request_method": "create", "request_type": "customer", "result": "Created new customer and added card." }
Customer Edit
Edit customer information.
Request JSON Schema
The main request object
The type of request being made.
The method for the request type.
The customer ID
The customer object receives first priority as details if creating a new customer.
If the customer object is not present the bill_to and ship_to objects will be used in the respective order.
If neither customer, bill_to or ship_to objects are provided the new customer will be created as 'Anonymous'.
This does not apply if using a customer_id field in the request where applicable.
Your internal customer ID.
Response JSON Schema
The API call ID of the request. Every API request is assigned an ID.
Indicates whether the API call was processed.
The unix timestamp of when the API call was made.
The result code for the request.
0 = RevCent Error
1 = Success
The RevCent ID of the customer.
The API request method.
The API request type.
The a brief description of the result of the API call.
Request JSON
{ "request": { "type": "customer", "method": "edit", "customer_id": "mJGAbQ0zAmU12rpngR1M", "customer": { "first_name": "ywbw", "last_name": "fbjdbefa", "address_line_1": "1600 Pennsylvania Ave", "address_line_2": "", "city": "Washington", "state": "DC", "zip": "20500", "country": "USA", "company": "", "email": "", "phone": "1234567890" } } }
Response JSON
{ "api_call_id": "P65Gn2z6WMs552lNYg6q", "api_call_processed": true, "api_call_unix": 1565814919, "code": 1, "customer_id": "mJGAbQ0zAmU12rpngR1M", "request_method": "edit", "request_type": "customer", "result": "Customer information successfully edited." }
Customer Enable
Enabled a customer that was previously disabled.
Request JSON Schema
The main request object
The type of request being made.
The method for the request type.
The customer ID
Response JSON Schema
The API call ID of the request. Every API request is assigned an ID.
Indicates whether the API call was processed.
The unix timestamp of when the API call was made.
The result code for the request.
0 = RevCent Error
1 = Success
The RevCent ID of the customer.
The API request method.
The API request type.
The a brief description of the result of the API call.
Request JSON
{ "request": { "type": "customer", "method": "enable", "customer_id": "mJGAbQ0zAmU12rpngR1M" } }
Response JSON
{ "api_call_id": "BvwOyAQgd8u226OMrOqY", "api_call_processed": true, "api_call_unix": 1565814920, "code": 1, "customer_id": "mJGAbQ0zAmU12rpngR1M", "request_method": "enable", "request_type": "customer", "result": "Customer enabled." }
Customer Disable
Disable a customer, preventing future purchases.
Request JSON Schema
The main request object
The type of request being made.
The method for the request type.
The customer ID
Response JSON Schema
The API call ID of the request. Every API request is assigned an ID.
Indicates whether the API call was processed.
The unix timestamp of when the API call was made.
The result code for the request.
0 = RevCent Error
1 = Success
The RevCent ID of the customer.
The API request method.
The API request type.
The a brief description of the result of the API call.
Request JSON
{ "request": { "type": "customer", "method": "disable", "customer_id": "mJGAbQ0zAmU12rpngR1M" } }
Response JSON
{ "api_call_id": "ZVEGoyPVA0fZJMPo8Kav", "api_call_processed": true, "api_call_unix": 1565814919, "code": 1, "customer_id": "mJGAbQ0zAmU12rpngR1M", "request_method": "disable", "request_type": "customer", "result": "Customer disabled." }
Customer Add Card
Add a credit card to a customer, with the ability to set the card as default.
Request JSON Schema
The main request object
The type of request being made.
The method for the request type.
The customer ID
To use as the billing information. If not present the customer object will be used.
The payment object containing the credit card you wish to add.
The credit card number. This value must be a valid credit card number as a string.
The credit card expiration month. Two digit integer, MM.
The credit card expiration year. Two digit integer, YY.
The credit card code as a string. Depending on the card type this can be different lengths.
If you wish to set the credit card as the default payment method for the customer. Default is true if customer has no active or unexpired cards on file.
Response JSON Schema
The API call ID of the request. Every API request is assigned an ID.
Indicates whether the API call was processed.
The unix timestamp of when the API call was made.
The result code for the request.
0 = RevCent Error
1 = Success
The RevCent ID of the customer.
The API request method.
The API request type.
The a brief description of the result of the API call.
Request JSON
{ "request": { "type": "customer", "method": "add_card", "customer_id": "mJGAbQ0zAmU12rpngR1M", "bill_to": { "first_name": "orhw", "last_name": "selldjxk", "address_line_1": "1600 Pennsylvania Ave", "address_line_2": "", "city": "Washington", "state": "DC", "zip": "20500", "country": "USA", "company": "", "email": "", "phone": "1234567890" }, "payment": { "credit_card": { "card_number": "4141414141414141", "exp_month": 10, "exp_year": 23, "card_code": "123", "set_as_default": true } } } }
Response JSON
{ "api_call_id": "j0LNQJG1B7UggmXw950J", "api_call_processed": true, "api_call_unix": 1565814920, "code": 1, "customer_id": "mJGAbQ0zAmU12rpngR1M", "request_method": "add_card", "request_type": "customer", "result": "Customer card added." }
Customer Add To Group
Add a customer to a customer group.
Request JSON Schema
The main request object
The type of request being made.
The method for the request type.
The customer ID
An array of one or more Customer Group IDs.
Response JSON Schema
The API call ID of the request. Every API request is assigned an ID.
Indicates whether the API call was processed.
The unix timestamp of when the API call was made.
The result code for the request.
0 = RevCent Error
1 = Success
The RevCent ID of the customer.
The API request method.
The API request type.
The a brief description of the result of the API call.
Request JSON
{ "request": { "type": "customer", "method": "add_to_group", "customer_id": "LY9BAEgLymHObBR7GKdw", "customer_group": [ "8rRGOVwwNLTaawApmQv8" ] } }
Response JSON
{ "api_call_id": "ZVEGoyPVA0fZJMPo8Kav", "api_call_processed": true, "api_call_unix": 1565814919, "code": 1, "customer_id": "mJGAbQ0zAmU12rpngR1M", "request_method": "add_to_group", "request_type": "customer", "result": "Customer added to group(s)." }
Customer Remove From Group
Remove a customer from a customer group.
Request JSON Schema
The main request object
The type of request being made.
The method for the request type.
The customer ID
An array of one or more Customer Group IDs.
Response JSON Schema
The API call ID of the request. Every API request is assigned an ID.
Indicates whether the API call was processed.
The unix timestamp of when the API call was made.
The result code for the request.
0 = RevCent Error
1 = Success
The RevCent ID of the customer.
The API request method.
The API request type.
The a brief description of the result of the API call.
Request JSON
{ "request": { "type": "customer", "method": "remove_from_group", "customer_id": "LY9BAEgLymHObBR7GKdw", "customer_group": [ "8rRGOVwwNLTaawApmQv8" ] } }
Response JSON
{ "api_call_id": "ZVEGoyPVA0fZJMPo8Kav", "api_call_processed": true, "api_call_unix": 1565814919, "code": 1, "customer_id": "mJGAbQ0zAmU12rpngR1M", "request_method": "remove_from_group", "request_type": "customer", "result": "Customer removed from group(s)." }
Customer Retrieve
Retrieve current information on a single customer or multiple customers. You can use either the RevCent ID or email address for retrieving a single customer.
Please view Pagination and Filters for details on retrieving multiple items.
The response may include AdWords Response Objects within each item if an AdWords click ID is associated with the item.
Request JSON Schema
The main request object.
The request type.
The request method.
The RevCent ID of the customer. Required if multiple property equals false and email property not present.
The email address of the customer. Required if multiple property equals false and id property not present.
Whether it is a multiple type request.
Response JSON Schema
The API call ID of the request. Every API request is assigned an ID.
Indicates whether the API call was processed.
The unix timestamp of when the API call was made.
The result code for the request.
0 = RevCent Error
1 = Success
The number of result items contained in the current page.
The current page of result, same as requested page, default is page 1.
The API request method.
The API request type.
An array of objects, each object being a unique item.
Whether the customer was created without identifiable information.
An array containing api call IDs related to the item.
Whether the customer has been marked as blocked, preventing the customer from making purchases.
The RevCent ID of the campaign.
The name of the campaign associated with the item.
An array containing chargeback IDs related to the item.
An array containing check direct IDs related to the item.
The unix timestamp of when the item was created.
An array of customer card objects, each being a customer card associated with the customer.
The unix timestamp of when the item was created.
The unix timestamp of when the item was updated.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
The credit card type, i.e. visa, mastercard, etc.
The last 4 digits of the customer credit card.
The credit card expiration date, formatted MM/YY.
The credit card expiration month, formatted MM.
The credit card expiration year, formatted YYYY.
Whether the credit card is the customers' default card.
An array of customer group objects, each being a customer group the customer is associated with.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
The name of the item.
An array of customer group objects, each being a customer group the customer is blocked from being associated with.
An array containing discounts related to the item.
Whether the customer is enabled and available to purchase and make payments.
An array containing fraud detection request IDs related to the item.
An array containing fraud detection IDs related to the item.
True if customer address was submitted and geocoding was successful, otherwise false.
Google place ID of customer if successfully geocoded
The RevCent ID of the object item.
The internal_id you provided when creating the item.
An array containing invoice IDs related to the item.
Geocode latitude of customer if successfully geocoded.
An array of RevCent license key ID's associated with the item.
Overall lifetime values for the customer.
The combined total of sale and subscription renewal value types.
The sum amount discounted for all sales and renewals.
The sum amount gross for all sales and renewals.
The sum amount net for all sales and renewals.
The sum amount refunded for all sales and renewals.
The sum amount remaining for all sales and renewals.
The sum amount to salvage for all sales and renewals.
The sum total volume for all sales and renewals.
The sale value type, specific to the customers' sales.
The sum amount discounted for all sales.
The sum amount gross for all sales.
The sum amount net for all sales.
The sum amount refunded for all sales.
The sum amount remaining for all sales.
The sum amount to salvage for all sales.
The sum total volume for all sales.
The total number of sales.
The average sale amount gross.
The subscription renewal value type, specific to the customers' subscription renewals.
The sum amount discounted for all subscription renewals.
The sum amount gross for all subscription renewals.
The sum amount net for all subscription renewals.
The sum amount refunded for all subscription renewals.
The sum amount remaining for all subscription renewals.
The sum amount to salvage for all subscription renewals.
The sum total volume for all subscription renewals.
The total number of subscription renewals regardless of status.
The average subscription renewal amount gross.
The total number of subscription renewals with a status of Overdue.
The fraud detection value type, specific to the customers' fraud detections.
The total amount of all fraud detections.
The total number of fraud detections.
The average fraud detection amount.
The chargeback value type, specific to the customers' chargebacks.
The total amount of all chargebacks.
The total number of chargebacks.
The average chargeback amount.
The pending refund value type, specific to the customers' pending refunds.
The total number of refunds issued to the customer.
The date of the last sale for the customer, if available.
The date of the last subscription renewal for the customer, if available.
Geocode longitude of customer if successfully geocoded.
An array containing offline payment IDs related to the item.
An array containing RevCent PayPal transaction IDs related to the item.
An array containing pending refund IDs related to the item.
An array containing product sale IDs related to the item.
The products the customer has purchased over their lifetime.
The product ID.
The product name.
The product internal ID.
The product SKU.
The total quantity for all purchases of this product by the customer.
The average price for all purchases of this product by the customer.
The total amount gross specific to the product for the customer.
The total amount refunded specific to the product for the customer.
The number of separate purchases of the product.
The individual dates, as a unix timestamp, of each purchase.
An array containing quota account IDs related to the item.
An array containing sale IDs related to the item.
An array containing salvage transaction IDs related to the item.
An array containing shipping IDs related to the item.
An array containing SMTP message IDs related to the item.
The current status of the related item.
An array containing subscription renewal IDs related to the item.
An array containing subscription IDs related to the item.
An array containing tax IDs related to the item.
An array containing credit card transaction IDs related to the item.
An array containing trial IDs related to the item.
The unix timestamp of when the item was updated.
The total number of result items for the given request.
The total number of pages for the given request.
Request JSON
{ "request": { "type": "customer", "method": "retrieve", "id": "ajOAl24bBXc5nXwagAOg" } }
Response JSON
{ "api_call_id": "X8681XdaPpfrmYgyaVAp", "api_call_processed": true, "api_call_unix": 1641919241, "code": 1, "current_count": 1, "current_page": 1, "request_method": "retrieve", "request_type": "customer", "results": [ { "address_line_1": "1600 Pennsylvania Ave", "address_line_2": "", "anonymous": false, "api_calls": [ "vEP9QdWngpUrNGW6llkv" ], "blocked": false, "campaign_id": "JN0Zpj7RGJiwKqAnRoy6", "campaign_name": "AdWords Campaign", "chargebacks": [], "check_directs": [], "city": "Washington", "company": "", "country": "USA", "created_date_unix": 1641564098, "customer_card": [ { "created_date_unix": 1641564098, "updated_date_unix": 1641746186, "id": "ALAGkvj0O7u5rdmVggQ7", "type": "visa", "last_4": "1111", "expiry_date": "11/23", "expiry_month": "11", "expiry_year": "2023", "is_default": true } ], "customer_group": [ { "id": "2rRMqP5nojF6EgJqwQVL", "name": "My Customer Group" } ], "customer_group_blocked": [], "discounts": [], "email": "", "enabled": true, "first_name": "George", "fraud_detection_requests": [], "fraud_detections": [], "full_address": "1600 Pennsylvania Ave, Washington, DC 20500, USA", "geocode_success": true, "google_place_id": "ChIJGVtI4by3t4kRr51d_Qm_x58", "id": "O0O0LON20nTaNQ6gg6Lm", "internal_id": "pres_0001", "invoices": [], "last_name": "Washington", "lat": "32.5614023", "license_keys": [], "lifetime_value": { "all": { "amount_discounted": 0, "amount_gross": 363.55, "amount_net": 355.55, "amount_refunded": 0, "amount_remaining": 23.75, "amount_to_salvage": 23.75, "amount_total": 387.3 }, "sale": { "amount_discounted": 0, "amount_gross": 363.55, "amount_net": 355.55, "amount_refunded": 0, "amount_remaining": 23.75, "amount_to_salvage": 23.75, "amount_total": 387.3, "num": 1, "avg": 363.55 }, "subscription_renewal": { "amount_discounted": 0, "amount_gross": 0, "amount_net": 0, "amount_refunded": 0, "amount_remaining": 0, "amount_to_salvage": 0, "amount_total": 0, "num": 0, "avg": 0, "num_overdue": 0 }, "fraud_detection": { "amount": 0, "num": 0, "avg": 0 }, "chargeback": { "amount": 0, "num": 0, "avg": 0 }, "pending_refund": { "num": 0 }, "last_sale_date": "2022-01-07T14:01:38.458Z", "last_subscription_renewal_date": null }, "lon": "-90.19291299999999", "metadata": [ { "name": "adwords_click", "value": "Cjat0KwhCQjdTq..." } ], "notes": [ { "created_date": "2022-01-10T14:35:21+00:00", "created_date_unix": 1641825321, "updated_date": "2022-01-10T14:35:21+00:00", "updated_date_unix": 1641825321, "id": "9r0NrKQ864FaOrmOYmQn", "text": "Example customer note.", "username": "JohnDoe", "first_name": "John", "last_name": "Doe", "employee_id": "mWwZ8KyrOLNOOdbbdUbQ", "customer_note_related_type": "customer", "customer_note_related_id": "O0O0LON20nTaNQ6gg6Lm" } ], "offline_payments": [], "paypal_transactions": [], "pending_refunds": [], "phone": "12345678901", "product_sales": [ "LYG04QV82NHqzpQvLL8m" ], "products_purchased": [ { "id": "6r8O5MLbw2t6n4v1lGqK", "name": "AV 2017", "internal_id": "av_2017", "sku": "av_2017_sku", "quantity": 1, "price": 29.99, "amount_gross": 28.74, "amount_refunded": 0, "purchase_count": 1, "purchase_dates": [ 1673880787 ] } ], "quota_accounts": [], "sales": [ "6rYKpkEgmyfBaGONMMVm" ], "salvage_transactions": [ "8rkZpLd09Rf2wzVO77W5" ], "shipping": [ "l4jWlR78X5cAvvvbnlWJ" ], "smtp_messages": [], "state": "DC", "state_long": "DC", "status": "Enabled", "subscription_renewals": [], "subscriptions": [ "5rnXp2wYjRf9OzWdgg8M" ], "tax": [ "rmYb7ro28XTvmmmVE2RA" ], "transactions": [ "ZVJZkL6Kn4Cb555PnKP9" ], "trials": [ "JNvWwanZLBi8RN1ynnQR" ], "updated_date_unix": 1641825321, "zip": "20500" } ], "total_count": 1, "total_pages": 1 }
Customer Search
Search for a customer using a string or group of strings.
Please read more about API Search before proceeding.
Request JSON Schema
The main request object.
The type of request being made.
The method for the request type.
The string to search.
Response JSON Schema
The API call ID of the request. Every API request is assigned an ID.
Indicates whether the API call was processed.
The unix timestamp of when the API call was made.
The result code for the request.
0 = RevCent Error
1 = Success
The API request type.
The API request method.
An array of objects, each object being a unique item.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
The unix timestamp of when the item was created.
The internal_id you provided when creating the item.
Whether the item is enabled or disabled.
Request JSON
{ "request": { "type": "customer", "method": "search", "search_term": "" } }
Response JSON
{ "api_call_id": "MWazbqOmazHZ5QnERONV", "api_call_processed": true, "api_call_unix": 1681160039, "code": 1, "request_type": "customer", "request_method": "search", "results": [ { "item_type": "customer", "id": "gYQYYJlMXYHXXL709WlR", "created_date_unix": 1680909458, "first_name": "George", "last_name": "Washington", "address_line_1": "1600 Pennsylvania Ave", "address_line_2": "", "city": "Washington", "state": "DC", "zip": "20500", "email": "", "phone": "1234567890", "internal_id": "", "ip_address": "123.456.789.0", "enabled": true, "fingerprint": "5c8b317a4bb7c91b4ade5ffc357cb6ce", "metadata": [], "url": "", "highlights": [ { "field": "email", "values": [ "" ] } ], "score": 7.68 } ] }
Customer Card
A customer card is specific to a customer, and is either created automatically during an initial sale, or manually added to a customer via web app or API.
Customer Card Add
To add a customer card, use the customer > add_card API method instead. This ensures a new card is assigned to the correct customer.
If the customer does not already exist, use the customer > create API method and include the credit card details in the request.
Customer Card Enable
Enable a customer card that was previously disabled.
Request JSON Schema
The main request object
The type of request being made.
The method for the request type.
The RevCent customer card ID.
Response JSON Schema
The API call ID of the request. Every API request is assigned an ID.
Indicates whether the API call was processed.
The unix timestamp of when the API call was made.
The result code for the request.
0 = RevCent Error
1 = Success
The RevCent ID of the customer.
The API request method.
The API request type.
The a brief description of the result of the API call.
Request JSON
{ "request": { "type": "customer_card", "method": "enable", "customer_card_id": "O0O0LON20nTaNQ6gg6Lm" } }
Response JSON
{ "api_call_id": "9r0rPLQOPATL4zXVVXrZ", "api_call_processed": true, "api_call_unix": 1641910649, "code": 1, "customer_card_id": "O0O0LON20nTaNQ6gg6Lm", "customer_id": "2rBrjB5arLtoVnPKKPMw", "request_method": "enable", "request_type": "customer_card", "result": "Customer card set to enabled." }
Customer Card Disable
Disable a customer card, preventing its use.
Request JSON Schema
The main request object
The type of request being made.
The method for the request type.
The RevCent customer card ID.
Response JSON Schema
The API call ID of the request. Every API request is assigned an ID.
Indicates whether the API call was processed.
The unix timestamp of when the API call was made.
The result code for the request.
0 = RevCent Error
1 = Success
The RevCent ID of the customer.
The API request method.
The API request type.
The a brief description of the result of the API call.
Request JSON
{ "request": { "type": "customer_card", "method": "disable", "customer_card_id": "O0O0LON20nTaNQ6gg6Lm" } }
Response JSON
{ "api_call_id": "LYGYa9Nv7kCzL4RPPRoa", "api_call_processed": true, "api_call_unix": 1641910714, "code": 1, "customer_card_id": "O0O0LON20nTaNQ6gg6Lm", "customer_id": "2rBrjB5arLtoVnPKKPMw", "request_method": "disable", "request_type": "customer_card", "result": "Customer card set to disabled." }
Customer Card Delete
Delete a customer card, removing it from the system. This is irreversible.
Request JSON Schema
The main request object
The type of request being made.
The method for the request type.
The RevCent customer card ID.
Response JSON Schema
The API call ID of the request. Every API request is assigned an ID.
Indicates whether the API call was processed.
The unix timestamp of when the API call was made.
The result code for the request.
0 = RevCent Error
1 = Success
The RevCent ID of the customer.
The API request method.
The API request type.
The a brief description of the result of the API call.
Request JSON
{ "request": { "type": "customer_card", "method": "delete", "customer_card_id": "O0O0LON20nTaNQ6gg6Lm" } }
Response JSON
{ "api_call_id": "ll2nVEywp2M8Mbr2vXnf", "api_call_processed": true, "api_call_unix": 1641910772, "code": 1, "customer_card_id": "O0O0LON20nTaNQ6gg6Lm", "customer_id": "2rBrjB5arLtoVnPKKPMw", "request_method": "delete", "request_type": "customer_card", "result": "Customer card deleted." }
Customer Card Set Default
Set a customer card as the default card for the customer.
Request JSON Schema
The main request object
The type of request being made.
The method for the request type.
The RevCent customer card ID.
Response JSON Schema
The API call ID of the request. Every API request is assigned an ID.
Indicates whether the API call was processed.
The unix timestamp of when the API call was made.
The result code for the request.
0 = RevCent Error
1 = Success
The RevCent ID of the customer.
The API request method.
The API request type.
The a brief description of the result of the API call.
Request JSON
{ "request": { "type": "customer_card", "method": "set_default", "customer_card_id": "O0O0LON20nTaNQ6gg6Lm" } }
Response JSON
{ "api_call_id": "EM8Mbr2vXnfywp2ll2nV", "api_call_processed": true, "api_call_unix": 1641910772, "code": 1, "customer_card_id": "O0O0LON20nTaNQ6gg6Lm", "customer_id": "2rBrjB5arLtoVnPKKPMw", "request_method": "set_default", "request_type": "customer_card", "result": "Customer card set as default." }
Customer Card Retrieve
Retrieve current information on a single customer card or multiple customer cards. To view all cards for a specific customer, simply use the customer > retrieve method, using the customer ID, which will contain the customers' cards in the response.
Please view Pagination and Filters for details on retrieving multiple items.
The response may include AdWords Response Objects within each item if an AdWords click ID is associated with the item.
Request JSON Schema
The main request object.
The type of request being made.
The method for the request type.
The RevCent ID of the item. Required if multiple property equals false or is not present.
Whether it is a multiple type request.
Response JSON Schema
The API call ID of the request. Every API request is assigned an ID.
Indicates whether the API call was processed.
The unix timestamp of when the API call was made.
The result code for the request.
0 = RevCent Error
1 = Success
The number of result items contained in the current page.
The current page of result, same as requested page, default is page 1.
The API request method.
The API request type.
An array of objects, each object being a unique item.
The unix timestamp of when the item was created.
The customer object.
The customers' first address line.
The customers' second address line.
Whether the customer has been blocked from purchases.
The customers' city.
The customers' company.
The customers' country.
The customers' email.
Whether the customer is currently enabled.
The customers' first name.
The customers' full address.
Whether the customers' address was successfully geocoded using the Google geocoding service.
The Google place ID for the customers' address using the Google geocoding service.
The RevCent ID for the customer.
Your internal ID for the customer.
The customers' last name.
The approximate latitude for the customers' address using the Google geocoding service.
The approximate longitude for the customers' address using the Google geocoding service.
The customers' phone number.
The customers' state.
The customers' state in long format.
The customers' status.
The customers' zip or postal code.
Whether the item is enabled or disabled.
The expiration date of the customer card formatted M/YYYY.
The expiration date of the customer card formatted MM/YYYY.
The expiration date of the customer card formatted MM.
The expiration year of the customer card formatted YYYY.
The first 6 digits of the customer card number.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
Whether the card is the customers' default card.
The last 4 digits of the customer card number.
Whether the item was created using a live or test RevCent API key.
The credit card type. I.e. visa, mastercard, etc.
The unix timestamp of when the item was updated.
The total number of result items for the given request.
The total number of pages for the given request.
Request JSON
{ "request": { "type": "customer_card", "method": "retrieve", "id": "O0O0LON20nTaNQ6gg6Lm" } }
Response JSON
{ "api_call_id": "Wm0m9Y2K5YuXrgdvmMAL", "api_call_processed": true, "api_call_unix": 1641910867, "code": 1, "current_count": 1, "current_page": 1, "request_method": "retrieve", "request_type": "customer_card", "results": [ { "created_date_unix": 1641910298, "customer": { "address_line_1": "1600 Pennsylvania Ave", "address_line_2": "", "blocked": false, "city": "Washington", "company": "", "country": "USA", "email": "", "enabled": true, "first_name": "George", "full_address": "1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC 20500, USA", "geocode_success": true, "google_place_id": "ChIJGVtI4by3t4kRr51d_Qm_x58", "id": "4r158EzJmmcVM69dNLkg", "internal_id": "pres_0001", "last_name": "Washington", "lat": "38.8976633", "lon": "-77.0365739", "metadata": [], "phone": "1234567890", "state": "DC", "state_long": "DC", "zip": "20500" }, "enabled": false, "expiry_date": "11/2023", "expiry_month": "11", "expiry_year": "2023", "first_6": "424242", "id": "O0O0LON20nTaNQ6gg6Lm", "is_default": true, "last_4": "4242", "live_mode": false, "type": "visa", "updated_date_unix": 1641910714 } ], "total_count": 1, "total_pages": 1 }
A discount is created when RevCent receives a static discount entry or a coupon code during a request.
Discount Retrieve
Retrieve current information on a single discount or multiple discounts.
Please view Pagination and Filters for details on retrieving multiple items.
The response may include AdWords Response Objects within each item if an AdWords click ID is associated with the item.
Request JSON Schema
The main request object.
The type of request being made.
The method for the request type.
The RevCent ID of the item. Required if multiple property equals false or is not present.
Whether it is a multiple type request.
Response JSON Schema
The API call ID of the request. Every API request is assigned an ID.
Indicates whether the API call was processed.
The unix timestamp of when the API call was made.
The result code for the request.
0 = RevCent Error
1 = Success
The number of result items contained in the current page.
The current page of result, same as requested page, default is page 1.
The API request method.
The API request type.
An array of objects, each object being a unique item.
An array containing check direct IDs related to the item.
The details of any coupon related to the discount.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
The name of the item.
The description of the item.
The coupon code.
The unix timestamp of when the item was created.
The customer object.
The customers' first address line.
The customers' second address line.
Whether the customer has been blocked from purchases.
The customers' city.
The customers' company.
The customers' country.
The customers' email.
Whether the customer is currently enabled.
The customers' first name.
The customers' full address.
Whether the customers' address was successfully geocoded using the Google geocoding service.
The Google place ID for the customers' address using the Google geocoding service.
The RevCent ID for the customer.
Your internal ID for the customer.
The customers' last name.
The approximate latitude for the customers' address using the Google geocoding service.
The approximate longitude for the customers' address using the Google geocoding service.
The customers' phone number.
The customers' state.
The customers' state in long format.
The customers' status.
The customers' zip or postal code.
The description of the item.
The total discount amount applied.
The percentage of total request amount before discount is applied.
The discount type corresponds to discount amount. Default is amount.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
The name of the item.
An array containing offline payment IDs related to the item.
An array containing RevCent PayPal transaction IDs related to the item.
An array containing pending refund IDs related to the item.
An array containing product sale IDs related to the item.
An array containing sale IDs related to the item.
An array containing salvage transaction IDs related to the item.
An array containing shipping IDs related to the item.
An array containing SMTP message IDs related to the item.
An array containing subscription renewal IDs related to the item.
An array containing subscription IDs related to the item.
An array containing tax IDs related to the item.
Will contain details if the root item is related to a third party shop.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
The name of the item.
The URL of the third party shop.
An array containing credit card transaction IDs related to the item.
An array containing trial IDs related to the item.
The unix timestamp of when the item was updated.
The total number of result items for the given request.
The total number of pages for the given request.
Request JSON
{ "request": { "type": "discount", "method": "retrieve", "id": "5r1wN8EbAgsPvLlbMava" } }
Response JSON
{ "api_call_id": "ZVE5YRjd7RsXZpVw4krG", "api_call_processed": true, "api_call_unix": 1566160507, "code": 1, "current_count": 1, "current_page": 1, "request_method": "retrieve", "request_type": "discount", "results": [ { "check_directs": [], "coupon": { "id": "VPmmrpbVl7cQ9JaXEanl", "name": "test2", "description": "", "coupon_code": "10percent" }, "created_date_unix": 1565965034, "customer": { "address_line_1": "1600 Pennsylvania Ave", "address_line_2": "", "blocked": false, "city": "Washington", "company": "", "country": "USA", "email": "", "enabled": true, "first_name": "George", "full_address": "1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC 20500, USA", "geocode_success": true, "google_place_id": "ChIJGVtI4by3t4kRr51d_Qm_x58", "id": "4r158EzJmmcVM69dNLkg", "internal_id": "pres_0001", "last_name": "Washington", "lat": "38.8976633", "lon": "-77.0365739", "metadata": [], "phone": "1234567890", "state": "DC", "state_long": "DC", "zip": "20500" }, "description": "$5 Off Coupon from facebook link.", "discount_amount": 5, "discount_percent": 4.17, "discount_type": "amount", "id": "5r1wN8EbAgsPvLlbMava", "name": "$5 Off Coupon", "notes": [], "offline_payments": [], "paypal_transactions": [], "pending_refunds": [], "product_sales": [], "sales": [ "Kn5aKb8lQZfXMl0NGjRZ" ], "salvage_transactions": [], "shipping": [], "smtp_messages": [], "subscription_renewals": [], "subscriptions": [], "tax": [], "third_party_shop": { "id": "Q48aAbVv21fJRvNKWrvP", "name": "My Shop" }, "transactions": [], "trials": [], "updated_date_unix": 1565965035 } ], "total_count": 1, "total_pages": 1 }
RevCent fraud alerts, fraud detections and fraud detection requests, using manual or third party integrations. Please read carefully about the difference between a fraud alert and a fraud detection.
Fraud Alert
A fraud alert is simply an indicator that a sale may or may not be fraud and needs manual review. An alert can be removed if the sale is determined to not be fraud.
Fraud Alert Add
Mark a sale with a fraud alert.
Request JSON Schema
The main request object
The type of request being made.
The method for the request type.
The RevCent ID of the sale.
Response JSON Schema
The API call ID of the request. Every API request is assigned an ID.
Indicates whether the API call was processed.
The unix timestamp of when the API call was made.
The RevCent ID of the campaign.
The name of the campaign associated with the item.
The result code for the request.
0 = RevCent Error
1 = Success
The RevCent ID of the customer.
The API request method.
The API request type.
The a brief description of the result of the API call.
The RevCent ID of the sale.
Request JSON
{ "request": { "type": "fraud_alert", "method": "add", "sale_id": "2rnYMVFGraRJBnPpgvQV" } }
Response JSON
{ "api_call_id": "y2WG1ApMMKhW6ZoBb72o", "api_call_processed": true, "api_call_unix": 1609086154, "campaign_id": "mJ1zZoOobEuP8pnWKXd1", "campaign_name": "Adwords Campaign", "code": 1, "customer_id": "9rZ68zWWglFY8O26azRX", "request_method": "add", "request_type": "fraud_alert", "result": "Fraud alert added to sale.", "sale_id": "2rnYMVFGraRJBnPpgvQV" }
Fraud Alert Remove
Remove an existing fraud alert from a sale.
Request JSON Schema
The main request object
The type of request being made.
The method for the request type.
The RevCent ID of the sale.
Response JSON Schema
The API call ID of the request. Every API request is assigned an ID.
Indicates whether the API call was processed.
The unix timestamp of when the API call was made.
The RevCent ID of the campaign.
The name of the campaign associated with the item.
The result code for the request.
0 = RevCent Error
1 = Success
The RevCent ID of the customer.
The API request method.
The API request type.
The a brief description of the result of the API call.
The RevCent ID of the sale.
Request JSON
{ "request": { "type": "fraud_alert", "method": "remove", "sale_id": "2rnYMVFGraRJBnPpgvQV" } }
Response JSON
{ "api_call_id": "qZM6vXNEVasgj0XVJO50", "api_call_processed": true, "api_call_unix": 1609118598, "code": 1, "customer_id": "9rZ68zWWglFY8O26azRX", "request_method": "remove", "request_type": "fraud_alert", "result": "Fraud alert removed from sale.", "sale_id": "2rnYMVFGraRJBnPpgvQV" }
Fraud Detection
A fraud detection is confirmation that an item is indeed fraud. Once created it cannot be removed or un-done. You can create a fraud detection using either the API, or via a third party integration, for credit card, PayPal, checks or offline payments.
Fraud Detection Create
Create a fraud detection within RevCent via the fraud detection create method.
Important: A fraud detection must have an originating RevCent API call, which RevCent will find when you provide a value for source_id. The value for the source_id property can be from one of the items listed below.
- API Call ID
- The RevCent ID for the originating API call.
- Sale ID
- The RevCent ID for a sale.
- Transaction ID
- The RevCent ID for a credit card transaction.
- Gateway Transaction ID
- The payment gateways' ID for a credit card transaction.
- PayPal Transaction ID
- The RevCent ID or PayPal ID for a PayPal transaction.
- Check ID
- The RevCent ID for a check payment.
- Offline Payment ID
- The RevCent ID for an offline payment.
- Customer ID
- The RevCent ID for a customer. Only use when a customer is without a sale or payment attempt, i.e. prospect.
Request JSON Schema
The main request object
The type of request being made.
The method for the request type.
The source ID. Read the important information above.
You can choose to automatically void the sale, by setting to true, if source_id is a RevCent sale ID. Default is false. Note: This will fully refund all entities of the sale and cannot be undone.
You can choose to have RevCent add fraud alerts to similar sales. Default is false.
The acquirer reference number.
The date of the fraud event.
The date the fraud was detected.
The case number.
The RevCent third party integration ID.
The third party fraud detection ID.
The third party order ID.
Response JSON Schema
The API call ID of the request. Every API request is assigned an ID.
Indicates whether the API call was processed.
The unix timestamp of when the API call was made.
The RevCent ID of the campaign.
The name of the campaign associated with the item.
The result code for the request.
0 = RevCent Error
1 = Success
The RevCent ID of the customer.
The RevCent IDs of each fraud detection created as a result of the API call.
The RevCent ID of the original API call that created the entity associated with the fraud.
The API request method.
The API request type.
The a brief description of the result of the API call.
Whether the sale was simultaneously voided along with the fraud detection creation.
Request JSON
{ "request": { "type": "fraud_detection", "method": "create", "source_id": "2rnYMVFGraRJBnPpgvQV", "void_sale": false, "flag_similar_sale": false, "arn": "93994", "event_date": "12/01/2020", "fraud_detection_date": "12/11/2020", "case_number": "4999", "third_party_integration_id": "8r4lFWLbEr1PZglb7d8z", "third_party_fraud_detection_id": "123456", "third_party_order_id": "00001", "metadata": [ { "name": "fraud", "value": "12345" } ] } }
Response JSON
{ "api_call_id": "y2WG1ApMMKhW6ZoBb72o", "api_call_processed": true, "api_call_unix": 1609086154, "campaign_id": "mJ1zZoOobEuP8pnWKXd1", "campaign_name": "Adwords Campaign", "code": 1, "customer_id": "9rZ68zWWglFY8O26azRX", "fraud_detection_created": [ "VPwOydX2ArHJy8gX2o98" ], "origin_api_call_id": "O04EbzqqdltXb7EOGQpz", "request_method": "create", "request_type": "fraud_detection", "result": "Fraud detection created.", "void_sale": false }
Fraud Detection Edit
Edit an existing fraud detection within RevCent via the fraud detection edit method.
Request JSON Schema
The main request object
The type of request being made.
The method for the request type.
The RevCent ID of the fraud detection.
The amount of the related transaction associated with the fraud detection.
The acquirer reference number, if applicable.
The date of the fraud event.
The date the fraud was detected.
The case number, if applicable.
Whether the fraud detection is incorrect. I.e. The related payment is not actually fraud.
The RevCent third party integration ID.
The third party fraud detection ID.
The third party order ID.
Response JSON Schema
The API call ID of the request. Every API request is assigned an ID.
Indicates whether the API call was processed.
The unix timestamp of when the API call was made.
The result code for the request.
0 = RevCent Error
1 = Success
The RevCent ID of the fraud detection.
The API request method.
The API request type.
The a brief description of the result of the API call.
Request JSON
{ "request": { "type": "fraud_detection", "method": "edit", "fraud_detection_id": "LYklEVoPJLfq65rR290A", "amount": 140, "arn": "93995", "event_date": "12/29/2020", "fraud_detection_date": "12/30/2020", "case_number": "5000", "false_positive": true, "third_party_integration_id": "8r4lFWLbEr1PZglb7d8z", "third_party_fraud_detection_id": "7890", "third_party_order_id": "00002" } }
Response JSON
{ "api_call_id": "qZM6vXNEVasgj0XVJO50", "api_call_processed": true, "api_call_unix": 1609118598, "code": 1, "fraud_detection_id": "LYklEVoPJLfq65rR290A", "request_method": "edit", "request_type": "fraud_detection", "result": "Fraud detection edited." }
Fraud Detection Retrieve
Retrieve current information on a single fraud detection or multiple fraud detections.
Please view Pagination and Filters for details on retrieving multiple items.
Request JSON Schema
The main request object.
The type of request being made.
The method for the request type.
The RevCent ID of the item. Required if multiple property equals false or is not present.
Whether it is a multiple type request.
Response JSON Schema
The API call ID of the request. Every API request is assigned an ID.
Indicates whether the API call was processed.
The unix timestamp of when the API call was made.
The result code for the request.
0 = RevCent Error
1 = Success
The number of result items contained in the current page.
The current page of result, same as requested page, default is page 1.
The API request method.
The API request type.
An array of objects, each object being a unique item.
The amount of the transaction associated with the fraud detection.
The acquirer reference number, if applicable.
The RevCent ID of the campaign.
The name of the campaign associated with the item.
The case number, if applicable.
An array containing chargeback IDs related to the item.
An array containing check direct IDs related to the item.
The unix timestamp of when the item was created.
The customer object.
The customers' first address line.
The customers' second address line.
Whether the customer has been blocked from purchases.
The customers' city.
The customers' company.
The customers' country.
The customers' email.
Whether the customer is currently enabled.
The customers' first name.
The customers' full address.
Whether the customers' address was successfully geocoded using the Google geocoding service.
The Google place ID for the customers' address using the Google geocoding service.
The RevCent ID for the customer.
Your internal ID for the customer.
The customers' last name.
The approximate latitude for the customers' address using the Google geocoding service.
The approximate longitude for the customers' address using the Google geocoding service.
The customers' phone number.
The customers' state.
The customers' state in long format.
The customers' status.
The customers' zip or postal code.
An array containing discounts related to the item.
The date of the fraud event.
The unix timestamp of the date of the fraud event.
Whether the fraud detection is incorrect. I.e. The related payment is not actually fraud.
The date the fraud was detected.
The unix timestamp of the date the fraud was detected.
An array containing fraud detection request IDs related to the item.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
An array containing invoice IDs related to the item.
Whether the fraud detection is associated with a RevCent third party integration.
ISO 4217 currency code.
Whether the item was created using a live or test RevCent API key.
An array containing offline payment IDs related to the item.
The original API call that created the entity associated with the fraud detection.
The RevCent ID of the original API call that created the entity associated with the fraud.
The date of the API call.
The unix timestamp of the date of the API call.
The API call type.
The API call method.
The IP address that was used to make the API call.
The payment type related to the item.
The system ID of the payment type related to the item.
The system name of the payment type related to the item.
An array containing RevCent PayPal transaction IDs related to the item.
An array containing pending refund IDs related to the item.
An array containing product sale IDs related to the item.
The RevCent hosted shopping cart that item originated from.
The RevCent ID of the sale.
An array containing sale IDs related to the item.
An array containing salvage transaction IDs related to the item.
An array containing shipping IDs related to the item.
The current status of the related item.
An array containing subscription renewal IDs related to the item.
An array containing subscription IDs related to the item.
An array containing tax IDs related to the item.
The third party fraud detection ID.
If the fraud detection was created by a third party integration, details will appear here.
The ID of your RevCent third party integration.
The name of your RevCent third party integration.
Details on the specific third party.
The RevCent ID for the third party.
The name of the third party.
The third party order ID.
The third party shop related to the item.
An array containing credit card transaction IDs related to the item.
An array containing trial IDs related to the item.
The unix timestamp of when the item was updated.
An array containing usage account invoice IDs related to the item.
An array containing usage account IDs related to the item.
An array containing usage item invoice IDs related to the item.
An array containing usage item IDs related to the item.
The total number of result items for the given request.
The total number of pages for the given request.
Request JSON
{ "request": { "type": "fraud_detection", "method": "retrieve", "id": "d9bmzA9lr8tYJAyLkBZO" } }
Response JSON
{ "api_call_id": "BvGBOZ2k14cXbZ1AvE17", "api_call_processed": true, "api_call_unix": 1609092655, "code": 1, "current_count": 1, "current_page": 1, "request_method": "retrieve", "request_type": "fraud_detection", "results": [ { "amount": 21.61, "arn": "arn234", "campaign_id": "mJ1zZoOobEuP8pnWKXd1", "campaign_name": "Adwords Campaign", "case_number": "fraud123", "chargebacks": [], "check_directs": [], "created_date_unix": 1609086154, "customer": { "address_line_1": "1600 Pennsylvania Ave", "address_line_2": "", "blocked": false, "city": "Washington", "company": "", "country": "USA", "email": "", "enabled": true, "first_name": "George", "full_address": "1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC 20500, USA", "geocode_success": true, "google_place_id": "ChIJGVtI4by3t4kRr51d_Qm_x58", "id": "4r158EzJmmcVM69dNLkg", "internal_id": "pres_0001", "last_name": "Washington", "lat": "38.8976633", "lon": "-77.0365739", "metadata": [], "phone": "1234567890", "state": "DC", "state_long": "DC", "zip": "20500" }, "details_response": "{}", "discounts": [], "event_date": "2020-12-01T00:00:00+00:00", "event_date_unix": 1606780800, "false_positive": false, "fraud_detection_date": "2020-12-11T00:00:00+00:00", "fraud_detection_date_unix": 1607644800, "fraud_detection_requests": [], "id": "VPwOydX2ArHJy8gX2o98", "invoices": [], "is_third_party_integration": true, "iso_currency": "USD", "license_keys": [], "live_mode": false, "metadata": [ { "name": "fraud", "value": "12345", "entry_date": "2020-12-27" } ], "notes": [], "offline_payments": [], "origin_api_call": { "id": "O04EbzqqdltXb7EOGQpz", "date": "2020-12-27T16:20:24+00:00", "date_unix": 1609086024, "type": "sale", "method": "create", "ip_address": "123.456.789.101" }, "payment_type": { "id": "KnQ0KlNE6kf5mobyV0pN", "name": "Credit Card" }, "paypal_transactions": [], "pending_refunds": [], "product_sales": [ "zGkMgj2aKPhWBbNqdGjG" ], "quota_accounts": [], "revcent_shop": null, "sale_id": "BvGqjz00dlT2jEk65OnW", "sales": [ "BvGqjz00dlT2jEk65OnW" ], "salvage_transactions": [], "shipping": [ "d9bgVWPpEvFwBW29R8jP" ], "smtp_messages": [], "status": "Created", "subscription_renewals": [], "subscriptions": [], "tax": [ "pgPZnmRpYkf710aQ8jRA" ], "third_party_fraud_detection_id": "third_party_id123", "third_party_integration": { "id": "8r4Er1PZglFWLblb7d8z", "name": "Midigator Prevention", "third_party": { "id": "zGkz8XvX9yT48q6LRqjW", "name": "Midigator Prevention" } }, "third_party_order_id": "third_party_order_id4342", "third_party_shop": null, "transactions": [ "2rnPpgvYMVFGraRJBnQV" ], "trials": [], "updated_date_unix": 1609086154, "usage_account_invoices": [], "usage_accounts": [], "usage_item_entries": [], "usage_item_invoices": [], "usage_items": [] } ], "total_count": 1, "total_pages": 1 }
Fraud Detection Request
A fraud detection request within RevCent is created when RevCent contacts a third party integration and requests information on a payment before the payment is processed.
Fraud Detection Request Retrieve
Retrieve current information on a single fraud detection request or multiple fraud detection requests.
Please view Pagination and Filters for details on retrieving multiple items.
Request JSON Schema
The main request object.
The type of request being made.
The method for the request type.
The RevCent ID of the item. Required if multiple property equals false or is not present.
Whether it is a multiple type request.
Response JSON Schema
The API call ID of the request. Every API request is assigned an ID.
Indicates whether the API call was processed.
The unix timestamp of when the API call was made.
The result code for the request.
0 = RevCent Error
1 = Success
The number of result items contained in the current page.
The current page of result, same as requested page, default is page 1.
The API request method.
The API request type.
An array of objects, each object being a unique item.
The RevCent ID of the campaign.
The name of the campaign associated with the item.
An array containing chargeback IDs related to the item.
An array containing check direct IDs related to the item.
The unix timestamp of when the item was created.
The customer object.
The customers' first address line.
The customers' second address line.
Whether the customer has been blocked from purchases.
The customers' city.
The customers' company.
The customers' country.
The customers' email.
Whether the customer is currently enabled.
The customers' first name.
The customers' full address.
Whether the customers' address was successfully geocoded using the Google geocoding service.
The Google place ID for the customers' address using the Google geocoding service.
The RevCent ID for the customer.
Your internal ID for the customer.
The customers' last name.
The approximate latitude for the customers' address using the Google geocoding service.
The approximate longitude for the customers' address using the Google geocoding service.
The customers' phone number.
The customers' state.
The customers' state in long format.
The customers' status.
The customers' zip or postal code.
An array containing discounts related to the item.
An array containing fraud detection IDs related to the item.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
The third party integration mode, i.e. live or test.
An array containing invoice IDs related to the item.
Whether the request resulted in an error.
Whether the fraud detection request resulted in a fraud detection.
When the fraud detection request allowed the source payment to be processed.
Whether the request was sent to a third party integration.
ISO 4217 currency code.
An array of RevCent license key ID's associated with the item.
Whether the item was created using a live or test RevCent API key.
An array containing offline payment IDs related to the item.
The payment type related to the item.
The system ID of the payment type related to the item.
The system name of the payment type related to the item.
An array containing RevCent PayPal transaction IDs related to the item.
An array containing pending refund IDs related to the item.
An array containing product sale IDs related to the item.
An array containing quota account IDs related to the item.
The raw response returned from the third party when originally contacted.
The RevCent hosted shopping cart that item originated from.
The RevCent ID of the sale.
An array containing sale IDs related to the item.
An array containing salvage transaction IDs related to the item.
An array containing shipping IDs related to the item.
An array containing SMTP message IDs related to the item.
The current status of the related item.
An array containing subscription renewal IDs related to the item.
An array containing subscription IDs related to the item.
An array containing tax IDs related to the item.
The third party ID for the request.
Third party integration.
The ID of your RevCent third party integration.
The name of your RevCent third party integration.
Details on the specific third party.
The RevCent ID for the third party.
The name of the third party.
The third party shop related to the item.
An array containing credit card transaction IDs related to the item.
An array containing trial IDs related to the item.
The unix timestamp of when the item was updated.
An array containing usage account invoice IDs related to the item.
An array containing usage account IDs related to the item.
An array containing usage item entry IDs related to the item.
An array containing usage item invoice IDs related to the item.
An array containing usage item IDs related to the item.
The total number of result items for the given request.
The total number of pages for the given request.
Request JSON
{ "request": { "type": "fraud_detection_request", "method": "retrieve", "id": "RJ8a2blwBlFbbwPppNZA" } }
Response JSON
{ "api_call_id": "j08r887w1ahVE88gl0z5", "api_call_processed": true, "api_call_unix": 1611257424, "code": 1, "current_count": 1, "current_page": 1, "request_method": "retrieve", "request_type": "fraud_detection_request", "results": [ { "campaign_id": "mJ1zZoOobEuP8pnWKXd1", "campaign_name": "Adwords Campaign", "chargebacks": [], "check_directs": [], "created_date_unix": 1611181895, "customer": { "address_line_1": "1600 Pennsylvania Ave", "address_line_2": "", "blocked": false, "city": "Washington", "company": "", "country": "USA", "email": "", "enabled": true, "first_name": "George", "full_address": "1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC 20500, USA", "geocode_success": true, "google_place_id": "ChIJGVtI4by3t4kRr51d_Qm_x58", "id": "4r158EzJmmcVM69dNLkg", "internal_id": "pres_0001", "last_name": "Washington", "lat": "38.8976633", "lon": "-77.0365739", "metadata": [], "phone": "1234567890", "state": "DC", "state_long": "DC", "zip": "20500" }, "discounts": [], "fraud_detections": [], "id": "RJ8a2blwBlFbbwPppNZA", "integration_mode": "Test", "invoices": [], "is_error": false, "is_fraud_detected": false, "is_payment_allowed": true, "is_third_party_integration": true, "iso_currency": "USD", "license_keys": [], "live_mode": false, "metadata": [ { "name": "kount_session_id", "value": "c8ed4debf8f242be972c1071731052e8", "entry_date": "2021-01-20" } ], "notes": [], "offline_payments": [], "payment_type": { "id": "KnQ0KlNE6kf5mobyV0pN", "name": "Credit Card" }, "paypal_transactions": [], "pending_refunds": [], "product_sales": [ "Wmv2Bb1nOdu55kl22JKV" ], "quota_accounts": [], "raw_response": "", "revcent_shop": null, "sale_id": "Nk4OV6Wdm5INNEPXXVr7", "sales": [ "Nk4OV6Wdm5INNEPXXVr7" ], "salvage_transactions": [], "shipping": [ "0pKAO9JoNYFrrNall7Xp" ], "smtp_messages": [], "status": "Success", "subscription_renewals": [], "subscriptions": [], "tax": [ "k6a8rV2nw9FLLO9GGXvy" ], "third_party_fraud_detection_id": "DWKW0YW258ZM", "third_party_integration": { "id": "ajYRoLokyXf62qy06JpZ", "name": "Kount Risk Inquiry", "third_party": { "id": "mJEZdyVavzUL0gGoLR1Z", "name": "Kount" } }, "third_party_shop": null, "transactions": [ "zGWVMkz0m0h22EMLL61r" ], "trials": [], "updated_date_unix": 1611181898, "usage_account_invoices": [], "usage_accounts": [], "usage_item_entries": [], "usage_item_invoices": [], "usage_items": [] } ], "total_count": 1, "total_pages": 1 }
RevCent has different gateway entities. The site gateway, user gateway and gateway group. Each play a different role in the credit card processing system in RevCent.
We highly recommend that you read the documentation carefully to distinguish the difference between each one.
Site Gateway
A site gateway is where RevCent will ultimately send transactions. You create a user gateway based on a site gateway.
Site Gateway Retrieve
Retrieve current information on a single site gateway or multiple site gateways. This is the list of available gateways within the RevCent system. The most important part is the fields array, which is what each gateway requires for authentication.
Please view Pagination and Filters for details on retrieving multiple items.
Request JSON Schema
The main request object.
The type of request being made.
The method for the request type.
The RevCent ID of the item. Required if multiple property equals false or is not present.
Whether it is a multiple type request.
Response JSON Schema
The API call ID of the request. Every API request is assigned an ID.
Indicates whether the API call was processed.
The unix timestamp of when the API call was made.
The result code for the request.
0 = RevCent Error
1 = Success
The number of result items contained in the current page.
The current page of result, same as requested page, default is page 1.
The API request method.
The API request type.
An array of objects, each object being a unique item.
The description of the item.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
The name of the item.
The description of the item.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
The name of the item.
The total number of result items for the given request.
The total number of pages for the given request.
Request JSON
{ "request": { "type": "site_gateway", "method": "retrieve", "id": "dXAmybdWwYHrLyWRAAZV", "multiple": false, "filters": { "limit": 100, "page": 1 } } }
Response JSON
{ "api_call_id": "8ry1n98aGMIvjrlKrKQo", "api_call_processed": true, "api_call_unix": 1676475629, "code": 1, "current_count": 1, "current_page": 1, "request_method": "retrieve", "request_type": "site_gateway", "results": [ { "description": " Merchant Gateway", "fields": [ { "id": "1", "name": "API Login ID", "description": " API Login ID" }, { "id": "2", "name": "Transaction Key", "description": " Transaction Key" } ], "id": "dXAmybdWwYHrLyWRAAZV", "name": "" } ], "total_count": 1, "total_pages": 1 }
User Gateway
A user gateway is essentially a MID, where you provide your credentials (fields) according to the site gateway. You create a user gateway based on a site gateway. For example, if you are creating a user gateway (MID) for, you would need to supply the correct number of fields, including each fields' corresponding id and value when creating the user gateway. Read more about User Gateways .
User Gateway Create
Create a user gateway within RevCent via the user gateway create method.
Important: A site gateway is required, along with the correct required fields when creating a user gateway.
Request JSON Schema
The main request object
The type of request being made.
The method for the request type.
The name of the item.
The description of the item.
Whether the gateway should be enabled or disabled.
The transaction success fee for the user gateway. Default is 0.
The transaction fail fee for the user gateway. Default is 0.
The discount rate for the user gateway. Default is 0.
The site gateway ID that the user gateway will communicate with.
The merchant account ID for the user gateway.
The custom descriptor for the user gateway. Will be provided to supported gateways as well as provided as shortcodes in email templates.
Whether to enable the custom descriptor.
The custom descriptor name.
The custom descriptor email.
The custom descriptor URL.
The custom descriptor phone.
The custom descriptor address.
The custom descriptor city.
The custom descriptor state.
The custom descriptor postal code.
Whether to enable global cascade rules, which will overwrite individual profile cascade rules across all payment profiles for this gateway. More info about how a cascade works within a payment profile at our Knowledge Base.
Whether to enable global cascade rules for the user gateway.
Revenue rules are specific to the gateway, and allow or disallow the use of the gateway based on payment volume, occurrences and more. You can add multiple revenue rules to a gateway within the cascade. Read More
Whether revenue rules are enabled.
An array of individual revenue rules.
Whether the specific revenue rule is enabled.
The rule bounds to declare if a rule passes or fails.
- min: The final calculation value must be greater than the Rule Value.
- max: The final calculation value must be less than the Rule Value.
The rule value is compared with the calculation value and bound.
The source, in combination with the source value and calculation, is what is used to form the calculation value.
- gateway: Transactions only from the specific gateway the rule is within.
- global: All transactions regardless of gateway.
- step: The active step being processed during the payment flow.
The source value is specific to the source selected.
- captured: Only transactions which were captured.
- declined: Only transactions which were declined.
- chargeback: Only transactions which were marked as charged back.
- total: All transactions regardless of outcome or status.
- amount: Applicable only when source is 'Active Step'. The amount for the active step being processed during the payment flow.
The calculation to perform based on the source value.
- count: The total number of source value items.
- percent: The percentage of source value items.
- sum: The sum of all source value items.
The total amount of time the rule applies in a past time range.
The time unit. Used in conjunction with the time value.
- hour: Time value as hours.
- day: Time value as days.
- week: Time value as weeks.
- month: Time value as months.
Time rules are specific to the gateway, and allow or disallow the use of the gateway based on time settings. All time rules are GMT (UTC+0). Read More
Whether time rules are enabled.
An array of individual time rules.
Whether the specific time rule is enabled.
The start time, formatted as hh:mm:a
The end time, formatted as hh:mm:a
The specific weekday that the time rule applies.
- monday
- tuesday
- wednesday
- thursday
- friday
- saturday
- sunday
Whether to allow or deny the gateway from processing the step transaction based on the current GMT time and the rule day and time ranges.
- allow: Allow the gateway to process the step transaction if current GMT time and day are within the day and time ranges.
- deny: Do not allow the gateway to process the step transaction if current GMT time and day are within the day and time ranges.
The fields required for the user gateway based on the id of the site gateway fields.
The id for the individual field according to the site gateway fields required.
The value for the individual field according to the site gateway fields required.
Response JSON Schema
The API call ID of the request. Every API request is assigned an ID.
Indicates whether the API call was processed.
The unix timestamp of when the API call was made.
The result code for the request.
0 = RevCent Error
1 = Success
The unix timestamp of when the item was created.
Whether the item is enabled or disabled.
The name of the item.
The description of the item.
Whether the item is enabled or disabled.
Whether the item is enabled or disabled.
Whether the item is enabled or disabled.
Whether the item is enabled or disabled.
The name of the item.
Whether the item is enabled or disabled.
Whether the item is enabled or disabled.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
The merchant account ID associated with the merchant gateway.
The name of the item.
The API request method.
The API request type.
The a brief description of the result of the API call.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
The name of the item.
The unix timestamp of when the item was updated.
Request JSON
{ "request": { "type": "user_gateway", "method": "create", "name": "", "user_gateway_id": "LYE26MW8Rlh5VbJmlp2l", "description": "My awesome gateway.", "enabled": true, "merchant_account_id": "845678", "transaction_success_fee": 0.55, "transaction_fail_fee": 0.65, "discount_rate": 2.71, "site_gateway_id": "dXAmybdWwYHrLyWRAAZV", "custom_descriptor": { "enabled": true, "name": "Acme Org", "email": "", "url": "", "phone": "867-5399", "address": "1600 Pennsylvania Ave", "city": "Washington", "state": "DC", "postal_code": "20500" }, "global_cascade_rules": { "enabled": true, "revenue_rules": { "enabled": true, "options": [ { "enabled": true, "bound": "max", "rule_value": 5, "calculation": "count", "source": "gateway", "source_value": "chargeback", "time_value": 1, "time_unit": "month" } ] }, "time_rules": { "enabled": true, "options": [ { "start_time": "12:00am", "end_time": "11:59pm", "name": "sunday", "option": "deny", "enabled": true } ] } }, "fields": [ { "id": "1", "value": "ABCD123" }, { "id": "2", "value": "456efG789" } ] } }
Response JSON
{ "api_call_date": "2023-02-15T15:38:07+00:00", "api_call_id": "qZ90JMnBEBSOzznaldPj", "api_call_processed": true, "api_call_unix": 1676475487, "code": 1, "created_date": "2017-11-10T13:29:38+00:00", "created_date_unix": 1510320578, "custom_descriptor": { "enabled": true, "name": "Acme Org", "email": "", "url": "", "phone": "867-5399", "address": "1600 Pennsylvania Ave", "city": "Washington", "state": "DC", "postal_code": "20500" }, "description": "", "discount_rate": 2.5, "enabled": true, "gateway_group": [], "global_cascade_rules": { "revenue_rules": { "enabled": true, "options": [ { "enabled": true, "bound": "max", "rule_value": 5, "calculation": "count", "source": "gateway", "source_value": "chargeback", "time_unit": "month", "time_value": 1 } ] }, "time_rules": { "enabled": true, "options": [ { "start_time": "12:00am", "end_time": "11:59pm", "name": "sunday", "option": "deny", "enabled": true } ] }, "enabled": true }, "id": "LYE26MW8Rlh5VbJmlp2l", "merchant_account_id": "845678", "name": "", "request_method": "create", "request_type": "user_gateway", "result": "Gateway created.", "site_gateway": { "id": "dXAmybdWwYHrLyWRAAZV", "name": "" }, "transaction_fail_fee": 0.15, "transaction_success_fee": 0.25, "updated_date": "2023-02-15T15:38:07+00:00", "updated_date_unix": 1676475487 }
User Gateway Edit
Edit an existing user gateway within RevCent via the user gateway edit method.
Note: Only provide the properties you wish to modify. Properties not provided will remain unchanged.
Request JSON Schema
The main request object
The type of request being made.
The method for the request type.
The name of the item.
The user gateway ID
The description of the item.
Whether the gateway should be enabled or disabled.
The transaction success fee for the user gateway. Default is 0.
The transaction fail fee for the user gateway. Default is 0.
The discount rate for the user gateway. Default is 0.
The site gateway ID that the user gateway will communicate with.
The merchant account ID for the user gateway.
The custom descriptor for the user gateway. Will be provided to supported gateways as well as provided as shortcodes in email templates.
Whether to enable the custom descriptor.
The custom descriptor name.
The custom descriptor email.
The custom descriptor URL.
The custom descriptor phone.
The custom descriptor address.
The custom descriptor city.
The custom descriptor state.
The custom descriptor postal code.
Whether to enable global cascade rules, which will overwrite individual profile cascade rules across all payment profiles for this gateway. More info about how a cascade works within a payment profile at our Knowledge Base.
Whether to enable global cascade rules for the user gateway.
Revenue rules are specific to the gateway, and allow or disallow the use of the gateway based on payment volume, occurrences and more. You can add multiple revenue rules to a gateway within the cascade. Read More
Whether revenue rules are enabled.
An array of individual revenue rules.
Whether the specific revenue rule is enabled.
The rule bounds to declare if a rule passes or fails.
- min: The final calculation value must be greater than the Rule Value.
- max: The final calculation value must be less than the Rule Value.
The rule value is compared with the calculation value and bound.
The source, in combination with the source value and calculation, is what is used to form the calculation value.
- gateway: Transactions only from the specific gateway the rule is within.
- global: All transactions regardless of gateway.
- step: The active step being processed during the payment flow.
The source value is specific to the source selected.
- captured: Only transactions which were captured.
- declined: Only transactions which were declined.
- chargeback: Only transactions which were marked as charged back.
- total: All transactions regardless of outcome or status.
- amount: Applicable only when source is 'Active Step'. The amount for the active step being processed during the payment flow.
The calculation to perform based on the source value.
- count: The total number of source value items.
- percent: The percentage of source value items.
- sum: The sum of all source value items.
The total amount of time the rule applies in a past time range.
The time unit. Used in conjunction with the time value.
- hour: Time value as hours.
- day: Time value as days.
- week: Time value as weeks.
- month: Time value as months.
Time rules are specific to the gateway, and allow or disallow the use of the gateway based on time settings. All time rules are GMT (UTC+0). Read More
Whether time rules are enabled.
An array of individual time rules.
Whether the specific time rule is enabled.
The start time, formatted as hh:mm:a
The end time, formatted as hh:mm:a
The specific weekday that the time rule applies.
- monday
- tuesday
- wednesday
- thursday
- friday
- saturday
- sunday
Whether to allow or deny the gateway from processing the step transaction based on the current GMT time and the rule day and time ranges.
- allow: Allow the gateway to process the step transaction if current GMT time and day are within the day and time ranges.
- deny: Do not allow the gateway to process the step transaction if current GMT time and day are within the day and time ranges.
The fields required for the user gateway based on the id of the site gateway fields.
The id for the individual field according to the site gateway fields required.
The value for the individual field according to the site gateway fields required.
Response JSON Schema
The API call ID of the request. Every API request is assigned an ID.
Indicates whether the API call was processed.
The unix timestamp of when the API call was made.
The result code for the request.
0 = RevCent Error
1 = Success
The unix timestamp of when the item was created.
Whether the item is enabled or disabled.
The name of the item.
The description of the item.
Whether the item is enabled or disabled.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
The name of the item.
Whether the item is enabled or disabled.
Whether the item is enabled or disabled.
Whether the item is enabled or disabled.
The name of the item.
Whether the item is enabled or disabled.
Whether the item is enabled or disabled.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
The merchant account ID associated with the merchant gateway.
The name of the item.
The API request method.
The API request type.
The a brief description of the result of the API call.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
The name of the item.
The unix timestamp of when the item was updated.
Request JSON
{ "request": { "type": "user_gateway", "method": "edit", "name": "", "user_gateway_id": "LYE26MW8Rlh5VbJmlp2l", "description": "My awesome gateway.", "enabled": true, "merchant_account_id": "845678", "transaction_success_fee": 0.55, "transaction_fail_fee": 0.65, "discount_rate": 2.71, "site_gateway_id": "dXAmybdWwYHrLyWRAAZV", "custom_descriptor": { "enabled": true, "name": "Acme Org", "email": "", "url": "", "phone": "867-5399", "address": "1600 Pennsylvania Ave", "city": "Washington", "state": "DC", "postal_code": "20500" }, "global_cascade_rules": { "enabled": true, "revenue_rules": { "enabled": true, "options": [ { "enabled": true, "bound": "max", "rule_value": 5, "calculation": "count", "source": "gateway", "source_value": "chargeback", "time_value": 1, "time_unit": "month" } ] }, "time_rules": { "enabled": true, "options": [ { "start_time": "12:00am", "end_time": "11:59pm", "name": "sunday", "option": "deny", "enabled": true } ] } }, "fields": [ { "id": "1", "value": "ABCD123" }, { "id": "2", "value": "456efG789" } ] } }
Response JSON
{ "api_call_date": "2023-02-15T15:38:07+00:00", "api_call_id": "qZ90JMnBEBSOzznaldPj", "api_call_processed": true, "api_call_unix": 1676475487, "code": 1, "created_date": "2017-11-10T13:29:38+00:00", "created_date_unix": 1510320578, "custom_descriptor": { "enabled": true, "name": "Acme Org", "email": "", "url": "", "phone": "867-5399", "address": "1600 Pennsylvania Ave", "city": "Washington", "state": "DC", "postal_code": "20500" }, "description": "", "discount_rate": 2.5, "enabled": true, "gateway_group": [ { "id": "GOGaPRql9oUAAkrm5Ll9", "name": "New Group" } ], "global_cascade_rules": { "revenue_rules": { "enabled": true, "options": [ { "enabled": true, "bound": "max", "rule_value": 5, "calculation": "count", "source": "gateway", "source_value": "chargeback", "time_unit": "month", "time_value": 1 } ] }, "time_rules": { "enabled": true, "options": [ { "start_time": "12:00am", "end_time": "11:59pm", "name": "sunday", "option": "deny", "enabled": true } ] }, "enabled": true }, "id": "LYE26MW8Rlh5VbJmlp2l", "merchant_account_id": "845678", "name": "", "request_method": "edit", "request_type": "user_gateway", "result": "Gateway edited.", "site_gateway": { "id": "dXAmybdWwYHrLyWRAAZV", "name": "" }, "transaction_fail_fee": 0.15, "transaction_success_fee": 0.25, "updated_date": "2023-02-15T15:38:07+00:00", "updated_date_unix": 1676475487 }
User Gateway Retrieve
Retrieve current information on a single user gateway or multiple user gateways.
Please view Pagination and Filters for details on retrieving multiple items.
Request JSON Schema
The main request object.
The type of request being made.
The method for the request type.
The RevCent ID of the item. Required if multiple property equals false or is not present.
Whether it is a multiple type request.
Response JSON Schema
The API call ID of the request. Every API request is assigned an ID.
Indicates whether the API call was processed.
The unix timestamp of when the API call was made.
The result code for the request.
0 = RevCent Error
1 = Success
The number of result items contained in the current page.
The current page of result, same as requested page, default is page 1.
The API request method.
The API request type.
An array of objects, each object being a unique item.
The unix timestamp of when the item was created.
Whether the item is enabled or disabled.
The name of the item.
The description of the item.
Whether the item is enabled or disabled.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
The name of the item.
Whether the item is enabled or disabled.
Whether the item is enabled or disabled.
Whether the item is enabled or disabled.
The name of the item.
Whether the item is enabled or disabled.
Whether the item is enabled or disabled.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
The merchant account ID associated with the merchant gateway.
The name of the item.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
The name of the item.
The unix timestamp of when the item was updated.
The total number of result items for the given request.
The total number of pages for the given request.
Request JSON
{ "request": { "type": "user_gateway", "method": "retrieve", "id": "LYE26MW8Rlh5VbJmlp2l", "multiple": false, "filters": { "limit": 100, "page": 1, "status_filter": [ "enabled" ] } } }
Response JSON
{ "api_call_id": "8ry1nRVXMaHvjrlKrKvl", "api_call_processed": true, "api_call_unix": 1676475737, "code": 1, "current_count": 1, "current_page": 1, "request_method": "retrieve", "request_type": "user_gateway", "results": [ { "created_date_unix": 1510320578, "custom_descriptor": { "enabled": true, "name": "Acme Org", "email": "", "url": "", "phone": "867-5399", "address": "1600 Pennsylvania Ave", "city": "Washington", "state": "DC", "postal_code": "20500" }, "description": "", "discount_rate": 2.5, "enabled": true, "gateway_group": [ { "id": "GOGaPRql9oUAAkrm5Ll9", "name": "New Group" } ], "global_cascade_rules": { "revenue_rules": { "enabled": true, "options": [ { "enabled": true, "bound": "max", "rule_value": 5, "calculation": "count", "source": "gateway", "source_value": "chargeback", "time_unit": "month", "time_value": 1 } ] }, "time_rules": { "enabled": true, "options": [ { "start_time": "12:00am", "end_time": "11:59pm", "name": "sunday", "option": "deny", "enabled": true } ] }, "enabled": true }, "id": "LYE26MW8Rlh5VbJmlp2l", "merchant_account_id": "845678", "name": "", "site_gateway": { "id": "dXAmybdWwYHrLyWRAAZV", "name": "" }, "transaction_fail_fee": 0, "transaction_success_fee": 0, "updated_date_unix": 1676475487 } ], "total_count": 1, "total_pages": 1 }
Gateway Group
A gateway group is a group of gateways that can be used within a payment profile cascade. You can then add or remove a user gateway(s) from gateway groups as needed, without needing to modify the payment profile. Read more about Gateway Groups .
Gateway Group Create
Create a gateway group within RevCent via the gateway group create method.
Request JSON Schema
The main request object
The type of request being made.
The method for the request type.
The name of the item.
The description of the item.
Whether the item is enabled or disabled.
The method in which the gateway group will select an individual gateway.
An array of user gateway IDs to have in the gateway group.
Response JSON Schema
The API call ID of the request. Every API request is assigned an ID.
Indicates whether the API call was processed.
The unix timestamp of when the API call was made.
The result code for the request.
0 = RevCent Error
1 = Success
The unix timestamp of when the item was created.
The description of the item.
Whether the item is enabled or disabled.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
The name of the item.
The API request method.
The API request type.
The a brief description of the result of the API call.
The unix timestamp of when the item was updated.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
The name of the item.
Whether the item is enabled or disabled.
Request JSON
{ "request": { "type": "gateway_group", "method": "create", "name": "New Group", "description": "Group description.", "choice_method": "evenly_distribute", "enabled": true, "user_gateway": [ "LYE26MW8Rlh5VbJmlp2l", "8rNnkY45R4Hw1ZBg1yYB" ] } }
Response JSON
{ "api_call_date": "2023-02-15T15:31:56+00:00", "api_call_id": "ajzVv1LMXPc0l6pQ4wLv", "api_call_processed": true, "api_call_unix": 1676475116, "code": 1, "created_date_unix": 1676475116, "description": "Group description", "enabled": true, "id": "2r1kMjvz2YC6bWGdjOYB", "name": "New Group", "request_method": "create", "request_type": "gateway_group", "result": "Gateway group created.", "updated_date_unix": 1676475116, "user_gateway": [ { "id": "LYE26MW8Rlh5VbJmlp2l", "name": "", "enabled": true }, { "id": "8rNnkY45R4Hw1ZBg1yYB", "name": "NMI", "enabled": true } ] }
Gateway Group Edit
Edit an existing gateway group within RevCent via the gateway group edit method.
Note: Only provide the properties you wish to modify. Properties not provided will remain unchanged.
Request JSON Schema
The main request object
The type of request being made.
The method for the request type.
The gateway group ID
The name of the item.
The description of the item.
Whether the item is enabled or disabled.
The method in which the gateway group will select an individual gateway.
An array of user gateway IDs to have in the gateway group. Important: This array will replace the gateways within a gateway group. Use the add_user_gateway or remove_user_gateway methods for adding or removing specific gateway(s) within a group while leaving the remaining user gateways.
Response JSON Schema
The API call ID of the request. Every API request is assigned an ID.
Indicates whether the API call was processed.
The unix timestamp of when the API call was made.
The result code for the request.
0 = RevCent Error
1 = Success
The unix timestamp of when the item was created.
The description of the item.
Whether the item is enabled or disabled.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
The name of the item.
The API request method.
The API request type.
The a brief description of the result of the API call.
The unix timestamp of when the item was updated.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
The name of the item.
Whether the item is enabled or disabled.
Request JSON
{ "request": { "type": "gateway_group", "method": "edit", "gateway_group_id": "GOGaPRql9oUAAkrm5Ll9", "name": "New Group", "description": "Group description.", "choice_method": "round_robin", "enabled": true, "user_gateway": [ "8rNnkY45R4Hw1ZBg1yYB" ] } }
Response JSON
{ "api_call_date": "2023-02-15T15:31:56+00:00", "api_call_id": "ajzVv1LMXPc0l6pQ4wLv", "api_call_processed": true, "api_call_unix": 1676475116, "code": 1, "created_date_unix": 1676475116, "description": "Group description", "enabled": true, "id": "2r1kMjvz2YC6bWGdjOYB", "name": "New Group 2", "request_method": "edit", "request_type": "gateway_group", "result": "Gateway group edited.", "updated_date_unix": 1676475116, "user_gateway": [ { "id": "8rNnkY45R4Hw1ZBg1yYB", "name": "NMI", "enabled": true } ] }
Gateway Group Add User Gateway
Add a user gateway to a gateway group. Use this method to add a user gateway(s) without modifying existing user gateways in the gateway group.
Request JSON Schema
The main request object
The type of request being made.
The method for the request type.
The gateway group ID
An array of user gateway IDs to add to the gateway group.
Response JSON Schema
The API call ID of the request. Every API request is assigned an ID.
Indicates whether the API call was processed.
The unix timestamp of when the API call was made.
The result code for the request.
0 = RevCent Error
1 = Success
The unix timestamp of when the item was created.
The description of the item.
Whether the item is enabled or disabled.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
The name of the item.
The API request method.
The API request type.
The a brief description of the result of the API call.
The unix timestamp of when the item was updated.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
The name of the item.
Whether the item is enabled or disabled.
Request JSON
{ "request": { "type": "gateway_group", "method": "add_user_gateway", "gateway_group_id": "GOGaPRql9oUAAkrm5Ll9", "user_gateway": [ "GOJankNpkpsPzw6No1OP" ] } }
Response JSON
{ "api_call_date": "2023-02-15T02:51:25+00:00", "api_call_id": "ZVAlyYEgnOSR2wEYZbZg", "api_call_processed": true, "api_call_unix": 1676429485, "code": 1, "created_date_unix": 1675884443, "description": "", "enabled": true, "id": "GOGaPRql9oUAAkrm5Ll9", "name": "New Group", "request_method": "add_user_gateway", "request_type": "gateway_group", "result": "Gateway added to group.", "updated_date_unix": 1676429485, "user_gateway": [ { "id": "GOJankNpkpsPzw6No1OP", "name": "Stripe", "enabled": true }, { "id": "8rNnkY45R4Hw1ZBg1yYB", "name": "NMI", "enabled": true } ] }
Gateway Group Remove User Gateway
Remove a user gateway to a gateway group. Use this method to remove a user gateway(s) without modifying existing user gateways in the gateway group.
Request JSON Schema
The main request object
The type of request being made.
The method for the request type.
The gateway group ID
An array of user gateway IDs to remove from the gateway group.
Response JSON Schema
The API call ID of the request. Every API request is assigned an ID.
Indicates whether the API call was processed.
The unix timestamp of when the API call was made.
The result code for the request.
0 = RevCent Error
1 = Success
The unix timestamp of when the item was created.
The description of the item.
Whether the item is enabled or disabled.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
The name of the item.
The API request method.
The API request type.
The a brief description of the result of the API call.
The unix timestamp of when the item was updated.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
The name of the item.
Whether the item is enabled or disabled.
Request JSON
{ "request": { "type": "gateway_group", "method": "remove_user_gateway", "gateway_group_id": "GOGaPRql9oUAAkrm5Ll9", "user_gateway": [ "GOJankNpkpsPzw6No1OP" ] } }
Response JSON
{ "api_call_date": "2023-02-15T02:51:01+00:00", "api_call_id": "Q4kdYEAqPkt8lO14XNXL", "api_call_processed": true, "api_call_unix": 1676429461, "code": 1, "created_date_unix": 1675884443, "description": "", "enabled": true, "id": "GOGaPRql9oUAAkrm5Ll9", "name": "New Group", "request_method": "remove_user_gateway", "request_type": "gateway_group", "result": "Gateway removed from group.", "updated_date_unix": 1676429461, "user_gateway": [ { "id": "8rNnkY45R4Hw1ZBg1yYB", "name": "NMI", "enabled": true } ] }
Gateway Group Retrieve
Retrieve current information on a single gateway group or multiple gateway groups.
Please view Pagination and Filters for details on retrieving multiple items.
Request JSON Schema
The main request object.
The type of request being made.
The method for the request type.
The RevCent ID of the item. Required if multiple property equals false or is not present.
Whether it is a multiple type request.
Response JSON Schema
The API call ID of the request. Every API request is assigned an ID.
Indicates whether the API call was processed.
The unix timestamp of when the API call was made.
The result code for the request.
0 = RevCent Error
1 = Success
The number of result items contained in the current page.
The current page of result, same as requested page, default is page 1.
The API request method.
The API request type.
An array of objects, each object being a unique item.
The unix timestamp of when the item was created.
The description of the item.
Whether the item is enabled or disabled.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
The name of the item.
The unix timestamp of when the item was updated.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
The name of the item.
Whether the item is enabled or disabled.
The total number of result items for the given request.
The total number of pages for the given request.
Request JSON
{ "request": { "type": "gateway_group", "method": "retrieve", "id": "GOGaPRql9oUAAkrm5Ll9", "multiple": false, "filters": { "limit": 100, "page": 1, "status_filter": [ "enabled" ] } } }
Response JSON
{ "api_call_id": "JNOdrkg91lh4LWlZWAVv", "api_call_processed": true, "api_call_unix": 1676476618, "code": 1, "current_count": 1, "current_page": 1, "request_method": "retrieve", "request_type": "gateway_group", "results": [ { "created_date_unix": 1675884443, "description": "", "enabled": true, "id": "GOGaPRql9oUAAkrm5Ll9", "name": "New Group", "updated_date_unix": 1676429485, "user_gateway": [ { "id": "8rNnkY45R4Hw1ZBg1yYB", "name": "NMI", "enabled": true } ] } ], "total_count": 1, "total_pages": 1 }
Payment Profile
A payment profile allows payments to flow through your processors based on specific rules, as well as process lost revenue from fully declined or partially declined payments. Read more about Payment Profiles .
Payment Profile Create
Create a payment profile within RevCent via the payment profile create method.
Important: Payment profiles are a powerful feature, with settings and orders that require detailed precision. A misconfigured payment profile can prevent payments from processing entirely. Please read more about Payment Profiles before proceeding.
Request JSON Schema
The main request object
The type of request being made.
The method for the request type.
The name of the item.
The description of the item.
Whether the item is enabled or disabled.
The steps for the payment flow. The payment flow is the core part of a payment profile and dictates what processor to use for a payment and what to do if a payment is declined. The payment flow consists of steps, each step being a payment attempt. Read More
The options to take if the step transaction is declined.
The value in which to modify according to declined_modify.
- nothing: Do nothing simply ends the payment profile process at the step. The transaction is returned as declined.
- nomodify: Don't Modify Amount allows you to simply proceed to another step. For example, if you wish to try another gateway without modifying the initial amount, you would choose this.
- modifypct: Modify the original transaction amount by a percentage decrease.
- modifyspf: Modify the original transaction amount by a fixed dollar amount decrease.
- next: If you wish to proceed to the next step in the flow.
- repeat: If you wish to repeat to the current step one more time.
- nothing: If you wish to end the payment flow.
The order of the step within the array of steps.
- gateway: Process step transaction using a specific gateway.
- cascade: Process step transaction using the cascade.
- sort_order: Process valid gateways in the sort order within the cascade, beginning with gateway 1 in the cascade. I.e. if gateway 1 is valid, then it will be used, else gateway 2 if valid, and so on.
- round_robin: Process cascade gateways in the sort order within the cascade, beginning with the next gateway after the last transaction gateway used in the cascade sort order. I.e. if gateway 1 was last used, then gateway 2 will be used if valid. If gateway 3 is last used, and is the last gateway in the rotation, then the rotation resets and gateway 1 will be used if valid.
- evenly_distribute: Process valid gateways by even distribution of total captured payment volume within the past 24 hours. Sort order in the cascade is ignored. Instead, least captured payment volume is what determines which gateway will be used. I.e. If gateway X has total captured payment volume of $210, gateway Y has total captured payment volume of $200 and gateway Z has total captured payment volume of $230, then gateway Y will be used as it has the least total captured payment volume.
The ID of the gateway, if source is gateway.
Whether to try a different card if a preceeding step is declined.
A payment profile cascade allows you to process transactions at specific gateways using a specific order and set rules for each gateway. Read More
The source of items for the cascade.
- gateways: Use the list of gateway(s) as the cascade source.
- gateway_groups: Use the list of gateway group(s) as the cascade source.
A list of one or more gateways to use as the source within the cascade. Read More
Revenue rules are specific to the gateway, and allow or disallow the use of the gateway based on payment volume, occurrences and more. You can add multiple revenue rules to a gateway within the cascade. Read More
Whether revenue rules are enabled.
An array of individual revenue rules.
Whether the specific revenue rule is enabled.
The rule bounds to declare if a rule passes or fails.
- min: The final calculation value must be greater than the Rule Value.
- max: The final calculation value must be less than the Rule Value.
The rule value is compared with the calculation value and bound.
The source, in combination with the source value and calculation, is what is used to form the calculation value.
- gateway: Transactions only from the specific gateway the rule is within.
- global: All transactions regardless of gateway.
- step: The active step being processed during the payment flow.
The source value is specific to the source selected.
- captured: Only transactions which were captured.
- declined: Only transactions which were declined.
- chargeback: Only transactions which were marked as charged back.
- total: All transactions regardless of outcome or status.
- amount: Applicable only when source is 'Active Step'. The amount for the active step being processed during the payment flow.
The calculation to perform based on the source value.
- count: The total number of source value items.
- percent: The percentage of source value items.
- sum: The sum of all source value items.
The total amount of time the rule applies in a past time range.
The time unit. Used in conjunction with the time value.
- hour: Time value as hours.
- day: Time value as days.
- week: Time value as weeks.
- month: Time value as months.
Time rules are specific to the gateway, and allow or disallow the use of the gateway based on time settings. All time rules are GMT (UTC+0). Read More
Whether time rules are enabled.
An array of individual time rules.
Whether the specific time rule is enabled.
The start time, formatted as hh:mm:a
The end time, formatted as hh:mm:a
The specific weekday that the time rule applies.
- monday
- tuesday
- wednesday
- thursday
- friday
- saturday
- sunday
Whether to allow or deny the gateway from processing the step transaction based on the current GMT time and the rule day and time ranges.
- allow: Allow the gateway to process the step transaction if current GMT time and day are within the day and time ranges.
- deny: Do not allow the gateway to process the step transaction if current GMT time and day are within the day and time ranges.
Whether the gateway is enabled within the cascade.
The order in which the gateway resides in the cascade.
The ID of the gateway.
A list of one or more gateway groups to use as the source within the cascade. Read More
Whether the gateway group is enabled within the cascade.
The order in which the gateway group resides in the cascade.
The ID of the gateway group.
You have the ability to cancel the payment profile flow if a declined transaction has specific terms/phrases/words in a step gateways' decline response. Read More
Whether to enable kill terms.
An array of one or more kill terms. Kill terms are case-insensitive. This will also cancel/void the related sale being attempted. Only applies to initial sale attempts, not renewals or trial expirations.
You have the ability to cancel/void a sale if the number of declined payment profile attempts reaches a certain number. Read More
Whether to enable max attempts.
The number of failed payment profile attempts, where once reached, the sale being processed will automatically be cancelled/voided.
Response JSON Schema
The API call ID of the request. Every API request is assigned an ID.
Indicates whether the API call was processed.
The unix timestamp of when the API call was made.
Whether the item is enabled or disabled.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
Whether the item is enabled or disabled.
Whether the item is enabled or disabled.
Whether the item is enabled or disabled.
The name of the item.
Whether the item is enabled or disabled.
The name of the item.
Whether the item is enabled or disabled.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
The name of the item.
The result code for the request.
0 = RevCent Error
1 = Success
The unix timestamp of when the item was created.
The description of the item.
Whether the item is enabled or disabled.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
Whether the item is enabled or disabled.
Whether the item is enabled or disabled.
The name of the item.
The API request method.
The API request type.
The a brief description of the result of the API call.
Gateway related to the item.
The unix timestamp of when the item was updated.
Request JSON
{ "request": { "type": "payment_profile", "method": "create", "name": "My Payment Profile", "description": "", "enabled": true, "steps": [ { "declined_options": { "declined_setting": "modifypct", "declined_modify": "10", "declined_action": "next" }, "order": 1, "source": "cascade", "cascade_order": "round_robin", "gateway": "LYE26MW8Rlh5VbJmlp2l", "swap_card": false }, { "declined_options": { "declined_setting": "nothing", "declined_modify": "0", "declined_action": "nothing" }, "order": 2, "source": "gateway", "cascade_order": "round_robin", "gateway": "8rNnkY45R4Hw1ZBg1yYB", "swap_card": true } ], "cascade": { "cascade_source": "gateway_groups", "gateways": [ { "revenue_rules": { "enabled": true, "options": [ { "enabled": true, "bound": "max", "rule_value": 5, "calculation": "count", "source": "gateway", "source_value": "chargeback", "time_value": 1, "time_unit": "month" } ] }, "time_rules": { "enabled": true, "options": [ { "start_time": "12:00am", "end_time": "11:59pm", "name": "sunday", "option": "deny", "enabled": true } ] }, "enabled": true, "order": 1, "id": "LYE26MW8Rlh5VbJmlp2l" } ], "gateway_groups": [ { "enabled": false, "order": 1, "id": "GOGaPRql9oUAAkrm5Ll9" } ] }, "kill_terms": { "enabled": true, "terms": [ "NSF" ] }, "max_attempts": { "enabled": true, "num": 1 } } }
Response JSON
{ "api_call_date": "2023-02-17T20:01:46+00:00", "api_call_id": "zGJbyZPNQkILyN9Z6L4a", "api_call_processed": true, "api_call_unix": 1676664106, "cascade": { "cascade_source": "gateway_groups", "gateways": [ { "enabled": true, "order": 1, "id": "LYE26MW8Rlh5VbJmlp2l", "global_cascade_rules_enabled": true, "revenue_rules": { "enabled": true, "options": [ { "enabled": true, "bound": "max", "rule_value": 5, "calculation": "count", "source": "gateway", "source_value": "chargeback", "time_unit": "month", "time_value": 1 } ] }, "time_rules": { "enabled": true, "options": [ { "start_time": "12:00am", "end_time": "11:59pm", "name": "sunday", "option": "deny", "enabled": true } ] }, "name": "" } ], "gateway_groups": [ { "enabled": false, "order": 1, "id": "GOGaPRql9oUAAkrm5Ll9", "name": "New Group" } ] }, "code": 1, "created_date": "2023-02-17T20:01:46+00:00", "created_date_unix": 1676664106, "description": "", "enabled": true, "id": "RJ0YXwdGzbFpXO9ENpqw", "kill_terms": { "enabled": true, "terms": [ "NSF" ] }, "max_attempts": { "enabled": true, "num": 1 }, "name": "My Payment Profile", "request_method": "create", "request_type": "payment_profile", "result": "Payment profile created.", "steps": [ { "declined_options": { "declined_action": "next", "declined_modify": "10", "declined_setting": "modifypct" }, "cascade_order": "round_robin", "source": "cascade", "gateway": null, "swap_card": false, "order": 1 }, { "declined_options": { "declined_action": "nothing", "declined_modify": "0", "declined_setting": "nothing" }, "cascade_order": "round_robin", "source": "gateway", "gateway": "8rNnkY45R4Hw1ZBg1yYB", "swap_card": true, "order": 2 } ], "updated_date": "2023-02-17T20:01:46+00:00", "updated_date_unix": 1676664106 }
Payment Profile Edit
Edit an existing payment profile within RevCent via the payment profile edit method.
Note: Only provide the properties you wish to modify. Properties not provided will remain unchanged.
Important: Payment profiles are a powerful feature, with settings and orders that require detailed precision. A misconfigured payment profile can prevent payments from processing entirely. Please read more about Payment Profiles before proceeding.
Request JSON Schema
The main request object
The type of request being made.
The method for the request type.
The ID of the payment profile you are modifying.
The name of the item.
The description of the item.
Whether the item is enabled or disabled.
The steps for the payment flow. The payment flow is the core part of a payment profile and dictates what processor to use for a payment and what to do if a payment is declined. The payment flow consists of steps, each step being a payment attempt. Read More
The options to take if the step transaction is declined.
The value in which to modify according to declined_modify.
- nothing: Do nothing simply ends the payment profile process at the step. The transaction is returned as declined.
- nomodify: Don't Modify Amount allows you to simply proceed to another step. For example, if you wish to try another gateway without modifying the initial amount, you would choose this.
- modifypct: Modify the original transaction amount by a percentage decrease.
- modifyspf: Modify the original transaction amount by a fixed dollar amount decrease.
- next: If you wish to proceed to the next step in the flow.
- repeat: If you wish to repeat to the current step one more time.
- nothing: If you wish to end the payment flow.
The order of the step within the array of steps.
- gateway: Process step transaction using a specific gateway.
- cascade: Process step transaction using the cascade.
- sort_order: Process valid gateways in the sort order within the cascade, beginning with gateway 1 in the cascade. I.e. if gateway 1 is valid, then it will be used, else gateway 2 if valid, and so on.
- round_robin: Process cascade gateways in the sort order within the cascade, beginning with the next gateway after the last transaction gateway used in the cascade sort order. I.e. if gateway 1 was last used, then gateway 2 will be used if valid. If gateway 3 is last used, and is the last gateway in the rotation, then the rotation resets and gateway 1 will be used if valid.
- evenly_distribute: Process valid gateways by even distribution of total captured payment volume within the past 24 hours. Sort order in the cascade is ignored. Instead, least captured payment volume is what determines which gateway will be used. I.e. If gateway X has total captured payment volume of $210, gateway Y has total captured payment volume of $200 and gateway Z has total captured payment volume of $230, then gateway Y will be used as it has the least total captured payment volume.
The ID of the gateway, if source is gateway.
Whether to try a different card if a preceeding step is declined.
A payment profile cascade allows you to process transactions at specific gateways using a specific order and set rules for each gateway. Read More
The source of items for the cascade.
- gateways: Use the list of gateway(s) as the cascade source.
- gateway_groups: Use the list of gateway group(s) as the cascade source.
A list of one or more gateways to use as the source within the cascade. Read More
Revenue rules are specific to the gateway, and allow or disallow the use of the gateway based on payment volume, occurrences and more. You can add multiple revenue rules to a gateway within the cascade. Read More
Whether revenue rules are enabled.
An array of individual revenue rules.
Whether the specific revenue rule is enabled.
The rule bounds to declare if a rule passes or fails.
- min: The final calculation value must be greater than the Rule Value.
- max: The final calculation value must be less than the Rule Value.
The rule value is compared with the calculation value and bound.
The source, in combination with the source value and calculation, is what is used to form the calculation value.
- gateway: Transactions only from the specific gateway the rule is within.
- global: All transactions regardless of gateway.
- step: The active step being processed during the payment flow.
The source value is specific to the source selected.
- captured: Only transactions which were captured.
- declined: Only transactions which were declined.
- chargeback: Only transactions which were marked as charged back.
- total: All transactions regardless of outcome or status.
- amount: Applicable only when source is 'Active Step'. The amount for the active step being processed during the payment flow.
The calculation to perform based on the source value.
- count: The total number of source value items.
- percent: The percentage of source value items.
- sum: The sum of all source value items.
The total amount of time the rule applies in a past time range.
The time unit. Used in conjunction with the time value.
- hour: Time value as hours.
- day: Time value as days.
- week: Time value as weeks.
- month: Time value as months.
Time rules are specific to the gateway, and allow or disallow the use of the gateway based on time settings. All time rules are GMT (UTC+0). Read More
Whether time rules are enabled.
An array of individual time rules.
Whether the specific time rule is enabled.
The start time, formatted as hh:mm:a
The end time, formatted as hh:mm:a
The specific weekday that the time rule applies.
- monday
- tuesday
- wednesday
- thursday
- friday
- saturday
- sunday
Whether to allow or deny the gateway from processing the step transaction based on the current GMT time and the rule day and time ranges.
- allow: Allow the gateway to process the step transaction if current GMT time and day are within the day and time ranges.
- deny: Do not allow the gateway to process the step transaction if current GMT time and day are within the day and time ranges.
Whether the gateway is enabled within the cascade.
The order in which the gateway resides in the cascade.
The ID of the gateway.
A list of one or more gateway groups to use as the source within the cascade. Read More
Whether the gateway group is enabled within the cascade.
The order in which the gateway group resides in the cascade.
The ID of the gateway group.
You have the ability to cancel the payment profile flow if a declined transaction has specific terms/phrases/words in a step gateways' decline response. Read More
Whether to enable kill terms.
An array of one or more kill terms. Kill terms are case-insensitive. This will also cancel/void the related sale being attempted. Only applies to initial sale attempts, not renewals or trial expirations.
You have the ability to cancel/void a sale if the number of declined payment profile attempts reaches a certain number. Read More
Whether to enable max attempts.
The number of failed payment profile attempts, where once reached, the sale being processed will automatically be cancelled/voided.
Response JSON Schema
The API call ID of the request. Every API request is assigned an ID.
Indicates whether the API call was processed.
The unix timestamp of when the API call was made.
Whether the item is enabled or disabled.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
Whether the item is enabled or disabled.
Whether the item is enabled or disabled.
Whether the item is enabled or disabled.
The name of the item.
Whether the item is enabled or disabled.
The name of the item.
Whether the item is enabled or disabled.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
The name of the item.
The result code for the request.
0 = RevCent Error
1 = Success
The unix timestamp of when the item was created.
The description of the item.
Whether the item is enabled or disabled.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
Whether the item is enabled or disabled.
Whether the item is enabled or disabled.
The name of the item.
The API request method.
The API request type.
The a brief description of the result of the API call.
Gateway related to the item.
The unix timestamp of when the item was updated.
Request JSON
{ "request": { "type": "payment_profile", "method": "edit", "payment_profile_id": "RJ0YXwdGzbFpXO9ENpqw", "name": "My Payment Profile", "description": "", "enabled": true, "steps": [ { "declined_options": { "declined_setting": "modifypct", "declined_modify": "10", "declined_action": "next" }, "order": 1, "source": "cascade", "cascade_order": "round_robin", "gateway": "LYE26MW8Rlh5VbJmlp2l", "swap_card": false }, { "declined_options": { "declined_setting": "nothing", "declined_modify": "0", "declined_action": "nothing" }, "order": 2, "source": "gateway", "cascade_order": "round_robin", "gateway": "8rNnkY45R4Hw1ZBg1yYB", "swap_card": true } ], "cascade": { "cascade_source": "gateways", "gateways": [ { "revenue_rules": { "enabled": true, "options": [ { "enabled": true, "bound": "max", "rule_value": 5, "calculation": "count", "source": "gateway", "source_value": "chargeback", "time_value": 1, "time_unit": "month" } ] }, "time_rules": { "enabled": false, "options": [ { "start_time": "12:00am", "end_time": "11:59pm", "name": "sunday", "option": "deny", "enabled": true } ] }, "enabled": true, "order": 1, "id": "LYE26MW8Rlh5VbJmlp2l" } ], "gateway_groups": [ { "enabled": false, "order": 1, "id": "GOGaPRql9oUAAkrm5Ll9" } ] }, "kill_terms": { "enabled": true, "terms": [ "NSF" ] }, "max_attempts": { "enabled": true, "num": 1 } } }
Response JSON
{ "api_call_date": "2023-02-17T20:04:23+00:00", "api_call_id": "6rQPpKLzmnhmLOpQ5JlL", "api_call_processed": true, "api_call_unix": 1676664263, "cascade": { "cascade_source": "gateways", "gateways": [ { "enabled": true, "order": 1, "id": "LYE26MW8Rlh5VbJmlp2l", "global_cascade_rules_enabled": true, "revenue_rules": { "enabled": true, "options": [ { "enabled": true, "bound": "max", "rule_value": 5, "calculation": "count", "source": "gateway", "source_value": "chargeback", "time_unit": "month", "time_value": 1 } ] }, "time_rules": { "enabled": true, "options": [ { "start_time": "12:00am", "end_time": "11:59pm", "name": "sunday", "option": "deny", "enabled": true } ] }, "name": "" } ], "gateway_groups": [ { "enabled": false, "order": 1, "id": "GOGaPRql9oUAAkrm5Ll9", "name": "New Group" } ] }, "code": 1, "created_date": "2023-02-17T20:01:46+00:00", "created_date_unix": 1676664106, "description": "", "enabled": true, "id": "RJ0YXwdGzbFpXO9ENpqw", "kill_terms": { "enabled": true, "terms": [ "NSF" ] }, "max_attempts": { "enabled": true, "num": 1 }, "name": "My Payment Profile", "request_method": "edit", "request_type": "payment_profile", "result": "Payment profile edited.", "steps": [ { "declined_options": { "declined_setting": "modifypct", "declined_modify": "10", "declined_action": "next" }, "source": "cascade", "cascade_order": "round_robin", "gateway": null, "swap_card": false, "order": 1 }, { "declined_options": { "declined_setting": "nothing", "declined_modify": "0", "declined_action": "nothing" }, "source": "gateway", "cascade_order": "round_robin", "gateway": "8rNnkY45R4Hw1ZBg1yYB", "swap_card": true, "order": 2 } ], "updated_date": "2023-02-17T20:04:23+00:00", "updated_date_unix": 1676664263 }
Payment Profile Retrieve
Retrieve current information on a single payment profile or multiple payment profiles.
Please view Pagination and Filters for details on retrieving multiple items.
Request JSON Schema
The main request object.
The type of request being made.
The method for the request type.
The RevCent ID of the item. Required if multiple property equals false or is not present.
Whether it is a multiple type request.
Response JSON Schema
The API call ID of the request. Every API request is assigned an ID.
Indicates whether the API call was processed.
The unix timestamp of when the API call was made.
The result code for the request.
0 = RevCent Error
1 = Success
The number of result items contained in the current page.
The current page of result, same as requested page, default is page 1.
The API request method.
The API request type.
An array of objects, each object being a unique item.
Whether the item is enabled or disabled.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
Whether the item is enabled or disabled.
Whether the item is enabled or disabled.
Whether the item is enabled or disabled.
The name of the item.
Whether the item is enabled or disabled.
The name of the item.
Whether the item is enabled or disabled.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
The name of the item.
The unix timestamp of when the item was created.
The description of the item.
Whether the item is enabled or disabled.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
Whether the item is enabled or disabled.
Whether the item is enabled or disabled.
The name of the item.
Gateway related to the item.
The unix timestamp of when the item was updated.
The total number of result items for the given request.
The total number of pages for the given request.
Request JSON
{ "request": { "type": "payment_profile", "method": "retrieve", "id": "2r1Wo7KvJ6slWE99XK5y", "multiple": false, "filters": { "limit": 100, "page": 1, "status_filter": [ "enabled" ] } } }
Response JSON
{ "api_call_id": "ZVA1wj2YoRCqY0a8Mz8m", "api_call_processed": true, "api_call_unix": 1676663664, "code": 1, "current_count": 1, "current_page": 1, "request_method": "retrieve", "request_type": "payment_profile", "results": [ { "cascade": { "cascade_source": "gateways", "gateways": [ { "enabled": true, "order": 1, "id": "LYE26MW8Rlh5VbJmlp2l", "global_cascade_rules_enabled": true, "revenue_rules": { "enabled": true, "options": [ { "enabled": true, "bound": "max", "rule_value": 5, "calculation": "count", "source": "gateway", "source_value": "chargeback", "time_unit": "month", "time_value": 1 } ] }, "time_rules": { "enabled": true, "options": [ { "start_time": "12:00am", "end_time": "11:59pm", "name": "sunday", "option": "deny", "enabled": true } ] }, "name": "" } ], "gateway_groups": [ { "enabled": false, "order": 1, "id": "GOGaPRql9oUAAkrm5Ll9", "name": "My Gatewway Group" } ] }, "created_date_unix": 1676657587, "description": "", "enabled": false, "id": "2r1Wo7KvJ6slWE99XK5y", "kill_terms": { "enabled": true, "terms": [ "pick up card" ] }, "max_attempts": { "enabled": true, "num": 2 }, "name": "My Payment Profile", "steps": [ { "declined_options": { "declined_setting": "modifypct", "declined_modify": "15", "declined_action": "next" }, "source": "cascade", "cascade_order": "evenly_distribute", "gateway": null, "swap_card": false, "order": 1 }, { "declined_options": { "declined_setting": "nothing", "declined_modify": "0", "declined_action": "nothing" }, "source": "gateway", "cascade_order": "round_robin", "gateway": "8rNnkY45R4Hw1ZBg1yYB", "swap_card": true, "order": 2 } ], "updated_date_unix": 1676661655 } ], "total_count": 1, "total_pages": 1 }
An Invoice is a pending sale with an option to pay online. The only difference between an invoice and a vanilla pending sale is the Hosted Page integration, allowing the customer to pay the amount due online at via a customizable web page.
Invoice Create
Create an invoice via the invoice create method. All fields that are available in a regular Sale Create API call, with the exception of the payment object, are also available i.e. discounts, shipping, etc.
AdWords Integration
If you wish to associate the item with a specific AdWords click ID include an "adwords_click" object in your request metadata array. RevCent will detect the specific metadata object with name="adwords_click" and pull data on the AdWords click ID. Read more about integrating AdWords with RevCent on our Knowledge Base .
"metadata":[{"name": "adwords_click", "value": "ADWORDS_CLICK_ID_HERE"}]
Request JSON Schema
The main request object
The type of request being made.
The method for the request type.
The invoice type. Always set to "sale_create".
The invoice profile ID to associate with the invoice being created. This determines the hosted page markup and URL.
The campaign to associate with the request. This can be either the RevCent ID of the campaign or the RevCent name of the campaign.
ISO 4217 currency code. If not provided default is 'USD'.
The product array contains individual product objects.
Pricing is automatically calculated based upon the quantity, price or both if present.
The ID for the product, this can be the RevCent ID, SKU, internal_id, product name or additional_id values.
The price, if different from the product default price, you wish to charge.
The quantity. Default is 1.
Create a trial for the specific product being sold ending on a specific date. Also useful for starting a subscription on a specific date. Format must be MM/DD/YYYY.
Create a trial for the specific product being sold ending after the number of days provided.
The customer object receives first priority as details if creating a new customer.
If the customer object is not present the bill_to and ship_to objects will be used in the respective order.
If neither customer, bill_to or ship_to objects are provided the new customer will be created as 'Anonymous'.
This does not apply if using a customer_id field in the request where applicable.
Response JSON Schema
The current total amount after any refunds, cancellations or other changes. Equals amount_original_total - (amount_void + amount_refunded).
The API call ID of the request. Every API request is assigned an ID.
Indicates whether the API call was processed.
The unix timestamp of when the API call was made.
The RevCent ID of the campaign.
The name of the campaign associated with the item.
The result code for the request.
0 = RevCent Error
1 = Success
The customer object.
The customers' first address line.
The customers' second address line.
Whether the customer has been blocked from purchases.
The customers' city.
The customers' company.
The customers' country.
The customers' email.
Whether the customer is currently enabled.
The customers' first name.
The customers' full address.
Whether the customers' address was successfully geocoded using the Google geocoding service.
The Google place ID for the customers' address using the Google geocoding service.
The RevCent ID for the customer.
Your internal ID for the customer.
The customers' last name.
The approximate latitude for the customers' address using the Google geocoding service.
The approximate longitude for the customers' address using the Google geocoding service.
The customers' phone number.
The customers' state.
The customers' state in long format.
The customers' status.
The customers' zip or postal code.
The RevCent ID of the customer.
The Hosted Page URL for online payment.
The newly created invoice ID.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
The name of the item.
ISO 4217 currency code.
The metadata array containing name:value objects.
The name property for the metadata object.
The value property for the metadata object.
The API request method.
The API request type.
The a brief description of the result of the API call.
The sale ID for the invoice.
The current status of the related item.
Request JSON
{ "request": { "type": "invoice", "method": "create", "invoice_type": "sale_create", "invoice_profile": "gYo0YVd24Qf7QvdBYM2O", "iso_currency": "USD", "product": [ { "id": "av_2017", "price": 19.99, "quantity": 2 } ], "campaign": "Adwords Campaign", "customer": { "first_name": "George", "last_name": "Washington", "address_line_1": "1600 Pennsylvania Ave", "address_line_2": "", "city": "Washington", "state": "DC", "zip": "20500", "country": "USA", "company": "", "email": "", "phone": "1234567890" }, "metadata": [ { "name": "invoice_create", "value": "test" } ] } }
Response JSON
{ "amount_total": 176.79, "api_call": { "id": "ZVRV87lEoLuKWJY5gg8z" }, "api_call_id": "ZVRV87lEoLuKWJY5gg8z", "api_call_processed": true, "api_call_unix": 1602980700, "campaign_id": "mJ1zZoOobEuP8pnWKXd1", "campaign_name": "Adwords Campaign", "code": 1, "customer": { "address_line_1": "1600 Pennsylvania Ave", "address_line_2": "", "blocked": false, "city": "Washington", "company": "", "country": "USA", "email": "", "enabled": true, "first_name": "George", "full_address": "1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC 20500, USA", "geocode_success": true, "google_place_id": "ChIJGVtI4by3t4kRr51d_Qm_x58", "id": "4r158EzJmmcVM69dNLkg", "internal_id": "pres_0001", "last_name": "Washington", "lat": "38.8976633", "lon": "-77.0365739", "metadata": [], "phone": "1234567890", "state": "DC", "state_long": "DC", "zip": "20500" }, "customer_id": "8rQrl21wjYcvJkzLaad8", "hosted_url": "", "invoice_id": "ajqjGdVO9Bi1Ly2nkkW7", "invoice_profile": { "id": "gYo0YVd24Qf7QvdBYM2O", "name": "tqawqtq" }, "iso_currency": "USD", "metadata": [ { "entry_date": "2020-10-18", "name": "invoice_create", "value": "test" } ], "request_method": "create", "request_type": "invoice", "result": "Invoice created.", "sale_id": "mJqJ6mnGbrUwmG0q22V9", "status": "Unpaid" }
Invoice Retrieve
Retrieve current information on a single invoice or multiple invoices.
Please view Pagination and Filters for details on retrieving multiple items.
The response may include AdWords Response Objects within each item if an AdWords click ID is associated with the item.
Request JSON Schema
The main request object.
The type of request being made.
The method for the request type.
The RevCent ID of the item. Required if multiple property equals false or is not present.
Whether it is a multiple type request.
Response JSON Schema
The API call ID of the request. Every API request is assigned an ID.
Indicates whether the API call was processed.
The unix timestamp of when the API call was made.
The result code for the request.
0 = RevCent Error
1 = Success
The number of result items contained in the current page.
The current page of result, same as requested page, default is page 1.
The API request method.
The API request type.
An array of objects, each object being a unique item.
The total calculated amount when an item is created.
The current total amount after any refunds, cancellations or other changes. Equals amount_original_total - (amount_void + amount_refunded).
The RevCent ID of the campaign.
The name of the campaign associated with the item.
An array containing check direct IDs related to the item.
The unix timestamp of when the item was created.
The customer object.
The customers' first address line.
The customers' second address line.
Whether the customer has been blocked from purchases.
The customers' city.
The customers' company.
The customers' country.
The customers' email.
Whether the customer is currently enabled.
The customers' first name.
The customers' full address.
Whether the customers' address was successfully geocoded using the Google geocoding service.
The Google place ID for the customers' address using the Google geocoding service.
The RevCent ID for the customer.
Your internal ID for the customer.
The customers' last name.
The approximate latitude for the customers' address using the Google geocoding service.
The approximate longitude for the customers' address using the Google geocoding service.
The customers' phone number.
The customers' state.
The customers' state in long format.
The customers' status.
The customers' zip or postal code.
An array containing discounts related to the item.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
The name of the item.
ISO 4217 currency code.
An array of RevCent license key ID's associated with the item.
An array containing offline payment IDs related to the item.
The payment type related to the item.
The system ID of the payment type related to the item.
The system name of the payment type related to the item.
An array containing RevCent PayPal transaction IDs related to the item.
An array containing pending refund IDs related to the item.
An array containing product sale IDs related to the item.
An array containing quota account IDs related to the item.
The RevCent hosted shopping cart that item originated from.
An array containing sale IDs related to the item.
An array containing salvage transaction IDs related to the item.
An array containing shipping IDs related to the item.
An array containing SMTP message IDs related to the item.
The current status of the related item.
An array containing subscription renewal IDs related to the item.
An array containing subscription IDs related to the item.
An array containing tax IDs related to the item.
An array containing credit card transaction IDs related to the item.
An array containing trial IDs related to the item.
The unix timestamp of when the item was updated.
An array containing usage account invoice IDs related to the item.
An array containing usage account IDs related to the item.
An array containing usage item invoice IDs related to the item.
An array containing usage item IDs related to the item.
The total number of result items for the given request.
The total number of pages for the given request.
Request JSON
{ "request": { "type": "invoice", "method": "retrieve", "id": "bOqOV2gJ6nca1aKq1Ezb" } }
Response JSON
{ "api_call_id": "d959LvNN6ytzWzGvW5J6", "api_call_processed": true, "api_call_unix": 1602978780, "code": 1, "current_count": 1, "current_page": 1, "request_method": "retrieve", "request_type": "invoice", "results": [ { "amount_original_total": 176.79, "amount_total": 176.79, "campaign_id": "X849YQm7BEf0ZQd7Ol1K", "campaign_name": "Facebook Campaign", "check_directs": [], "created_date_unix": 1602978433, "customer": { "address_line_1": "1600 Pennsylvania Ave", "address_line_2": "", "blocked": false, "city": "Washington", "company": "", "country": "USA", "email": "", "enabled": true, "first_name": "George", "full_address": "1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC 20500, USA", "geocode_success": true, "google_place_id": "ChIJGVtI4by3t4kRr51d_Qm_x58", "id": "4r158EzJmmcVM69dNLkg", "internal_id": "pres_0001", "last_name": "Washington", "lat": "38.8976633", "lon": "-77.0365739", "metadata": [], "phone": "1234567890", "state": "DC", "state_long": "DC", "zip": "20500" }, "date_paid": null, "discounts": [], "download_url": "", "hosted_url": "", "id": "bOqOV2gJ6nca1aKq1Ezb", "invoice_profile": { "id": "gYo0YVd24Qf7QvdBYM2O", "name": "tqawqtq" }, "is_sale": true, "is_subscription_renewal": false, "iso_currency": "USD", "license_keys": [], "metadata": [ { "entry_date": "2020-10-17", "name": "invoice_create", "value": "test" } ], "notes": [], "offline_payments": [], "paid": false, "payment_type": null, "paypal_transactions": [], "pending_refunds": [], "product_sales": [], "quota_accounts": [], "revcent_shop": null, "sales": [ "4ryrgOZkvAtKNK9wNv8l" ], "salvage_transactions": [], "shipping": [], "smtp_messages": [], "status": "Unpaid", "subscription_renewals": [], "subscriptions": [], "tax": [], "transactions": [], "trials": [], "updated_date_unix": 1602978433, "usage_account_invoices": [], "usage_accounts": [], "usage_item_invoices": [], "usage_items": [], "void": false } ], "total_count": 1, "total_pages": 1 }
License Key
A license key is created via web app import, remote request or auto generated by RevCent. A license key is issued when a product is purchased that has an attached license key profile. We highly recommend you read more about license key management at our Knowledge Base
License Key Retrieve
Retrieve current information on a single license key or multiple license keys.
Please view Pagination and Filters for details on retrieving multiple items.
The response may include AdWords Response Objects within each item if an AdWords click ID is associated with the item.
Request JSON Schema
The main request object
The type of request being made.
The method for the request type.
The RevCent ID of the license key OR the license key value. Required if multiple property equals false or is not present.
Response JSON Schema
The API call ID of the request. Every API request is assigned an ID.
Indicates whether the API call was processed.
The unix timestamp of when the API call was made.
The result code for the request.
0 = RevCent Error
1 = Success
The number of result items contained in the current page.
The current page of result, same as requested page, default is page 1.
The API request method.
The API request type.
An array of objects, each object being a unique item.
The RevCent ID of the campaign.
The name of the campaign associated with the item.
An array containing check direct IDs related to the item.
The unix timestamp of when the item was created.
The customer object.
The customers' first address line.
The customers' second address line.
Whether the customer has been blocked from purchases.
The customers' city.
The customers' company.
The customers' country.
The customers' email.
Whether the customer is currently enabled.
The customers' first name.
The customers' full address.
Whether the customers' address was successfully geocoded using the Google geocoding service.
The Google place ID for the customers' address using the Google geocoding service.
The RevCent ID for the customer.
Your internal ID for the customer.
The customers' last name.
The approximate latitude for the customers' address using the Google geocoding service.
The approximate longitude for the customers' address using the Google geocoding service.
The customers' phone number.
The customers' state.
The customers' state in long format.
The customers' status.
The customers' zip or postal code.
An array containing discounts related to the item.
Whether the license key is currently enabled.
The date the license key was expired. Only for keys with a license key profile with expired settings.
The date as a unix timestamp the license key was expired. Only for keys with a license key profile with expired settings.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
The internal_id you provided when creating the item.
An array containing invoice IDs related to the item.
Whether the license key is expired after being issued.
Whether the license key has been issued as a result of a successful purchase.
The date the license key was issued as a result of a successful purchase.
The date as a unix timestamp the license key was issued as a result of a successful purchase.
The license key profile related to the license key.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
The name of the item.
The source of the license key. Remote, imported or RevCent generated.
An array containing offline payment IDs related to the item.
An array containing RevCent PayPal transaction IDs related to the item.
An array containing pending refund IDs related to the item.
An array containing product sale IDs related to the item.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
An array containing sale IDs related to the item.
An array containing salvage transaction IDs related to the item.
An array containing shipping IDs related to the item.
An array containing SMTP message IDs related to the item.
The current status of the related item.
An array containing subscription renewal IDs related to the item.
An array containing subscription IDs related to the item.
An array containing tax IDs related to the item.
The third party shop related to the item.
An array containing credit card transaction IDs related to the item.
An array containing trial IDs related to the item.
The unix timestamp of when the item was updated.
An array containing usage account invoice IDs related to the item.
An array containing usage account IDs related to the item.
An array containing usage item invoice IDs related to the item.
An array containing usage item IDs related to the item.
The total number of result items for the given request.
The total number of pages for the given request.
Request JSON
{ "request": { "type": "license_key", "method": "retrieve", "id": "0pZwRNgwKwIXvMKKBbpZ" } }
Response JSON
{ "api_call_id": "KngPNGlrqvikawbWlGXr", "api_call_processed": true, "api_call_unix": 1592237703, "code": 1, "current_count": 1, "current_page": 1, "request_method": "retrieve", "request_type": "license_key", "results": [ { "campaign_id": "mJ1zZoOobEuP8pnWKXd1", "campaign_name": "Adwords Campaign", "check_directs": [], "created_date_unix": 1591892064, "customer": { "address_line_1": "1600 Pennsylvania Ave", "address_line_2": "", "blocked": false, "city": "Washington", "company": "", "country": "USA", "email": "", "enabled": true, "first_name": "George", "full_address": "1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC 20500, USA", "geocode_success": true, "google_place_id": "ChIJGVtI4by3t4kRr51d_Qm_x58", "id": "4r158EzJmmcVM69dNLkg", "internal_id": "pres_0001", "last_name": "Washington", "lat": "38.8976633", "lon": "-77.0365739", "metadata": [], "phone": "1234567890", "state": "DC", "state_long": "DC", "zip": "20500" }, "discounts": [ "LYg5NmwXlYhJoyll4wgZ" ], "enabled": true, "expired_date": null, "expired_date_unix": null, "id": "0pZwRNgwKwIXvMKKBbpZ", "internal_id": "", "invoices": [], "is_expired": false, "is_issued": true, "issued_date": "2020-06-11T16:14:30+00:00", "issued_date_unix": 1591892070, "license_key_profile": { "id": "0pZwpLpPw4UrdOkQpqyv", "name": "Imported Keys Only" }, "license_key_source": "imported", "notes": [], "offline_payments": [], "paypal_transactions": [], "pending_refunds": [], "product_sales": [ "P6g5kEaEzjt6VyllpEGL" ], "sale": { "id": "qZEBboR8W0hOPpVV02rZ" }, "sales": [ "qZEBboR8W0hOPpVV02rZ" ], "salvage_transactions": [], "shipping": [], "smtp_messages": [], "status": "Enabled", "subscription_renewals": [], "subscriptions": [], "tax": [ "ZV7EmNBNP5TA7122OyKX" ], "third_party_shop": null, "transactions": [ "EMgw2p6q5MfEnm55pPag" ], "trials": [], "updated_date_unix": 1591892070, "usage_account_invoices": [], "usage_accounts": [], "usage_item_invoices": [], "usage_items": [] } ], "total_count": 1, "total_pages": 1 }
Request JSON
{ "request": { "type": "metadata", "method": "insert", "item_type": "sale", "item_id": "pgm1q7yjKjF7qyAM7EXK", "cascade": false, "metadata": [ { "name": "new_name", "value": "new value" } ] } }
Response JSON
{ "api_call_date": "2022-06-02T15:16:15+00:00", "api_call_id": "JNGoAdZ7v8iRooaArOOy", "api_call_processed": true, "api_call_unix": 1654182975, "code": 1, "customer": { "address_line_1": "1600 Pennsylvania Ave", "address_line_2": "", "blocked": false, "city": "Washington", "company": "", "country": "USA", "email": "", "enabled": true, "first_name": "George", "full_address": "1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC 20500, USA", "geocode_success": true, "google_place_id": "ChIJGVtI4by3t4kRr51d_Qm_x58", "id": "4r158EzJmmcVM69dNLkg", "internal_id": "pres_0001", "last_name": "Washington", "lat": "38.8976633", "lon": "-77.0365739", "metadata": [], "phone": "1234567890", "state": "DC", "state_long": "DC", "zip": "20500" }, "item_id": "pgm1q7yjKjF7qyAM7EXK", "item_type": "sale", "metadata": [ { "name": "new_name", "value": "new value" } ], "request_method": "insert", "request_type": "metadata", "result": "Metadata inserted." }
You can create a note for an entity within RevCent that will simultaneously attach the note to the customer related to the entity. This allows you to view all notes for a customer and related entities.
Note Create
Create a note for a specific entity such as a customer, sale, shipping, etc. Indicate the entity using the item_type and item_id properties, the item_type being either sale, customer, shipping, etc., and item_id being the RevCent ID for the item. For example, if you want to leave a note for a sale, set item_type = "sale" and item_id="REVCENT_SALE_ID".
Accepted Item Types
- customer
- A customer within RevCent.
- sale
- A sale within RevCent.
- product_sale
- A product sale within RevCent.
- shipping
- A shipping within RevCent.
- subscription
- A subscription within RevCent.
- subscription_renewal
- A subscription renewal within RevCent.
- chargeback
- A chargeback within RevCent.
Request JSON Schema
The main request object
The type of request being made.
The method for the request type.
The item type the note is to be created for. Example: sale, customer, shipping, etc.
The RevCent ID for the item the note is to be created for. If item_type = sale, then the RevCent sale ID.
The note text.
Response JSON Schema
The API call ID of the request. Every API request is assigned an ID.
Indicates whether the API call was processed.
The unix timestamp of when the API call was made.
The result code for the request.
0 = RevCent Error
1 = Success
The RevCent ID for the item the note was created for.
The item type the note was created for.
The RevCent ID for the note created.
The API request method.
The API request type.
The a brief description of the result of the API call.
Request JSON
{ "request": { "type": "note", "method": "create", "item_type": "sale", "item_id": "pgm1q7yjKjF7qyAM7EXK", "text": "Making a note for a sale with RevCent ID pgm1q7yjKjF7qyAM7EXK." } }
Response JSON
{ "api_call_id": "WmEZRkNmKRhmWBrkNP9B", "api_call_processed": true, "api_call_unix": 1638047347, "code": 1, "item_id": "pgm1q7yjKjF7qyAM7EXK", "item_type": "sale", "note_id": "4rAmyMargyuMaXrkQLyK", "request_method": "create", "request_type": "note", "result": "Note created." }
RevCent supports multiple payment types including check, credit card, offline and PayPal. Depending on the payment type, different methods are supported.
Additional payment types will be added in the future including Amazon Pay, Apply Pay and Google Pay.
Check Direct
A check direct is considered a physical check, not ACH or electronic check. The physicality is what separates a check direct from electronic forms of check payments, along with the accounts receivable and mailing aspects. ACH and electronic check methods will be supported in the near future as a separate entity.
Check Direct Refund
To refund a check direct you instead refund the entity that the refund is associated with, i.e. sale, product_sale, tax, shipping, etc.
Check Direct Retrieve
Retrieve current information on a single check direct or multiple check directs.
Please view Pagination and Filters for details on retrieving multiple items.
The response may include AdWords Response Objects within each item if an AdWords click ID is associated with the item.
Request JSON Schema
The main request object.
The type of request being made.
The method for the request type.
The RevCent ID of the item. Required if multiple property equals false or is not present.
Whether it is a multiple type request.
Response JSON Schema
The API call ID of the request. Every API request is assigned an ID.
Indicates whether the API call was processed.
The unix timestamp of when the API call was made.
The result code for the request.
0 = RevCent Error
1 = Success
The number of result items contained in the current page.
The current page of result, same as requested page, default is page 1.
The API request method.
The API request type.
An array of objects, each object being a unique item.
The amount of the item.
The RevCent ID of the campaign.
The name of the campaign associated with the item.
The check number.
The unix timestamp of when the item was created.
The customer object.
The customers' first address line.
The customers' second address line.
Whether the customer has been blocked from purchases.
The customers' city.
The customers' company.
The customers' country.
The customers' email.
Whether the customer is currently enabled.
The customers' first name.
The customers' full address.
Whether the customers' address was successfully geocoded using the Google geocoding service.
The Google place ID for the customers' address using the Google geocoding service.
The RevCent ID for the customer.
Your internal ID for the customer.
The customers' last name.
The approximate latitude for the customers' address using the Google geocoding service.
The approximate longitude for the customers' address using the Google geocoding service.
The customers' phone number.
The customers' state.
The customers' state in long format.
The customers' status.
The customers' zip or postal code.
An array containing discounts related to the item.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
An array containing offline payment IDs related to the item.
An array containing RevCent PayPal transaction IDs related to the item.
An array containing pending refund IDs related to the item.
An array containing product sale IDs related to the item.
Whether the check has been received.
An array containing sale IDs related to the item.
An array containing salvage transaction IDs related to the item.
An array containing shipping IDs related to the item.
An array containing SMTP message IDs related to the item.
The current status of the related item.
An array containing subscription renewal IDs related to the item.
An array containing subscription IDs related to the item.
An array containing tax IDs related to the item.
Will contain details if the root item is related to a third party shop.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
The name of the item.
The URL of the third party shop.
An array containing credit card transaction IDs related to the item.
An array containing trial IDs related to the item.
The unix timestamp of when the item was updated.
The total number of result items for the given request.
The total number of pages for the given request.
Request JSON
{ "request": { "type": "check_direct", "method": "retrieve", "id": "GO51EXbbAPS6pP1Ov9kK" } }
Response JSON
{ "api_call_id": "9rdXJQ5z4bcLYqLkV656", "api_call_processed": true, "api_call_unix": 1566160507, "code": 1, "current_count": 1, "current_page": 1, "request_method": "retrieve", "request_type": "check_direct", "results": [ { "amount": 201.58, "campaign_id": "mJ1zZoOobEuP8pnWKXd1", "campaign_name": "Adwords Campaign", "check_number": "", "created_date_unix": 1565832518, "customer": { "address_line_1": "1600 Pennsylvania Ave", "address_line_2": "", "blocked": false, "city": "Washington", "company": "", "country": "USA", "email": "", "enabled": true, "first_name": "George", "full_address": "1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC 20500, USA", "geocode_success": true, "google_place_id": "ChIJGVtI4by3t4kRr51d_Qm_x58", "id": "4r158EzJmmcVM69dNLkg", "internal_id": "pres_0001", "last_name": "Washington", "lat": "38.8976633", "lon": "-77.0365739", "metadata": [], "phone": "1234567890", "state": "DC", "state_long": "DC", "zip": "20500" }, "discounts": [], "id": "GO51EXbbAPS6pP1Ov9kK", "notes": [], "offline_payments": [], "paypal_transactions": [], "pending_refunds": [], "product_sales": [ "5r1MyL99VouMNRl9Pnkd", "d9ZolGRRwnu6lZb2Jo64", "WmPn2q99GzSKXWmbJjVd" ], "received": true, "sales": [ "1rQAp8MM46uzN4Rw0Kgk" ], "salvage_transactions": [], "shipping": [ "X8anGkNN5XfZK5mK06VX" ], "smtp_messages": [], "status": "Received", "subscription_renewals": [], "subscriptions": [ "nbM1P5aa2VfNvVJvWjb1", "WmPn2q99GzSKRnQjZmkz" ], "tax": [ "k6vn8JZZAmUv8G5z6klR" ], "third_party_shop": { "id": "Q48aAbVv21fJRvNKWrvP", "name": "My Shop", "shop_url": "" }, "transactions": [], "trials": [], "updated_date_unix": 1565832519 } ], "total_count": 1, "total_pages": 1 }
Credit Card
Credit card payments are supported via merchant gateway integrations. Integrate a merchant gateway within the RevCent web app. Once integrated you can conduct most payment actions, and RevCent updates transaction status to reflect payment settlement.
A credit card transaction can be two types, either a payment is captured, or a refund where a previous payment is refunded. RevCent only supports the auth-capture method when processing a payment, auth-only is not supported.
Transaction Create Refund
Refund a credit card transaction directly. This is not the recommended method if you wish to run detailed metrics reports. Use either Product Sale Refund, Shipping Refund, or Subscription Renewal Refund instead.
Request JSON Schema
The main request object
The type of request being made.
The method for the request type.
The RevCent ID of the credit card transaction.
The amount to refund. If not provided the entire transaction amount will be refunded.
You have the option to refund a credit card transaction within RevCent, without refunding the transaction at the gateway level. If set to true, RevCent will mark all entities as having a refund, but will not contact the gateway to return the money to the customer. This is useful for reporting within RevCent when a transaction was refunded outside of RevCent, i.e. Rapid Dispute Resolution, mailed a check, etc. Default is false.
Response JSON Schema
The amount of the item.
The API call ID of the request. Every API request is assigned an ID.
Indicates whether the API call was processed.
The unix timestamp of when the API call was made.
The result code for the request.
0 = RevCent Error
1 = Success
The campaign ID of the transaction being refunded.
The customer ID of the transaction being refunded.
The sale ID of the transaction being refunded.
The ID of the transaction being refunded.
Array containing IDs of each pending refund created as a result of the request.
Array containing IDs of each product sale refunded as a result of the request.
Indicates whether the transaction was refunded using the refunded_offsite = true flag.
The API request method.
The API request type.
The a brief description of the result of the API call.
Array containing IDs of each shipping refunded as a result of the request.
Array containing IDs of each tax refunded as a result of the request.
Request JSON
{ "request": { "type": "transaction", "method": "create_refund", "transaction_id": "ALRjyqRE27fjMonyKLny", "refunded_offsite": false, "amount": 1.25 } }
Response JSON
{ "amount": 1.25, "api_call_id": "0pwokmGgzRc0yg8dXp7q", "api_call_processed": true, "api_call_unix": 1565814903, "code": 1, "origin_campaign_id": "X849YQm7BEf0ZQd7Ol1K", "origin_customer_id": "4r158EzJmmcVM69dNLkg", "origin_sale_id": "k6vnbJom00Ug89mpRj78", "origin_transaction_id": "ALRjyqRE27fjMonyKLny", "pending_refund": [ "MW5LoAVymnHww96XllEr", "vEwWrAjn8RcM9yQdyjOy", "9rdEMaP59RuYg41zRJwW", "Nk5voyEw8YiOmaRvjgyG" ], "product_sale_refunded": [ "LY5yop5nk7hbPzpBn8aY", "9rdEMadyZ7uYgnbKWwX5" ], "refunded_offsite": false, "request_method": "create_refund", "request_type": "transaction", "result": "Pending refund created for transaction.", "shipping_refunded": [ "gYamRbaGZphKn8zJVow1" ], "tax_refunded": [ "ALRjyqRE27fjjpmRzBRd" ] }
Transaction Retrieve
Retrieve current information on a single transaction or multiple transactions. You can use the RevCent ID or gateway transaction id as the id value when retrieving a single transaction.
Please view Pagination and Filters for details on retrieving multiple items.
The response may include AdWords Response Objects within each item if an AdWords click ID is associated with the item.
Request JSON Schema
The main request object.
The request type.
The request method.
The RevCent ID of the transaction or the gateway transaction ID of the transaction. Required if multiple property equals false and email property not present.
Whether it is a multiple type request.
Response JSON Schema
The API call ID of the request. Every API request is assigned an ID.
Indicates whether the API call was processed.
The unix timestamp of when the API call was made.
The result code for the request.
0 = RevCent Error
1 = Success
The number of result items contained in the current page.
The current page of result, same as requested page, default is page 1.
The API request method.
The API request type.
An array of objects, each object being a unique item.
The amount of the item.
The amount captured.
The current amount of calculated fees charged by the payment processor.
The current gross amount. Equals (amount_captured + amount_settled).
The current net amount. Equals (amount_captured + amount_settled) - amount_fees.
The total calculated amount when an item is created.
Total amount of any refunds.
The current amount remaining to be captured. Amounts yet to be captured due to a trial or salvage transaction.
The current amount settled.
The current total amount after any refunds, cancellations or other changes. Equals amount_original_total - (amount_void + amount_refunded).
Total amount of any items that have been voided.
Whether the transaction was approved.
The RevCent ID of the campaign.
The name of the campaign associated with the item.
Whether the transaction was captured.
An array containing check direct IDs related to the item.
The result code for the request.
0 = RevCent Error
1 = Success
The unix timestamp of when the item was created.
The customer object.
The customers' first address line.
The customers' second address line.
Whether the customer has been blocked from purchases.
The customers' city.
The customers' company.
The customers' country.
The customers' email.
Whether the customer is currently enabled.
The customers' first name.
The customers' full address.
Whether the customers' address was successfully geocoded using the Google geocoding service.
The Google place ID for the customers' address using the Google geocoding service.
The RevCent ID for the customer.
Your internal ID for the customer.
The customers' last name.
The approximate latitude for the customers' address using the Google geocoding service.
The approximate longitude for the customers' address using the Google geocoding service.
The customers' phone number.
The customers' state.
The customers' state in long format.
The customers' status.
The customers' zip or postal code.
The customer credit card associated with the transaction.
The unix timestamp of when the item was created.
The unix timestamp of when the item was updated.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
The credit card type
The last four digits of the credit card.
Whether the transaction was declined.
The unix timestamp of when RevCent requested details on the transaction status.
The latest response from the merchant gateway when RevCent requested details on the transaction status.
An array containing discounts related to the item.
Whether the transaction had an error.
The RevCent ID of the gateway.
The name of the gateway.
Whether the transaction has an associated salvage transaction.
Whether the transaction was held.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
Whether the transaction is part of a payment profile request.
Whether the transaction is a refund transaction.
Whether the transaction is a salvage transaction.
Whether the transaction is a subscription transaction.
Whether the transaction is a subscription renewal transaction.
Whether the item was created using a live or test RevCent API key.
An array containing offline payment IDs related to the item.
Payment profile related to the item.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
The name of the item.
An array of objects, each object being a unique item.
An array containing RevCent PayPal transaction IDs related to the item.
An array containing pending refund IDs related to the item.
An array containing product sale IDs related to the item.
The result of the transaction request.
Whether the transaction is an initial sale transaction.
An array containing sale IDs related to the item.
An array containing salvage transaction IDs related to the item.
Whether the transaction has been settled.
An array containing shipping IDs related to the item.
An array containing SMTP message IDs related to the item.
The current status of the related item.
Details on the subscription profile associated with the subscription.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
The name of the item.
The description of the item.
If the number of renewals allowed is specific or indefinite.
If occurrences = specific, then the number of occurrence allowed.
Whether the subscription profile is specific to a single subscription. I.e. customized.
If the subscription profile is specific to a single subscription, the subscription ID.
The frequency setting. Either unit, calendar or fiscal.
The unit based frequency settings for the subscription profile.
The frequency unit value.
The frequency unit, i.e. days, weeks, months or years.
The calendar based frequency settings for the subscription profile.
The calendar unit, i.e. The 2nd X of every month.
The calendar value, i.e. The X day of every month.
The calendar parent, i.e. The 2nd day of every X
The fiscal based frequency settings for the subscription profile.
The fiscal setting. Either standard or infrequent. If standard, then Quarterly or Yearly. If infrequent then fiscal_unit and fiscal_value determine schedule.
The fiscal value when fiscal_setting = infrequent, i.e. every X quarter.
The fiscal unit when fiscal_setting = infrequent, i.e. every 2 X.
An array containing subscription renewal IDs related to the item.
An array containing subscription IDs related to the item.
An array containing tax IDs related to the item.
Will contain details if the root item is related to a third party shop.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
The name of the item.
The URL of the third party shop.
An array containing trial IDs related to the item.
The unix timestamp of when the item was updated.
Whether the transaction is void.
The total number of result items for the given request.
The total number of pages for the given request.
Request JSON
{ "request": { "type": "transaction", "method": "retrieve", "id": "ALRjyqRE27fjMonyKLny" } }
Response JSON
{ "api_call_id": "o1jGw57PVgFLLMJ8VJW7", "api_call_processed": true, "api_call_unix": 1565814903, "code": 1, "current_count": 1, "current_page": 1, "request_method": "retrieve", "request_type": "transaction", "results": [ { "amount": 111.86, "amount_captured": 111.86, "amount_fees": 3.02, "amount_gross": 111.86, "amount_net": 108.84, "amount_original_total": 111.86, "amount_refunded": 0, "amount_remaining": 0, "amount_settled": 0, "amount_total": 111.86, "amount_void": 0, "approved": true, "campaign_id": "X849YQm7BEf0ZQd7Ol1K", "campaign_name": "Facebook Campaign", "captured": true, "check_directs": [], "code": 1, "created_date_unix": 1565814901, "customer": { "address_line_1": "1600 Pennsylvania Ave", "address_line_2": "", "blocked": false, "city": "Washington", "company": "", "country": "USA", "email": "", "enabled": true, "first_name": "George", "full_address": "1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC 20500, USA", "geocode_success": true, "google_place_id": "ChIJGVtI4by3t4kRr51d_Qm_x58", "id": "4r158EzJmmcVM69dNLkg", "internal_id": "pres_0001", "last_name": "Washington", "lat": "38.8976633", "lon": "-77.0365739", "metadata": [], "phone": "1234567890", "state": "DC", "state_long": "DC", "zip": "20500" }, "customer_card": { "type": "visa", "id": "1rQA58w6XXcMNRApYLPn", "last_4": "4242", "created_date_unix": 1565814899, "updated_date_unix": 1565814901, "expiry_date": "11/2023", "expiry_month": "11", "expiry_year": "2023" }, "declined": false, "details_last_updated_unix": null, "details_response": "", "discounts": [], "error": false, "gateway_id": "NkAMJOzpB5iEAOrdloV0", "gateway_name": "Braintree", "has_salvage": true, "held": false, "id": "ALRjyqRE27fjMonyKLny", "is_payment_profile": false, "is_refund": false, "is_salvage": false, "is_subscription": false, "is_subscription_renewal": false, "live_mode": false, "metadata": [ { "name": "adwords_click", "value": "Cjat0KwhCQjdTq..." } ], "notes": [], "offline_payments": [], "payment_profile": { "id": "ajyXm76OpjSL4p5oO2By", "name": "AuthBrainStripe", "results": null }, "paypal_transactions": [], "pending_refunds": [], "product_sales": [ "9rdEMadyZ7uYgnbKWwX5", "LY5yop5nk7hbPzpBn8aY" ], "result": "Approved", "sale_initial": true, "sales": [ "k6vnbJom00Ug89mpRj78" ], "salvage_transactions": [ "VPm9Mqmgw7UJJLldojJY" ], "settled": false, "shipping": [ "gYamRbaGZphKn8zJVow1" ], "smtp_messages": [], "status": "Fully Captured", "subscription_profile": null, "subscription_renewals": [], "subscriptions": [ "o1jGw5jY2RILLl4dBMwa" ], "tax": [ "ALRjyqRE27fjjpmRzBRd" ], "third_party_shop": null, "trials": [], "updated_date_unix": 1565814901, "void": false } ], "total_count": 1, "total_pages": 1 }
Transaction Search
Search for a transaction using a string or group of strings.
Please read more about API Search before proceeding.
Request JSON Schema
The main request object.
The type of request being made.
The method for the request type.
The string to search.
Response JSON Schema
The API call ID of the request. Every API request is assigned an ID.
Indicates whether the API call was processed.
The unix timestamp of when the API call was made.
The result code for the request.
0 = RevCent Error
1 = Success
The API request type.
The API request method.
An array of objects, each object being a unique item.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
The unix timestamp of when the item was created.
The RevCent ID of the customer.
The RevCent ID of the customer credit card used if a transaction occurred.
The transaction ID assigned by the merchant gateway.
The API request type.
The API request method.
Request JSON
{ "request": { "type": "transaction", "method": "search", "search_term": "424242 4242" } }
Response JSON
{ "api_call_id": "d9gW26qJVVurkPWX4nBb", "api_call_processed": true, "api_call_unix": 1681160220, "code": 1, "request_type": "transaction", "request_method": "search", "results": [ { "item_type": "transaction", "id": "1rBrrKwjbVH885Jb078K", "created_date_unix": 1680909459, "customer_id": "gYQYYJlMXYHXXL709WlR", "first_name": "George", "last_name": "Washington", "email": "", "card_id": "wLvLLNmgJLH11GZ4qNdZ", "first_6": "400000", "last_4": "0002", "gateway_transaction_id": "60214190393", "request_type": "sale", "request_method": "create", "approved": true, "metadata": [], "url": "", "highlights": [ { "field": "gateway_transaction_id", "values": [ "60214190393" ] } ], "score": 7.79 } ] }
Offline Payment
An offline payment is essentially a cash or any other means of exchange which needs to be recorded. Offline payments are also useful during replacements, rebates, etc.
Offline Payment Refund
To refund an offline payment you instead refund the entity that the refund is associated with, i.e. sale, product_sale, tax, shipping, etc.
Offline Payment Retrieve
Retrieve current information on a single offline payment or multiple offline payments.
Please view Pagination and Filters for details on retrieving multiple items.
The response may include AdWords Response Objects within each item if an AdWords click ID is associated with the item.
Request JSON Schema
The main request object.
The type of request being made.
The method for the request type.
The RevCent ID of the item. Required if multiple property equals false or is not present.
Whether it is a multiple type request.
Response JSON Schema
The API call ID of the request. Every API request is assigned an ID.
Indicates whether the API call was processed.
The unix timestamp of when the API call was made.
The result code for the request.
0 = RevCent Error
1 = Success
The number of result items contained in the current page.
The current page of result, same as requested page, default is page 1.
The API request method.
The API request type.
An array of objects, each object being a unique item.
The amount of the item.
The RevCent ID of the campaign.
The name of the campaign associated with the item.
An array containing check direct IDs related to the item.
The unix timestamp of when the item was created.
The customer object.
The customers' first address line.
The customers' second address line.
Whether the customer has been blocked from purchases.
The customers' city.
The customers' company.
The customers' country.
The customers' email.
Whether the customer is currently enabled.
The customers' first name.
The customers' full address.
Whether the customers' address was successfully geocoded using the Google geocoding service.
The Google place ID for the customers' address using the Google geocoding service.
The RevCent ID for the customer.
Your internal ID for the customer.
The customers' last name.
The approximate latitude for the customers' address using the Google geocoding service.
The approximate longitude for the customers' address using the Google geocoding service.
The customers' phone number.
The customers' state.
The customers' state in long format.
The customers' status.
The customers' zip or postal code.
An array containing discounts related to the item.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
An array containing RevCent PayPal transaction IDs related to the item.
An array containing pending refund IDs related to the item.
An array containing product sale IDs related to the item.
An array containing sale IDs related to the item.
An array containing salvage transaction IDs related to the item.
An array containing shipping IDs related to the item.
An array containing SMTP message IDs related to the item.
The current status of the related item.
An array containing subscription renewal IDs related to the item.
An array containing subscription IDs related to the item.
An array containing tax IDs related to the item.
Will contain details if the offline payment is related to a third party integration, such as Sezzle, Afterpay, etc.
The ID of the user third party integration.
The name of the user third party integration.
Will contain details of the actual third party responsible for the offline payment.
The ID of the third party.
The name of the third party.
Will contain details if the root item is related to a third party shop.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
The name of the item.
The URL of the third party shop.
An array containing credit card transaction IDs related to the item.
An array containing trial IDs related to the item.
The unix timestamp of when the item was updated.
The total number of result items for the given request.
The total number of pages for the given request.
Request JSON
{ "request": { "type": "offline_payment", "method": "retrieve", "id": "zGldyKJGORfkP1O1vJ4B" } }
Response JSON
{ "api_call_id": "gYagkq56lAsJn0K98Y4M", "api_call_processed": true, "api_call_unix": 1566160508, "code": 1, "current_count": 1, "current_page": 1, "request_method": "retrieve", "request_type": "offline_payment", "results": [ { "amount": 255.92, "campaign_id": "JN0Zpj7RGJiwKqAnRoy6", "campaign_name": "Twitter Campaign", "check_directs": [], "created_date_unix": 1565830657, "customer": { "address_line_1": "1600 Pennsylvania Ave", "address_line_2": "", "blocked": false, "city": "Washington", "company": "", "country": "USA", "email": "", "enabled": true, "first_name": "George", "full_address": "1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC 20500, USA", "geocode_success": true, "google_place_id": "ChIJGVtI4by3t4kRr51d_Qm_x58", "id": "4r158EzJmmcVM69dNLkg", "internal_id": "pres_0001", "last_name": "Washington", "lat": "38.8976633", "lon": "-77.0365739", "metadata": [], "phone": "1234567890", "state": "DC", "state_long": "DC", "zip": "20500" }, "discounts": [ "6r1EpBQrbRCz91q8E6qb" ], "id": "zGldyKJGORfkP1O1vJ4B", "notes": [], "paypal_transactions": [], "pending_refunds": [], "product_sales": [ "BvwOk6VvpEs17GrozWaa", "gYamd2VYr9h4M5zOE7zN", "o1jGQnO1m4iQWpYjNaB6" ], "sales": [ "4r15pjKr4RCraznBnvZ1" ], "salvage_transactions": [], "shipping": [ "qZBAQK9Zabf4KgXRPmvA" ], "smtp_messages": [], "status": "Complete", "subscription_renewals": [], "subscriptions": [ "Kn51QPBnE9iGE5mmBRqA" ], "tax": [ "bOBywapOAGtjzk9PjWyd" ], "third_party_integration": { "id": "Q4l9bmQvLVCW72AmEZEg", "name": "My Sezzle Integration", "third_party": { "id": "6rlY0B40mVfzVXmL1yyP", "name": "Sezzle" } }, "third_party_shop": { "id": "Q48aAbVv21fJRvNKWrvP", "name": "My Shop", "shop_url": "" }, "transactions": [], "trials": [], "updated_date_unix": 1565830657 } ], "total_count": 1, "total_pages": 1 }
Integrate your PayPal account(s) with RevCent using the web app and PayPal API credentials. Integrating PayPal with RevCent has several benefits, including dispute detection. PayPal payments made via third party shops and hosted pages are automatically integrated within RevCent.
PayPal Dispute
Once you have integrated your PayPal account with RevCent, we will continuously monitor your PayPal account for any disputes.
RevCent will create a dispute item when a new dispute is found, and attempt to link the specific dispute to a known PayPal transaction within RevCent. Dispute action must be taken within PayPal. We do plan, in the future, to add the ability to take action within RevCent.
PayPal Dispute Retrieve
Retrieve current information on a single PayPal dispute or multiple PayPal disputes.
Please view Pagination and Filters for details on retrieving multiple items.
Request JSON Schema
The main request object.
The type of request being made.
The method for the request type.
The RevCent ID of the item. Required if multiple property equals false or is not present.
Whether it is a multiple type request.
Response JSON Schema
The API call ID of the request. Every API request is assigned an ID.
Indicates whether the API call was processed.
The unix timestamp of when the API call was made.
The result code for the request.
0 = RevCent Error
1 = Success
The number of result items contained in the current page.
The current page of result, same as requested page, default is page 1.
The API request method.
The API request type.
An array of objects, each object being a unique item.
The unix timestamp of when the item was created.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
The PayPal account you integrated with RevCent.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
The name of the item.
The email address within PayPal for this specific account.
The exact API response RevCent received regarding the PayPal dispute.
The amount disputed, from paypal_details_response.
The date the dispute was created within PayPal, from paypal_details_response
The unix timestamp of when the dispute was created within PayPal, from paypal_details_response
The PayPal dispute ID, from paypal_details_response
Dispute outcome, from paypal_details_response
The date the dispute was last updated within PayPal, from paypal_details_response.
The unix timestamp of when the dispute was last updated within PayPal, from paypal_details_response.
PayPal messages, from paypal_details_response.
The dispute reason, from paypal_details_response.
The status within PayPal, from paypal_details_response.
The unix timestamp of when the item was updated.
The total number of result items for the given request.
The total number of pages for the given request.
Request JSON
{ "request": { "type": "paypal_dispute", "method": "retrieve", "id": "wLzYlmJdqGiM0RlvvLKp" } }
Response JSON
{ "api_call_id": "ZVE5YRjd7RsXdJmN02pp", "api_call_processed": true, "api_call_unix": 1566160506, "code": 1, "current_count": 1, "current_page": 1, "request_method": "retrieve", "request_type": "paypal_dispute", "results": [ { "created_date_unix": 1565956199, "id": "wLzYlmJdqGiM0RlvvLKp", "paypal_account": { "id": "mJVWkmzVz0i42j0GEVK4", "name": "My PayPal Account", "paypal_account_email": "" }, "paypal_details_response": "", "paypal_dispute_amount": 89.98, "paypal_dispute_created_date": "2019-08-16T09:27:24+00:00", "paypal_dispute_created_date_unix": 1565947644, "paypal_dispute_id": "PP-D-XXXXXXXXX", "paypal_dispute_outcome": "", "paypal_dispute_updated_date": "2019-08-16T10:31:35+00:00", "paypal_dispute_updated_date_unix": 1565951495, "paypal_messages": [ { "posted_by": "BUYER", "time_posted": "2019-08-16T09:27:30.000Z", "content": "Did not receive product." } ], "paypal_reason": "MERCHANDISE_OR_SERVICE_NOT_RECEIVED", "paypal_status": "OPEN", "updated_date_unix": 1566129063 } ], "total_count": 1, "total_pages": 1 }
PayPal Transaction
A PayPal transaction is created within RevCent when a PayPal sale takes place via shopping cart plugin or a RevCent hosted page. RevCent confirms all transactions with PayPal and receives transaction details via the PayPal API.
RevCent also monitors your PayPal account for disputes, and will link disputes to existing transactions when detected.
PayPal Transaction Refund
To refund a PayPal transaction you instead refund the entity that the refund is associated with, the same as you would a credit card transaction. Refunding a sale, shipping, or tax will automatically refund any PayPal transactions using the PayPal API.
PayPal Transaction Retrieve
Retrieve current information on a single PayPal transaction or multiple PayPal transactions.
Please view Pagination and Filters for details on retrieving multiple items.
The response may include AdWords Response Objects within each item if an AdWords click ID is associated with the item.
Request JSON Schema
The main request object.
The type of request being made.
The method for the request type.
The RevCent ID of the item. Required if multiple property equals false or is not present.
Whether it is a multiple type request.
Response JSON Schema
The API call ID of the request. Every API request is assigned an ID.
Indicates whether the API call was processed.
The unix timestamp of when the API call was made.
The result code for the request.
0 = RevCent Error
1 = Success
The number of result items contained in the current page.
The current page of result, same as requested page, default is page 1.
The API request method.
The API request type.
An array of objects, each object being a unique item.
The amount captured.
The current amount of calculated fees charged by the payment processor.
The current gross amount. Equals (amount_captured + amount_settled).
The current net amount. Equals (amount_captured + amount_settled) - amount_fees.
The total calculated amount when an item is created.
Total amount of any refunds.
PayPal transactions do not receive an amount_remaining, as they are considered complete when created.
PayPal transactions do not receive an amount_settled, as they are considered complete when created.
The current total amount after any refunds, cancellations or other changes. Equals amount_original_total - (amount_void + amount_refunded).
The RevCent ID of the campaign.
The name of the campaign associated with the item.
An array containing check direct IDs related to the item.
The unix timestamp of when the item was created.
The customer object.
The customers' first address line.
The customers' second address line.
Whether the customer has been blocked from purchases.
The customers' city.
The customers' company.
The customers' country.
The customers' email.
Whether the customer is currently enabled.
The customers' first name.
The customers' full address.
Whether the customers' address was successfully geocoded using the Google geocoding service.
The Google place ID for the customers' address using the Google geocoding service.
The RevCent ID for the customer.
Your internal ID for the customer.
The customers' last name.
The approximate latitude for the customers' address using the Google geocoding service.
The approximate longitude for the customers' address using the Google geocoding service.
The customers' phone number.
The customers' state.
The customers' state in long format.
The customers' status.
The customers' zip or postal code.
An array containing discounts related to the item.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
An array containing offline payment IDs related to the item.
The PayPal account you integrated with RevCent.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
The name of the item.
The email address within PayPal for this specific account.
The customer ID within PayPal.
The transaction amount within PayPal.
The transaction date within PayPal.
The transaction unix timestamp within PayPal.
The PayPal transaction ID.
An array containing pending refund IDs related to the item.
An array containing product sale IDs related to the item.
An array containing sale IDs related to the item.
An array containing salvage transaction IDs related to the item.
An array containing shipping IDs related to the item.
An array containing SMTP message IDs related to the item.
An array containing subscription renewal IDs related to the item.
An array containing subscription IDs related to the item.
An array containing tax IDs related to the item.
Will contain details if the root item is related to a third party shop.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
The name of the item.
The URL of the third party shop.
An array containing credit card transaction IDs related to the item.
An array containing trial IDs related to the item.
The unix timestamp of when the item was updated.
The total number of result items for the given request.
The total number of pages for the given request.
Request JSON
{ "request": { "type": "paypal_transaction", "method": "retrieve", "id": "k6omOdKbrRTZnpP6d7Ng" } }
Response JSON
{ "api_call_id": "4r1ZLyqwrvcq9qLbA0qo", "api_call_processed": true, "api_call_unix": 1566160506, "code": 1, "current_count": 1, "current_page": 1, "request_method": "retrieve", "request_type": "paypal_transaction", "results": [ { "amount_captured": 0.01, "amount_fees": 0, "amount_gross": 0.01, "amount_net": 0.01, "amount_original_total": 0.01, "amount_refunded": 0, "amount_remaining": 0, "amount_settled": 0, "amount_total": 0.01, "campaign_id": "JN0Zpj7RGJiwKqAnRoy6", "campaign_name": "Twitter Campaign", "check_directs": [], "created_date_unix": 1562082423, "customer": { "address_line_1": "1600 Pennsylvania Ave", "address_line_2": "", "blocked": false, "city": "Washington", "company": "", "country": "USA", "email": "", "enabled": true, "first_name": "George", "full_address": "1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC 20500, USA", "geocode_success": true, "google_place_id": "ChIJGVtI4by3t4kRr51d_Qm_x58", "id": "4r158EzJmmcVM69dNLkg", "internal_id": "pres_0001", "last_name": "Washington", "lat": "38.8976633", "lon": "-77.0365739", "metadata": [], "phone": "1234567890", "state": "DC", "state_long": "DC", "zip": "20500" }, "discounts": [], "id": "k6omOdKbrRTZnpP6d7Ng", "metadata": [ { "name": "adwords_click", "value": "Cjat0KwhCQjdTq..." } ], "notes": [], "offline_payments": [], "paypal_account": { "id": "mJVWkmzVz0i42j0GEVK4", "name": "My PayPal Account", "paypal_account_email": "" }, "paypal_customer_id": null, "paypal_transaction_amount": 0.01, "paypal_transaction_date": "2019-07-02T15:46:58+00:00", "paypal_transaction_date_unix": 1562082418, "paypal_transaction_id": "XXXXXXXXXXXX", "pending_refunds": [ "vEn8K4MKavIRAyw0NVbR" ], "product_sales": [ "7rgo91jKVmtYk8NBnnNm" ], "sales": [ "MWymZv5d6bSpQLl1ARMm" ], "salvage_transactions": [], "shipping": [ "qZ4vKalGg5tv298VvO8V" ], "smtp_messages": [], "subscription_renewals": [], "subscriptions": [], "tax": [], "third_party_shop": { "id": "Q48aAbVv21fJRvNKWrvP", "name": "My Shop" }, "transactions": [], "trials": [], "updated_date_unix": 1562082510 } ], "total_count": 1, "total_pages": 1 }
Pending Refund
All credit card transactions, paypal transactions, checks and offline payments create a pending refund when refunded. RevCent automatically processes a pending refund once a credit card transaction has settled with the merchant gateway.
Pending Refund Process
Manually process a pending refund. This is not recommended, as RevCent will process pending refunds automatically. The response JSON is useful for notification events sent to endpoints.
Request JSON Schema
The main request object
The type of request being made.
The method for the request type.
Response JSON Schema
The amount of the item.
The API call ID of the request. Every API request is assigned an ID.
Indicates whether the API call was processed.
The unix timestamp of when the API call was made.
The RevCent ID of the campaign.
The name of the campaign associated with the item.
The result code for the request.
0 = RevCent Error
1 = Success
The RevCent ID of the customer.
The customer object.
The customers' first address line.
The customers' second address line.
Whether the customer has been blocked from purchases.
The customers' city.
The customers' company.
The customers' country.
The customers' email.
Whether the customer is currently enabled.
The customers' first name.
The customers' full address.
Whether the customers' address was successfully geocoded using the Google geocoding service.
The Google place ID for the customers' address using the Google geocoding service.
The RevCent ID for the customer.
Your internal ID for the customer.
The customers' last name.
The approximate latitude for the customers' address using the Google geocoding service.
The approximate longitude for the customers' address using the Google geocoding service.
The customers' phone number.
The customers' state.
The customers' state in long format.
The customers' status.
The customers' zip or postal code.
The raw response of the gateway request as a result of the refund if original payment was via Credit Card.
The ID of the transaction being refunded if original payment was via Credit Card.
The raw response of the PayPal request as a result of the refund if original payment was via PayPal.
The ID of the PayPal transaction the refunded if original payment was via PayPal.
The ID of the pending refund being processed.
The API request method.
The API request type.
The a brief description of the result of the API call.
The ID of the transaction created as a result of the refund if original payment was via Credit Card.
Request JSON
{ "request": { "type": "pending_refund", "method": "process", "id": "8rRNgQd0NGUv6Ggn7og0" } }
Response JSON
{ "amount": 9.35, "api_call_id": "wLRrX7jbJrI8R89jg8Bq", "api_call_unix": 1631302671, "campaign_id": "mJ1zZoOobEuP8pnWKXd1", "campaign_name": "Adwords Campaign", "code": 1, "customer": { "address_line_1": "1600 Pennsylvania Ave", "address_line_2": "", "blocked": false, "city": "Washington", "company": "", "country": "USA", "email": "", "enabled": true, "first_name": "George", "full_address": "1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC 20500, USA", "geocode_success": true, "google_place_id": "ChIJGVtI4by3t4kRr51d_Qm_x58", "id": "4r158EzJmmcVM69dNLkg", "internal_id": "pres_0001", "last_name": "Washington", "lat": "38.8976633", "lon": "-77.0365739", "metadata": [], "phone": "1234567890", "state": "DC", "state_long": "DC", "zip": "20500" }, "customer_id": "4r158EzJmmcVM69dNLkg", "gateway_raw_response": "", "origin_transaction_id": "2rRG9OBOjmf7pO8LV6Mq", "pending_refund_id": "8rRNgQd0NGUv6Ggn7og0", "request_method": "process", "request_type": "pending_refund", "result": "Pending refund processed successfully. Origin transaction refunded.", "transaction_id": "BvEPbYWrNBH9R9W1B95W" }
Pending Refund Retrieve
Retrieve current information on a single pending refund or multiple pending refunds.
Please view Pagination and Filters for details on retrieving multiple items.
Request JSON Schema
The main request object.
The type of request being made.
The method for the request type.
The RevCent ID of the item. Required if multiple property equals false or is not present.
Whether it is a multiple type request.
Response JSON Schema
The API call ID of the request. Every API request is assigned an ID.
Indicates whether the API call was processed.
The unix timestamp of when the API call was made.
The result code for the request.
0 = RevCent Error
1 = Success
The number of result items contained in the current page.
The current page of result, same as requested page, default is page 1.
The API request method.
The API request type.
An array of objects, each object being a unique item.
The amount of the item.
The RevCent ID of the campaign.
The name of the campaign associated with the item.
An array containing check direct IDs related to the item.
The unix timestamp of when the item was created.
The customer object.
The customers' first address line.
The customers' second address line.
Whether the customer has been blocked from purchases.
The customers' city.
The customers' company.
The customers' country.
The customers' email.
Whether the customer is currently enabled.
The customers' first name.
The customers' full address.
Whether the customers' address was successfully geocoded using the Google geocoding service.
The Google place ID for the customers' address using the Google geocoding service.
The RevCent ID for the customer.
Your internal ID for the customer.
The customers' last name.
The approximate latitude for the customers' address using the Google geocoding service.
The approximate longitude for the customers' address using the Google geocoding service.
The customers' phone number.
The customers' state.
The customers' state in long format.
The customers' status.
The customers' zip or postal code.
An array containing discounts related to the item.
The RevCent ID of the gateway.
The name of the gateway.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
If the item was created using a check_direct payment method.
If the item was created using an offline payment method.
Whether the item was created using a live or test RevCent API key.
An array containing offline payment IDs related to the item.
The payment type related to the item.
The system ID of the payment type related to the item.
The system name of the payment type related to the item.
An array containing RevCent PayPal transaction IDs related to the item.
Whether the pending refund has been processed.
An array containing product sale IDs related to the item.
The credit card transaction ID being refunded.
An array containing sale IDs related to the item.
An array containing salvage transaction IDs related to the item.
An array containing shipping IDs related to the item.
An array containing SMTP message IDs related to the item.
The current status of the related item.
An array containing subscription renewal IDs related to the item.
An array containing subscription IDs related to the item.
The credit card refund transaction ID.
An array containing tax IDs related to the item.
An array containing trial IDs related to the item.
The unix timestamp of when the item was updated.
The total number of result items for the given request.
The total number of pages for the given request.
Request JSON
{ "request": { "type": "pending_refund", "method": "retrieve", "id": "MW5LoAVymnHww96XllEr" } }
Response JSON
{ "api_call_id": "bOBy95a444sy46EMwBj1", "api_call_processed": true, "api_call_unix": 1565814904, "code": 1, "current_count": 1, "current_page": 1, "request_method": "retrieve", "request_type": "pending_refund", "results": [ { "amount": 0.89, "campaign_id": "X849YQm7BEf0ZQd7Ol1K", "campaign_name": "Facebook Campaign", "check_directs": [], "created_date_unix": 1565814903, "customer": { "address_line_1": "1600 Pennsylvania Ave", "address_line_2": "", "blocked": false, "city": "Washington", "company": "", "country": "USA", "email": "", "enabled": true, "first_name": "George", "full_address": "1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC 20500, USA", "geocode_success": true, "google_place_id": "ChIJGVtI4by3t4kRr51d_Qm_x58", "id": "4r158EzJmmcVM69dNLkg", "internal_id": "pres_0001", "last_name": "Washington", "lat": "38.8976633", "lon": "-77.0365739", "metadata": [], "phone": "1234567890", "state": "DC", "state_long": "DC", "zip": "20500" }, "discounts": [], "gateway_id": "NkAMJOzpB5iEAOrdloV0", "gateway_name": "Braintree", "id": "MW5LoAVymnHww96XllEr", "is_check_direct": false, "is_offline_payment": false, "live_mode": false, "notes": [], "offline_payments": [], "payment_type": { "id": "KnQ0KlNE6kf5mobyV0pN", "name": "Credit Card" }, "paypal_transactions": [], "processed": false, "product_sales": [ "LY5yop5nk7hbPzpBn8aY" ], "refund_transaction_id": "ALRjyqRE27fjMonyKLny", "sales": [ "k6vnbJom00Ug89mpRj78" ], "salvage_transactions": [ "VPm9Mqmgw7UJJLldojJY" ], "shipping": [], "smtp_messages": [], "status": "Processing", "subscription_renewals": [], "subscriptions": [], "success_transaction_id": null, "tax": [], "trials": [], "updated_date_unix": 1565814903 } ], "total_count": 1, "total_pages": 1 }
Create, edit, enable, disable and delete products using the RevCent API. Keep product details and other information up to date.
Product Create
Create a product via the product create method.
Important: RevCent will always create a new product. RevCent will not match sku, internal_id or other identifier to check for existing products in order to prevent duplicates. If you wish to modify a product that already exists in RevCent, use the Product > Edit method below.
Request JSON Schema
The main request object
The type of request being made.
The method for the request type.
The product object, containing the actual product and its attributes.
Product name.
Product description.
Product brand. For upcoming search engine integration.
If the product is enabled, i.e. available for purchase.
If the product is a child product of a parent product.
If the product is a child product, or variation, of a different product provide the RevCent ID for the parent product
If you wish to contain the product within one or more RevCent product groups. Provide the RevCent ID(s) of each product group.
Whether the product is a bundle consisting of individual bundled products. Read More
The bundle settings, specifying the bundled products and unbundle method. Bundled products total must equal product price. Read More
An array of individual products within the main bundle product.
The RevCent ID of the bundled product.
The quantity of the bundled product.
The price of the bundled product.
The unbundle method. Read More
- unbundle_at_fulfillment: When a sale request is received, the bundle product is not unbundled yet, and is instead processed as a single product.
- unbundle_at_sale: When a sale request is received, the bundle product is unbundled and replaced by each product contained in the bundle.
If the product is currently on sale. For upcoming search engine integration.
Product price. Default price to be charged upon purchase.
The product trial price. Price to charge when the trial ends, if different from initial sale price.
If the subscription renewal price is different from initial sale price
If the sale price if different from initial sale price and product is currently on sale. For upcoming search engine integration.
Current available stock. For upcoming search engine integration.
If the product is currently in stock. For upcoming search engine integration.
Product cost. For profit calculations.
Product MSRP. For upcoming search engine integration.
The rating value of the product. For upcoming search engine integration.
The total number of reviews. For upcoming search engine integration.
Product condition. For upcoming search engine integration.
An internal ID for the product. Can be used as an identifier for sale creation
Product SKU. Can be used as an identifier for sale creation.
Product URL.
Product UPC. For upcoming search engine integration.
Product EAN. For upcoming search engine integration.
Product ISBN. For upcoming search engine integration.
Product ASIN. For upcoming search engine integration.
Product MPN. For upcoming search engine integration.
The maximum allowed quantity of this product to be purchased in a single sale. 0 = No limit.
Trial duration in days. This will create a trial for the product and not charge the customer until the trial ends.
If this is a shippable product, specify when to ship the product. Accepted values:
- trial_expiration
- Product will only ship upon trial expiration.
- trial_creation
- Product will only ship when the trial is created.
- both_trial_expiration_creation
- Product will ship when trial is created and trial expiration.
If this is a subscription product, provide the ID of the subscription profile to use for recurring billing.
If the product is specific to a third party shop provide the ID of the third party shop.
If the product is a shippable product. A shipping entry will be created when the product is sold.
Shipping attributes specific to the product.
Product weight in lbs. For upcoming search engine and shipping cost integration.
Product length in inches. For upcoming search engine and shipping cost integration.
Product width in inches. For upcoming search engine and shipping cost integration.
Product height in inches. For upcoming search engine and shipping cost integration.
The fulfillment account for this product, if applicable.
Additional custom IDs for the specific product as name value pairs. Useful when the same product is sold via multiple channels with a different ID for each channel.
A description of the ID, not used as the additional ID or identifier when creating a sale.
The actual additional ID, used to identify a specific product.
Response JSON Schema
The API call ID of the request. Every API request is assigned an ID.
Indicates whether the API call was processed.
The unix timestamp of when the API call was made.
The result code for the request.
0 = RevCent Error
1 = Success
The RevCent ID of the product.
The API request method.
The API request type.
The a brief description of the result of the API call.
Request JSON
{ "request": { "type": "product", "method": "create", "product": { "name": "New Product", "description": "New product description.", "enabled": true, "sku": "new_product_sku", "url": "", "internal_id": "new_product_internal_id", "price": 199.99, "price_trial": 199.99, "price_subscription": 199.99, "trial_shipping_setting": "both_trial_expiration_creation", "trial_days": 5, "is_shippable": true, "shipping_attributes": { "rate": "", "weight": "", "length": "", "width": "", "height": "", "fulfillment_account": "j0o25b2YJRFdJb8EEXE1" }, "additional_id": [ { "name": "another_id", "value": "id_123" } ], "subscription_profile": "d9NXVR62vGfYMw6VEZOl", "product_group": [ "EMYlAaXA1yfkWWora9rG" ], "third_party_shop": "2rgA7J9AN8CMEpaQGPqN", "is_bundle_product": true, "bundle_settings": { "products": [ { "id": "k6EXjKzd7PHOpgvdYjXG", "quantity": 1, "price": 100 }, { "id": "6r8O5MLbw2t6n4v1lGqK", "quantity": 1, "price": 99.99 } ], "unbundle_method": "unbundle_at_sale" } } } }
Response JSON
{ "api_call_id": "EMwJyj8bdEfX9YwmR2EW", "api_call_processed": true, "api_call_unix": 1565814920, "code": 1, "product_id": "qZBAz5nL0RfBgpgg2r49", "product_name": "New Product", "request_method": "create", "request_type": "product", "result": "Created new product." }
Product Edit
Edit an existing product in RevCent by providing the RevCent ID of the product via the product_id property. The product object is the same as in the Product > Create request.
Note: Only properties included in the edit request will be modified for the product within RevCent. For instance, if you only wanted to modify the price, simply include only the price property in the edit request product object.
Request JSON Schema
The main request object
The type of request being made.
The method for the request type.
The product ID
The product object, containing the actual product and its attributes.
Product name.
Product description.
Product brand. For upcoming search engine integration.
If the product is enabled, i.e. available for purchase.
If the product is a child product of a parent product.
If the product is a child product, or variation, of a different product provide the RevCent ID for the parent product
If you wish to contain the product within one or more RevCent product groups. Provide the RevCent ID(s) of each product group.
Whether the product is a bundle consisting of individual bundled products. Read More
The bundle settings, specifying the bundled products and unbundle method. Bundled products total must equal product price. Read More
An array of individual products within the main bundle product.
The RevCent ID of the bundled product.
The quantity of the bundled product.
The price of the bundled product.
The unbundle method. Read More
- unbundle_at_fulfillment: When a sale request is received, the bundle product is not unbundled yet, and is instead processed as a single product.
- unbundle_at_sale: When a sale request is received, the bundle product is unbundled and replaced by each product contained in the bundle.
If the product is currently on sale. For upcoming search engine integration.
Product price. Default price to be charged upon purchase.
The product trial price. Price to charge when the trial ends, if different from initial sale price.
If the subscription renewal price is different from initial sale price
If the sale price if different from initial sale price and product is currently on sale. For upcoming search engine integration.
Current available stock. For upcoming search engine integration.
If the product is currently in stock. For upcoming search engine integration.
Product cost. For profit calculations.
Product MSRP. For upcoming search engine integration.
The rating value of the product. For upcoming search engine integration.
The total number of reviews. For upcoming search engine integration.
Product condition. For upcoming search engine integration.
An internal ID for the product. Can be used as an identifier for sale creation
Product SKU. Can be used as an identifier for sale creation.
Product UPC. For upcoming search engine integration.
Product EAN. For upcoming search engine integration.
Product ISBN. For upcoming search engine integration.
Product ASIN. For upcoming search engine integration.
Product MPN. For upcoming search engine integration.
The maximum allowed quantity of this product to be purchased in a single sale. 0 = No limit.
Trial duration in days. This will create a trial for the product and not charge the customer until the trial ends.
If this is a shippable product, specify when to ship the product. Accepted values:
- trial_expiration
- Product will only ship upon trial expiration.
- trial_creation
- Product will only ship when the trial is created.
- both_trial_expiration_creation
- Product will ship when trial is created and trial expiration.
If this is a subscription product, provide the ID of the subscription profile to use for recurring billing.
If the product is specific to a third party shop provide the ID of the third party shop.
If the product is a shippable product. A shipping entry will be created when the product is sold.
Shipping attributes specific to the product.
Product weight in lbs. For upcoming search engine and shipping cost integration.
Product length in inches. For upcoming search engine and shipping cost integration.
Product width in inches. For upcoming search engine and shipping cost integration.
Product height in inches. For upcoming search engine and shipping cost integration.
The fulfillment account for this product, if applicable.
Additional custom IDs for the specific product as name value pairs. Useful when the same product is sold via multiple channels with a different ID for each channel.
A description of the ID, not used as the additional ID or identifier when creating a sale.
The actual additional ID, used to identify a specific product.
Response JSON Schema
The API call ID of the request. Every API request is assigned an ID.
Indicates whether the API call was processed.
The unix timestamp of when the API call was made.
The result code for the request.
0 = RevCent Error
1 = Success
The RevCent ID of the product.
The API request method.
The API request type.
The a brief description of the result of the API call.
Request JSON
{ "request": { "type": "product", "method": "edit", "product_id": "qZBAz5nL0RfBgpgg2r49", "product": { "max_quantity_allowed": 2, "subscription_profile": "d9NXVR62vGfYMw6VEZOl", "shipping_attributes": { "fulfillment_account": "j0o25b2YJRFdJb8EEXE1" }, "name": "My Awesome Product", "description": "My awesome product description", "url": "", "price": 199.99, "price_trial": 199.99, "price_subscription": 199.99, "trial_shipping_setting": "both_trial_expiration_creation", "trial_days": 3, "enabled": true, "is_shippable": true, "is_bundle_product": true, "bundle_settings": { "products": [ { "id": "k6EXjKzd7PHOpgvdYjXG", "quantity": 1, "price": 100 }, { "id": "6r8O5MLbw2t6n4v1lGqK", "quantity": 1, "price": 99.99 } ], "unbundle_method": "unbundle_at_sale" } } } }
Response JSON
{ "api_call_id": "VPm9MqdqLzUJJ1GNdyqR", "api_call_processed": true, "api_call_unix": 1565814921, "code": 1, "product_id": "qZBAz5nL0RfBgpgg2r49", "request_method": "edit", "request_type": "product", "result": "Product successfully modified." }
Product Enable
Enable a product which has been previously disabled.
Request JSON Schema
The main request object
The type of request being made.
The method for the request type.
The product ID
Request JSON
{ "request": { "type": "product", "method": "enable", "product_id": "qZBAz5nL0RfBgpgg2r49" } }
Response JSON
{ "api_call_id": "ZVEGoylyMacZZ1XkLX1M", "api_call_processed": true, "api_call_unix": 1565814921, "code": 1, "product_id": "qZBAz5nL0RfBgpgg2r49", "request_method": "enable", "request_type": "product", "result": "Product successfully enabled." }
Product Disable
Disable a product, not allowing it to be included in a sale.
Request JSON Schema
The main request object
The type of request being made.
The method for the request type.
The product ID
Request JSON
{ "request": { "type": "product", "method": "disable", "product_id": "qZBAz5nL0RfBgpgg2r49" } }
Response JSON
{ "api_call_id": "YaVqjAdAG8tGGYALrzMg", "api_call_processed": true, "api_call_unix": 1565814921, "code": 1, "product_id": "qZBAz5nL0RfBgpgg2r49", "request_method": "disable", "request_type": "product", "result": "Product successfully disabled." }
Product Delete
Delete a product from RevCent. We highly recommend you do not use this method if the product has existing sales, subscriptions, etc. associate with it.
Request JSON Schema
The main request object
The type of request being made.
The method for the request type.
The product ID
Response JSON Schema
The API call ID of the request. Every API request is assigned an ID.
Indicates whether the API call was processed.
The unix timestamp of when the API call was made.
The result code for the request.
0 = RevCent Error
1 = Success
The RevCent ID of the product.
The API request method.
The API request type.
The a brief description of the result of the API call.
Request JSON
{ "request": { "type": "product", "method": "delete", "product_id": "qZBAz5nL0RfBgpgg2r49" } }
Response JSON
{ "api_call_id": "bOBy95E8awiypP4046jm", "api_call_processed": true, "api_call_unix": 1565814922, "code": 1, "product_id": "qZBAz5nL0RfBgpgg2r49", "request_method": "delete", "request_type": "product", "result": "Product successfully deleted." }
Product Retrieve
Retrieve current information on a single product or multiple products.
Please view Pagination and Filters for details on retrieving multiple items.
Request JSON Schema
The main request object.
The type of request being made.
The method for the request type.
The RevCent ID of the item. Required if multiple property equals false or is not present.
Whether it is a multiple type request.
Response JSON Schema
The API call ID of the request. Every API request is assigned an ID.
Indicates whether the API call was processed.
The unix timestamp of when the API call was made.
The result code for the request.
0 = RevCent Error
1 = Success
The number of result items contained in the current page.
The current page of result, same as requested page, default is page 1.
The API request method.
The API request type.
An array of objects, each object being a unique item.
Additional custom IDs for the specific product as name value pairs. Useful when the same product is sold via multiple channels with a different ID for each channel.
A description of the ID, not used as the additional ID or identifier when creating a sale.
The actual additional ID, used to identify a specific product.
Product ASIN. For upcoming search engine integration.
Product brand. For upcoming search engine integration.
The bundle settings, specifying the bundled products and unbundle method.
An array of individual products within the main bundle product.
The RevCent ID of the bundled product.
The quantity of the bundled product.
The price of the bundled product.
The unbundle method.
Product condition. For upcoming search engine integration.
Product cost. Will be used for future profit calculations.
The unix timestamp of when the item was created.
Product description.
Product EAN. For upcoming search engine integration.
If the product is enabled, i.e. available for purchase.
The RevCent product ID.
Product images. For upcoming search engine integration.
Product images url. For upcoming search engine integration.
If the product is currently in stock. For upcoming search engine integration.
An internal ID for the product. Can be used as an identifier for sale creation
Whether the product is a bundle consisting of individual bundled products.
If the product is a child product of a parent product.
If the product is currently on sale. For upcoming search engine integration.
If the product is a shippable product. A shipping entry will be created when the product is sold.
Product ISBN. For upcoming search engine integration.
The maximum allowed quantity of this product to be purchased in a single sale. 0 = No limit.
Product MPN. For upcoming search engine integration.
Product MSRP. For upcoming search engine integration.
Product name.
If the product is a child product, or variation, of a different product provide the RevCent ID for the parent product
Product price. Default price to be charged upon purchase.
If the sale price if different from initial sale price and product is currently on sale. For upcoming search engine integration.
If the subscription renewal price is different from initial sale price
The product trial price. Price to charge when the trial ends, if different from initial sale price.
If the product is contained within a product group, each product group will be displayed as an object.
Product group ID.
Product group name.
The rating value of the product. For upcoming search engine integration.
The total number of reviews. For upcoming search engine integration.
Shipping attributes specific to the product.
Product weight in lbs. For upcoming search engine and shipping cost integration.
Product length in inches. For upcoming search engine and shipping cost integration.
Product width in inches. For upcoming search engine and shipping cost integration.
Product height in inches. For upcoming search engine and shipping cost integration.
The fulfillment account for this product, if applicable.
The fulfillment account ID.
The fulfillment account name.
Product SKU. Can be used as an identifier for sale creation.
Current available stock. For upcoming search engine integration.
Details on the subscription profile associated with the subscription.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
The name of the item.
The description of the item.
If the number of renewals allowed is specific or indefinite.
If occurrences = specific, then the number of occurrence allowed.
Whether the subscription profile is specific to a single subscription. I.e. customized.
If the subscription profile is specific to a single subscription, the subscription ID.
The frequency setting. Either unit, calendar or fiscal.
The unit based frequency settings for the subscription profile.
The frequency unit value.
The frequency unit, i.e. days, weeks, months or years.
The calendar based frequency settings for the subscription profile.
The calendar unit, i.e. The 2nd X of every month.
The calendar value, i.e. The X day of every month.
The calendar parent, i.e. The 2nd day of every X
The fiscal based frequency settings for the subscription profile.
The fiscal setting. Either standard or infrequent. If standard, then Quarterly or Yearly. If infrequent then fiscal_unit and fiscal_value determine schedule.
The fiscal value when fiscal_setting = infrequent, i.e. every X quarter.
The fiscal unit when fiscal_setting = infrequent, i.e. every 2 X.
Will contain details if the root item is related to a third party shop.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
The name of the item.
The URL of the third party shop.
Trial duration in days.
If this is a shippable product, specify when to ship the product. Accepted values:
- trial_expiration
- Product will only ship upon trial expiration.
- trial_creation
- Product will only ship when the trial is created.
- both_trial_expiration_creation
- Product will ship when trial is created and trial expiration.
Product UPC. For upcoming search engine integration.
Product URL.
The unix timestamp of when the item was updated.
The total number of result items for the given request.
The total number of pages for the given request.
Request JSON
{ "request": { "type": "product", "method": "retrieve", "id": "qZBAz5nL0RfBgpgg2r49" } }
Response JSON
{ "api_call_id": "bOBy95m1E7TypJ7X2lvL", "api_call_processed": true, "api_call_unix": 1565814920, "code": 1, "current_count": 1, "current_page": 1, "request_method": "retrieve", "request_type": "product", "results": [ { "additional_id": [ { "name": "another_id", "value": "id_123" } ], "asin": "", "brand": "", "bundle_settings": { "products": [ { "id": "k6EXjKzd7PHOpgvdYjXG", "name": "USB HDD", "quantity": 1, "price": 100 }, { "id": "6r8O5MLbw2t6n4v1lGqK", "name": "AV 2017", "quantity": 1, "price": 99.99 } ], "unbundle_method": "unbundle_at_sale" }, "condition": "", "cost": null, "created_date_unix": 1565814920, "description": "New product description.", "discount_rate": null, "ean": "", "enabled": true, "id": "qZBAz5nL0RfBgpgg2r49", "images": [], "images_url": "", "in_stock": true, "internal_id": "An7W08XVj_internal_id", "is_bundle_product": true, "is_child_product": false, "is_discount": false, "is_price_sale": false, "is_shippable": true, "isbn": "", "max_quantity_allowed": 0, "metadata": [], "mpn": "", "msrp": null, "name": "New Product", "parent_product": null, "price": 199.99, "price_sale": null, "price_subscription": 199.99, "price_trial": 199.99, "product_group": [ { "id": "EMYlAaXA1yfkWWora9rG", "name": "My Product Group" } ], "rating_value": null, "review_count": null, "shipping_attributes": { "height": null, "width": null, "length": null, "weight": null, "rate": null, "fulfillment_account": { "id": "j0o25b2YJRFdJb8EEXE1", "name": "ShipWorks" }, "shipping_profile": null }, "sku": "new_product_sku", "stock": 0, "subscription_profile": { "id": "LYE26aKJpPi5VbJmlp2A", "name": "Monthly", "description": "", "occurrences": "specific", "occurrences_value": 3, "subscription_specific": false, "subscription_id": null, "frequency_unit": { "unit_value": 1, "unit": "months" }, "frequency_calendar": {}, "frequency_fiscal": {}, "frequency": "unit" }, "third_party_shop": null, "trial_days": 5, "trial_shipping_setting": "both_trial_expiration_creation", "upc": "", "url": "", "updated_date_unix": 1565814920 } ], "total_count": 1, "total_pages": 1 }
Product Sale
A product sale is a sale on a per product basis. This allows us to provide advanced metrics on a product specific level.
Product Sale Refund
If you wish to void a product sale simply leave out the amount property in the request. If you wish to partially refund a product sale then include the amount property with the value amount to refund. If including the entire product sale amount then it will be void automatically. It is important to note that if a product sale is voided it is irreversible.
Request JSON Schema
The main request object
The type of request being made.
The method for the request type.
The product sale ID
The amount to refund. If not provided or blank the entire product sale amount will be refunded.
Whether to cancel any subscription or trial associated with the product sale. Default is true.
Response JSON Schema
The amount of the item.
The API call ID of the request. Every API request is assigned an ID.
Indicates whether the API call was processed.
The unix timestamp of when the API call was made.
The RevCent ID of the campaign.
The name of the campaign associated with the item.
The result code for the request.
0 = RevCent Error
1 = Success
The RevCent ID of the customer.
Array containing IDs of each pending refund created as a result of the request.
The RevCent ID of the product sale.
The API request method.
The API request type.
The a brief description of the result of the API call.
The RevCent ID of the sale.
An array of subscription IDs that were cancelled.
An array of trial IDs that were cancelled.
Request JSON
{ "request": { "type": "product_sale", "method": "refund", "product_sale_id": "zGld6plAkacWRzRwblaJ", "amount": 2.25 } }
Response JSON
{ "amount": 2.25, "api_call_id": "Kn51oqRdpbcyyEPpzQj5", "api_call_processed": true, "api_call_unix": 1565814910, "campaign_id": "X849YQm7BEf0ZQd7Ol1K", "campaign_name": "Facebook Campaign", "code": 1, "customer_id": "4r158EzJmmcVM69dNLkg", "pending_refund": [ "BvwOyAod0NC221Z7A5mV" ], "product_sale_id": "zGld6plAkacWRzRwblaJ", "request_method": "refund", "request_type": "product_sale", "result": "Product sale refunded in the amount of $2.25.", "sale_id": "k6vnbJom00Ug89mpRj78", "subscription_cancelled": [], "trial_cancelled": [] }
Product Sale Retrieve
Retrieve current information on a single product sale or multiple product sales.
Please view Pagination and Filters for details on retrieving multiple items.
The response may include AdWords Response Objects within each item if an AdWords click ID is associated with the item.
Request JSON Schema
The main request object.
The type of request being made.
The method for the request type.
The RevCent ID of the item. Required if multiple property equals false or is not present.
Whether it is a multiple type request.
Response JSON Schema
The API call ID of the request. Every API request is assigned an ID.
Indicates whether the API call was processed.
The unix timestamp of when the API call was made.
The result code for the request.
0 = RevCent Error
1 = Success
The number of result items contained in the current page.
The current page of result, same as requested page, default is page 1.
The API request method.
The API request type.
An array of objects, each object being a unique item.
The amount captured.
The total amount discounted.
The current amount of calculated fees charged by the payment processor.
The current gross amount. Equals (amount_captured + amount_settled).
The current net amount. Equals (amount_captured + amount_settled) - amount_fees.
The total calculated amount when an item is created.
Total amount of any refunds.
The current amount remaining to be captured. Amounts yet to be captured due to a trial or salvage transaction.
The current amount settled.
The current amount of related salvage transactions not yet salvaged.
The current total amount after any refunds, cancellations or other changes. Equals amount_original_total - (amount_void + amount_refunded).
Total amount of any items that have been voided.
The RevCent ID of the campaign.
The name of the campaign associated with the item.
An array containing check direct IDs related to the item.
The unix timestamp of when the item was created.
The customer object.
The customers' first address line.
The customers' second address line.
Whether the customer has been blocked from purchases.
The customers' city.
The customers' company.
The customers' country.
The customers' email.
Whether the customer is currently enabled.
The customers' first name.
The customers' full address.
Whether the customers' address was successfully geocoded using the Google geocoding service.
The Google place ID for the customers' address using the Google geocoding service.
The RevCent ID for the customer.
Your internal ID for the customer.
The customers' last name.
The approximate latitude for the customers' address using the Google geocoding service.
The approximate longitude for the customers' address using the Google geocoding service.
The customers' phone number.
The customers' state.
The customers' state in long format.
The customers' status.
The customers' zip or postal code.
An array containing discounts related to the item.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
The internal_id you provided when creating the item.
ISO 4217 currency code.
Whether the item was created using a live or test RevCent API key.
An array containing offline payment IDs related to the item.
The payment type related to the item.
The system ID of the payment type related to the item.
The system name of the payment type related to the item.
An array containing RevCent PayPal transaction IDs related to the item.
An array containing pending refund IDs related to the item.
The product object containing information on the related product.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
The product name.
The internal_id you provided when creating the item.
The product sku.
The product price for the specific item.
The product quantity for the specific item.
An array containing sale IDs related to the item.
An array containing salvage transaction IDs related to the item.
An array containing shipping IDs related to the item.
An array containing SMTP message IDs related to the item.
The current status of the related item.
An array containing subscription renewal IDs related to the item.
An array containing subscription IDs related to the item.
An array containing tax IDs related to the item.
Will contain details if the root item is related to a third party shop.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
The name of the item.
The URL of the third party shop.
An array containing credit card transaction IDs related to the item.
An array containing trial IDs related to the item.
The unix timestamp of when the item was updated.
The total number of result items for the given request.
The total number of pages for the given request.
Request JSON
{ "request": { "type": "product_sale", "method": "retrieve", "id": "zGld6plAkacWRzRwblaJ" } }
Response JSON
{ "api_call_id": "X8anMkRdEmcbbGM9Gmwr", "api_call_processed": true, "api_call_unix": 1565814910, "code": 1, "current_count": 1, "current_page": 1, "request_method": "retrieve", "request_type": "product_sale", "results": [ { "amount_captured": 149.99, "amount_discounted": 0, "amount_fees": 4.35, "amount_gross": 149.99, "amount_net": 145.64, "amount_original_total": 149.99, "amount_refunded": 0, "amount_remaining": 0, "amount_settled": 0, "amount_to_salvage": 0, "amount_total": 149.99, "amount_void": 0, "campaign_id": "X849YQm7BEf0ZQd7Ol1K", "campaign_name": "Facebook Campaign", "check_directs": [], "created_date_unix": 1565814901, "customer": { "address_line_1": "1600 Pennsylvania Ave", "address_line_2": "", "blocked": false, "city": "Washington", "company": "", "country": "USA", "email": "", "enabled": true, "first_name": "George", "full_address": "1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC 20500, USA", "geocode_success": true, "google_place_id": "ChIJGVtI4by3t4kRr51d_Qm_x58", "id": "4r158EzJmmcVM69dNLkg", "internal_id": "pres_0001", "last_name": "Washington", "lat": "38.8976633", "lon": "-77.0365739", "metadata": [], "phone": "1234567890", "state": "DC", "state_long": "DC", "zip": "20500" }, "discounts": [], "id": "zGld6plAkacWRzRwblaJ", "internal_id": "robo_vac", "iso_currency": "USD", "live_mode": false, "metadata": [ { "name": "adwords_click", "value": "Cjat0KwhCQjdTq..." } ], "notes": [], "offline_payments": [], "payment_type": { "id": "KnQ0KlNE6kf5mobyV0pN", "name": "Credit Card" }, "paypal_transactions": [], "pending_refunds": [], "product": { "id": "0pBLXVZW08SNw0XOKZ7X", "internal_id": "robo_vac", "sku": "robo_vac_sku", "name": "Robo Vac", "quantity": 1, "price": 149.99, "list_price": 149.99 }, "sales": [ "k6vnbJom00Ug89mpRj78" ], "salvage_transactions": [], "shipping": [], "smtp_messages": [], "status": "Fully Captured", "subscription_renewals": [], "subscriptions": [ "WmPnWqPKbpFRmy6Ma2BG" ], "tax": [ "P65Gn2J15pc5KRdLp22w" ], "third_party_shop": null, "transactions": [ "wLz5MAWPzoUW5VNlydoa" ], "trials": [ "LY5yop5nk7hb6o2Pvl5j" ], "updated_date_unix": 1565814909 } ], "total_count": 1, "total_pages": 1 }
A sale is one or more products sold. Shipping and tax can be manually provided or automatically created depending on your request and account settings. Several payment types are supported including credit card, PayPal, check and offline payment.
You also have the ability to create a pending sale without initially specifying a payment type, which saves the sale information to be finalized later. Refer to the Pending Sale section.
Sale Create
Create a new sale using the sale create API call. This is an important API call and we recommend viewing all property descriptions for both the request and response objects. Request object properties have some nuances depending on the product(s) being sold, tracking, customer, etc. Response object properties are useful for displaying information to a customer sale immediately after a payment is made.
Note: Depending on the payment type being used for the sale, refer to the sections below for specific requirements and examples for Credit Card, PayPal, Check and Offline payment methods.
AdWords Integration
If you wish to associate the item with a specific AdWords click ID include an "adwords_click" object in your request metadata array. RevCent will detect the specific metadata object with name="adwords_click" and pull data on the AdWords click ID. Read more about integrating AdWords with RevCent on our Knowledge Base .
"metadata":[{"name": "adwords_click", "value": "ADWORDS_CLICK_ID_HERE"}]
Kount Integration
If you have setup Kount as a third party integration in RevCent, and wish to have Kount check the payment for fraud, include the "kount_session_id" object in your request metadata array. RevCent will detect the specific metadata object with name="kount_session_id" and perform the proper communication with Kount before sending the payment to the desired processor. Empty session IDs will result in an error from Kount. Read more about integrating Kount with RevCent on our Knowledge Base .
"metadata":[{"name": "kount_session_id", "value": "KOUNT_SESSION_ID_HERE"}]
Request JSON Schema
The main request object
The type of request being made.
The method for the request type.
The customer IP address.
The payment object. Multiple payment methods are accepted when creating a sale. However, each payment method has specific required fields.
Default: credit_card. If the payment is not credit_card you must specify the payment type. Options: check_direct, offline, paypal.
If payment is by credit card.
The credit card code as a string. Depending on the card type this can be different lengths.
The credit card number. This value must be a valid credit card number as a string.
The credit card expiration month. Two digit integer, MM.
The credit card expiration year. Two digit integer, YY.
If you wish to set the credit card as the default payment method for the customer. Default is true if customer has no active or unexpired cards on file.
If payment is by PayPal, and already processed by PayPal with a return transaction ID.
The PayPal transaction ID, provided by PayPal for the corresponding transaction.
PayPal payments are processed by PayPal and not RevCent, therefore RevCent needs the transaction ID to create a PayPal sale.
Default: false. RevCent verifies all PayPal transactions using the PayPal API before officially confirming the sale.
If payment is a physical check, not ACH or electronic.
If you wish to specify the mailing address for a customer to mail the physical check to. Useful when utilizing SMTP messages containing customer instructions.
If you wish to specify the pay to address for a customer to make the check out to. Useful when utilizing SMTP messages containing customer instructions.
If payment is in cash, etc., or it is necessary to create a sale without an actual payment type.
The campaign to associate with the request. This can be either the RevCent ID of the campaign or the RevCent name of the campaign.
ISO 4217 currency code. If not provided default is 'USD'.
To use as the billing information. If not present the customer object will be used.
The customer object receives first priority as details if creating a new customer.
If the customer object is not present the bill_to and ship_to objects will be used in the respective order.
If neither customer, bill_to or ship_to objects are provided the new customer will be created as 'Anonymous'.
This does not apply if using a customer_id field in the request where applicable.
If you are creating a sale for an existing customer. This value can be the RevCent customer ID or your internal customer ID.
If you wish to create a unique sale request. This allows you to successfully retry a failed API call without risk of charging a customer twice for the same sale. If a sale has been paid it will not allow future payments to be processed.
If you wish to associate the sale with a third party shop provide the RevCent ID for the third party shop.
Use a specific gateway for processing the item payment. This value can either be the RevCent gateway ID or the custom gateway name you created.
Use a payment profile for processing the item payment. This value can either be the RevCent payment profile ID or the custom payment profile name you created.
Your internal customer ID.
Your internal sale ID.
The product array contains individual product objects.
Pricing is automatically calculated based upon the quantity, price or both if present.
The ID for the product, this can be the RevCent ID, SKU, internal_id, product name or additional_id values.
The price, if different from the product default price, you wish to charge.
The quantity. Default is 1.
Create a trial for the specific product being sold ending on a specific date. Also useful for starting a subscription on a specific date. Format must be MM/DD/YYYY.
Create a trial for the specific product being sold ending after the number of days provided.
To use as the shipping information. Any shipping entries created will use the ship_to object field.
If not present the customer object will be used.
The shipping array. Can contain multiple shipping objects.
Note: View our Provider Method Table for mapping provider and provider_method values for shipping object entries.
The shipping amount to charge.
Your shipping cost. This is for your internal purposes.
Shipping description.
Whether you wish to internally identify this as a free shipping item. This value will NOT be used to calculate any amounts. This if for your internal purposes. Default: false
Shipping name.
The shipping provider.
The shipping provider method.
The shipping provider tracking.
The tax array. Can contain multiple tax objects.
Tax amount to charge.
Tax description.
Tax name.
Tax rate. This is for your internal purposes. This value will NOT be used to calculate any amounts
The coupon array. Can contain multiple coupon objects, each containing a coupon code.
The coupon code.
The discount array. Can contain multiple discount objects.
The actual discount value according to the discount type. Currently the discount value is a fixed amount, i.e. 5 will deduct the sale price by 5.
The discount type. Default: amount.
The discount name.
The discount description.
Response JSON Schema
The amount of the item.
The amount captured.
The total amount discounted.
The current amount of calculated fees charged by the payment processor.
The current gross amount. Equals (amount_captured + amount_settled).
The current net amount. Equals (amount_captured + amount_settled) - amount_fees.
The total calculated amount when an item is created.
The current amount remaining to be captured. Amounts yet to be captured due to a trial or salvage transaction.
The current amount of related salvage transactions not yet salvaged.
The API call ID of the request. Every API request is assigned an ID.
Indicates whether the API call was processed.
The unix timestamp of when the API call was made.
The RevCent ID of the campaign.
The name of the campaign associated with the item.
The RevCent ID of the customer credit card used if a transaction occurred.
The result code for the request.
0 = RevCent Error
1 = Success
2 = Merchant Declined
3 = Merchant Error
4 = Merchant Hold
5 = Fraud Detected
The customer object.
The customers' first address line.
The customers' second address line.
Whether the customer has been blocked from purchases.
The customers' city.
The customers' company.
The customers' country.
The customers' email.
Whether the customer is currently enabled.
The customers' first name.
The customers' full address.
Whether the customers' address was successfully geocoded using the Google geocoding service.
The Google place ID for the customers' address using the Google geocoding service.
The RevCent ID for the customer.
Your internal ID for the customer.
The customers' last name.
The approximate latitude for the customers' address using the Google geocoding service.
The approximate longitude for the customers' address using the Google geocoding service.
The customers' phone number.
The customers' state.
The customers' state in long format.
The customers' status.
The customers' zip or postal code.
The RevCent ID of the customer.
An array of discounts created as a result of the request.
The name of the discount created.
The description of the discount created.
The total discount amount.
The percentage of the total.
The ID of the discount created.
If fraud detection is active, the response from a detection request will be present. A fraud detection request is made prior to the payment attempt with the processor.
The request code. 1 = No fraud or no detection integrated. 5 = Fraud detected. 0 = Error.
The explained result of any fraud detection request related to the item.
Whether fraud was detected before processing the items' related payment.
Any fraud detections created.
If fraud detection is integrated and a third party is contacted prior to payment, the details of a fraud detection request.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
Details on the specific third party.
The RevCent ID for the third party.
The name of the third party.
The ID of your RevCent third party integration.
The name of your RevCent third party integration.
The raw response returned from the third party when originally contacted.
The third party ID for the request.
The response time in milliseconds it took to receive a response from the third party integration.
Gateway related to the item.
The RevCent ID of the gateway.
The full response from the merchant gateway as a JSON string.
Your internal customer ID.
Your internal sale ID.
ISO 4217 currency code.
If a payment profile was used to process the credit card transaction for this item. The results of the payment profile are contained.
The ID of the payment profile used.
The original amount submitted in the request using the products, their prices and quantities.
The final amount that was successfully charged after the payment profile was applied, if applicable.
The step in the payment profile that ended in success, if applicable.
The gateway that successfully processed the transaction, if applicable.
The total number of declined transactions that occurred when the payment profile was processed.
An array of IDs for declined transactions during the payment profile processing.
The step_array contains individual objects related to the number of steps taken in the process when implementing the payment profile.
We highly recommend you read more about the Payment Profile feature at RevCent to gain a better understanding of what steps are as well as step methods.
The action taken during the step.
The resulting step amount to be charged after any modifiers to payment amount.
If the step source was cascade, the step_cascade_result object will display the result of the cascade processing.
The order of gateways used when processing the cascade.
The gateways which were enabled within the cascade for processing.
The results for each gateway validated within the cascade, after being passed or failed due to in place rules.
The ID of the gateway validated.
The order of the gateway within the cascade.
Revenue rules validation result for the gateway.
If revenue rules were enabled for the gateway.
If the gateway passed all revenue rules.
If revenue rules were present and enabled, the results of the revenue validation will be displayed here.
Time rules validation result for the gateway.
If time rules were enabled for the gateway.
If the gateway passed all time rules.
If time rules were present and enabled, the results of the time validation will be displayed here.
If the gateway passed all gateway validation requirements.
The ID of the gateway which was selected first for validation.
The name of gateway used to process the step transaction.
The ID of gateway used to process the step transaction.
The response returned by the gateway used to process the step transaction.
The modifier applied to the payment amount, if any.
The specific step number.
The result of the step transaction
The step setting.
The step source, either gateway or cascade.
The ID of the step transaction.
An array of product sales created. Each object is an individual product sale containing details.
The total calculated amount when an item is created.
The amount captured.
The current gross amount. Equals (amount_captured + amount_settled).
The current net amount. Equals (amount_captured + amount_settled) - amount_fees.
The current amount of calculated fees charged by the payment processor.
The current amount remaining to be captured. Amounts yet to be captured due to a trial or salvage transaction.
The current amount of related salvage transactions not yet salvaged.
The total amount discounted.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
The price of the product, either from product settings or if specific price provided in the request.
The quantity submitted in the request, or 1 if quantity was not provided.
The product object containing information on the related product.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
The product name.
The internal_id you provided when creating the item.
The product sku.
Details if a subscription was created as a result of the product sale. Null if not applicable.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
Details if a trial was created as a result of the product sale. Null if not applicable.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
If any products purchased were quota based, then a quota account will be created or modified if already exists for the customer.
The quota account ID.
The quota unit group associated with the quota account.
The quota unit group ID.
The quota unit group name.
An array of quota unit balances within the quota account. Displays current balance for each unit.
The quota unit ID.
The quota unit name.
The quota unit balance within the quota account after the api call was processed.
The API request method.
The API request type.
The a brief description of the result of the API call.
The RevCent ID of the sale.
The salvage transaction details object, if created as a result of the request. Null if not applicable.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
The salvage transaction amount.
If the salvage transaction is enabled.
If the salvage transaction will create a new sale.
If a salvage transaction was created as a result of the request.
The ship to object.
An array of shipping items created. Each object is an individual shipping item containing details.
The total calculated amount when an item is created.
The amount captured.
The current gross amount. Equals (amount_captured + amount_settled).
The current net amount. Equals (amount_captured + amount_settled) - amount_fees.
The current amount of calculated fees charged by the payment processor.
The current amount remaining to be captured. Amounts yet to be captured due to a trial or salvage transaction.
The current amount of related salvage transactions not yet salvaged.
The total amount discounted.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
The shipping provider.
The shipping provider method.
The shipping provider tracking if provided.
An array of subscriptions created. Each object is an individual subscription containing details.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
The unix timestamp of when the subscription starts, either sale creation or when related trial is set to end.
The unix timestamp of when the subscription next renews. Calcaulted on sale creation or null and ultimately calculated when trial ends.
Details of the related product sale.
The product object containing information on the related product.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
The product name.
The internal_id you provided when creating the item.
The product sku.
Details if a trial was created related to the subscription. Null if not applicable.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
An array of tax items created. Each object is an individual tax item containing details.
The total calculated amount when an item is created.
The amount captured.
The current gross amount. Equals (amount_captured + amount_settled).
The current net amount. Equals (amount_captured + amount_settled) - amount_fees.
The current amount of calculated fees charged by the payment processor.
The current amount remaining to be captured. Amounts yet to be captured due to a trial or salvage transaction.
The current amount of related salvage transactions not yet salvaged.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
The name of the item.
The description of the item.
Tax rate calculated based on tax amount and total related item amount.
Will contain details if the root item is related to a third party shop.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
The name of the item.
The URL of the third party shop.
The ID of the credit card transaction charged to create the sale, if applicable.
An array of trials created. Each object is an individual trial containing details.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
The trial duration in number of days.
The unix timestamp of when the trial is set to expire.
Details of the related product sale.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
The product object containing information on the related product.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
The product name.
The internal_id you provided when creating the item.
The product sku.
Details of any related subscription.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
If any product(s) were a usage/metered billing product, then usage account(s) will be created for each related products' usage profile billing period. Same period billing will group items into one usage account
The usage account ID.
If any product(s) were a usage/metered billing product, then usage item(s) will be created for each related product.
The usage item ID.
The product sale associated with the usage item.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
The product associated with the usage item.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
The name of the item.
The internal_id you provided when creating the item.
The product sku.
The trial associated with the usage item, if applicable.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
The usage account associated with the usage item.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
Request JSON
{ "request": { "type": "sale", "method": "create", "payment": { "credit_card": { "card_number": "4242424242424242", "exp_month": 4, "exp_year": 22, "card_code": "000" }, "payment_type": "credit_card" }, "campaign": "Adwords Campaign", "iso_currency": "USD", "ip_address": "", "payment_profile": "AuthBrainStripe", "customer": { "first_name": "George", "last_name": "Washington", "address_line_1": "1600 Pennsylvania Ave", "address_line_2": "", "city": "Washington", "state": "DC", "zip": "20500", "country": "USA", "company": "", "email": "", "phone": "1234567890" }, "bill_to": { "first_name": "George", "last_name": "Washington", "address_line_1": "1600 Pennsylvania Ave", "address_line_2": "", "city": "Washington", "state": "DC", "zip": "20500", "country": "USA", "company": "", "email": "", "phone": "1234567890" }, "ship_to": { "first_name": "George", "last_name": "Washington", "address_line_1": "1600 Pennsylvania Ave", "address_line_2": "", "city": "Washington", "state": "DC", "zip": "20500", "country": "USA", "company": "", "email": "", "phone": "1234567890" }, "product": [ { "id": "robo_vac", "quantity": 1 }, { "id": "av_2017", "price": 19.99 }, { "id": "usb_hdd" } ], "tax": [ { "amount": 9.31, "rate": 7.3, "name": "State Sales", "description": "seven percent" } ], "shipping": [ { "amount": 5, "name": "USPS Priority", "description": "", "provider": "usps", "provider_method": "priority", "provider_tracking": "3546 5214 5698 5214 5488 91", "weight": 4.3 } ], "coupon": [ { "coupon_code": "10percent" } ], "discount": [ { "discount_value": 5, "discount_type": "amount", "name": "$5 Off manually applied", "description": "Manually applied discount." } ], "internal_sale_id": "sale_7678", "internal_customer_id": "cus_3197", "metadata": [ { "name": "adwords_click", "value": "Cjat0KwhCQjdTq..." }, { "name": "sign_up_page", "value": "v1" }, { "name": "kount_session_id", "value": "c8ed4debf8f242be972c1071731052e8" } ] } }
Response JSON
{ "amount": 111.86, "amount_captured": 111.86, "amount_discounted": 0, "amount_fees": 3.02, "amount_gross": 111.86, "amount_net": 108.84, "amount_original_total": 274.28, "amount_remaining": 162.42, "amount_to_salvage": 12.43, "api_call_id": "O051ZWQ4XjijnV5LkVGl", "api_call_processed": true, "api_call_unix": 1565833755, "campaign_id": "mJ1zZoOobEuP8pnWKXd1", "campaign_name": "Adwords Campaign", "card_id": "WmPn2g8bakcKnWWEmRlJ", "code": 1, "customer": { "address_line_1": "1600 Pennsylvania Ave", "address_line_2": "", "blocked": false, "city": "Washington", "company": "", "country": "USA", "email": "", "enabled": true, "first_name": "George", "full_address": "1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC 20500, USA", "geocode_success": true, "google_place_id": "ChIJGVtI4by3t4kRr51d_Qm_x58", "id": "4r158EzJmmcVM69dNLkg", "internal_id": "pres_0001", "last_name": "Washington", "lat": "38.8976633", "lon": "-77.0365739", "metadata": [], "phone": "1234567890", "state": "DC", "state_long": "DC", "zip": "20500" }, "customer_id": "ajOAl24bBXc5nXwagAOg", "discount_created": [], "fraud_detection_response": { "code": 1, "message": "No fraud detected. Continuing payment.", "fraud_detected": false, "fraud_detection_created": null, "fraud_detection_request": { "id": "rmMrXO5G8EFk8zO0rGlX", "third_party": { "id": "mJEZdyVavzUL0gGoLR1Z", "name": "Kount" }, "third_party_integration": { "id": "ajYRoLokyXf62qy06JpZ", "name": "Kount Risk Inquiry" }, "third_party_raw_response": "", "third_party_order_id": "", "third_party_fraud_detection_id": "DWN40J2NPKRW", "third_party_response_ms": 834 } }, "gateway": "Braintree", "gateway_id": "NkAMJOzpB5iEAOrdloV0", "gateway_raw_response": "", "internal_customer_id": "cus_3197", "internal_sale_id": "sale_7678", "iso_currency": "USD", "payment_profile_results": { "payment_profile_id": "ajyXm76OpjSL4p5oO2By", "original_amount": 124.29, "final_amount": 111.86, "successful_step_num": 2, "successful_gateway": "Braintree", "num_declined_transactions": 1, "declined_transaction_array": [ "RJ5MaZMap1cZdP9w7ayE" ], "step_array": [ { "step_action": "initial", "step_amount": 124.29, "step_cascade_result": { "cascade_order": "sort_order", "enabled_gateways": [ "2rE2pQGMd7SYjGp42yEL", "LYE26MW8Rlh5VbJmlp2l", "GOJankNpkpsPzw6No1OP", "NkAMJOzpB5iEAOrdloV0" ], "gateway_results": [ { "gateway_id": "2rE2pQGMd7SYjGp42yEL", "order": 1, "revenue_rules": { "enabled": false, "passed": true, "details": [] }, "success": true, "time_rules": { "enabled": false, "passed": true, "details": [] } } ], "start_gateway": "2rE2pQGMd7SYjGp42yEL" }, "step_gateway": "Worldpay", "step_gateway_id": "2rE2pQGMd7SYjGp42yEL", "step_gateway_response": "", "step_modifier": "", "step_num": 1, "step_result": "Declined", "step_setting": "initial", "step_source": "cascade", "step_transaction": "RJ5MaZMap1cZdP9w7ayE" }, { "step_action": "next", "step_amount": 111.86, "step_cascade_result": null, "step_gateway": "Braintree", "step_gateway_id": "NkAMJOzpB5iEAOrdloV0", "step_modifier": "10", "step_num": 2, "step_result": "Approved", "step_setting": "modifypct", "step_source": "gateway", "step_transaction": "vEwWZv5B5zIXM9bq1yQd" } ] }, "product_sale_created": [ { "amount_original_total": 89.99, "amount_captured": 79.82, "amount_gross": 79.82, "amount_net": 77.66, "amount_fees": 2.16, "amount_remaining": 10.17, "amount_to_salvage": 10.17, "amount_discounted": 0, "id": "8rwvAzd6dQU6kXkB2VQq", "price": 89.99, "quantity": 1, "product": { "id": "k6EXjKzd7PHOpgvdYjXG", "name": "USB HDD", "internal_id": "usb_hdd", "sku": "usb_hdd_sku" }, "subscription": null, "trial": null }, { "amount_original_total": 149.99, "amount_captured": 0, "amount_gross": 0, "amount_net": 0, "amount_fees": 0, "amount_remaining": 149.99, "amount_to_salvage": 0, "amount_discounted": 0, "id": "7rwyAzL5LXUa8QrGMoMR", "price": 149.99, "quantity": 1, "product": { "id": "0pBLXVZW08SNw0XOKZ7X", "name": "Robo Vac", "internal_id": "robo_vac", "sku": "robo_vac_sku" }, "subscription": { "id": "4r15qAlZlyUoMprMNVpE" }, "trial": { "id": "k6vn81lElqsvKEB4K2JA" } }, { "amount_original_total": 19.99, "amount_captured": 17.73, "amount_gross": 17.73, "amount_net": 17.25, "amount_fees": 0.48, "amount_remaining": 2.26, "amount_to_salvage": 2.26, "amount_discounted": 0, "id": "Nk5vOzGAGRfrmg8LZXVM", "price": 19.99, "quantity": 1, "product": { "id": "6r8O5MLbw2t6n4v1lGqK", "name": "AV 2017", "internal_id": "av_2017", "sku": "av_2017_sku" }, "subscription": { "id": "VPm9vVEoERc6Wy6Jg7Jg" }, "trial": null } ], "quota_accounts": [ { "id": "4rybZlBnGyCk85zlMmGj", "quota_unit_group": { "id": "6rnQQzm2mkSmrAorQ6ym", "name": "Currency Tokens" }, "quota_account_units": [ { "id": "6rnmX4jmGjcvW6AGKrwJ", "name": "Silver Token", "balance": 50 } ] } ], "request_method": "create", "request_type": "sale", "result": "Approved", "sale_id": "rm9EG1BjrXcqm64KKq6z", "salvage_transaction": { "id": "9rdE4zvXvQUjVp22ddgm", "amount": 12.43, "enabled": true, "sale_creator": false }, "salvage_transaction_created": true, "ship_to": { "first_name": "George", "last_name": "Washington", "address_line_1": "1600 Pennsylvania Ave", "address_line_2": "", "city": "Washington", "state": "DC", "zip": "20500", "company": "", "country": "USA", "email": "", "phone": "1234567890" }, "shipping_created": [ { "amount_original_total": 5, "amount_captured": 5, "amount_gross": 5, "amount_net": 4.87, "amount_fees": 0.14, "amount_remaining": 0, "amount_to_salvage": 0, "amount_discounted": 0, "id": "Q45o8zGpGRu098B88npR", "provider": "usps", "provider_method": "priority_mail_express_flat_rate_envelope", "provider_tracking": "3546 5214 5698 5214 5488 91", "weight": 0 } ], "subscription_created": [ { "id": "VPm9vVEoERc6Wy6Jg7Jg", "start_date_unix": 1565833755, "next_renewal_date_unix": 1568512155, "product_sale": { "id": "Nk5vOzGAGRfrmg8LZXVM" }, "product": { "id": "6r8O5MLbw2t6n4v1lGqK", "name": "AV 2017", "internal_id": "av_2017", "sku": "av_2017_sku" }, "trial": null }, { "id": "4r15qAlZlyUoMprMNVpE", "start_date_unix": 1565920155, "next_renewal_date_unix": null, "product_sale": { "id": "7rwyAzL5LXUa8QrGMoMR" }, "product": { "id": "0pBLXVZW08SNw0XOKZ7X", "name": "Robo Vac", "internal_id": "robo_vac", "sku": "robo_vac_sku" }, "trial": { "id": "k6vn81lElqsvKEB4K2JA" } } ], "tax_created": [ { "amount_original_total": 9.31, "amount_captured": 9.31, "amount_gross": 9.31, "amount_net": 9.06, "amount_fees": 0.25, "amount_remaining": 0, "amount_to_salvage": 0, "id": "2rdJNg4E4yUplpKWYnpo", "name": "User Provided Tax", "description": "Tax rate calculated using provided tax amount.", "rate": 0.08 } ], "third_party_shop": null, "transaction_id": "vEwWZv5B5zIXM9bq1yQd", "trial_created": [ { "id": "k6vn81lElqsvKEB4K2JA", "num_days": 1, "end_date_unix": 1565920155, "product_sale": { "id": "7rwyAzL5LXUa8QrGMoMR" }, "product": { "id": "0pBLXVZW08SNw0XOKZ7X", "name": "Robo Vac", "internal_id": "robo_vac", "sku": "robo_vac_sku" }, "subscription": { "id": "4r15qAlZlyUoMprMNVpE" } } ], "usage_account_created": [ { "id": "X8RqyywEwMU8XwLoK69A" } ], "usage_item_created": [ { "id": "qZqRPPQowXfGbp8Xl0z9", "product_sale": { "id": "Nk5vOzGAGRfrmg8LZXVM" }, "product": { "id": "6r8O5MLbw2t6n4v1lGqK", "name": "Usage Product 1", "internal_id": "usage_product_1", "sku": "usage_product_1" }, "trial": null, "usage_account": { "id": "X8RqyywEwMU8XwLoK69A" } } ] }
Sale Create Credit Card
Example sale create object for credit card sales. Refer to the Sale Create request section above for additional properties, including required properties.
Request JSON Schema
The main request object
The type of request being made.
The method for the request type.
The customer IP address.
The payment object. In this example the payment type is credit card.
Value should be "credit_card".
If payment is by credit card.
The credit card code as a string. Depending on the card type this can be different lengths.
The credit card number. This value must be a valid credit card number as a string.
The credit card expiration month. Two digit integer, MM.
The credit card expiration year. Two digit integer, YY.
If you are using 3DS2 you can send RevCent the 3DS2 response variables, which RevCent will pass to the gateway if 3DS2 is supported. View Supported Gateways
Important: You must set the "enabled" property to true in the "three_ds" object in order for RevCent to parse 3DS2 values.
If using 3DS2, this must be present and equal to true in order for RevCent to pass the additional variable to the gateway.
The 3DS2 version. Example: "2.1.0" or "2.2.0". On all successful authentications.
The eCommerce indicator. Indicates the result of the attempt to authenticate the cardholder. On successful authentications.
Cardholder Authentication Verification Value. On all successful authentications.
The transaction identifier from authentication processing. Occasionally provided for some card brands.
A transaction identifier assigned by the directory server. On all successful authentications.
Describing if a customer was successfully verified or attempted. Example: "verified" or "attempted". On successful authentications.
Access Control Server (ACS) transaction identifier.
3DS algorithm used.
3DS directory server response.
Verify enrollment response/status
3DS server transaction id.
Request JSON
{ "request": { "type": "sale", "method": "create", "payment": { "credit_card": { "card_number": "4242424242424242", "exp_month": 4, "exp_year": 22, "card_code": "000" }, "payment_type": "credit_card" }, "three_ds": { "enabled": true, "version": "2.2.0", "eci": "05", "cavv": "Y2FyZGluYWxjb21tZXJjZWF1dGg", "xid": "YXV0aCB0eG4gaWRzIGFyZSBmdW4=", "directory_server_id": "3f6fb1f8-f719-46c9-905b-bab446f4de30", "authentication_response": "attempted", "acs_transaction_id": "", "algorithm": "1", "directory_response": "Y", "enrollment_response": "Y", "three_ds_server_transaction_id": "" } } }
Sale Create PayPal
Example sale create object for PayPal sales. Refer to the Sale Create request section above for additional properties, including required properties.
Important: The "is_pending" property should always be set to true when creating a PayPal sale via API.
Request JSON Schema
The main request object
The type of request being made.
The method for the request type.
The customer IP address.
Value should always be set to true when creating a PayPal sale via API.
The payment object. In this example the payment type is PayPal, therefore the paypal object is present and payment type is set to "paypal".
Value should be "paypal" signifying that the payment is PayPal.
The paypal object containing the PayPal transaction ID.
The PayPal transaction ID for the sale purchase.
Request JSON
{ "request": { "type": "sale", "method": "create", "is_pending": true, "payment": { "paypal": { "paypal_transaction_id": "01A23456B789101112" }, "payment_type": "paypal" } } }
Sale Create Check Direct
Example sale create object for physical check sales. Refer to the Sale Create request section above for additional properties, including required properties.
Request JSON Schema
The main request object
The type of request being made.
The method for the request type.
The customer IP address.
Value should only be set to true if you are awaiting the check to arrive. Otherwise omit or set to false if already received physical check payment.
The payment object. In this example the payment type is physical check, therefore the payment type is set to "check_direct".
Value should be "check_direct" signifying that the payment is via physical check.
Request JSON
{ "request": { "type": "sale", "method": "create", "payment": { "payment_type": "check_direct" } } }
Sale Create Offline Payment
Example sale create object for offline payment sales. Refer to the Sale Create request section above for additional properties, including required properties.
Note: You have the ability to create offline payment sales that come from specific third parties such as Sezzle and Afterpay, which integrate with RevCent. Please read more about third party offline payments, including the required metadata values in an API request.
Request JSON Schema
The main request object
The type of request being made.
The method for the request type.
The customer IP address.
The payment object. In this example the payment type is offline payment, therefore the payment type is set to "offline_payment".
Value should be "offline_payment" signifying that the payment is an offline payment, i.e. cash or other.
Request JSON
{ "request": { "type": "sale", "method": "create", "payment": { "payment_type": "offline_payment" } } }
Pending Sale
If you are utilizing upsells in your checkout process, the pending sale feature in RevCent can be extremely useful. A pending sale allows you to have RevCent store a sale, including any customer as well as payment information, without processing the payment. You can update the pending sale as many times as you wish and process the payment when ready using the saved payment information. You also have the ability to have RevCent automatically process an abandoned sale using a pending sale profile.
We highly recommend you read more about pending sales, including pending sale profiles, on our Knowledge Base .
Pending Sale Create
The request body is the same as a Sale Create call, except you include "is_pending: true" in the request. You can also omit properties normally required in a Sale Create call. You can add and/or update a pending sale before or when processing the final payment.
Note: The example request JSON is a simplified example and does not include all properties available. Please refer to the Sale Create section for full request JSON example and all properties that can be included in a pending sale create request, ignoring the returned properties as an pending sale create request returns a different response.
Note: You can include the credit card information when first creating the pending sale. RevCent will save the credit card information and attach it to the pending sales' customer. When you are ready to process the pending sale you do not need to include the credit card information as it is has been saved and will be used for the payment.
Note: You can include your own unique_request_id when creating a pending sale in order to reference the same pending sale in future updates or when processing the final payment. If you do not provide a unique_request_id in the create request, you can use the unique_request_id or RevCent sale_id in the pending sale create response for future updates or when processing the final payment.
Required: You must include "is_pending: true" property in the request.
Request JSON Schema
The main request object
The type of request being made.
The method for the request type.
The campaign to associate with the request. This can be either the RevCent ID of the campaign or the RevCent name of the campaign.
ISO 4217 currency code. If not provided default is 'USD'.
You must include the is_pending property and set to true in order to create a pending sale.
If you wish to attach a unique ID to the pending sale so you can reference the pending sale in future updates or when processing the final payment. Once a sale has been created with a unique request ID you cannot use the same ID to create another separate sale.
An example unique_request_id would be a specific order ID in your shopping cart, that you will want to use in order to update or complete payment in the future.
The payment object is not required when creating a pending sale. However, if you do include the payment object, the payment information will be saved and attached to the pending sales' customer for future payment.
Default: credit_card. If the payment is not credit_card you must specify the payment type. Options: check_direct, offline, paypal.
If payment is by credit card.
The credit card code as a string. Depending on the card type this can be different lengths.
The credit card number. This value must be a valid credit card number as a string.
The credit card expiration month. Two digit integer, MM.
The credit card expiration year. Two digit integer, YY.
If you wish to set the credit card as the default payment method for the customer. Default is true if customer has no active or unexpired cards on file.
If payment is by PayPal, and already processed by PayPal with a return transaction ID.
The PayPal transaction ID, provided by PayPal for the corresponding transaction.
PayPal payments are processed by PayPal and not RevCent, therefore RevCent needs the transaction ID to create a PayPal sale.
Default: false. RevCent verifies all PayPal transactions using the PayPal API before officially confirming the sale.
If payment is a physical check, not ACH or electronic.
If you wish to specify the mailing address for a customer to mail the physical check to. Useful when utilizing SMTP messages containing customer instructions.
If you wish to specify the pay to address for a customer to make the check out to. Useful when utilizing SMTP messages containing customer instructions.
If payment is in cash, etc., or it is necessary to create a sale without an actual payment type.
The customer object is not required when creating a pending sale. You have the ability to create a pending sale with an anonymous customer, and update the customer details later.
If you are creating a pending sale for an existing customer. This value can be the RevCent customer ID or your internal customer ID.
The bill_to object is not required when creating a pending sale. You have the ability to create a pending sale with an anonymous customer, and update the customer details when processing a payment.
If you wish to associate the sale with a third party shop provide the RevCent ID for the third party shop.
Use a specific gateway for processing the item payment. This value can either be the RevCent gateway ID or the custom gateway name you created.
Use a payment profile for processing the item payment. This value can either be the RevCent payment profile ID or the custom payment profile name you created.
Your internal customer ID.
Your internal sale ID.
The product array contains individual product objects.
Pricing is automatically calculated based upon the quantity, price or both if present.
The ID for the product, this can be the RevCent ID, SKU, internal_id, product name or additional_id values.
The price, if different from the product default price, you wish to charge.
The quantity. Default is 1.
Create a trial for the specific product being sold ending on a specific date. Also useful for starting a subscription on a specific date. Format must be MM/DD/YYYY.
Create a trial for the specific product being sold ending after the number of days provided.
To use as the shipping information. Any shipping entries created will use the ship_to object field.
If not present the customer object will be used.
The shipping array. Can contain multiple shipping objects.
Note: View our Provider Method Table for mapping provider and provider_method values for shipping object entries.
The shipping amount to charge.
Your shipping cost. This is for your internal purposes.
Shipping description.
Whether you wish to internally identify this as a free shipping item. This value will NOT be used to calculate any amounts. This if for your internal purposes. Default: false
Shipping name.
The shipping provider.
The shipping provider method.
The shipping provider tracking.
The tax array. Can contain multiple tax objects.
Tax amount to charge.
Tax description.
Tax name.
Tax rate. This is for your internal purposes. This value will NOT be used to calculate any amounts
The coupon array. Can contain multiple coupon objects, each containing a coupon code.
The coupon code.
The discount array. Can contain multiple discount objects.
The actual discount value according to the discount type. Currently the discount value is a fixed amount, i.e. 5 will deduct the sale price by 5.
The discount type. Default: amount.
The discount name.
The discount description.
Response JSON Schema
The amount of the item.
The API call ID of the request. Every API request is assigned an ID.
Indicates whether the API call was processed.
The unix timestamp of when the API call was made.
The RevCent ID of the campaign.
The name of the campaign associated with the item.
The result code for the request.
0 = RevCent Error
1 = Success
The RevCent ID of the customer.
The API request method.
The API request type.
The a brief description of the result of the API call.
The RevCent ID for the pending sale. You can use this to reference the pending sale in future updates or to process the final payment.
The unique request ID for the pending sale, either created by RevCent or supplied by you in the request. You can use this to reference the pending sale in future updates or to process the final payment.
Request JSON
{ "request": { "type": "sale", "method": "create", "campaign": "Adwords Campaign", "iso_currency": "USD", "is_pending": true, "unique_request_id": "257d00ed-3cb4-47f2-ad21-2f99ddca58b5", "customer": { "first_name": "George", "last_name": "Washington", "address_line_1": "1600 Pennsylvania Ave", "address_line_2": "", "city": "Washington", "state": "DC", "zip": "20500", "country": "USA", "company": "", "email": "", "phone": "1234567890" }, "payment": { "credit_card": { "card_number": "4242424242424242", "exp_month": 4, "exp_year": 22, "card_code": "000" }, "payment_type": "credit_card" }, "product": [ { "id": "robo_vac", "quantity": 1 } ] } }
Response JSON
{ "amount": 34.99, "api_call_id": "k6aGmwLkABi0822wnp67", "api_call_processed": true, "api_call_unix": 1613326956, "campaign_id": "mJ1zZoOobEuP8pnWKXd1", "campaign_name": "Adwords Campaign", "code": 1, "customer_id": "6rKPj6nlXACJRKKd5nXa", "payment_type": "Credit Card", "request_method": "create", "request_type": "sale", "result": "Pending sale created.", "sale_id": "0pKnzNPq54U2yvvzJwVY", "unique_request_id": "257d00ed-3cb4-47f2-ad21-2f99ddca58b5" }
Pending Sale Update
The request body will always be the same as a pending sale create call, except you include the unique_request_id, as well as "is_pending: true", to signify you are updating a previously created pending sale.
Note: The example request JSON is a simplified example and does not include all properties available. Please refer to the Sale Create section for full request JSON example and all properties that can be included in a pending sale update request, ignoring returned properties as an pending sale update request returns a different response.
Required: You must include "is_pending: true" property in the request.
Required: You must include the unique_request_id of the pending sales' initial response. If you omit the unique_request_id field, then RevCent will create a new pending sale, as there is no way to know which sale you are updating.
Request JSON Schema
The main request object
The type of request being made.
The method for the request type.
The campaign to associate with the request. This can be either the RevCent ID of the campaign or the RevCent name of the campaign.
ISO 4217 currency code. If not provided default is 'USD'.
You must include the is_pending property and set to true in order to update a pending sale.
You must include the unique_request_id, or the RevCent sale_id, of the existing pending sale.
The product array contains individual product objects.
Pricing is automatically calculated based upon the quantity, price or both if present.
The ID for the product, this can be the RevCent ID, SKU, internal_id, product name or additional_id values.
The price, if different from the product default price, you wish to charge.
The quantity. Default is 1.
Create a trial for the specific product being sold ending on a specific date. Also useful for starting a subscription on a specific date. Format must be MM/DD/YYYY.
Create a trial for the specific product being sold ending after the number of days provided.
When updating a pending sale you have options available that allow you to specify what actions occur given specific conditions.
The options for each request entity, in which to update the pending sale for existing entities.
What to do with product(s) submitted in the update in regards to product(s) already existing in the pending sale. I.e. Replace, skip, or merge line items already in a pending sale with line items submitted. Note: RevCent matches each product based on the "id" value submitted in the original request and update request.
Accepted values:
- replace
- Will remove all existing product(s) in the pending sale and replace with product(s) submitted in the request. I.e. Only product(s) submitted will be in the sale after update. Default
- skip
- Will leave existing product(s) in the sale and not add any new product(s) submitted. I.e. ignoring product(s) submitted. Useful when updating other parts of a pending sale such as payment information, discounts, etc.
- merge_replace
- Will add any new product(s) to the pending sale, keep existing product(s) in the sale and replace existing same ID product(s) with product(s) submitted. I.e. When you want to update a pending sale with new product(s) not already in the sale, keep all existing product(s) but replace same ID existing product(s) with submitted product(s).
- merge_skip
- Will add any new product(s) to the pending sale, and not remove or modify any product(s) which already exist in the sale. I.e. Add new product(s) to an existing sale without touching existing product(s).
- merge_combine
- Will add any new product(s) to the pending sale, keep existing product(s) in the sale, and combine the quantities of existing product(s) with submitted same ID product(s). I.e. Add any new product(s) to the pending sale, keep existing product(s) in the sale and incrementing submitted quantity with same ID existing product(s) quantity.
What to do if discounts already exists in the pending sale.
Accepted values:
- replace
- Will replace existing discounts with new discounts. Default
- skip
- Will skip if discounts exist.
What to do if shipping already exists in the pending sale.
Accepted values:
- replace
- Will replace existing shipping with new shipping. Default
- skip
- Will skip if shipping exists.
What to do if tax already exists in the pending sale.
Accepted values:
- replace
- Will replace existing tax with new tax. Default
- skip
- Will skip if tax exists.
The payment object is not required when creating a pending sale. However, if you do include the payment object, the payment information will be saved and attached to the pending sales' customer for future payment.
Default: credit_card. If the payment is not credit_card you must specify the payment type. Options: check_direct, offline, paypal.
If payment is by credit card.
The credit card code as a string. Depending on the card type this can be different lengths.
The credit card number. This value must be a valid credit card number as a string.
The credit card expiration month. Two digit integer, MM.
The credit card expiration year. Two digit integer, YY.
If you wish to set the credit card as the default payment method for the customer. Default is true if customer has no active or unexpired cards on file.
If payment is by PayPal, and already processed by PayPal with a return transaction ID.
The PayPal transaction ID, provided by PayPal for the corresponding transaction.
PayPal payments are processed by PayPal and not RevCent, therefore RevCent needs the transaction ID to create a PayPal sale.
Default: false. RevCent verifies all PayPal transactions using the PayPal API before officially confirming the sale.
If payment is a physical check, not ACH or electronic.
If you wish to specify the mailing address for a customer to mail the physical check to. Useful when utilizing SMTP messages containing customer instructions.
If you wish to specify the pay to address for a customer to make the check out to. Useful when utilizing SMTP messages containing customer instructions.
If payment is in cash, etc., or it is necessary to create a sale without an actual payment type.
The customer object is not required when creating a pending sale. You have the ability to create a pending sale with an anonymous customer, and update the customer details later.
If you are creating a pending sale for an existing customer. This value can be the RevCent customer ID or your internal customer ID.
The bill_to object is not required when creating a pending sale. You have the ability to create a pending sale with an anonymous customer, and update the customer details when processing a payment.
If you wish to associate the sale with a third party shop provide the RevCent ID for the third party shop.
Use a specific gateway for processing the item payment. This value can either be the RevCent gateway ID or the custom gateway name you created.
Use a payment profile for processing the item payment. This value can either be the RevCent payment profile ID or the custom payment profile name you created.
Your internal customer ID.
Your internal sale ID.
To use as the shipping information. Any shipping entries created will use the ship_to object field.
If not present the customer object will be used.
The shipping array. Can contain multiple shipping objects.
Note: View our Provider Method Table for mapping provider and provider_method values for shipping object entries.
The shipping amount to charge.
Your shipping cost. This is for your internal purposes.
Shipping description.
Whether you wish to internally identify this as a free shipping item. This value will NOT be used to calculate any amounts. This if for your internal purposes. Default: false
Shipping name.
The shipping provider.
The shipping provider method.
The shipping provider tracking.
The tax array. Can contain multiple tax objects.
Tax amount to charge.
Tax description.
Tax name.
Tax rate. This is for your internal purposes. This value will NOT be used to calculate any amounts
The coupon array. Can contain multiple coupon objects, each containing a coupon code.
The coupon code.
The discount array. Can contain multiple discount objects.
The actual discount value according to the discount type. Currently the discount value is a fixed amount, i.e. 5 will deduct the sale price by 5.
The discount type. Default: amount.
The discount name.
The discount description.
Response JSON Schema
The amount of the item.
The API call ID of the request. Every API request is assigned an ID.
Indicates whether the API call was processed.
The unix timestamp of when the API call was made.
The RevCent ID of the campaign.
The name of the campaign associated with the item.
The result code for the request.
0 = RevCent Error
1 = Success
The RevCent ID of the customer.
The API request method.
The API request type.
The a brief description of the result of the API call.
The RevCent ID for the pending sale. You can use this to reference the pending sale in future updates or to process the final payment.
The unique request ID for the pending sale, either created by RevCent or supplied by you in the request. You can use this to reference the pending sale in future updates or to process the final payment.
Request JSON
{ "request": { "type": "sale", "method": "create", "campaign": "Adwords Campaign", "is_pending": true, "unique_request_id": "257d00ed-3cb4-47f2-ad21-2f99ddca58b5", "product": [ { "id": "robo_vac", "quantity": 2 }, { "id": "av_2017", "quantity": 1 } ], "pending_options": { "exists_options": { "product": "merge_combine", "discount": "replace", "shipping": "skip", "tax": "replace" } } } }
Response JSON
{ "amount": 75.7, "api_call_id": "X82JQZYRyqUqajGypN9l", "api_call_processed": true, "api_call_unix": 1613349181, "campaign_id": "mJ1zZoOobEuP8pnWKXd1", "campaign_name": "Adwords Campaign", "code": 1, "customer_id": "6rKPj6nlXACJRKKd5nXa", "payment_type": "Credit Card", "request_method": "create", "request_type": "sale", "result": "Pending sale updated.", "sale_id": "0pKnzNPq54U2yvvzJwVY", "unique_request_id": "257d00ed-3cb4-47f2-ad21-2f99ddca58b5" }
Pending Sale Process
Process a pending sale, i.e. charge credit card, using the sale create API call without including the "is_pending" property in the request. By not including the "is_pending" property, RevCent assumes that the sale is to be processed. Any payment methods submitted in the process request, or submitted previously while the sale is pending, will be used to process the payment of the pending sale.
Note: The example request JSON is a simplified example and does not include all properties available. Please refer to the Sale Create section for full request JSON example and all properties that can be included in a pending sale process request. The response JSON for pending sale process is omitted as it is the same that will be returned in the sale create response.
Note: If using a credit card payment type, you must include either the payment_profile or gateway property.
Required: Do not include "is_pending", or set "is_pending: false", in the pending sale process request to ensure that RevCent processes the payment and does not simply update the pending sale.
Required: You must include the unique_request_id of the pending sales' initial response. If you omit the unique_request_id field, then RevCent will create a new sale, as there is no way to know which pending sale you are processing.
Request JSON Schema
The main request object
The type of request being made.
The method for the request type.
The campaign to associate with the request. This can be either the RevCent ID of the campaign or the RevCent name of the campaign.
ISO 4217 currency code. If not provided default is 'USD'.
Use a specific gateway for processing the pending sale. This value can either be the RevCent gateway ID or the custom gateway name you created. You can also use a payment profile instead of a gateway.
Use a payment profile for processing the pending sale. This value can either be the RevCent payment profile ID or the custom payment profile name you created. You can also use a gateway instead of a payment profile.
You must include the is_pending property and set to false in order to process a pending sale.
You must include the unique_request_id, or the RevCent sale_id, of the existing pending sale.
The product array contains individual product objects.
Pricing is automatically calculated based upon the quantity, price or both if present.
The ID for the product, this can be the RevCent ID, SKU, internal_id, product name or additional_id values.
The price, if different from the product default price, you wish to charge.
The quantity. Default is 1.
Create a trial for the specific product being sold ending on a specific date. Also useful for starting a subscription on a specific date. Format must be MM/DD/YYYY.
Create a trial for the specific product being sold ending after the number of days provided.
When updating a pending sale you have options available that allow you to specify what actions occur given specific conditions.
The options for each request entity, in which to update the pending sale for existing entities.
What to do for each individual product submitted, if the product already exists in the pending sale. RevCent matches each product based on the id value submitted in the original request and update request.
Accepted values:
- replace
- Will replace an existing product with the new product. Default
- skip
- Will skip if product exists.
- merge_replace
- Will add any new products to the pending sale, and replace any products which already exist.
- merge_skip
- Will add any new products to the pending sale, and skip any products which already exist.
- merge_combine
- Will add any new products to the pending sale, and combine the quantities of both existing and new products which already exist.
What to do if discounts already exists in the pending sale.
Accepted values:
- replace
- Will replace existing discounts with new discounts. Default
- skip
- Will skip if discounts exist.
What to do if shipping already exists in the pending sale.
Accepted values:
- replace
- Will replace existing shipping with new shipping. Default
- skip
- Will skip if shipping exists.
What to do if tax already exists in the pending sale.
Accepted values:
- replace
- Will replace existing tax with new tax. Default
- skip
- Will skip if tax exists.
The payment object is not required when creating a pending sale. However, if you do include the payment object, the payment information will be saved and attached to the pending sales' customer for future payment.
Default: credit_card. If the payment is not credit_card you must specify the payment type. Options: check_direct, offline, paypal.
If payment is by credit card.
The credit card code as a string. Depending on the card type this can be different lengths.
The credit card number. This value must be a valid credit card number as a string.
The credit card expiration month. Two digit integer, MM.
The credit card expiration year. Two digit integer, YY.
If you wish to set the credit card as the default payment method for the customer. Default is true if customer has no active or unexpired cards on file.
If payment is by PayPal, and already processed by PayPal with a return transaction ID.
The PayPal transaction ID, provided by PayPal for the corresponding transaction.
PayPal payments are processed by PayPal and not RevCent, therefore RevCent needs the transaction ID to create a PayPal sale.
Default: false. RevCent verifies all PayPal transactions using the PayPal API before officially confirming the sale.
If payment is a physical check, not ACH or electronic.
If you wish to specify the mailing address for a customer to mail the physical check to. Useful when utilizing SMTP messages containing customer instructions.
If you wish to specify the pay to address for a customer to make the check out to. Useful when utilizing SMTP messages containing customer instructions.
If payment is in cash, etc., or it is necessary to create a sale without an actual payment type.
The customer object is not required when creating a pending sale. You have the ability to create a pending sale with an anonymous customer, and update the customer details later.
If you are creating a pending sale for an existing customer. This value can be the RevCent customer ID or your internal customer ID.
The bill_to object is not required when creating a pending sale. You have the ability to create a pending sale with an anonymous customer, and update the customer details when processing a payment.
If you wish to associate the sale with a third party shop provide the RevCent ID for the third party shop.
Your internal customer ID.
Your internal sale ID.
To use as the shipping information. Any shipping entries created will use the ship_to object field.
If not present the customer object will be used.
The shipping array. Can contain multiple shipping objects.
Note: View our Provider Method Table for mapping provider and provider_method values for shipping object entries.
The shipping amount to charge.
Your shipping cost. This is for your internal purposes.
Shipping description.
Whether you wish to internally identify this as a free shipping item. This value will NOT be used to calculate any amounts. This if for your internal purposes. Default: false
Shipping name.
The shipping provider.
The shipping provider method.
The shipping provider tracking.
The tax array. Can contain multiple tax objects.
Tax amount to charge.
Tax description.
Tax name.
Tax rate. This is for your internal purposes. This value will NOT be used to calculate any amounts
The coupon array. Can contain multiple coupon objects, each containing a coupon code.
The coupon code.
The discount array. Can contain multiple discount objects.
The actual discount value according to the discount type. Currently the discount value is a fixed amount, i.e. 5 will deduct the sale price by 5.
The discount type. Default: amount.
The discount name.
The discount description.
Request JSON
{ "request": { "type": "sale", "method": "create", "campaign": "Adwords Campaign", "payment_profile": "MyPaymentProfile", "is_pending": false, "unique_request_id": "257d00ed-3cb4-47f2-ad21-2f99ddca58b5" } }
Pending Sale Cancel
Cancel a pending sale by using the sale void API call. This will cancel the pending sale, and if you already processed the sale it will refund any payments.
Required: You must include the unique_request_id of the pending sale.
Request JSON Schema
The main request object
The type of request being made.
The method for the request type.
You must include the unique_request_id, or the RevCent sale_id, of the existing pending sale.
Response JSON Schema
The amount of the item.
The API call ID of the request. Every API request is assigned an ID.
Indicates whether the API call was processed.
The unix timestamp of when the API call was made.
The RevCent ID of the campaign.
The name of the campaign associated with the item.
The result code for the request.
0 = RevCent Error
1 = Success
The RevCent ID of the customer.
Array containing IDs of each pending refund created as a result of the request.
Array containing IDs of each product sale refunded as a result of the request.
The API request method.
The API request type.
The a brief description of the result of the API call.
The RevCent ID of the sale.
Array containing IDs of each shipping refunded as a result of the request.
Array containing IDs of each subscription cancelled as a result of the request.
Array containing IDs of each tax refunded as a result of the request.
Array containing IDs of each trial cancelled as a result of the request.
The unique request ID for the pending sale.
Request JSON
{ "request": { "type": "sale", "method": "void", "unique_request_id": "257d00ed-3cb4-47f2-ad21-2f99ddca58b5" } }
Response JSON
{ "amount": 0, "api_call_id": "ajYwEoMdL2i7g8VrZQNd", "api_call_processed": true, "api_call_unix": 1613398750, "campaign_id": "mJ1zZoOobEuP8pnWKXd1", "campaign_name": "Adwords Campaign", "code": 1, "customer_id": "6rKPj6nlXACJRKKd5nXa", "pending_refund": [], "product_sale_refunded": [], "request_method": "void", "request_type": "sale", "result": "Sale successfully void.", "sale_id": "0pKnzNPq54U2yvvzJwVY", "subscription_cancelled": [], "trial_cancelled": [], "unique_request_id": "257d00ed-3cb4-47f2-ad21-2f99ddca58b5" }
Upsell Profile
An Upsell Profile is a feature within RevCent allowing the return of recommended products within an API response. The upsell object provided in the API response is meant to be used when creating or updating a pending sale.
If you have created an Upsell Profile and a matching upsell is found, RevCent will return an upsell object in a sale request response. The upsell object contains a recommended product, as well as additional products. The upsell object can be returned when processing payment on a sale, creating a pending sale or estimating a sale.
Read more about upsells and upsell profiles on our Knowledge Base .
Response JSON Schema
The upsell object provided in a sale response, if an upsell is found.
The final recommended product based upon the upsell profiles' product order setting.
The RevCent product ID.
The product sku.
The product name.
The product price.
The product description.
The HTML description of the product.
An array of images for the product, if uploaded within the web app.
RevCent image ID.
Whether you set the image as featured.
Image file name.
Image file extension.
Image width.
Image height.
Image mimetype.
Base URL for the product image.
Full URL for the product image.
Various compressed images indicated by width.
The source upsell for the recommended product.
The upsell ID.
The upsell name.
The upsell description.
The total number of matches within the upsells' interested list.
The upsells' match percentage as an integer.
The upsells' match score.
The upsell profile the upsell was contained in.
The upsell profile ID.
The upsell profile name.
The upsell profile description.
All products, ordered, contained in the upsells' recommended list, up to a maximum of 5. Each product is an object in the same format and schema as the recommended_product object above.
Response JSON
{ "upsell": { "product_recommended": { "id": "GOKzajKyuA7bVEREGydz", "sku": "robo_vac", "name": "Robo Vac", "price": 12, "description": "", "description_html": "", "images": [ { "id": "vEYOMCBMrNM9mqMBlwQ2", "featured": false, "file_name": "vEYOMCBMrNM9mqMBlwQ2", "file_ext": "png", "image_width": 797, "image_height": 142, "mimetype": "image/png", "base_url": "", "full_url": "", "compressed_extensions": [ "_resize_300", "_resize_150", "_resize_600" ] } ] }, "source_upsell": { "id": "685fc32f", "name": "More", "description": "", "match_count": 2, "match_percent": 50, "match_score": 125, "upsell_profile": { "id": "l4Vol84qpBUZ4Ba7My9y", "name": "My Upsell Profile", "description": "" }, "all_products": [] } } }
Sale Void
Voiding a sale will void all product sales, tax and shipping associated with the sale. Any subscriptions or trials created will be cancelled. The actual transactions associated with the sale will be refunded. Transactions that have yet to settle will be in a pending refund phase until it has settled. It is important to note that voiding a sale is irreversible.
Request JSON Schema
The main request object
The type of request being made.
The method for the request type.
The sale ID
Response JSON Schema
The amount of the item.
The API call ID of the request. Every API request is assigned an ID.
Indicates whether the API call was processed.
The unix timestamp of when the API call was made.
The RevCent ID of the campaign.
The name of the campaign associated with the item.
The result code for the request.
0 = RevCent Error
1 = Success
The RevCent ID of the customer.
Array containing IDs of each pending refund created as a result of the request.
Array containing IDs of each product sale refunded as a result of the request.
The API request method.
The API request type.
The a brief description of the result of the API call.
The RevCent ID of the sale.
Array containing IDs of each shipping refunded as a result of the request.
Array containing IDs of each subscription cancelled as a result of the request.
Array containing IDs of each tax refunded as a result of the request.
Array containing IDs of each trial cancelled as a result of the request.
Request JSON
{ "request": { "type": "sale", "method": "void", "sale_id": "rm9EG1BjrXcqm64KKq6z" } }
Response JSON
{ "amount": 261.85, "api_call_id": "8rwvAzV97NU6aN4djRQo", "api_call_processed": true, "api_call_unix": 1565833758, "campaign_id": "mJ1zZoOobEuP8pnWKXd1", "campaign_name": "Adwords Campaign", "code": 1, "customer_id": "ajOAl24bBXc5nXwagAOg", "pending_refund": [ "EMwJaz1m76TElBwVOQl4", "0pwoAb5L1vfXyJ5dgQod", "LY5yMzq27wIJO5BJmPa5", "k6vn81AXpOfv8JlB8Xkn" ], "product_sale_refunded": [ "8rwvAzd6dQU6kXkB2VQq", "Nk5vOzGAGRfrmg8LZXVM", "7rwyAzL5LXUa8QrGMoMR" ], "request_method": "void", "request_type": "sale", "result": "Sale successfully void.", "sale_id": "rm9EG1BjrXcqm64KKq6z", "shipping_refunded": [ "Q45o8zGpGRu098B88npR" ], "subscription_cancelled": [ "VPm9vVEoERc6Wy6Jg7Jg", "4r15qAlZlyUoMprMNVpE" ], "tax_refunded": [ "2rdJNg4E4yUplpKWYnpo" ], "trial_cancelled": [ "k6vn81lElqsvKEB4K2JA" ] }
Sale Estimate
Estimate the total cost with itemized results including products, shipping, tax, coupons and discounts.
The request object is the same as the the sale create request object, except the request method is "estimate" and not "create".
The response object contains detailed information that can be useful for displaying information to a customer during checkout, including how much the customer will save due to discounts.
Request JSON Schema
The main request object
The type of request being made.
The method for the request type.
To use as the billing information. If not present the customer object will be used.
The campaign to associate with the request. This can be either the RevCent ID of the campaign or the RevCent name of the campaign.
The customer object receives first priority as details if creating a new customer.
If the customer object is not present the bill_to and ship_to objects will be used in the respective order.
If neither customer, bill_to or ship_to objects are provided the new customer will be created as 'Anonymous'.
This does not apply if using a customer_id field in the request where applicable.
The RevCent ID of the customer.
Use a payment profile for processing the item payment. This value can either be the RevCent payment profile ID or the custom payment profile name you created.
Use a specific gateway for processing the item payment. This value can either be the RevCent gateway ID or the custom gateway name you created.
The product array contains individual product objects.
Pricing is automatically calculated based upon the quantity, price or both if present.
The ID for the product, this can be the RevCent ID, SKU, internal_id, product name or additional_id values.
The price, if different from the product default price, you wish to charge.
The quantity. Default is 1.
Create a trial for the specific product being sold ending on a specific date. Also useful for starting a subscription on a specific date. Format must be MM/DD/YYYY.
Create a trial for the specific product being sold ending after the number of days provided.
To use as the shipping information. Any shipping entries created will use the ship_to object field.
If not present the customer object will be used.
The shipping array. Can contain multiple shipping objects.
Note: View our Provider Method Table for mapping provider and provider_method values for shipping object entries.
The shipping amount to charge.
Your shipping cost. This is for your internal purposes.
Shipping description.
Whether you wish to internally identify this as a free shipping item. This value will NOT be used to calculate any amounts. This if for your internal purposes. Default: false
Shipping name.
The shipping provider.
The shipping provider method.
The shipping provider tracking.
The tax array. Can contain multiple tax objects.
Tax amount to charge.
Tax description.
Tax name.
Tax rate. This is for your internal purposes. This value will NOT be used to calculate any amounts
The coupon array. Can contain multiple coupon objects, each containing a coupon code.
The coupon code.
The discount array. Can contain multiple discount objects.
The actual discount value according to the discount type. Currently the discount value is a fixed amount, i.e. 5 will deduct the sale price by 5.
The discount type. Default: amount.
The discount name.
The discount description.
Response JSON Schema
The API call ID of the request. Every API request is assigned an ID.
Indicates whether the API call was processed.
The unix timestamp of when the API call was made.
The result code for the request.
0 = RevCent Error
1 = Success
A breakdown of both valid and invalid coupons if one or more coupon codes are submitted in the request.
An array of valid coupons if one or more coupon codes are submitted in the request.
A unique ID for the item. This is useful for identifying and matching this particular item with other related items in the response and vice versa.
The coupon code submitted.
The ID of the coupon you created in RevCent.
The ID of the related coupon profile you created in RevCent.
A unique ID for the item. This is useful for identifying and matching this particular item with other related items in the response and vice versa.
The discount amount.
The discount percentage (discount_multiplier * 100) rounded to max two decimal places.
The discount multiplier, i.e. the mathematical number to apply to the total amount.
The discount value relative to the discount type.
The discount type relative to the discount value.
An array of invalid coupons if one or more coupon codes are submitted in the request.
A unique ID for the item. This is useful for identifying and matching this particular item with other related items in the response and vice versa.
The coupon code submitted.
An array of error messages as to why the coupon code is invalid.
Will list available coupons not submitted that can apply to the submitted estimate. Not yet implemented but coming in a future API update.
An array of individual discount items, which will be created if the sale is successfully processed.
A unique ID for the item. This is useful for identifying and matching this particular item with other related items in the response and vice versa.
The discount amount.
The discount percentage (discount_multiplier * 100) rounded to max two decimal places.
The discount multiplier, i.e. the mathematical number to apply to the total amount.
The discount value relative to the discount type.
The discount type relative to the discount value.
Whether the discount is a result of a coupon code or a static discount submitted.
If the discount is the result of a coupon, the coupon ID.
The unique ID of the coupon in the coupons array.
An array of product entries that the discount is being applied to if applicable.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
A unique ID for the item. This is useful for identifying and matching this particular item with other related items in the response and vice versa.
The discount amount.
The discount percentage (discount_multiplier * 100) rounded to max two decimal places.
The discount multiplier, i.e. the mathematical number to apply to the total amount.
The total amount the customer will pay for the specific product after the discount has been applied.
An array of shipping entries that the discount is being applied to if applicable.
A unique ID for the item. This is useful for identifying and matching this particular item with other related items in the response and vice versa.
The discount amount.
The discount percentage (discount_multiplier * 100) rounded to max two decimal places.
The discount multiplier, i.e. the mathematical number to apply to the total amount.
An array of individual product items, which will be created if the sale is successfully processed.
A unique ID for the item. This is useful for identifying and matching this particular item with other related items in the response and vice versa.
The ID of the product.
The name of the product.
The description of the product.
The product quantity.
The product price.
The total amount before any applicable discounts are applied.
Whether the product will created a trial.
If the product is a trial product, whether the product will ship immediately upon sale completion.
Whether the product is a free product.
An array of unique discount IDs that apply to the product.
The discount amount.
The discount percentage (discount_multiplier * 100) rounded to max two decimal places.
The discount multiplier, i.e. the mathematical number to apply to the total amount.
The total product amount after discounts are applied.
The maximum quantity of the product the customer is able to purchase based on product settings.
The API request method.
The API request type.
An array of individual shipping items, which will be created if the sale is successfully processed.
A unique ID for the item. This is useful for identifying and matching this particular item with other related items in the response and vice versa.
The individual shipping amount
An array of products which will be associated with the specific shipping item.
The product ID.
A unique ID for the item. This is useful for identifying and matching this particular item with other related items in the response and vice versa.
The product quantity.
The shipping provider.
The shipping provider method.
The total shipping amount after any discounts are applied.
An array of individual tax items, which will be created if the sale is successfully processed.
The calculated tax rate.
The total tax amount.
The totals object, containing the sum of all related products, shipping, discounts and tax. Ultimate amounts are based on any delayed trial amounts, which the customer will not pay immediately.
The total amount the customer will ultimately pay for all items including any discounts applied.
The total amount the customer will immediately pay upon initial sale purchase.
The breakdown of ultimate and immediate amounts for all products the customer will pay.
The ultimate amount the customer will pay for products.
The immediate amount the customer will pay for products before any applicable discounts are applied.
The immediate amount the customer will pay for products after any applicable discounts are applied.
The breakdown of ultimate and immediate amounts for all shipping the customer will pay.
The ultimate amount the customer will pay for shipping.
The immediate amount the customer will pay for shipping before any applicable discounts are applied.
The immediate amount the customer will pay for shipping after any applicable discounts are applied.
The breakdown of the total discount amount.
The immediate discount amount being applied to purchase.
The breakdown of ultimate and immediate amounts for all tax the customer will pay.
The ultimate amount the customer will pay for tax.
The immediate amount the customer will pay for tax.
Request JSON
{ "request": { "type": "sale", "method": "estimate", "campaign": "Facebook Campaign", "coupon": [ { "coupon_code": "10percent" }, { "coupon_code": "invalidCode" } ], "discount": [ { "discount_value": 5, "discount_type": "amount", "name": "$5 Off Coupon", "description": "$5 Off Coupon from facebook link." } ], "customer": { "first_name": "ffms", "last_name": "qtfgzzql", "address_line_1": "1600 Pennsylvania Ave", "address_line_2": "", "city": "Washington", "state": "DC", "zip": "20500", "country": "USA", "company": "", "email": "", "phone": "1234567890" }, "bill_to": { "first_name": "ffms", "last_name": "qtfgzzql", "address_line_1": "1600 Pennsylvania Ave", "address_line_2": "", "city": "Washington", "state": "DC", "zip": "20500", "country": "USA", "company": "", "email": "", "phone": "1234567890" }, "ship_to": { "first_name": "ffms", "last_name": "qtfgzzql", "address_line_1": "1600 Pennsylvania Ave", "address_line_2": "", "city": "Washington", "state": "DC", "zip": "20500", "country": "USA", "company": "", "email": "", "phone": "1234567890" }, "product": [ { "id": "usb_hdd", "quantity": 2 } ], "shipping": [ { "amount": 45.64, "name": "FedEx", "description": "", "provider": "ups", "provider_method": "ups ground" } ], "tax": [ { "amount": 10.71, "rate": 7.3, "name": "State Sales", "description": "seven percent" } ] } }
Response JSON
{ "api_call_id": "O05VMKEmqZIRq77gP49O", "api_call_processed": true, "api_call_unix": 1570463562, "code": 1, "coupons": { "valid": [ { "uuid": "133e489d-09fc-455b-ba7c-2d3e6f4d0372", "coupon_code": "10percent", "coupon_id": "VPmmrpbVl7cQ9JaXEanl", "coupon_profile_id": "k6vvXQwwNycvJM7yMwzL", "discount": { "uuid": "e5429d8a-588e-4ec2-ad09-f7ad36894ead", "discount_amount": 22.06, "discount_percent": 10, "discount_multiplier": 0.1, "discount_value": 10, "discount_type": "percent" } } ], "invalid": [ { "uuid": "f3070b93-8042-43d6-a52b-4850e23ed5d4", "coupon_code": "invalidCode", "errors": [ "Coupon code invalid." ] } ], "potential": [] }, "discounts": [ { "uuid": "aeafd3b2-f724-45c9-83e3-f4e0f286fc45", "discount_amount": 5, "discount_percent": 2.22, "discount_multiplier": 0.022161155925893093, "discount_type": "amount", "discount_value": 5, "is_coupon": false, "coupon_id": null, "coupon_uuid": null, "products": [ { "id": "k6EXjKzd7PHOpgvdYjXG", "uuid": "fef9b23e-2cc7-4e9d-90af-98d7117115e1", "discount_amount": 3.99, "discount_multiplier": 0.022169129903322593, "discount_percent": 2.22, "total_amount_with_discount": 175.99 } ], "shipping": [ { "uuid": "d57ed1cc-7914-4e3c-8954-d311e5194b84", "discount_amount": 0, "discount_multiplier": 0, "discount_percent": 0 } ] }, { "uuid": "e5429d8a-588e-4ec2-ad09-f7ad36894ead", "discount_amount": 22.06, "discount_percent": 10, "discount_multiplier": 0.1, "discount_type": "percent", "discount_value": 10, "is_coupon": true, "coupon_id": "VPmmrpbVl7cQ9JaXEanl", "coupon_uuid": "133e489d-09fc-455b-ba7c-2d3e6f4d0372", "products": [ { "id": "k6EXjKzd7PHOpgvdYjXG", "uuid": "fef9b23e-2cc7-4e9d-90af-98d7117115e1", "discount_amount": 21.59, "discount_multiplier": 0.11995777308589843, "discount_percent": 12, "total_amount_with_discount": 158.39 } ], "shipping": [ { "uuid": "d57ed1cc-7914-4e3c-8954-d311e5194b84", "discount_amount": 1.01, "discount_multiplier": 0.02212971078001753, "discount_percent": 2.21, "total_amount_with_discount": 44.63 } ] } ], "products": [ { "uuid": "fef9b23e-2cc7-4e9d-90af-98d7117115e1", "id": "k6EXjKzd7PHOpgvdYjXG", "name": "USB HDD", "description": "", "quantity": 2, "price": 89.99, "total_amount": 179.98, "is_trial": false, "is_trial_ship_now": false, "is_free_product": false, "discount_uuid": [ "aeafd3b2-f724-45c9-83e3-f4e0f286fc45", "e5429d8a-588e-4ec2-ad09-f7ad36894ead" ], "discount_amount": 21.59, "discount_multiplier": 0.11995777308589843, "discount_percent": 12, "total_amount_with_discount": 158.39, "max_quantity_allowed": 0 } ], "request_method": "estimate", "request_type": "sale", "shipping": [ { "uuid": "d57ed1cc-7914-4e3c-8954-d311e5194b84", "amount": 45.64, "products": [ { "id": "k6EXjKzd7PHOpgvdYjXG", "uuid": "fef9b23e-2cc7-4e9d-90af-98d7117115e1", "quantity": 2 } ], "provider": "ups", "provider_method": "ups_other", "total_amount_with_discount": 40.17 } ], "tax": [ { "rate": 0.05, "amount": 10.71 } ], "totals": { "amount_total": 236.33, "amount_bill_now": 209.27, "products": { "amount_total": 158.39, "amount_bill_now_with_discount": 158.39, "amount_bill_now": 179.98 }, "shipping": { "amount_total": 40.17, "amount_bill_now_with_discount": 40.17, "amount_bill_now": 45.64 }, "discount": { "amount_total": 27.06 }, "tax": { "amount_total": 10.71, "amount_bill_now": 10.71 } } }
Sale Retrieve
Retrieve current information on a single sale or multiple sales.
Please view Pagination and Filters for details on retrieving multiple items.
The response may include AdWords Response Objects within each item if an AdWords click ID is associated with the item.
Request JSON Schema
The main request object.
The type of request being made.
The method for the request type.
The RevCent ID of the item. Required if multiple property equals false or is not present.
Whether it is a multiple type request.
Response JSON Schema
The API call ID of the request. Every API request is assigned an ID.
Indicates whether the API call was processed.
The unix timestamp of when the API call was made.
The result code for the request.
0 = RevCent Error
1 = Success
The number of result items contained in the current page.
The current page of result, same as requested page, default is page 1.
The API request method.
The API request type.
An array of objects, each object being a unique item.
The amount captured.
The total amount discounted.
The current amount of calculated fees charged by the payment processor.
The current gross amount. Equals (amount_captured + amount_settled).
The current net amount. Equals (amount_captured + amount_settled) - amount_fees.
The total calculated amount when an item is created.
Total amount of any refunds.
The current amount remaining to be captured. Amounts yet to be captured due to a trial or salvage transaction.
The current amount settled.
The current amount of related salvage transactions not yet salvaged.
The current total amount after any refunds, cancellations or other changes. Equals amount_original_total - (amount_void + amount_refunded).
Total amount of any items that have been voided.
An array containing api call IDs related to the item.
The RevCent ID of the campaign.
The name of the campaign associated with the item.
If the sale was pending payment and ultimately cancelled without processing payment.
An array containing check direct IDs related to the item.
The unix timestamp of when the item was created.
The customer object.
The customers' first address line.
The customers' second address line.
Whether the customer has been blocked from purchases.
The customers' city.
The customers' company.
The customers' country.
The customers' email.
Whether the customer is currently enabled.
The customers' first name.
The customers' full address.
Whether the customers' address was successfully geocoded using the Google geocoding service.
The Google place ID for the customers' address using the Google geocoding service.
The RevCent ID for the customer.
Your internal ID for the customer.
The customers' last name.
The approximate latitude for the customers' address using the Google geocoding service.
The approximate longitude for the customers' address using the Google geocoding service.
The customers' phone number.
The customers' state.
The customers' state in long format.
The customers' status.
The customers' zip or postal code.
An array containing discounts related to the item.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
The discount type, either percent or amount.
The discount amount after all calculations.
The discount percent of the overall amount.
The coupon object.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
The name of the item.
The description of the item.
The coupon code.
The hosted endpoint related to the sale, if applicable.
The hosted endpoint ID.
The hosted endpoint name.
The hosted endpoint path.
The RevCent hosted page related to the sale, if applicable.
The RevCent hosted page ID.
The RevCent hosted page name.
The RevCent hosted page path.
The hosted page template related to the sale, if applicable.
The hosted page template ID.
The hosted page template name.
The hosted page visit related to the sale, if applicable.
The hosted page visit ID.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
The internal_id you provided when creating the item.
If the item was created using a check_direct payment method.
If the sale is currently pending payment with a payment type of check_direct. I.e. waiting for check receipt before processing.
If the item was created using an offline payment method.
ISO 4217 currency code.
Whether the item was created using a live or test RevCent API key.
An array containing offline payment IDs related to the item.
Payment profile related to the item.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
The name of the item.
An array of objects, each object being a unique item.
The RevCent ID of the gateway.
Whether the item is enabled or disabled.
Whether the item is enabled or disabled.
The payment type related to the item.
The system ID of the payment type related to the item.
The system name of the payment type related to the item.
An array containing RevCent PayPal transaction IDs related to the item.
If the sale is currently pending payment.
An array containing pending refund IDs related to the item.
An array containing product sale IDs related to the item.
Products detailed is an array of individual product objects, indicating the products which are related to the item.
The ID of the product
The price of the product.
The quantity of the product.
The product name.
The product description.
The total amount of the product. I.e. Price * Quantity
The product internal ID.
The product SKU.
The product URL.
Product images if uploaded to RevCent.
An array containing salvage transaction IDs related to the item.
The ship to object.
An array containing shipping IDs related to the item.
The total amount of shipping for the related item.
An array containing SMTP message IDs related to the item.
The current status of the related item.
An array containing subscription renewal IDs related to the item.
An array containing subscription IDs related to the item.
An array containing tax IDs related to the item.
The total amount of tax for the related item.
Will contain details if the root item is related to a third party shop.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
The name of the item.
The URL of the third party shop.
The RevCent tracking visitor related to the item, if TrackJS was initialized.
The tracking visitor ID.
An array containing credit card transaction IDs related to the item.
An array containing trial IDs related to the item.
The unique_request_id provided, or system generated, during the initial request creating the item.
The unix timestamp of when the item was updated.
The total number of result items for the given request.
The total number of pages for the given request.
Request JSON
{ "request": { "type": "sale", "method": "retrieve", "id": "k6vnbJom00Ug89mpRj78" } }
Response JSON
{ "api_call_id": "0pwokmw491i00V4Zl8qb", "api_call_processed": true, "api_call_unix": 1565814902, "code": 1, "current_count": 1, "current_page": 1, "request_method": "retrieve", "request_type": "sale", "results": [ { "amount_captured": 111.86, "amount_discounted": 0, "amount_fees": 3.02, "amount_gross": 111.86, "amount_net": 108.84, "amount_original_total": 274.28, "amount_refunded": 0, "amount_remaining": 162.42, "amount_settled": 0, "amount_to_salvage": 12.43, "amount_total": 274.28, "amount_void": 0, "api_calls": [ "O051o2XaAAUXnXwwr4O9" ], "campaign_id": "X849YQm7BEf0ZQd7Ol1K", "campaign_name": "Facebook Campaign", "cancelled": false, "check_directs": [], "created_date_unix": 1565814899, "customer": { "address_line_1": "1600 Pennsylvania Ave", "address_line_2": "", "blocked": false, "city": "Washington", "company": "", "country": "USA", "email": "", "enabled": true, "first_name": "George", "full_address": "1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC 20500, USA", "geocode_success": true, "google_place_id": "ChIJGVtI4by3t4kRr51d_Qm_x58", "id": "4r158EzJmmcVM69dNLkg", "internal_id": "pres_0001", "last_name": "Washington", "lat": "38.8976633", "lon": "-77.0365739", "metadata": [], "phone": "1234567890", "state": "DC", "state_long": "DC", "zip": "20500" }, "discounts": [ { "id": "vEw4non1WycnRQKOpREX", "discount_type": "percent", "discount_amount": 7, "discount_percent": 0.1, "coupon": { "id": "VPmmrpbVl7cQ9JaXEanl", "name": "10 Percent Off", "description": "", "coupon_code": "10percent" } } ], "hosted_endpoint": null, "hosted_page": null, "hosted_page_template": null, "hosted_page_visit": null, "id": "k6vnbJom00Ug89mpRj78", "internal_id": "sale_8970", "is_check_direct": false, "is_check_direct_pending": false, "is_offline_payment": false, "iso_currency": "USD", "live_mode": false, "metadata": [ { "name": "adwords_click", "value": "Cjat0KwhCQjdTq..." } ], "notes": [], "offline_payments": [], "payment_profile": { "id": "ajyXm76OpjSL4p5oO2By", "name": "AuthBrainStripe", "results": { "declined_transaction_array": [ "y27kOy7kblsWJX6kjb0X" ], "final_amount": 111.86, "num_declined_transactions": 1, "original_amount": 124.29, "payment_profile_id": "ajyXm76OpjSL4p5oO2By", "step_array": [ { "step_action": "initial", "step_amount": 124.29, "step_cascade_result": { "cascade_order": "sort_order", "enabled_gateways": [ "2rE2pQGMd7SYjGp42yEL", "LYE26MW8Rlh5VbJmlp2l", "GOJankNpkpsPzw6No1OP", "NkAMJOzpB5iEAOrdloV0" ], "gateway_results": [ { "gateway_id": "2rE2pQGMd7SYjGp42yEL", "order": 1, "revenue_rules": { "enabled": false, "passed": true, "details": [] }, "success": true, "time_rules": { "enabled": false, "passed": true, "details": [] } } ], "start_gateway": "2rE2pQGMd7SYjGp42yEL" }, "step_gateway": "Worldpay", "step_gateway_id": "2rE2pQGMd7SYjGp42yEL", "step_gateway_response": "", "step_modifier": "", "step_num": 1, "step_result": "Declined", "step_setting": "initial", "step_source": "cascade", "step_transaction": "y27kOy7kblsWJX6kjb0X" }, { "step_action": "next", "step_amount": 111.86, "step_cascade_result": null, "step_gateway": "Braintree", "step_gateway_id": "NkAMJOzpB5iEAOrdloV0", "step_modifier": "10", "step_num": 2, "step_result": "Approved", "step_setting": "modifypct", "step_source": "gateway", "step_transaction": "ALRjyqRE27fjMonyKLny" } ], "successful_gateway": "Braintree", "successful_step_num": 2 } }, "payment_type": { "id": "KnQ0KlNE6kf5mobyV0pN", "name": "Credit Card" }, "paypal_transactions": [], "pending_payment": false, "pending_refunds": [], "product_sales": [ "zGld6plAkacWRzRwblaJ", "9rdEMadyZ7uYgnbKWwX5", "LY5yop5nk7hbPzpBn8aY" ], "products_detailed": [ { "id": "k6EXjKzd7PHOpgvdYjXG", "price": 89.99, "quantity": 1, "name": "USB HDD", "description": "Great USB for data storage.", "total_amount": 89.99, "discount_amount": 3.75, "is_subscription": false, "is_trial": false, "internal_id": "usb_hdd", "sku": "usb_hdd_sku", "url": "", "images": [ { "id": "2r14zlG0mjF5zbQ24XAl", "featured": true, "file_name": "2r14zlG0mjF5zbQ24XAl", "file_ext": "jpg", "image_width": 612, "image_height": 612, "mimetype": "image/jpeg", "base_url": "", "full_url": "", "compressed_extensions": [ "_resize_150", "_resize_600", "_resize_300" ] } ] } ], "salvage_transactions": [ "VPm9Mqmgw7UJJLldojJY" ], "ship_to": { "first_name": "ahux", "last_name": "qtrpinkz", "address_line_1": "1600 Pennsylvania Ave", "address_line_2": "", "city": "Washington", "state": "DC", "zip": "20500", "country": "USA", "company": "", "email": "", "phone": "1234567890" }, "shipping": [ "gYamRbaGZphKn8zJVow1" ], "shipping_amount": 5, "smtp_messages": [], "status": "Partially Captured", "subscription_renewals": [], "subscriptions": [ "WmPnWqPKbpFRmy6Ma2BG", "o1jGw5jY2RILLl4dBMwa" ], "tax": [ "ALRjyqRE27fjjpmRzBRd" ], "tax_amount": 9.31, "third_party_shop": null, "tracking_visitor": null, "transactions": [ "ALRjyqRE27fjMonyKLny" ], "trials": [ "LY5yop5nk7hb6o2Pvl5j" ], "unique_request_id": "dfbea91e6f26358e0ed3b9127bf8647b", "updated_date_unix": 1565814901 } ], "total_count": 1, "total_pages": 1 }
Sale Search
Search for a sale using a string or group of strings.
Please read more about API Search before proceeding.
Request JSON Schema
The main request object.
The type of request being made.
The method for the request type.
The string to search.
Response JSON Schema
The API call ID of the request. Every API request is assigned an ID.
Indicates whether the API call was processed.
The unix timestamp of when the API call was made.
The result code for the request.
0 = RevCent Error
1 = Success
The API request type.
The API request method.
An array of objects, each object being a unique item.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
The unix timestamp of when the item was created.
The RevCent ID of the customer.
Request JSON
{ "request": { "type": "sale", "method": "search", "search_term": "vvheijtwb" } }
Response JSON
{ "api_call_id": "O0EOrOWWvaiY6N9opdLQ", "api_call_processed": true, "api_call_unix": 1681236956, "code": 1, "request_method": "search", "request_type": "sale", "results": [ { "item_type": "sale", "id": "nbpAJjqylZcqWZmrVL4X", "created_date_unix": 1681154305, "customer_id": "j0wbkvqM57ijYNMZLzBv", "first_name": "injl", "last_name": "vvheijtw", "address_line_1": "1600 Pennsylvania Ave", "address_line_2": "", "city": "Washington", "state": "DC", "zip": "20500", "email": "", "phone": "4041242229", "ship_to_first_name": "injlb", "ship_to_last_name": "vvheijtwb", "ship_to_address_line_1": "1600 Pennsylvania Ave", "ship_to_address_line_2": "", "ship_to_city": "Washington", "ship_to_state": "DC", "ship_to_zip": "20500", "ip_address": "123.456.789.0", "metadata": [], "url": "", "highlights": [ { "field": "last_name", "values": [ "vvheijtw" ] }, { "field": "ship_to_last_name", "values": [ "vvheijtwb" ] } ], "score": 9.658517837524414 } ] }
Salvage Transaction
A salvage transaction is a fully or partially declined credit card transaction. We save all submitted customer information regardless if a credit card transaction is declined.
Salvage Transaction Process
Manually process a salvage transaction. RevCent can automatically process salvage transactions using Salvage Profiles.
Request JSON Schema
The main request object
The type of request being made.
The method for the request type.
The salvage transaction ID.
If you wish the try a specific customer card, provide the cards' RevCent ID. Otherwise do not include this property to use the salvage transaction customer's default card.
The payment object. Contains the credit_card object. If not present the existing default payment method associated with the related customer will be used.
The credit_card object.
The credit card number. This value must be a valid credit card number as a string.
The credit card expiration month. Two digit integer, MM.
The credit card expiration year. Two digit integer, YY.
The credit card code as a string. Depending on the card type this can be different lengths.
If you wish to set the credit card as the default payment method for the customer. Default is true if customer has no active or unexpired cards on file.
Use a specific gateway for processing the item payment. This value can either be the RevCent gateway ID or the custom gateway name you created.
To use as the billing information. If not present the customer object will be used.
Response JSON Schema
The amount of the item.
The API call ID of the request. Every API request is assigned an ID.
Indicates whether the API call was processed.
The unix timestamp of when the API call was made.
The RevCent ID of the campaign.
The RevCent ID of the customer credit card used if a transaction occurred.
The result code for the request.
0 = RevCent Error
1 = Success
2 = Merchant Declined
3 = Merchant Error
4 = Merchant Hold
5 = Fraud Detected
The customer object.
The customers' first address line.
The customers' second address line.
Whether the customer has been blocked from purchases.
The customers' city.
The customers' company.
The customers' country.
The customers' email.
Whether the customer is currently enabled.
The customers' first name.
The customers' full address.
Whether the customers' address was successfully geocoded using the Google geocoding service.
The Google place ID for the customers' address using the Google geocoding service.
The RevCent ID for the customer.
Your internal ID for the customer.
The customers' last name.
The approximate latitude for the customers' address using the Google geocoding service.
The approximate longitude for the customers' address using the Google geocoding service.
The customers' phone number.
The customers' state.
The customers' state in long format.
The customers' status.
The customers' zip or postal code.
The RevCent ID of the customer.
Gateway related to the item.
The RevCent ID of the gateway.
The full response from the merchant gateway as a JSON string.
The API request method.
The API request type.
The a brief description of the result of the API call.
The RevCent ID of the sale.
The RevCent ID of the salvage transaction.
The RevCent ID of the credit card transaction.
Request JSON
{ "request": { "type": "salvage_transaction", "method": "process", "salvage_transaction_id": "VPm9Mqmgw7UJJLldojJY" } }
Response JSON
{ "amount": 12.43, "api_call_id": "RJ5MnkJqa8CGGjRlAJmn", "api_call_processed": true, "api_call_unix": 1565814918, "campaign_id": "X849YQm7BEf0ZQd7Ol1K", "card_id": "1rQA58w6XXcMNRApYLPn", "code": 1, "customer": { "address_line_1": "1600 Pennsylvania Ave", "address_line_2": "", "blocked": false, "city": "Washington", "company": "", "country": "USA", "email": "", "enabled": true, "first_name": "George", "full_address": "1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC 20500, USA", "geocode_success": true, "google_place_id": "ChIJGVtI4by3t4kRr51d_Qm_x58", "id": "4r158EzJmmcVM69dNLkg", "internal_id": "pres_0001", "last_name": "Washington", "lat": "38.8976633", "lon": "-77.0365739", "metadata": [], "phone": "1234567890", "state": "DC", "state_long": "DC", "zip": "20500" }, "customer_id": "4r158EzJmmcVM69dNLkg", "gateway": "Braintree", "gateway_id": "NkAMJOzpB5iEAOrdloV0", "gateway_raw_response": "", "request_method": "process", "request_type": "salvage_transaction", "result": "Approved", "sale_id": "k6vnbJom00Ug89mpRj78", "salvage_transaction_id": "VPm9Mqmgw7UJJLldojJY", "transaction_id": "ajOA902JAdcpM4lEZNGQ" }
Salvage Transaction Retrieve
Retrieve current information on a single salvage transaction or multiple salvage transactions.
Please view Pagination and Filters for details on retrieving multiple items.
The response may include AdWords Response Objects within each item if an AdWords click ID is associated with the item.
Request JSON Schema
The main request object.
The type of request being made.
The method for the request type.
The RevCent ID of the item. Required if multiple property equals false or is not present.
Whether it is a multiple type request.
Response JSON Schema
The API call ID of the request. Every API request is assigned an ID.
Indicates whether the API call was processed.
The unix timestamp of when the API call was made.
The result code for the request.
0 = RevCent Error
1 = Success
The number of result items contained in the current page.
The current page of result, same as requested page, default is page 1.
The API request method.
The API request type.
An array of objects, each object being a unique item.
The amount successfully charged in the originating transaction.
The total calculated amount when an item is created.
The current amount of related salvage transactions not yet salvaged.
The RevCent ID of the campaign.
The name of the campaign associated with the item.
An array containing check direct IDs related to the item.
The unix timestamp of when the item was created.
The customer object.
The customers' first address line.
The customers' second address line.
Whether the customer has been blocked from purchases.
The customers' city.
The customers' company.
The customers' country.
The customers' email.
Whether the customer is currently enabled.
The customers' first name.
The customers' full address.
Whether the customers' address was successfully geocoded using the Google geocoding service.
The Google place ID for the customers' address using the Google geocoding service.
The RevCent ID for the customer.
Your internal ID for the customer.
The customers' last name.
The approximate latitude for the customers' address using the Google geocoding service.
The approximate longitude for the customers' address using the Google geocoding service.
The customers' phone number.
The customers' state.
The customers' state in long format.
The customers' status.
The customers' zip or postal code.
An array containing discounts related to the item.
Whether the salvage transaction is enabled, thus able to be processed.
The ID of the gateway which originated the salvage transaction
The name of the gateway which originated the salvage transaction
The RevCent ID of the object item.
Whether the item is related to a payment profile transaction.
Whether the item is related to a failed subscription renewal transaction.
Whether the item was created using a live or test RevCent API key.
Total number of salvage attempts.
An array containing offline payment IDs related to the item.
The payment profile related to the salvage transaction.
The payment profile ID to the salvage transaction.
The payment profile name to the salvage transaction.
Whether the payment profile resulted in a partial transaction or a full decline.
An array containing RevCent PayPal transaction IDs related to the item.
An array containing pending refund IDs related to the item.
An array containing product sale IDs related to the item.
The total amount of the sale associated with the salvage transaction, if applicable.
Whether the salvage transaction will create a new sale.
Whether the salvage transaction is part of an initial sale transaction.
An array containing sale IDs related to the item.
Whether the salvage transaction was successfully processed.
An array containing shipping IDs related to the item.
An array containing SMTP message IDs related to the item.
The current status of the related item.
An array containing subscription renewal IDs related to the item.
An array containing subscription IDs related to the item.
The transaction ID of a successful salvage.
An array containing tax IDs related to the item.
An array containing credit card transaction IDs related to the item.
An array containing trial IDs related to the item.
The unix timestamp of when the item was updated.
The total number of result items for the given request.
The total number of pages for the given request.
Request JSON
{ "request": { "type": "salvage_transaction", "method": "retrieve", "id": "VPm9Mqmgw7UJJLldojJY" } }
Response JSON
{ "api_call_id": "JN58oyLWgpCEErknYgRz", "api_call_processed": true, "api_call_unix": 1565814915, "code": 1, "current_count": 1, "current_page": 1, "request_method": "retrieve", "request_type": "salvage_transaction", "results": [ { "amount_charged": 111.86, "amount_original_total": 124.29, "amount_to_salvage": 12.43, "campaign_id": "X849YQm7BEf0ZQd7Ol1K", "campaign_name": "Facebook Campaign", "check_directs": [], "created_date_unix": 1565814901, "customer": { "address_line_1": "1600 Pennsylvania Ave", "address_line_2": "", "blocked": false, "city": "Washington", "company": "", "country": "USA", "email": "", "enabled": true, "first_name": "George", "full_address": "1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC 20500, USA", "geocode_success": true, "google_place_id": "ChIJGVtI4by3t4kRr51d_Qm_x58", "id": "4r158EzJmmcVM69dNLkg", "internal_id": "pres_0001", "last_name": "Washington", "lat": "38.8976633", "lon": "-77.0365739", "metadata": [], "phone": "1234567890", "state": "DC", "state_long": "DC", "zip": "20500" }, "discounts": [], "enabled": true, "gateway_id": "NkAMJOzpB5iEAOrdloV0", "gateway_name": "Braintree", "id": "VPm9Mqmgw7UJJLldojJY", "is_payment_profile": true, "is_subscription_renewal": false, "live_mode": false, "notes": [], "num_retries": 0, "offline_payments": [], "payment_profile": { "id": "ajyXm76OpjSL4p5oO2By", "name": "AuthBrainStripe" }, "payment_profile_partial": true, "paypal_transactions": [], "pending_refunds": [ "MW5LoA9WlLIwV9OErYOk" ], "product_sales": [ "zGld6plAkacWRzRwblaJ", "9rdEMadyZ7uYgnbKWwX5", "LY5yop5nk7hbPzpBn8aY" ], "sale_amount_total": 274.28, "sale_creator": false, "sale_initial": true, "sales": [ "k6vnbJom00Ug89mpRj78" ], "salvaged": false, "shipping": [ "gYamRbaGZphKn8zJVow1" ], "smtp_messages": [], "status": "Ready", "subscription_renewals": [], "subscriptions": [], "success_transaction_id": null, "tax": [ "ALRjyqRE27fjjpmRzBRd" ], "transactions": [ "ALRjyqRE27fjMonyKLny" ], "trials": [], "updated_date_unix": 1565814906 } ], "total_count": 1, "total_pages": 1 }
A settlement in RevCent can be created automatically, via webhook function, or via the API. Read more about settlements at our Knowledge Base.
Settlement Create
Create a settlement in RevCent. Requires that you provide either the RevCent gateway ID or merchant account ID to link a settlement to a gateway.
If providing the merchant_account_id in the request, make sure the related gateway in RevCent has a merchant account ID assigned to it.
Request JSON Schema
The main request object
The type of request being made.
The method for the request type.
The RevCent gateway ID the settlement is related to. Either the gateway_id or merchant_account_id is required.
If not providing the gateway_id property, then the provide the merchant account ID associated with the gateway. Make sure the related gateway in RevCent has a merchant account ID assigned to it.
The settlement amount, i.e. what is being deposited into your bank.
The settlement ID from the gateway. This is to be unique within your RevCent account.
The settlement date from the gateway.
ISO 4217 currency code. If not provided default is 'USD'.
Response JSON Schema
The amount of the item.
The API call ID of the request. Every API request is assigned an ID.
Indicates whether the API call was processed.
The unix timestamp of when the API call was made.
The result code for the request.
0 = RevCent Error
1 = Success
2 = Merchant Declined
3 = Merchant Error
4 = Merchant Hold
5 = Fraud Detected
The API request method.
The API request type.
The a brief description of the result of the API call.
Request JSON
{ "request": { "type": "settlement", "method": "create", "merchant_account_id": "12345", "amount": 100.34, "gateway_settlement_id": "stl_343339", "gateway_settlement_date": "2023-07-19T14:41:54" } }
Response JSON
{ "amount": 100.34, "api_call_date": "2023-07-19T15:00:43+00:00", "api_call_id": "4r42Q8XvqaUq6Rjw5rE9", "api_call_processed": true, "api_call_unix": 1689778843, "code": 1, "gateway_settlement_date": "2023-07-19T14:41:54.000Z", "gateway_settlement_id": "stl_343339", "request_method": "create", "request_type": "settlement", "result": "Settlement created.", "settlement_id": "ALz87ylN41UrdzBwonLn" }
Settlement Retrieve
Retrieve current information on a single settlement or multiple settlements. Only the date and gateway filter is supported.
Please view Pagination and Filters for details on retrieving multiple items.
Request JSON Schema
The main request object.
The type of request being made.
The method for the request type.
The RevCent ID of the item. Required if multiple property equals false or is not present.
Whether it is a multiple type request.
Response JSON Schema
The API call ID of the request. Every API request is assigned an ID.
Indicates whether the API call was processed.
The unix timestamp of when the API call was made.
The result code for the request.
0 = RevCent Error
1 = Success
The number of result items contained in the current page.
The current page of result, same as requested page, default is page 1.
The API request method.
The API request type.
An array of objects, each object being a unique item.
The amount of the item.
The unix timestamp of when the item was created.
Gateway related to the item.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
The name of the item.
The merchant account ID associated with the merchant gateway.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
The name of the item.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
ISO 4217 currency code.
The unix timestamp of when the item was updated.
The total number of result items for the given request.
The total number of pages for the given request.
Request JSON
{ "request": { "type": "settlement", "method": "retrieve", "id": "ALz87ylN41UrdzBwonLn" } }
Response JSON
{ "amount": 100.34, "created_date_unix": 1689777714, "gateway": { "id": "gYVMVngL9XSn1Gl60oJM", "name": "New Auth20", "merchant_account_id": "12345", "site_gateway": { "id": "dXAmybdWwYHrLyWRAAZV", "name": "" } }, "gateway_settlement_id": "stl_343339", "id": "ALz87ylN41UrdzBwonLn", "iso_currency": "USD", "payment_type": { "id": "KnQ0KlNE6kf5mobyV0pN", "name": "Credit Card" }, "updated_date_unix": 1689777714 }
A shipping is a completely isolated part of a sale. Each shipping is its own entity capable of separate transactions and tracking
Shipping Edit
Modify shipping information for a specific shipment.
Request JSON Schema
The main request object
The type of request being made.
The method for the request type.
The shipping ID
A description of the shipping.
Indicated whether this is a free shipping item.
The name of the item.
The shipping provider.
The shipping provider method.
The shipping provider tracking.
If you wish to modify the ship_to info.
Whether the shipment has been shipped.
Whether the shipment has been delivered.
Whether to send a notification to the customer upon modification. Useful when editing a shipping item as shipped and wishing to let the customer know. Default: false.
Response JSON Schema
The API call ID of the request. Every API request is assigned an ID.
Indicates whether the API call was processed.
The unix timestamp of when the API call was made.
The result code for the request.
0 = RevCent Error
1 = Success
The API request method.
The API request type.
The a brief description of the result of the API call.
The RevCent ID of the shipping.
Request JSON
{ "request": { "type": "shipping", "method": "edit", "shipping_id": "gYamRbaGZphKn8zJVow1", "provider": "ups", "provider_method": "overnight", "provider_tracking": "1Z9999999999999999", "weight": 41.3, "shipped": false, "delivered": false, "send_notification": false, "ship_to": { "first_name": "dzwy", "last_name": "vloavpxc", "address_line_1": "1600 Pennsylvania Ave", "address_line_2": "", "city": "Washington", "state": "DC", "zip": "20500", "country": "USA", "company": "", "email": "", "phone": "1234567890" } } }
Response JSON
{ "api_call_id": "mJGAbQoJ6Ai12kV8gQ0E", "api_call_processed": true, "api_call_unix": 1565814906, "code": 1, "request_method": "edit", "request_type": "shipping", "result": "Shipping information successfully edited.", "shipping_id": "gYamRbaGZphKn8zJVow1" }
Shipping Refund
Refund a shipment for a specific amount or entire amount.
Request JSON Schema
The main request object
The type of request being made.
The method for the request type.
The amount to refund. If not provided the entire shipping amount will be refunded.
The RevCent ID of the shipping.
Response JSON Schema
The amount of the item.
The API call ID of the request. Every API request is assigned an ID.
Indicates whether the API call was processed.
The unix timestamp of when the API call was made.
The RevCent ID of the campaign.
The name of the campaign associated with the item.
The result code for the request.
0 = RevCent Error
1 = Success
The RevCent ID of the customer.
Array containing IDs of each pending refund created as a result of the request.
The API request method.
The API request type.
The a brief description of the result of the API call.
The RevCent ID of the sale.
The RevCent ID of the shipping.
Request JSON
{ "request": { "type": "shipping", "method": "refund", "shipping_id": "gYamRbaGZphKn8zJVow1", "amount": 4.25 } }
Response JSON
{ "amount": 4.25, "api_call_id": "rm9EA5ymgEIoKZMq74BZ", "api_call_processed": true, "api_call_unix": 1565814906, "campaign_id": "X849YQm7BEf0ZQd7Ol1K", "campaign_name": "Facebook Campaign", "code": 1, "customer_id": "4r158EzJmmcVM69dNLkg", "pending_refund": [ "MW5LoA9WlLIwV9OErYOk" ], "request_method": "refund", "request_type": "shipping", "result": "Shipping refunded in the amount of $4.25.", "sale_id": "k6vnbJom00Ug89mpRj78", "shipping_id": "gYamRbaGZphKn8zJVow1" }
Shipping Retrieve
Retrieve current information on a single shipping item or multiple shipping items.
Please view Pagination and Filters for details on retrieving multiple items.
The response may include AdWords Response Objects within each item if an AdWords click ID is associated with the item.
Request JSON Schema
The main request object.
The type of request being made.
The method for the request type.
The RevCent ID of the item. Required if multiple property equals false or is not present.
Whether it is a multiple type request.
Response JSON Schema
The API call ID of the request. Every API request is assigned an ID.
Indicates whether the API call was processed.
The unix timestamp of when the API call was made.
The result code for the request.
0 = RevCent Error
1 = Success
The number of result items contained in the current page.
The current page of result, same as requested page, default is page 1.
The API request method.
The API request type.
An array of objects, each object being a unique item.
The amount captured.
The total amount discounted.
The current amount of calculated fees charged by the payment processor.
The current gross amount. Equals (amount_captured + amount_settled).
The current net amount. Equals (amount_captured + amount_settled) - amount_fees.
The total calculated amount when an item is created.
Total amount of any refunds.
The current amount remaining to be captured. Amounts yet to be captured due to a trial or salvage transaction.
The current amount settled.
The current amount of related salvage transactions not yet salvaged.
The current total amount after any refunds, cancellations or other changes. Equals amount_original_total - (amount_void + amount_refunded).
Total amount of any items that have been voided.
The RevCent ID of the campaign.
The name of the campaign associated with the item.
An array containing check direct IDs related to the item.
Any cost value provided when creating the shipping item.
The unix timestamp of when the item was created.
The customer object.
The customers' first address line.
The customers' second address line.
Whether the customer has been blocked from purchases.
The customers' city.
The customers' company.
The customers' country.
The customers' email.
Whether the customer is currently enabled.
The customers' first name.
The customers' full address.
Whether the customers' address was successfully geocoded using the Google geocoding service.
The Google place ID for the customers' address using the Google geocoding service.
The RevCent ID for the customer.
Your internal ID for the customer.
The customers' last name.
The approximate latitude for the customers' address using the Google geocoding service.
The approximate longitude for the customers' address using the Google geocoding service.
The customers' phone number.
The customers' state.
The customers' state in long format.
The customers' status.
The customers' zip or postal code.
The customer notification object provides information on if the customer was notified upon certain shipping events.
The customer object.
If the customer was notified when the item shipped.
If the customer was notified when the item was delivered.
The description of the item.
An array containing discounts related to the item.
The fulfillment account associated with the shipping item, if applicable.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
The name of the item.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
If the item was created using a check_direct payment method.
If the shipping item was delivered.
If the shipping item was indicated as free shipping when created.
If the item was created using an offline payment method.
If the shipping item was shipped.
Whether the item was created using a live or test RevCent API key.
The name of the item.
An array containing offline payment IDs related to the item.
The payment type related to the item.
The system ID of the payment type related to the item.
The system name of the payment type related to the item.
An array containing RevCent PayPal transaction IDs related to the item.
An array containing pending refund IDs related to the item.
An array containing product sale IDs related to the item.
Products detailed is an array of individual product objects, indicating the products which were contained in each shipping item.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
The name of the item.
The product SKU.
The product URL.
The product internal ID.
The list price of the product.
The weighted price of the product compared to other products.
The sale price of the product.
The sale quantity of the product.
The total sale amount of the product. Price x Quantity.
The shipping provider.
The shipping provider delivered date.
The shipping provider method.
The shipping provider tracking number or ID.
The shipping provider tracking URL.
Whether there was an error when updating information about the shipping from the shipping provider, using the provider_tracking.
The last date in unix timestamp that RevCent acquired an update from the provider.
The latest response that RevCent received when requesting an update from the provider.
An array containing sale IDs related to the item.
An array containing salvage transaction IDs related to the item.
Indicates whether the customer will receive a notification for this shipping item.
The unix timestamp of when the shipping was shipped.
The ship to object.
The current shipping status.
An array containing SMTP message IDs related to the item.
The current status of the related item.
An array containing subscription renewal IDs related to the item.
An array containing subscription IDs related to the item.
An array containing tax IDs related to the item.
Tax rate calculated based on tax amount and total related item amount.
Will contain details if the root item is related to a third party shop.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
The name of the item.
The URL of the third party shop.
An array containing credit card transaction IDs related to the item.
An array containing trial IDs related to the item.
The unix timestamp of when the item was updated.
The total number of result items for the given request.
The total number of pages for the given request.
Request JSON
{ "request": { "type": "shipping", "method": "retrieve", "id": "gYamRbaGZphKn8zJVow1" } }
Response JSON
{ "api_call_id": "JN58oy4OPWsEb7JXLMMB", "api_call_processed": true, "api_call_unix": 1565814906, "code": 1, "current_count": 1, "current_page": 1, "request_method": "retrieve", "request_type": "shipping", "results": [ { "amount_captured": 4.94, "amount_discounted": 0, "amount_fees": 0.13, "amount_gross": 4.94, "amount_net": 4.81, "amount_original_total": 5, "amount_refunded": 0.06, "amount_remaining": 0, "amount_settled": 0, "amount_to_salvage": 0, "amount_total": 4.94, "amount_void": 0, "campaign_id": "X849YQm7BEf0ZQd7Ol1K", "campaign_name": "Facebook Campaign", "check_directs": [], "complete": false, "cost": 0, "created_date_unix": 1565814901, "customer": { "address_line_1": "1600 Pennsylvania Ave", "address_line_2": "", "blocked": false, "city": "Washington", "company": "", "country": "USA", "email": "", "enabled": true, "first_name": "George", "full_address": "1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC 20500, USA", "geocode_success": true, "google_place_id": "ChIJGVtI4by3t4kRr51d_Qm_x58", "id": "4r158EzJmmcVM69dNLkg", "internal_id": "pres_0001", "last_name": "Washington", "lat": "38.8976633", "lon": "-77.0365739", "metadata": [], "phone": "1234567890", "state": "DC", "state_long": "DC", "zip": "20500" }, "customer_notification": { "customer": { "notified_shipped": false, "notified_delivered": false } }, "description": "", "discounts": [], "fulfillment_account": { "id": "j0o25b2YJRFdJb8EEXE1", "name": "ShipWorks" }, "id": "gYamRbaGZphKn8zJVow1", "is_check_direct": false, "is_delivered": false, "is_free": false, "is_offline_payment": false, "is_received": false, "is_shipped": false, "live_mode": false, "metadata": [ { "name": "adwords_click", "value": "Cjat0KwhCQjdTq..." } ], "name": "usps priority", "notes": [], "offline_payments": [], "payment_type": { "id": "KnQ0KlNE6kf5mobyV0pN", "name": "Credit Card" }, "paypal_transactions": [], "pending_refunds": [ "Nk5voyEw8YiOmaRvjgyG" ], "product_sales": [ "LY5yop5nk7hbPzpBn8aY" ], "products_detailed": [ { "id": "k6EXjKzd7PHOpgvdYjXG", "name": "USB HDD", "description": "Great USB for data storage.", "internal_id": "13", "sku": "usb_hdd", "url": "", "list_price": 89.99, "percent_of_shipping": 1, "price": 89.99, "quantity": 1, "total_amount": 89.99, "images": [ { "id": "2r14zlG0mjF5zbQ24XAl", "featured": true, "file_name": "2r14zlG0mjF5zbQ24XAl", "file_ext": "jpg", "image_width": 612, "image_height": 612, "mimetype": "image/jpeg", "base_url": "", "full_url": "", "compressed_extensions": [ "_resize_150", "_resize_600", "_resize_300" ] } ] } ], "provider": "usps", "provider_delivered_date_unix": null, "provider_method": "priority_mail", "provider_received_date_unix": null, "provider_tracking": "4095511206218844523600", "provider_tracking_url": "", "provider_update_error": false, "provider_update_last_unix": null, "provider_update_response": null, "sales": [ "k6vnbJom00Ug89mpRj78" ], "salvage_transactions": [ "VPm9Mqmgw7UJJLldojJY" ], "send_notification": true, "ship_date_unix": null, "ship_to": { "first_name": "ahux", "last_name": "qtrpinkz", "address_line_1": "1600 Pennsylvania Ave", "address_line_2": "", "city": "Washington", "state": "DC", "zip": "20500", "country": "USA", "company": "", "email": "", "phone": "1234567890" }, "shipping_status": "Not Shipped", "smtp_messages": [], "status": "Fully Captured with Refund", "subscription_renewals": [], "subscriptions": [], "tax": [ "ALRjyqRE27fjjpmRzBRd" ], "tax_rate": 0.08, "third_party_shop": null, "transactions": [ "ALRjyqRE27fjMonyKLny" ], "trials": [], "updated_date_unix": 1565814903, "weight": 0 } ], "total_count": 1, "total_pages": 1 }
Shipping Search
Search for a shipment using a string or group of strings.
Please read more about API Search before proceeding.
Request JSON Schema
The main request object.
The type of request being made.
The method for the request type.
The string to search.
Response JSON Schema
The API call ID of the request. Every API request is assigned an ID.
Indicates whether the API call was processed.
The unix timestamp of when the API call was made.
The result code for the request.
0 = RevCent Error
1 = Success
The API request type.
The API request method.
An array of objects, each object being a unique item.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
The unix timestamp of when the item was created.
Request JSON
{ "request": { "type": "shipping", "method": "search", "search_term": "qZmZZGBdnMSkk2XZmnAE" } }
Response JSON
{ "api_call_id": "8r0za5qEdnHb10p2domz", "api_call_processed": true, "api_call_unix": 1681160327, "code": 1, "request_type": "shipping", "request_method": "search", "results": [ { "item_type": "shipping", "id": "qZmZZGBdnMSkk2XZmnAE", "created_date_unix": 1680909460, "ship_to_first_name": "Georgeb", "ship_to_last_name": "Washington", "ship_to_address_line_1": "1600 Pennsylvania Ave", "ship_to_address_line_2": "", "ship_to_city": "Washington", "ship_to_state": "DC", "ship_to_zip": "20500", "provider": "UPS", "provider_method": "ups_2nd_day_air", "provider_tracking": "", "shipping_status": "Not Shipped", "ship_date_unix": null, "delivered_date_unix": null, "metadata": [], "url": "", "highlights": [ { "field": "id", "values": [ "qZmZZGBdnMSkk2XZmnAE" ] } ], "score": 7.39 } ] }
RevCent has different shop entities. The site shop and user shop.
Site Shop
A site shop is the underlying software/system/service that is powering your online ecommerce store. You create a user shop based on a site shop.
Site Shop Retrieve
Retrieve current information on a single site shop or multiple site shops. This is the list of available external shops within the RevCent system. The most important part is the fields array, which is what each shop requires for authentication.
Please view Pagination and Filters for details on retrieving multiple items.
Request JSON Schema
The main request object.
The type of request being made.
The method for the request type.
The RevCent ID of the item. Required if multiple property equals false or is not present.
Whether it is a multiple type request.
Response JSON Schema
The API call ID of the request. Every API request is assigned an ID.
Indicates whether the API call was processed.
The unix timestamp of when the API call was made.
The result code for the request.
0 = RevCent Error
1 = Success
The number of result items contained in the current page.
The current page of result, same as requested page, default is page 1.
The API request method.
The API request type.
An array of objects, each object being a unique item.
The description of the item.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
The description of the item.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
The name of the item.
The total number of result items for the given request.
The total number of pages for the given request.
Request JSON
{ "request": { "type": "site_shop", "method": "retrieve", "id": "ajr7dJkNkoS1gEp5jw1k", "multiple": false, "filters": { "limit": 100, "page": 1 } } }
Response JSON
{ "api_call_id": "ZVA8a1XYMJuMnnP1BMyZ", "api_call_processed": true, "api_call_unix": 1676946618, "code": 1, "current_count": 1, "current_page": 1, "request_method": "retrieve", "request_type": "site_shop", "results": [ { "description": "The WooCommerce API requires both a consumer_key and consumer_secret. Both can be created in your WordPress admin panel by navigating to WooCommerce > Settings > Advanced > REST API", "fields": [ { "id": "consumer_key", "description": "Consumer key", "required": true }, { "id": "consumer_secret", "description": "Consumer secret", "required": true } ], "id": "ajr7dJkNkoS1gEp5jw1k", "name": "WooCommerce" } ], "total_count": 1, "total_pages": 1 }
User Shop
You create a user shop based on a site shop.
For example, if you are creating a user shop for WooCommerce, you would need to supply the correct number of fields, including each fields' corresponding id and value when creating the user shop. In the case of WooCommerce you would need to supply both the consumer_key and consumer_secret as shown in the example JSON.
User Shop Create
Create a user shop within RevCent via the user shop create method. RevCent will automatically connect to your shop and update any necessary settings to the RevCent plugin.
WooCommerce Users: Make sure you have completed the following:
- Installed and enabled the RevCent plugin. More info .
- Created a REST api key with both the consumer_key and consumer_secret. More info
Request JSON Schema
The main request object
The type of request being made.
The method for the request type.
Shop name.
Shop description.
The URL of the shop.
The RevCent site shop ID.
The version of the shop software.
Whether to process payment requests coming from the shop as live or test.
The payment profile ID to associate with the shop
The campaign ID to associate with the shop.
An array of objects, each containing the id and value of the fields corresponding to the site shop.
The id for the individual field according to the site shop fields required.
The value for the individual field according to the site shop fields required.
Response JSON Schema
The RevCent ID of the object item.
The name of the item.
The API call ID of the request. Every API request is assigned an ID.
Indicates whether the API call was processed.
The unix timestamp of when the API call was made.
The campaign object.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
The name of the item.
The result code for the request.
0 = RevCent Error
1 = Success
The unix timestamp of when the item was created.
The description of the item.
Whether the item is enabled or disabled.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
Whether the item was created using a live or test RevCent API key.
The name of the item.
Payment profile related to the item.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
The name of the item.
The API request method.
The API request type.
The a brief description of the result of the API call.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
The name of the item.
The description of the item.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
The description of the item.
The unix timestamp of when the item was updated.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
The name of the item.
Request JSON
{ "request": { "type": "user_shop", "method": "create", "name": "New Shop", "description": "Original description.", "url": "", "site_shop_id": "ajr7dJkNkoS1gEp5jw1k", "site_shop_version": "3", "live_mode": false, "payment_profile_id": "o1zXNj9RqztqbLKWGk4L", "campaign_id": "mJ1zZoOobEuP8pnWKXd1", "fields": [ { "id": "consumer_key", "value": "ck_12342555" }, { "id": "consumer_secret", "value": "cs_12124441" } ] } }
Response JSON
{ "api_account": { "id": "rmNgKq408RT0q5gNpdpV", "name": "API Account for New Shop" }, "api_call_date": "2023-02-21T02:20:17+00:00", "api_call_id": "bOpMjqLVPvHV9ERLlPzj", "api_call_processed": true, "api_call_unix": 1676946017, "campaign": { "id": "mJ1zZoOobEuP8pnWKXd1", "name": "Adwords Campaign" }, "code": 1, "created_date": "2023-02-21T02:20:13+00:00", "created_date_unix": 1676946013, "description": "Original description.", "enabled": true, "fields_saved": [ "consumer_key", "consumer_secret" ], "id": "y24rXwQPGNfdMAQbmpmG", "is_hosted": false, "live_mode": false, "name": "New Shop", "payment_profile": { "id": "o1zXNj9RqztqbLKWGk4L", "name": "Stripe Only" }, "request_method": "create", "request_type": "user_shop", "result": "Shop created.", "shop_version": "3", "site_shop": { "id": "ajr7dJkNkoS1gEp5jw1k", "name": "WooCommerce", "description": "The WooCommerce API requires both a consumer_key and consumer_secret. Both can be created in your WordPress admin panel by navigating to WooCommerce > Settings > Advanced > REST API", "fields": [ { "id": "consumer_key", "description": "Consumer key", "required": true }, { "id": "consumer_secret", "description": "Consumer secret", "required": true } ], "version": "3" }, "updated_date": "2023-02-21T02:20:17+00:00", "updated_date_unix": 1676946017, "url": "", "webhook": { "id": "qZ91gqaG0bukOq7QKvKY", "name": "Webhook for New Shop" } }
User Shop Edit
Edit an existing user shop within RevCent via the user shop edit method. RevCent will automatically connect to your shop and update any necessary settings to the RevCent plugin.
Note: Only provide the properties you wish to modify. Properties not provided will remain unchanged.
Important: If updating the shop fields, you must provide the site_shop_id property as well.
Request JSON Schema
The main request object
The type of request being made.
The method for the request type.
The ID of the shop you are editing.
Shop name.
Shop description.
The URL of the shop.
The RevCent site shop ID. Required if providing the fields property.
The version of the shop software.
Whether to process payment requests coming from the shop as live or test.
The payment profile ID to associate with the shop
The campaign ID to associate with the shop.
An array of objects, each containing the id and value of the fields corresponding to the site shop.
The id for the individual field according to the site shop fields required.
The value for the individual field according to the site shop fields required.
Response JSON Schema
The RevCent ID of the object item.
The name of the item.
The API call ID of the request. Every API request is assigned an ID.
Indicates whether the API call was processed.
The unix timestamp of when the API call was made.
The campaign object.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
The name of the item.
The result code for the request.
0 = RevCent Error
1 = Success
The unix timestamp of when the item was created.
The description of the item.
Whether the item is enabled or disabled.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
Whether the item was created using a live or test RevCent API key.
The name of the item.
Payment profile related to the item.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
The name of the item.
The API request method.
The API request type.
The a brief description of the result of the API call.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
The name of the item.
The description of the item.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
The description of the item.
The unix timestamp of when the item was updated.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
The name of the item.
Request JSON
{ "request": { "type": "user_shop", "method": "edit", "user_shop_id": "y24rXwQPGNfdMAQbmpmG", "name": "New Shop Updated", "description": "Updated description.", "url": "", "site_shop_id": "ajr7dJkNkoS1gEp5jw1k", "site_shop_version": "3", "live_mode": false, "payment_profile_id": "o1zXNj9RqztqbLKWGk4L", "campaign_id": "mJ1zZoOobEuP8pnWKXd1", "fields": [ { "id": "consumer_key", "value": "ck_12342555" }, { "id": "consumer_secret", "value": "cs_12124441" } ] } }
Response JSON
{ "api_account": { "id": "rmNgKq408RT0q5gNpdpV", "name": "API Account for New Shop Updated" }, "api_call_date": "2023-02-21T02:20:37+00:00", "api_call_id": "gYVNnZ5kl4hXkjqpOmOg", "api_call_processed": true, "api_call_unix": 1676946037, "campaign": { "id": "mJ1zZoOobEuP8pnWKXd1", "name": "Adwords Campaign" }, "code": 1, "created_date": "2023-02-21T02:20:13+00:00", "created_date_unix": 1676946013, "description": "Updated description.", "enabled": true, "fields_saved": [ "consumer_key", "consumer_secret" ], "id": "y24rXwQPGNfdMAQbmpmG", "is_hosted": false, "live_mode": false, "name": "New Shop Updated", "payment_profile": { "id": "o1zXNj9RqztqbLKWGk4L", "name": "Stripe Only" }, "request_method": "edit", "request_type": "user_shop", "result": "Shop edited.", "shop_version": "3", "site_shop": { "id": "ajr7dJkNkoS1gEp5jw1k", "name": "WooCommerce", "description": "The WooCommerce API requires both a consumer_key and consumer_secret. Both can be created in your WordPress admin panel by navigating to WooCommerce > Settings > Advanced > REST API", "fields": [ { "id": "consumer_key", "description": "Consumer key", "required": true }, { "id": "consumer_secret", "description": "Consumer secret", "required": true } ], "version": "3" }, "updated_date": "2023-02-21T02:20:37+00:00", "updated_date_unix": 1676946037, "url": "", "webhook": { "id": "qZ91gqaG0bukOq7QKvKY", "name": "Webhook for New Shop Updated" } }
User Shop Validate
Validate an existing user shop within RevCent via the user shop validate method. RevCent will connect to your shop and check the RevCent plugin settings. Any issues will be returned as an error.
Request JSON Schema
The main request object
The type of request being made.
The method for the request type.
The ID of the shop.
Response JSON Schema
The API call ID of the request. Every API request is assigned an ID.
Indicates whether the API call was processed.
The unix timestamp of when the API call was made.
The result code for the request.
0 = RevCent Error
1 = Success
The API request method.
The API request type.
The a brief description of the result of the API call.
Request JSON
{ "request": { "type": "user_shop", "method": "validate", "user_shop_id": "j02ZrRQqKNUrOwYmmbG0" } }
Response JSON
{ "api_call_date": "2023-02-21T21:12:54+00:00", "api_call_id": "RJ0yPbpkloT5Vvd6WYRn", "api_call_processed": true, "api_call_unix": 1677013974, "code": 0, "error_code": "E0668", "message": "The RevCent plugin is installed but not properly set up. Try running the fix method.", "request_method": "validate", "request_type": "user_shop", "result": "Error" }
User Shop Fix
Fix an existing user shop within RevCent via the user shop fix method. RevCent will connect to your shop, check the RevCent plugin settings and attempt to fix any issues. Any remaining issues that could not be fixed will be returned as an error.
Note: This method is only intended to fix the required settings for the RevCent plugin, not issues unrelated to RevCent. I.e. this will not fix other plugin issues or store code.
Request JSON Schema
The main request object
The type of request being made.
The method for the request type.
The ID of the shop.
Response JSON Schema
The API call ID of the request. Every API request is assigned an ID.
Indicates whether the API call was processed.
The unix timestamp of when the API call was made.
The result code for the request.
0 = RevCent Error
1 = Success
The API request method.
The API request type.
The a brief description of the result of the API call.
Request JSON
{ "request": { "type": "user_shop", "method": "fix", "user_shop_id": "j02ZrRQqKNUrOwYmmbG0" } }
Response JSON
{ "api_call_date": "2023-02-21T21:34:20+00:00", "api_call_id": "VPbzXEpmz5tL2PE205qV", "api_call_processed": true, "api_call_unix": 1677015260, "code": 1, "request_method": "fix", "request_type": "user_shop", "result": "Congratulations! Shop is installed and properly set up." }
User Shop Retrieve
Retrieve current information on a single user shop or multiple user shops.
Please view Pagination and Filters for details on retrieving multiple items.
Request JSON Schema
The main request object.
The type of request being made.
The method for the request type.
The RevCent ID of the item. Required if multiple property equals false or is not present.
Whether it is a multiple type request.
Response JSON Schema
The API call ID of the request. Every API request is assigned an ID.
Indicates whether the API call was processed.
The unix timestamp of when the API call was made.
The result code for the request.
0 = RevCent Error
1 = Success
The number of result items contained in the current page.
The current page of result, same as requested page, default is page 1.
The API request method.
The API request type.
An array of objects, each object being a unique item.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
The name of the item.
The campaign object.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
The name of the item.
The unix timestamp of when the item was created.
The description of the item.
Whether the item is enabled or disabled.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
Whether the item was created using a live or test RevCent API key.
The name of the item.
Payment profile related to the item.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
The name of the item.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
The name of the item.
The description of the item.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
The description of the item.
The unix timestamp of when the item was updated.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
The name of the item.
The total number of result items for the given request.
The total number of pages for the given request.
Request JSON
{ "request": { "type": "user_shop", "method": "retrieve", "id": "y24rXwQPGNfdMAQbmpmG", "multiple": false, "filters": { "limit": 100, "page": 1, "status_filter": [ "enabled" ] } } }
Response JSON
{ "api_call_id": "bOpMjZkRGrSPrrBJnPmq", "api_call_processed": true, "api_call_unix": 1676946604, "code": 1, "current_count": 1, "current_page": 1, "request_method": "retrieve", "request_type": "user_shop", "results": [ { "api_account": { "id": "rmNgKq408RT0q5gNpdpV", "name": "API Account for New Shop" }, "campaign": { "id": "mJ1zZoOobEuP8pnWKXd1", "name": "Adwords Campaign" }, "created_date_unix": 1676946013, "description": "Auth desc", "enabled": true, "fields_saved": [ "consumer_key", "consumer_secret" ], "id": "y24rXwQPGNfdMAQbmpmG", "is_hosted": false, "live_mode": false, "name": "New Shop", "payment_profile": { "id": "o1zXNj9RqztqbLKWGk4L", "name": "Stripe Only" }, "shop_version": "3", "site_shop": { "id": "ajr7dJkNkoS1gEp5jw1k", "name": "WooCommerce", "description": "The WooCommerce API requires both a consumer_key and consumer_secret. Both can be created in your WordPress admin panel by navigating to WooCommerce > Settings > Advanced > REST API", "fields": [ { "id": "consumer_key", "description": "Consumer key", "required": true }, { "id": "consumer_secret", "description": "Consumer secret", "required": true } ], "version": "3" }, "updated_date_unix": 1676946037, "url": "", "webhook": { "id": "qZ91gqaG0bukOq7QKvKY", "name": "Webhook for New Shop" } } ], "total_count": 1, "total_pages": 1 }
Subscriptions are automatically charged based on the subscription profile associated with a subscription. RevCent only supports credit card payment types for subscriptions at this time. RevCent automatically processes renewals, however you have the ability to manually process them as well.
Subscription Activate
Activate a previously suspended subscription.
Request JSON Schema
The main request object
The type of request being made.
The method for the request type.
The subscription ID
Response JSON Schema
The API call ID of the request. Every API request is assigned an ID.
Indicates whether the API call was processed.
The unix timestamp of when the API call was made.
The RevCent ID of the campaign.
The name of the campaign associated with the item.
The result code for the request.
0 = RevCent Error
1 = Success
The API request method.
The API request type.
The a brief description of the result of the API call.
The RevCent ID of the subscription.
The RevCent ID of the trial.
Request JSON
{ "request": { "type": "subscription", "method": "activate", "subscription_id": "WmPnWqPKbpFRmy6Ma2BG" } }
Response JSON
{ "api_call_id": "MW5LoArYGnHww6EPNAjO", "api_call_processed": true, "api_call_unix": 1565814914, "campaign_id": "X849YQm7BEf0ZQd7Ol1K", "campaign_name": "Facebook Campaign", "code": 1, "request_method": "activate", "request_type": "subscription", "result": "Subscription activated.", "subscription_id": "WmPnWqPKbpFRmy6Ma2BG", "trial_id": null }
Subscription Suspend
Suspend a subscription, preventing it from renewing unless reactivated.
Request JSON Schema
The main request object
The type of request being made.
The method for the request type.
The subscription ID
Whether or not to refund the product sale related to the subscription. Default: false
Only applies if refund_product_sale = true. If you wish to specify the amount to refund. If the amount property is not present the entire product sale amount will be refunded.
Response JSON Schema
The API call ID of the request. Every API request is assigned an ID.
Indicates whether the API call was processed.
The unix timestamp of when the API call was made.
The RevCent ID of the campaign.
The name of the campaign associated with the item.
The result code for the request.
0 = RevCent Error
1 = Success
The API request method.
The API request type.
The a brief description of the result of the API call.
The RevCent ID of the subscription.
Request JSON
{ "request": { "type": "subscription", "method": "suspend", "subscription_id": "WmPnWqPKbpFRmy6Ma2BG" } }
Response JSON
{ "api_call_id": "d9ZoKGMLXjswwPgBMY5Q", "api_call_processed": true, "api_call_unix": 1565814914, "campaign_id": "X849YQm7BEf0ZQd7Ol1K", "campaign_name": "Facebook Campaign", "code": 1, "request_method": "suspend", "request_type": "subscription", "result": "Subscription suspended.", "subscription_id": "WmPnWqPKbpFRmy6Ma2BG" }
Subscription Cancel
Cancel a subscription, preventing it from ever being renewed or reactivated.
Request JSON Schema
The main request object
The type of request being made.
The method for the request type.
The subscription ID
Whether or not to refund the product sale related to the subscription. Default: false
Only applies if refund_product_sale = true. If you wish to specify the amount to refund. If the amount property is not present the entire product sale amount will be refunded.
Response JSON Schema
The API call ID of the request. Every API request is assigned an ID.
Indicates whether the API call was processed.
The unix timestamp of when the API call was made.
The RevCent ID of the campaign.
The name of the campaign associated with the item.
The result code for the request.
0 = RevCent Error
1 = Success
The API request method.
The API request type.
The a brief description of the result of the API call.
The RevCent ID of the subscription.
Request JSON
{ "request": { "type": "subscription", "method": "cancel", "subscription_id": "WmPnWqPKbpFRmy6Ma2BG" } }
Response JSON
{ "api_call_id": "O051o2jJPpCXbzGNgdnE", "api_call_processed": true, "api_call_unix": 1565814915, "campaign_id": "X849YQm7BEf0ZQd7Ol1K", "campaign_name": "Facebook Campaign", "code": 1, "request_method": "cancel", "request_type": "subscription", "result": "Subscription cancelled.", "subscription_id": "WmPnWqPKbpFRmy6Ma2BG" }
Subscription Renew
Renew a subscription manually. RevCent automatically processes renewals. Use this method if you intend to charge the customer immediately.
Request JSON Schema
The main request object
The type of request being made.
The method for the request type.
The subscription ID
If you wish to specify an amount to renew. By default this is the subscription amount.
Use a specific gateway for processing the item payment. This value can either be the RevCent gateway ID or the custom gateway name you created.
If you wish to specify a payment profile for processing the renewal. Default is subscription profile setting.
If you wish to update the renewal schedule. Default: true.
Response JSON Schema
The amount of the item.
The amount captured.
The current amount of calculated fees charged by the payment processor.
The current gross amount. Equals (amount_captured + amount_settled).
The current net amount. Equals (amount_captured + amount_settled) - amount_fees.
The total calculated amount when an item is created.
The current amount remaining to be captured. Amounts yet to be captured due to a trial or salvage transaction.
The current amount of related salvage transactions not yet salvaged.
The API call ID of the request. Every API request is assigned an ID.
Indicates whether the API call was processed.
The unix timestamp of when the API call was made.
The RevCent ID of the campaign.
The name of the campaign associated with the item.
The RevCent ID of the customer credit card used if a transaction occurred.
The result code for the request.
0 = RevCent Error
1 = Success
2 = Merchant Declined
3 = Merchant Error
4 = Merchant Hold
5 = Fraud Detected
The customer object.
The customers' first address line.
The customers' second address line.
Whether the customer has been blocked from purchases.
The customers' city.
The customers' company.
The customers' country.
The customers' email.
Whether the customer is currently enabled.
The customers' first name.
The customers' full address.
Whether the customers' address was successfully geocoded using the Google geocoding service.
The Google place ID for the customers' address using the Google geocoding service.
The RevCent ID for the customer.
Your internal ID for the customer.
The customers' last name.
The approximate latitude for the customers' address using the Google geocoding service.
The approximate longitude for the customers' address using the Google geocoding service.
The customers' phone number.
The customers' state.
The customers' state in long format.
The customers' status.
The customers' zip or postal code.
The RevCent ID of the customer.
Gateway related to the item.
The RevCent ID of the gateway.
The full response from the merchant gateway as a JSON string.
The next subscription renewal date.
The next subscription renewal date in unix timestamp format.
If a payment profile was used to process the credit card transaction for this item. The results of the payment profile are contained.
The ID of the payment profile used.
The original amount submitted in the request using the products, their prices and quantities.
The final amount that was successfully charged after the payment profile was applied, if applicable.
The step in the payment profile that ended in success, if applicable.
The gateway that successfully processed the transaction, if applicable.
The total number of declined transactions that occurred when the payment profile was processed.
An array of IDs for declined transactions during the payment profile processing.
The step_array contains individual objects related to the number of steps taken in the process when implementing the payment profile.
We highly recommend you read more about the Payment Profile feature at RevCent to gain a better understanding of what steps are as well as step methods.
The action taken during the step.
The resulting step amount to be charged after any modifiers to payment amount.
If the step source was cascade, the step_cascade_result object will display the result of the cascade processing.
The order of gateways used when processing the cascade.
The gateways which were enabled within the cascade for processing.
The results for each gateway validated within the cascade, after being passed or failed due to in place rules.
The ID of the gateway validated.
The order of the gateway within the cascade.
Revenue rules validation result for the gateway.
If revenue rules were enabled for the gateway.
If the gateway passed all revenue rules.
If revenue rules were present and enabled, the results of the revenue validation will be displayed here.
Time rules validation result for the gateway.
If time rules were enabled for the gateway.
If the gateway passed all time rules.
If time rules were present and enabled, the results of the time validation will be displayed here.
If the gateway passed all gateway validation requirements.
The ID of the gateway which was selected first for validation.
The name of gateway used to process the step transaction.
The ID of gateway used to process the step transaction.
The response returned by the gateway used to process the step transaction.
The modifier applied to the payment amount, if any.
The specific step number.
The result of the step transaction
The step setting.
The step source, either gateway or cascade.
The ID of the step transaction.
The product object containing information on the related product.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
The product name.
The internal_id you provided when creating the item.
The product sku.
The product price for the specific request.
The product quantity for the specific request.
The API request method.
The API request type.
The a brief description of the result of the API call.
The salvage transaction details object, if created as a result of the request. Null if not applicable.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
The salvage transaction amount.
If the salvage transaction is enabled.
If the salvage transaction will create a new sale.
If a salvage transaction was created as a result of the request.
Whether the subscription schedule was updated as a result of the renewal.
The ship to object.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
The internal_id you provided when creating the item.
An array of shipping items created. Each object is an individual shipping item containing details.
Brief details on the subscription.
Subscription ID.
Whether the subscription is overdue.
Whether the subscription has reached its occurrence limit.
The RevCent ID of the subscription.
Details on the subscription profile associated with the subscription.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
The name of the item.
The description of the item.
If the number of renewals allowed is specific or indefinite.
If occurrences = specific, then the number of occurrence allowed.
Whether the subscription profile is specific to a single subscription. I.e. customized.
If the subscription profile is specific to a single subscription, the subscription ID.
The frequency setting. Either unit, calendar or fiscal.
The unit based frequency settings for the subscription profile.
The frequency unit value.
The frequency unit, i.e. days, weeks, months or years.
The calendar based frequency settings for the subscription profile.
The calendar unit, i.e. The 2nd X of every month.
The calendar value, i.e. The X day of every month.
The calendar parent, i.e. The 2nd day of every X
The fiscal based frequency settings for the subscription profile.
The fiscal setting. Either standard or infrequent. If standard, then Quarterly or Yearly. If infrequent then fiscal_unit and fiscal_value determine schedule.
The fiscal value when fiscal_setting = infrequent, i.e. every X quarter.
The fiscal unit when fiscal_setting = infrequent, i.e. every 2 X.
The RevCent ID of the subscription profile.
The RevCent ID of the subscription renewal.
An array of tax items created. Each object is an individual tax item containing details.
The total calculated amount when an item is created.
The amount captured.
The current gross amount. Equals (amount_captured + amount_settled).
The current net amount. Equals (amount_captured + amount_settled) - amount_fees.
The current amount of calculated fees charged by the payment processor.
The current amount remaining to be captured. Amounts yet to be captured due to a trial or salvage transaction.
The current amount of related salvage transactions not yet salvaged.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
The name of the item.
The description of the item.
Tax rate calculated based on tax amount and total related item amount.
The RevCent ID of the credit card transaction.
Request JSON
{ "request": { "type": "subscription", "method": "renew", "subscription_id": "WmPnWqPKbpFRmy6Ma2BG" } }
Response JSON
{ "amount": 158.99, "amount_captured": 158.99, "amount_fees": 4.61, "amount_gross": 158.99, "amount_net": 154.38, "amount_original_total": 158.99, "amount_remaining": 0, "amount_to_salvage": 0, "api_call_id": "o1jGw52MyQuLpv2np5NG", "api_call_processed": true, "api_call_unix": 1565814912, "campaign_id": "X849YQm7BEf0ZQd7Ol1K", "campaign_name": "Facebook Campaign", "card_id": "1rQA58w6XXcMNRApYLPn", "code": 1, "customer": { "id": "4r158EzJmmcVM69dNLkg", "internal_id": "cus_9299", "first_name": "ahux", "last_name": "qtrpinkz", "address_line_1": "1600 Pennsylvania Ave", "address_line_2": "", "city": "Washington", "state": "DC", "zip": "20500", "company": "", "country": "USA", "email": "", "phone": "1234567890", "metadata": [] }, "customer_id": "4r158EzJmmcVM69dNLkg", "gateway": "Stripe", "gateway_id": "GOJankNpkpsPzw6No1OP", "gateway_raw_response": "", "next_renewal_date": "9/14/2019", "next_renewal_date_unix": 1568493312, "payment_profile_results": { "payment_profile_id": "l4QbbPOQZES20A1XvjG8", "original_amount": 158.99, "final_amount": 158.99, "successful_step_num": 1, "successful_gateway": "Stripe", "num_declined_transactions": 0, "step_array": [ { "step_action": "initial", "step_amount": 158.99, "step_cascade_result": null, "step_gateway": "Stripe", "step_gateway_id": "GOJankNpkpsPzw6No1OP", "step_modifier": "", "step_num": 1, "step_result": "Approved", "step_setting": "initial", "step_source": "gateway", "step_transaction": "d9ZoKG0n2pIwBG60Q6aW" } ] }, "product": { "id": "0pBLXVZW08SNw0XOKZ7X", "name": "Robo Vac", "internal_id": "robo_vac", "sku": "robo_vac_sku", "price": 149.99, "quantity": 1 }, "request_method": "renew", "request_type": "subscription", "result": "Subscription renewal successful.", "salvage_transaction": null, "salvage_transaction_created": false, "schedule_updated": true, "ship_to": null, "shipping_created": [], "subscription": { "id": "WmPnWqPKbpFRmy6Ma2BG", "is_overdue": false, "is_occurrence_limit": false }, "subscription_id": "WmPnWqPKbpFRmy6Ma2BG", "subscription_profile": { "id": "LYE26aKJpPi5VbJmlp2A", "name": "Monthly", "description": "", "occurrences": "specific", "occurrences_value": 3, "subscription_specific": false, "subscription_id": null, "frequency_unit": { "unit_value": 1, "unit": "months" }, "frequency_calendar": {}, "frequency_fiscal": {}, "frequency": "unit" }, "subscription_profile_id": "LYE26aKJpPi5VbJmlp2A", "subscription_renewal_id": "YaVqjA1JowiGpyEN0o55", "tax_created": [ { "amount_original_total": 9, "amount_captured": 9, "amount_gross": 9, "amount_net": 8.74, "amount_fees": 0.26, "amount_remaining": 0, "amount_to_salvage": 0, "id": "y27kOyYEQ8CWWWMQQyvk", "name": "Tax Profile: aeega", "description": "", "rate": 0.06 } ], "transaction_id": "d9ZoKG0n2pIwBG60Q6aW" }
Subscription Edit
Edit an active subscription.
Note: Only provide the properties you wish to modify.
Request JSON Schema
The main request object
The type of request being made.
The method for the request type.
The subscription ID
Provide a subscription profile ID if you wish to modify the subscriptions's current profile.
Provide a valid date if you wish to modify the subscriptions's next renewal date.
Provide a valid amount if you wish to modify the subscriptions's amount.
Provide an array of coupon ID's if you wish to attach coupons to the subscription. Provide an empty array to remove all coupons..
If you wish to modify the subscriptions's ship_to info.
Response JSON Schema
The API call ID of the request. Every API request is assigned an ID.
Indicates whether the API call was processed.
The unix timestamp of when the API call was made.
The RevCent ID of the campaign.
The name of the campaign associated with the item.
The result code for the request.
0 = RevCent Error
1 = Success
The API request method.
The API request type.
The a brief description of the result of the API call.
The RevCent ID of the subscription.
Request JSON
{ "request": { "type": "subscription", "method": "edit", "subscription_id": "WmPnWqPKbpFRmy6Ma2BG", "subscription_profile": "4rL19Grk10IrRgro9Qkk", "coupon": [ "P65vYmp8KVCYV0R1mZ8Z" ], "amount": 19.99, "next_renewal_date": "12/01/2021", "ship_to": { "first_name": "ahux", "last_name": "qtrpinkz", "address_line_1": "1600 Pennsylvania Ave", "address_line_2": "", "city": "Washington", "state": "DC", "zip": "20500", "country": "USA", "company": "", "email": "", "phone": "1234567890" } } }
Response JSON
{ "api_call_date": "2023-02-01T13:54:24+00:00", "api_call_id": "Wm1Ak6ZwM1fR07lvbyQm", "api_call_processed": true, "api_call_unix": 1675259664, "campaign_id": "X849YQm7BEf0ZQd7Ol1K", "campaign_name": "Facebook Campaign", "code": 1, "request_method": "edit", "request_type": "subscription", "result": "Subscription edited.", "subscription_id": "wL0OLGNl7acXWzdvkZ86" }
Subscription Retrieve
Retrieve current information on a single subscription or multiple subscriptions.
Please view Pagination and Filters for details on retrieving multiple items.
The response may include AdWords Response Objects within each item if an AdWords click ID is associated with the item.
Request JSON Schema
The main request object.
The type of request being made.
The method for the request type.
The RevCent ID of the item. Required if multiple property equals false or is not present.
Whether it is a multiple type request.
Response JSON Schema
The API call ID of the request. Every API request is assigned an ID.
Indicates whether the API call was processed.
The unix timestamp of when the API call was made.
The result code for the request.
0 = RevCent Error
1 = Success
The number of result items contained in the current page.
The current page of result, same as requested page, default is page 1.
The API request method.
The API request type.
An array of objects, each object being a unique item.
The amount of the item.
The billing object contains details on the last and next renewals.
The next renewal date.
The next renewal date in unix timestamp format.
The last renewal amount.
The last renewal date in unix timestamp format.
The last renewal ID.
The last renewal date.
The RevCent ID of the campaign.
The name of the campaign associated with the item.
An array containing check direct IDs related to the item.
The unix timestamp of when the item was created.
The customer object.
The customers' first address line.
The customers' second address line.
Whether the customer has been blocked from purchases.
The customers' city.
The customers' company.
The customers' country.
The customers' email.
Whether the customer is currently enabled.
The customers' first name.
The customers' full address.
Whether the customers' address was successfully geocoded using the Google geocoding service.
The Google place ID for the customers' address using the Google geocoding service.
The RevCent ID for the customer.
Your internal ID for the customer.
The customers' last name.
The approximate latitude for the customers' address using the Google geocoding service.
The approximate longitude for the customers' address using the Google geocoding service.
The customers' phone number.
The customers' state.
The customers' state in long format.
The customers' status.
The customers' zip or postal code.
An array containing discounts related to the item.
An array containing the next 10 renewal dates, or until occurrence limit.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
Whether the subscription is active.
Whether the subscription is cancelled.
Whether the subscription has reached its occurrence limit.
Whether the subscription has one or more overdue renewals.
Whether the subscription is suspended.
Whether the item was created using a live or test RevCent API key.
The total number of overdue renewals.
An array containing offline payment IDs related to the item.
The payment type related to the item.
The system ID of the payment type related to the item.
The system name of the payment type related to the item.
An array containing RevCent PayPal transaction IDs related to the item.
The product object containing information on the related product.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
The product name.
The internal_id you provided when creating the item.
The product sku.
The product price for the specific item.
The product quantity for the specific item.
An array containing product sale IDs related to the item.
Products detailed is an array of individual product objects, indicating the products which are related to the item.
The ID of the product
The price of the product.
The quantity of the product.
The product name.
The product description.
The total amount of the product. I.e. Price * Quantity
The product internal ID.
The product SKU.
The product URL.
Product images if uploaded to RevCent.
An array containing sale IDs related to the item.
An array containing salvage transaction IDs related to the item.
An array containing shipping IDs related to the item.
An array containing SMTP message IDs related to the item.
The current status of the related item.
Details on the subscription profile associated with the subscription.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
The name of the item.
The description of the item.
If the number of renewals allowed is specific or indefinite.
If occurrences = specific, then the number of occurrence allowed.
Whether the subscription profile is specific to a single subscription. I.e. customized.
If the subscription profile is specific to a single subscription, the subscription ID.
The frequency setting. Either unit, calendar or fiscal.
The unit based frequency settings for the subscription profile.
The frequency unit value.
The frequency unit, i.e. days, weeks, months or years.
The calendar based frequency settings for the subscription profile.
The calendar unit, i.e. The 2nd X of every month.
The calendar value, i.e. The X day of every month.
The calendar parent, i.e. The 2nd day of every X
The fiscal based frequency settings for the subscription profile.
The fiscal setting. Either standard or infrequent. If standard, then Quarterly or Yearly. If infrequent then fiscal_unit and fiscal_value determine schedule.
The fiscal value when fiscal_setting = infrequent, i.e. every X quarter.
The fiscal unit when fiscal_setting = infrequent, i.e. every 2 X.
An array containing subscription renewal IDs related to the item.
The unix timestamp of when the subscription started.
An array containing tax IDs related to the item.
An array containing credit card transaction IDs related to the item.
If a trial is associated with the subscription, trial details are provided within the trial object.
The trial ID.
The trial start date.
The trial end date.
The trial start date as a unix timestamp.
The trial end date as a unix timestamp.
Whether the trial is still active.
An array containing trial IDs related to the item.
The unix timestamp of when the item was updated.
The total number of result items for the given request.
The total number of pages for the given request.
Request JSON
{ "request": { "type": "subscription", "method": "retrieve", "id": "WmPnWqPKbpFRmy6Ma2BG" } }
Response JSON
{ "api_call_id": "7rwyEm6Yaps6ZVRZV1Yd", "api_call_processed": true, "api_call_unix": 1565814911, "code": 1, "current_count": 1, "current_page": 1, "request_method": "retrieve", "request_type": "subscription", "results": [ { "amount": 149.99, "billing": { "next_renewal_date": "2019-09-14T20:35:09+00:00", "next_renewal_date_unix": 1568493309, "last_renewal_amount": null, "last_renewal_date_unix": null, "last_renewal_id": null, "last_renewal_date": null }, "campaign_id": "X849YQm7BEf0ZQd7Ol1K", "campaign_name": "Facebook Campaign", "check_directs": [], "coupons": [], "created_date_unix": 1565814901, "customer": { "address_line_1": "1600 Pennsylvania Ave", "address_line_2": "", "blocked": false, "city": "Washington", "company": "", "country": "USA", "email": "", "enabled": true, "first_name": "George", "full_address": "1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC 20500, USA", "geocode_success": true, "google_place_id": "ChIJGVtI4by3t4kRr51d_Qm_x58", "id": "4r158EzJmmcVM69dNLkg", "internal_id": "pres_0001", "last_name": "Washington", "lat": "38.8976633", "lon": "-77.0365739", "metadata": [], "phone": "1234567890", "state": "DC", "state_long": "DC", "zip": "20500" }, "discounts": [], "future_renewal_dates": [], "id": "WmPnWqPKbpFRmy6Ma2BG", "is_active": true, "is_cancelled": false, "is_occurrence_limit": false, "is_overdue": false, "is_suspended": false, "live_mode": false, "metadata": [ { "name": "adwords_click", "value": "Cjat0KwhCQjdTq..." } ], "notes": [], "num_overdue": 0, "offline_payments": [], "payment_type": { "id": "KnQ0KlNE6kf5mobyV0pN", "name": "Credit Card" }, "paypal_transactions": [], "product": { "id": "0pBLXVZW08SNw0XOKZ7X", "internal_id": "robo_vac", "list_price": 149.99, "name": "Robo Vac", "price": 149.99, "quantity": 1, "sku": "robo_vac_sku" }, "product_sales": [ "zGld6plAkacWRzRwblaJ" ], "products_detailed": [ { "id": "k6EXjKzd7PHOpgvdYjXG", "price": 89.99, "quantity": 1, "name": "USB HDD", "description": "Great USB for data storage.", "total_amount": 89.99, "discount_amount": 3.75, "is_subscription": false, "is_trial": false, "internal_id": "usb_hdd", "sku": "usb_hdd_sku", "url": "", "images": [ { "id": "2r14zlG0mjF5zbQ24XAl", "featured": true, "file_name": "2r14zlG0mjF5zbQ24XAl", "file_ext": "jpg", "image_width": 612, "image_height": 612, "mimetype": "image/jpeg", "base_url": "", "full_url": "", "compressed_extensions": [ "_resize_150", "_resize_600", "_resize_300" ] } ] } ], "sales": [ "k6vnbJom00Ug89mpRj78" ], "salvage_transactions": [], "shipping": [], "smtp_messages": [], "status": "Active", "subscription_profile": { "id": "LYE26aKJpPi5VbJmlp2A", "name": "Monthly", "description": "", "occurrences": "specific", "occurrences_value": 3, "subscription_specific": false, "subscription_id": null, "frequency_unit": { "unit_value": 1, "unit": "months" }, "frequency_calendar": {}, "frequency_fiscal": {}, "frequency": "unit" }, "subscription_renewals": [], "subscription_start_date_unix": 1565814909, "tax": [ "P65Gn2J15pc5KRdLp22w" ], "transactions": [ "wLz5MAWPzoUW5VNlydoa" ], "trial": { "id": "LY5yop5nk7hb6o2Pvl5j", "start_date": "2019-08-14T20:35:01+00:00", "end_date": "2019-08-16T20:35:01+00:00", "start_date_unix": 1565814901, "end_date_unix": 1565987701, "active": false }, "trials": [ "LY5yop5nk7hb6o2Pvl5j" ], "updated_date_unix": 1565814910 } ], "total_count": 1, "total_pages": 1 }
Subscription Renewal
A subscription renewal is created when a renewal transaction occurs on a subscription, whether the transaction succeeds or fails. A failed renewal is considered overdue, however the subscription associated with it will continue to be processed. Partial or full declines on a subscription renewal will create a salvage transaction.
Subscription Renewal Refund
Refund a subscription renewal for a specific amount or the full amount.
Request JSON Schema
The main request object
The type of request being made.
The method for the request type.
The amount to refund. If not provided the entire item amount will be refunded.
The RevCent ID of the subscription renewal.
Response JSON Schema
The amount of the item.
The API call ID of the request. Every API request is assigned an ID.
Indicates whether the API call was processed.
The unix timestamp of when the API call was made.
The RevCent ID of the campaign.
The name of the campaign associated with the item.
The result code for the request.
0 = RevCent Error
1 = Success
The RevCent ID of the customer.
Array containing IDs of each pending refund created as a result of the request.
The API request method.
The API request type.
The a brief description of the result of the API call.
The RevCent ID of the sale.
The RevCent ID of the subscription renewal.
Request JSON
{ "request": { "type": "subscription_renewal", "method": "refund", "amount": 2.25, "subscription_renewal_id": "YaVqjA1JowiGpyEN0o55" } }
Response JSON
{ "amount": 2.25, "api_call_id": "y27kOyLkJNCW6NvnRZRd", "api_call_processed": true, "api_call_unix": 1565814914, "campaign_id": "X849YQm7BEf0ZQd7Ol1K", "campaign_name": "Facebook Campaign", "code": 1, "customer_id": "4r158EzJmmcVM69dNLkg", "pending_refund": [ "vEwWrAabXRtMMgn0N7bw" ], "request_method": "refund", "request_type": "subscription_renewal", "result": "SubscriptionRenewal refunded in the amount of $2.25.", "sale_id": "k6vnbJom00Ug89mpRj78", "subscription_renewal_id": "YaVqjA1JowiGpyEN0o55" }
Subscription Renewal Retrieve
Retrieve current information on a single subscription renewal or multiple subscription renewals.
Please view Pagination and Filters for details on retrieving multiple items.
Request JSON Schema
The main request object.
The type of request being made.
The method for the request type.
The RevCent ID of the item. Required if multiple property equals false or is not present.
Whether it is a multiple type request.
Response JSON Schema
The API call ID of the request. Every API request is assigned an ID.
Indicates whether the API call was processed.
The unix timestamp of when the API call was made.
The result code for the request.
0 = RevCent Error
1 = Success
The number of result items contained in the current page.
The current page of result, same as requested page, default is page 1.
The API request method.
The API request type.
An array of objects, each object being a unique item.
The amount of the item.
The amount captured.
The current amount of calculated fees charged by the payment processor.
The current gross amount. Equals (amount_captured + amount_settled).
The current net amount. Equals (amount_captured + amount_settled) - amount_fees.
The total calculated amount when an item is created.
Total amount of any refunds.
The current amount remaining to be captured. Amounts yet to be captured due to a trial or salvage transaction.
The current amount settled.
The current amount of related salvage transactions not yet salvaged.
The current total amount after any refunds, cancellations or other changes. Equals amount_original_total - (amount_void + amount_refunded).
Total amount of any items that have been voided.
The RevCent ID of the campaign.
The name of the campaign associated with the item.
An array containing check direct IDs related to the item.
The unix timestamp of when the item was created.
The customer object.
The customers' first address line.
The customers' second address line.
Whether the customer has been blocked from purchases.
The customers' city.
The customers' company.
The customers' country.
The customers' email.
Whether the customer is currently enabled.
The customers' first name.
The customers' full address.
Whether the customers' address was successfully geocoded using the Google geocoding service.
The Google place ID for the customers' address using the Google geocoding service.
The RevCent ID for the customer.
Your internal ID for the customer.
The customers' last name.
The approximate latitude for the customers' address using the Google geocoding service.
The approximate longitude for the customers' address using the Google geocoding service.
The customers' phone number.
The customers' state.
The customers' state in long format.
The customers' status.
The customers' zip or postal code.
An array containing discounts related to the item.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
Whether the subscription renewal is overdue. I.e. fully or partially declined.
Whether the item was created using a live or test RevCent API key.
An array containing offline payment IDs related to the item.
Payment profile related to the item.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
The name of the item.
An array of objects, each object being a unique item.
The payment type related to the item.
The system ID of the payment type related to the item.
The system name of the payment type related to the item.
An array containing RevCent PayPal transaction IDs related to the item.
An array containing pending refund IDs related to the item.
The product object containing information on the related product.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
The product name.
The internal_id you provided when creating the item.
The product sku.
The product price for the specific item.
The product quantity for the specific item.
An array containing product sale IDs related to the item.
Products detailed is an array of individual product objects, indicating the products which are related to the item.
The ID of the product
The price of the product.
The quantity of the product.
The product name.
The product description.
The total amount of the product. I.e. Price * Quantity
The product internal ID.
The product SKU.
The product URL.
Product images if uploaded to RevCent.
An array containing sale IDs related to the item.
An array containing salvage transaction IDs related to the item.
An array containing shipping IDs related to the item.
An array containing SMTP message IDs related to the item.
The current status of the related item.
Details on the subscription profile associated with the subscription.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
The name of the item.
The description of the item.
If the number of renewals allowed is specific or indefinite.
If occurrences = specific, then the number of occurrence allowed.
Whether the subscription profile is specific to a single subscription. I.e. customized.
If the subscription profile is specific to a single subscription, the subscription ID.
The frequency setting. Either unit, calendar or fiscal.
The unit based frequency settings for the subscription profile.
The frequency unit value.
The frequency unit, i.e. days, weeks, months or years.
The calendar based frequency settings for the subscription profile.
The calendar unit, i.e. The 2nd X of every month.
The calendar value, i.e. The X day of every month.
The calendar parent, i.e. The 2nd day of every X
The fiscal based frequency settings for the subscription profile.
The fiscal setting. Either standard or infrequent. If standard, then Quarterly or Yearly. If infrequent then fiscal_unit and fiscal_value determine schedule.
The fiscal value when fiscal_setting = infrequent, i.e. every X quarter.
The fiscal unit when fiscal_setting = infrequent, i.e. every 2 X.
An array containing subscription IDs related to the item.
An array containing tax IDs related to the item.
An array containing credit card transaction IDs related to the item.
An array containing trial IDs related to the item.
The unix timestamp of when the item was updated.
The total number of result items for the given request.
The total number of pages for the given request.
Request JSON
{ "request": { "type": "subscription_renewal", "method": "retrieve", "id": "YaVqjA1JowiGpyEN0o55" } }
Response JSON
{ "api_call_id": "Kn51oqr1MpUyyRbazY8l", "api_call_processed": true, "api_call_unix": 1565814913, "code": 1, "current_count": 1, "current_page": 1, "request_method": "retrieve", "request_type": "subscription_renewal", "results": [ { "amount": 149.99, "amount_captured": 149.99, "amount_fees": 4.35, "amount_gross": 149.99, "amount_net": 145.64, "amount_original_total": 149.99, "amount_refunded": 0, "amount_remaining": 0, "amount_settled": 0, "amount_to_salvage": 0, "amount_total": 149.99, "amount_void": 0, "campaign_id": "X849YQm7BEf0ZQd7Ol1K", "campaign_name": "Facebook Campaign", "check_directs": [], "created_date_unix": 1565814911, "customer": { "address_line_1": "1600 Pennsylvania Ave", "address_line_2": "", "blocked": false, "city": "Washington", "company": "", "country": "USA", "email": "", "enabled": true, "first_name": "George", "full_address": "1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC 20500, USA", "geocode_success": true, "google_place_id": "ChIJGVtI4by3t4kRr51d_Qm_x58", "id": "4r158EzJmmcVM69dNLkg", "internal_id": "pres_0001", "last_name": "Washington", "lat": "38.8976633", "lon": "-77.0365739", "metadata": [], "phone": "1234567890", "state": "DC", "state_long": "DC", "zip": "20500" }, "discounts": [], "id": "YaVqjA1JowiGpyEN0o55", "is_overdue": false, "live_mode": false, "metadata": [], "notes": [], "offline_payments": [], "payment_profile": { "id": "l4QbbPOQZES20A1XvjG8", "name": "StripeThenAuthorize", "results": { "final_amount": 158.99, "num_declined_transactions": 0, "original_amount": 158.99, "payment_profile_id": "l4QbbPOQZES20A1XvjG8", "step_array": [ { "step_action": "initial", "step_amount": 158.99, "step_cascade_result": null, "step_gateway": "Stripe", "step_gateway_id": "GOJankNpkpsPzw6No1OP", "step_modifier": "", "step_num": 1, "step_result": "Approved", "step_setting": "initial", "step_source": "gateway", "step_transaction": "d9ZoKG0n2pIwBG60Q6aW" } ], "successful_gateway": "Stripe", "successful_step_num": 1 } }, "payment_type": { "id": "KnQ0KlNE6kf5mobyV0pN", "name": "Credit Card" }, "paypal_transactions": [], "pending_refunds": [], "product": { "id": "0pBLXVZW08SNw0XOKZ7X", "internal_id": "robo_vac", "list_price": 149.99, "name": "Robo Vac", "price": 149.99, "quantity": 1, "sku": "robo_vac_sku" }, "product_sales": [ "zGld6plAkacWRzRwblaJ" ], "products_detailed": [ { "id": "k6EXjKzd7PHOpgvdYjXG", "price": 89.99, "quantity": 1, "name": "USB HDD", "description": "Great USB for data storage.", "total_amount": 89.99, "discount_amount": 3.75, "is_subscription": false, "is_trial": false, "internal_id": "usb_hdd", "sku": "usb_hdd_sku", "url": "", "images": [ { "id": "2r14zlG0mjF5zbQ24XAl", "featured": true, "file_name": "2r14zlG0mjF5zbQ24XAl", "file_ext": "jpg", "image_width": 612, "image_height": 612, "mimetype": "image/jpeg", "base_url": "", "full_url": "", "compressed_extensions": [ "_resize_150", "_resize_600", "_resize_300" ] } ] } ], "sales": [ "k6vnbJom00Ug89mpRj78" ], "salvage_transactions": [], "shipping": [], "smtp_messages": [], "status": "Fully Captured", "subscription_profile": { "id": "LYE26aKJpPi5VbJmlp2A", "name": "Monthly", "description": "", "occurrences": "specific", "occurrences_value": 3, "subscription_specific": false, "subscription_id": null, "frequency_unit": { "unit_value": 1, "unit": "months" }, "frequency_calendar": {}, "frequency_fiscal": {}, "frequency": "unit" }, "subscriptions": [ "WmPnWqPKbpFRmy6Ma2BG" ], "tax": [ "y27kOyYEQ8CWWWMQQyvk" ], "transactions": [ "d9ZoKG0n2pIwBG60Q6aW" ], "trials": [], "updated_date_unix": 1565814912 } ], "total_count": 1, "total_pages": 1 }
Tax is created when a tax entry is provided in a request or a tax profile matches the customer zip code. Tax profiles, when created and configured, will automatically calculate and create a tax for the customer payment.
Tax Refund
Refund a tax for a specific amount or the full amount.
Request JSON Schema
The main request object
The type of request being made.
The method for the request type.
The amount to refund. If not provided the entire tax amount will be refunded.
The RevCent ID of the tax.
Response JSON Schema
The amount of the item.
The API call ID of the request. Every API request is assigned an ID.
Indicates whether the API call was processed.
The unix timestamp of when the API call was made.
The RevCent ID of the campaign.
The name of the campaign associated with the item.
The result code for the request.
0 = RevCent Error
1 = Success
The RevCent ID of the customer.
Array containing IDs of each pending refund created as a result of the request.
The API request method.
The API request type.
The a brief description of the result of the API call.
The RevCent ID of the sale.
The RevCent ID of the tax.
Request JSON
{ "request": { "type": "tax", "method": "refund", "tax_id": "ALRjyqRE27fjjpmRzBRd", "amount": 3.25 } }
Response JSON
{ "amount": 3.25, "api_call_id": "VPm9MqGbyLiJypWVdLMz", "api_call_processed": true, "api_call_unix": 1565814905, "campaign_id": "X849YQm7BEf0ZQd7Ol1K", "campaign_name": "Facebook Campaign", "code": 1, "customer_id": "4r158EzJmmcVM69dNLkg", "pending_refund": [ "7rwyEm9qZKu66JqWV6W9" ], "request_method": "refund", "request_type": "tax", "result": "Tax refunded in the amount of $3.25.", "sale_id": "k6vnbJom00Ug89mpRj78", "tax_id": "ALRjyqRE27fjjpmRzBRd" }
Tax Retrieve
Retrieve current information on a single tax entry or multiple tax entries.
Please view Pagination and Filters for details on retrieving multiple items.
The response may include AdWords Response Objects within each item if an AdWords click ID is associated with the item.
Request JSON Schema
The main request object.
The type of request being made.
The method for the request type.
The RevCent ID of the item. Required if multiple property equals false or is not present.
Whether it is a multiple type request.
Response JSON Schema
The API call ID of the request. Every API request is assigned an ID.
Indicates whether the API call was processed.
The unix timestamp of when the API call was made.
The result code for the request.
0 = RevCent Error
1 = Success
The number of result items contained in the current page.
The current page of result, same as requested page, default is page 1.
The API request method.
The API request type.
An array of objects, each object being a unique item.
The amount captured.
The current amount of calculated fees charged by the payment processor.
The current gross amount. Equals (amount_captured + amount_settled).
The current net amount. Equals (amount_captured + amount_settled) - amount_fees.
The total calculated amount when an item is created.
Total amount of any refunds.
The current amount remaining to be captured. Amounts yet to be captured due to a trial or salvage transaction.
The current amount settled.
The current amount of related salvage transactions not yet salvaged.
The current total amount after any refunds, cancellations or other changes. Equals amount_original_total - (amount_void + amount_refunded).
Total amount of any items that have been voided.
The RevCent ID of the campaign.
The name of the campaign associated with the item.
An array containing check direct IDs related to the item.
The unix timestamp of when the item was created.
The customer object.
The customers' first address line.
The customers' second address line.
Whether the customer has been blocked from purchases.
The customers' city.
The customers' company.
The customers' country.
The customers' email.
Whether the customer is currently enabled.
The customers' first name.
The customers' full address.
Whether the customers' address was successfully geocoded using the Google geocoding service.
The Google place ID for the customers' address using the Google geocoding service.
The RevCent ID for the customer.
Your internal ID for the customer.
The customers' last name.
The approximate latitude for the customers' address using the Google geocoding service.
The approximate longitude for the customers' address using the Google geocoding service.
The customers' phone number.
The customers' state.
The customers' state in long format.
The customers' status.
The customers' zip or postal code.
The description of the item.
An array containing discounts related to the item.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
If the item was created using a check_direct payment method.
If the item was created using an offline payment method.
Whether the item was created using a live or test RevCent API key.
The name of the item.
An array containing offline payment IDs related to the item.
The payment type related to the item.
The system ID of the payment type related to the item.
The system name of the payment type related to the item.
An array containing RevCent PayPal transaction IDs related to the item.
An array containing pending refund IDs related to the item.
An array containing product sale IDs related to the item.
Tax rate calculated based on tax amount and total related item amount.
An array containing sale IDs related to the item.
An array containing salvage transaction IDs related to the item.
An array containing shipping IDs related to the item.
An array containing SMTP message IDs related to the item.
The current status of the related item.
An array containing subscription renewal IDs related to the item.
An array containing subscription IDs related to the item.
Will contain details if the root item is related to a third party shop.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
The name of the item.
The URL of the third party shop.
An array containing credit card transaction IDs related to the item.
An array containing trial IDs related to the item.
The unix timestamp of when the item was updated.
The total number of result items for the given request.
The total number of pages for the given request.
Request JSON
{ "request": { "type": "tax", "method": "retrieve", "id": "ALRjyqRE27fjjpmRzBRd" } }
Response JSON
{ "api_call_id": "7rwyEm9dddu66g2yvzy4", "api_call_processed": true, "api_call_unix": 1565814905, "code": 1, "current_count": 1, "current_page": 1, "request_method": "retrieve", "request_type": "tax", "results": [ { "amount_captured": 9.21, "amount_fees": 0.25, "amount_gross": 9.21, "amount_net": 8.96, "amount_original_total": 9.31, "amount_refunded": 0.1, "amount_remaining": 0, "amount_settled": 0, "amount_to_salvage": 0, "amount_total": 9.21, "amount_void": 0, "campaign_id": "X849YQm7BEf0ZQd7Ol1K", "campaign_name": "Facebook Campaign", "check_directs": [], "created_date_unix": 1565814901, "customer": { "address_line_1": "1600 Pennsylvania Ave", "address_line_2": "", "blocked": false, "city": "Washington", "company": "", "country": "USA", "email": "", "enabled": true, "first_name": "George", "full_address": "1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC 20500, USA", "geocode_success": true, "google_place_id": "ChIJGVtI4by3t4kRr51d_Qm_x58", "id": "4r158EzJmmcVM69dNLkg", "internal_id": "pres_0001", "last_name": "Washington", "lat": "38.8976633", "lon": "-77.0365739", "metadata": [], "phone": "1234567890", "state": "DC", "state_long": "DC", "zip": "20500" }, "description": "Tax rate calculated using provided tax amount.", "discounts": [], "id": "ALRjyqRE27fjjpmRzBRd", "is_check_direct": false, "is_offline_payment": false, "live_mode": false, "metadata": [ { "name": "adwords_click", "value": "Cjat0KwhCQjdTq..." } ], "name": "User Provided Tax", "notes": [], "offline_payments": [], "payment_type": { "id": "KnQ0KlNE6kf5mobyV0pN", "name": "Credit Card" }, "paypal_transactions": [], "pending_refunds": [ "9rdEMaP59RuYg41zRJwW" ], "product_sales": [ "9rdEMadyZ7uYgnbKWwX5", "LY5yop5nk7hbPzpBn8aY" ], "rate": 0.08, "sales": [ "k6vnbJom00Ug89mpRj78" ], "salvage_transactions": [ "VPm9Mqmgw7UJJLldojJY" ], "shipping": [ "gYamRbaGZphKn8zJVow1" ], "smtp_messages": [], "status": "Fully Captured with Refund", "subscription_renewals": [], "subscriptions": [], "third_party_shop": null, "transactions": [ "ALRjyqRE27fjMonyKLny" ], "trials": [], "updated_date_unix": 1565814903 } ], "total_count": 1, "total_pages": 1 }
RevCent tracking integrates multiple tracking channels and sources. AdWords, TrackJs and hosted pages are all unique tracking channels.
Implement your Google AdWords accounts within RevCent to receive detailed insight into your AdWords data in combination with RevCent data.
AdWords Campaign
AdWords campaign details.
AdWords Campaign Retrieve
Request JSON Schema
The main request object.
The type of request being made.
The method for the request type.
The RevCent ID of the item. Required if multiple property equals false or is not present.
Whether it is a multiple type request.
Response JSON Schema
The API call ID of the request. Every API request is assigned an ID.
Indicates whether the API call was processed.
The unix timestamp of when the API call was made.
The result code for the request.
0 = RevCent Error
1 = Success
The number of result items contained in the current page.
The current page of result, same as requested page, default is page 1.
The API request method.
The API request type.
An array of objects, each object being a unique item.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
Whether the item is enabled or disabled.
The unix timestamp of when the item was created.
Whether the item is enabled or disabled.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
The unix timestamp of when the item was updated.
The total number of result items for the given request.
The total number of pages for the given request.
Request JSON
{ "request": { "type": "adwords_campaign", "method": "retrieve", "id": "7rwyyLkrErF8pGb051z1" } }
Response JSON
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Request JSON
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AdWords Ad
AdWords ad details.
Request JSON
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Response JSON
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AdWords Keyword
AdWords keyword details.
AdWords Keyword Retrieve
Request JSON Schema
The main request object.
The type of request being made.
The method for the request type.
The RevCent ID of the item. Required if multiple property equals false or is not present.
Whether it is a multiple type request.
Response JSON Schema
The API call ID of the request. Every API request is assigned an ID.
Indicates whether the API call was processed.
The unix timestamp of when the API call was made.
The result code for the request.
0 = RevCent Error
1 = Success
The number of result items contained in the current page.
The current page of result, same as requested page, default is page 1.
The API request method.
The API request type.
An array of objects, each object being a unique item.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
Whether the item is enabled or disabled.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
Whether the item is enabled or disabled.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
Whether the item is enabled or disabled.
The unix timestamp of when the item was created.
Whether the item is enabled or disabled.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
The unix timestamp of when the item was updated.
The total number of result items for the given request.
The total number of pages for the given request.
Request JSON
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Response JSON
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AdWords Click
AdWords click details.
AdWords Click Retrieve
Request JSON Schema
The main request object.
The type of request being made.
The method for the request type.
The RevCent ID of the item. Required if multiple property equals false or is not present.
Whether it is a multiple type request.
Response JSON Schema
The API call ID of the request. Every API request is assigned an ID.
Indicates whether the API call was processed.
The unix timestamp of when the API call was made.
The result code for the request.
0 = RevCent Error
1 = Success
The number of result items contained in the current page.
The current page of result, same as requested page, default is page 1.
The API request method.
The API request type.
An array of objects, each object being a unique item.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
Whether the item is enabled or disabled.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
Whether the item is enabled or disabled.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
Whether the item is enabled or disabled.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
Whether the item is enabled or disabled.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
Whether the item is enabled or disabled.
The unix timestamp of when the item was created.
Whether the item is enabled or disabled.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
The amount of the item.
The unix timestamp of when the item was updated.
The total number of result items for the given request.
The total number of pages for the given request.
Request JSON
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Response JSON
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AdWords Response Objects
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Example: If a sale has an associated AdWords click ID, the sale retrieve response will include the AdWords response objects. If a sale does not have an AdWords click ID, the AdWords response objects will not be included.
Response JSON Schema
The RevCent ID of the object item.
Whether the item is enabled or disabled.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
Whether the item is enabled or disabled.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
Whether the item is enabled or disabled.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
Whether the item is enabled or disabled.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
Whether the item is enabled or disabled.
Response JSON
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"google_adwords_bidding_strategy_id": "0", "google_adwords_bidding_strategy_name": null, "google_adwords_bidding_strategy_source": "CAMPAIGN", "google_adwords_bidding_strategy_type": "cpc", "google_adwords_cpc_bid": "2900000", "google_adwords_cpc_bid_source": "CRITERION", "google_adwords_cpm_bid_str": null, "google_adwords_approval_status": "APPROVED", "google_adwords_criteria": "+mykeyword", "google_adwords_criteria_destination_url": null, "google_adwords_quality_score": "5", "google_adwords_creative_quality_score": "BELOW_AVERAGE", "google_adwords_post_click_quality_score": "ABOVE_AVERAGE", "google_adwords_keyword_match_type": "BROAD", "google_adwords_status": "ENABLED", "google_adwords_system_serving_status": "ELIGIBLE", "google_adwords_labels": null, "google_adwords_label_ids": null, "google_adwords_first_page_cpc": "2100000", "google_adwords_first_position_cpc": "4430000", "google_adwords_search_predicted_ctr": "BELOW_AVERAGE", "google_adwords_top_of_page_cpc": "3630000", "google_adwords_tracking_url_template": null, "google_adwords_url_custom_parameters": null, "google_adwords_estimated_add_clicks_at_first_position_cpc": 58, "google_adwords_estimated_add_cost_at_first_position_cpc": 355320000, "google_adwords_enhanced_cpc_enabled": false, "google_adwords_has_quality_score": true, "google_adwords_is_negative": false } }
Hosted Page
When you receive visits and submissions to your hosted page(s), RevCent records each event as a separate hosted visit or submission. Each event is also tied to tracking visitors and AdWords tracking when applicable.
Hosted Page Visit
Hosted page visit details.
Hosted Page Visit Retrieve
Retrieve current information on a single hosted page visit or multiple hosted page visits.
Please view Pagination and Filters for details on retrieving multiple items.
The response may include AdWords Response Objects within each item if an AdWords click ID is associated with the item.
Request JSON Schema
The main request object.
The type of request being made.
The method for the request type.
The RevCent ID of the item. Required if multiple property equals false or is not present.
Whether it is a multiple type request.
Response JSON Schema
The API call ID of the request. Every API request is assigned an ID.
Indicates whether the API call was processed.
The unix timestamp of when the API call was made.
The result code for the request.
0 = RevCent Error
1 = Success
The number of result items contained in the current page.
The current page of result, same as requested page, default is page 1.
The API request method.
The API request type.
An array of objects, each object being a unique item.
The RevCent ID of the campaign.
The name of the campaign associated with the item.
The unix timestamp of when the item was created.
The RevCent hosted endpoint related to the item, if the item was created via a hosted page.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
The name of the item.
The RevCent hosted page related to the item, if the item was created via a hosted page.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
The name of the item.
The RevCent hosted page template related to the item, if the item was created via a hosted page.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
The name of the item.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
The RevCent tracking visitor related to the item, if TrackJS was initialized.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
The unix timestamp of when the item was updated.
The total number of result items for the given request.
The total number of pages for the given request.
Request JSON
{ "request": { "type": "hosted_page_visit", "method": "retrieve", "id": "7rwyyLkrErF8pGb051z1" } }
Response JSON
{ "api_call_id": "qZBW960rzVuO2vo7p6XK", "api_call_processed": true, "api_call_unix": 1566337651, "code": 1, "current_count": 1, "current_page": 1, "request_method": "retrieve", "request_type": "hosted_page_visit", "results": [ { "campaign_id": "JN0Zpj7RGJiwKqAnRoy6", "campaign_name": "Twitter Campaign", "created_date_unix": 1566335173, "hosted_endpoint": { "id": "0pgqKa7nbdTYVn0OaEP8", "name": "My Hosted Endpoint", "path": "myhostedendpoint" }, "hosted_page": { "id": "X8PmOr5mQYfZ0ELpqwBG", "name": "myhostedpage", "path": "My Hosted Page" }, "hosted_page_template": { "id": "pg71R9JJqytKRaqwW6W6", "name": "My Page Template" }, "id": "k6vy0dZ7PGTgakp04Rq5", "tracking_entry": { "id": "RJ5WyOGQR8sW8Ewz697V" }, "tracking_visitor": { "id": "pgOa10XqOJuEKKYwwrAj" }, "updated_date_unix": 1566335174 } ], "total_count": 1, "total_pages": 1 }
Hosted Page Submission
Hosted page submission details.
Hosted Page Submission Retrieve
Retrieve current information on a single hosted page submission or multiple hosted page submissions.
Please view Pagination and Filters for details on retrieving multiple items.
The response may include AdWords Response Objects within each item if an AdWords click ID is associated with the item.
Request JSON Schema
The main request object.
The type of request being made.
The method for the request type.
The RevCent ID of the item. Required if multiple property equals false or is not present.
Whether it is a multiple type request.
Response JSON Schema
The API call ID of the request. Every API request is assigned an ID.
Indicates whether the API call was processed.
The unix timestamp of when the API call was made.
The result code for the request.
0 = RevCent Error
1 = Success
The number of result items contained in the current page.
The current page of result, same as requested page, default is page 1.
The API request method.
The API request type.
An array of objects, each object being a unique item.
The RevCent ID of the campaign.
The name of the campaign associated with the item.
The unix timestamp of when the item was created.
The RevCent hosted endpoint related to the item, if the item was created via a hosted page.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
The name of the item.
The RevCent hosted page related to the item, if the item was created via a hosted page.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
The name of the item.
The RevCent hosted page template related to the item, if the item was created via a hosted page.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
The name of the item.
The RevCent hosted page visit related to the item, if the item was created via a hosted page.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
The RevCent tracking visitor related to the item, if TrackJS was initialized.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
The unix timestamp of when the item was updated.
The total number of result items for the given request.
The total number of pages for the given request.
Request JSON
{ "request": { "type": "hosted_page_submission", "method": "retrieve", "id": "7rwyyLkrErF8pGb051z1" } }
Response JSON
{ "api_call_id": "zGlrJgp4AAI1noBYmqjg", "api_call_processed": true, "api_call_unix": 1566337734, "code": 1, "current_count": 1, "current_page": 1, "request_type": "hosted_page_submission", "request_method": "retrieve", "results": [ { "campaign_id": "JN0Zpj7RGJiwKqAnRoy6", "campaign_name": "Twitter Campaign", "created_date_unix": 1566335189, "hosted_endpoint": { "id": "0pgqKa7nbdTYVn0OaEP8", "name": "My Hosted Endpoint", "path": "myhostedendpoint" }, "hosted_page": { "id": "X8PmOr5mQYfZ0ELpqwBG", "name": "myhostedpage", "path": "My Hosted Page" }, "hosted_page_template": { "id": "pg71R9JJqytKRaqwW6W6", "name": "My Page Template" }, "hosted_page_visit": { "id": "k6vy0dZ7PGTgakp04Rq5" }, "id": "WmPNZYEEX5fR0OBO2WKp", "sale": { "id": "WmPNZYE2ZKimr5rgp1KZ" }, "submission_type": "sale", "tracking_entry": { "id": "RJ5WyOGQR8sW8Ewz697V" }, "tracking_visitor": { "id": "pgOa10XqOJuEKKYwwrAj" }, "updated_date_unix": 1566335189 } ], "total_count": 1, "total_pages": 1 }
Tracking Visitor
TrackJS was created by RevCent as an in house tracking solution. When you have successfully set up tracking, each visitor to your website will be assigned an ID and a tracking visitor will be created. Tracking visitors can be tracked across domains, and each visitor can have multiple tracking entries.
Tracking Visitor Retrieve
Retrieve current information on a single tracking visitor or multiple tracking visitors.
Please view Pagination and Filters for details on retrieving multiple items.
The response may include AdWords Response Objects within each item if an AdWords click ID is associated with the item.
Request JSON Schema
The main request object.
The type of request being made.
The method for the request type.
The RevCent ID of the item. Required if multiple property equals false or is not present.
Whether it is a multiple type request.
Response JSON Schema
The API call ID of the request. Every API request is assigned an ID.
Indicates whether the API call was processed.
The unix timestamp of when the API call was made.
The result code for the request.
0 = RevCent Error
1 = Success
The number of result items contained in the current page.
The current page of result, same as requested page, default is page 1.
The API request method.
The API request type.
An array of objects, each object being a unique item.
The unix timestamp of when the item was created.
The RevCent hosted page related to the initial visit which created the tracking visitor, if applicable.
The RevCent hosted page ID.
The RevCent hosted page name.
The RevCent hosted page path.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
The IP address of the tracking visitor, when initially created.
An array containing sale IDs related to the item.
The tracking domain you created within RevCent.
The tracking domain ID.
The tracking domain name.
The tracking domain url.
Every tracking visitor receives a tracking entry when navigating to a new page or domain. This allows the tracking across domains, i.e. see when a visitor leaves on website and goes to another.
The unix timestamp of when the item was created.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
Whether the entry is the initial visit, i.e. when the tracking visitor was initially created.
The tracking entry hostname.
The tracking entry path.
The tracking entry host.
The tracking entry referrer.
The IP address of the tracking visitor when the tracking entry was created.
The tracking domain you created within RevCent.
The tracking domain ID.
The tracking domain name.
The tracking domain url.
The RevCent hosted page related to the tracking entry, if applicable.
The RevCent hosted page ID.
The RevCent hosted page name.
The RevCent hosted page path.
The unix timestamp of when the item was updated.
The user agent, or browser, of the tracking visitor when initially created.
The total number of result items for the given request.
The total number of pages for the given request.
Request JSON
{ "request": { "type": "tracking_visitor", "method": "retrieve", "id": "7rwyyLkrErF8pGb051z1" } }
Response JSON
{ "api_call_id": "ZVEkm8Zo2lFANPwdaBvz", "api_call_processed": true, "api_call_unix": 1566314766, "code": 1, "current_count": 1, "current_page": 1, "request_method": "retrieve", "request_type": "tracking_visitor", "results": [ { "created_date_unix": 1565885604, "hosted_page": null, "id": "mJGJv0BS7vAN14lMrPYj", "ip_address": "123.456.789.0", "metadata": [], "sales": [], "tracking_domain": { "name": "", "id": "9r4y1ulR9K6XvVkj0qBp", "domain": "" }, "tracking_entries": [ { "created_date_unix": 1565885604, "id": "LY5bYqN6Uyn9zjv5lwy0", "initial_visit": true, "hostname": "", "pathname": "/landingpage/", "host": "", "referer": "", "ip_address": "123.456.789.0", "tracking_domain": { "name": "", "id": "9r4y1ulR9K6XvVkj0qBp", "domain": "" }, "hosted_page": null } ], "updated_date_unix": 1566307582, "user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (iPad; CPU OS 12_1_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/12.0 Mobile/15E148 Safari/604.1" } ], "total_count": 1, "total_pages": 1 }
A trial is created when a product has a trial period associated with it. A trial can have shipping associated with it, along with shipping rules depending on the product.
Trial Expire
Expire a trial manually. RevCent automatically expires transactions based on the trial expiration date. Use this method if you wish to immediately expire a trial and charge a customer.
Request JSON Schema
The main request object
The type of request being made.
The method for the request type.
The trial ID
Use a payment profile for processing the item payment. This value can either be the RevCent payment profile ID or the custom payment profile name you created.
Use a specific gateway for processing the item payment. This value can either be the RevCent gateway ID or the custom gateway name you created.
Response JSON Schema
The amount of the item.
The amount captured.
The current amount of calculated fees charged by the payment processor.
The current gross amount. Equals (amount_captured + amount_settled).
The current net amount. Equals (amount_captured + amount_settled) - amount_fees.
The total calculated amount when an item is created.
The current amount remaining to be captured. Amounts yet to be captured due to a trial or salvage transaction.
The current amount of related salvage transactions not yet salvaged.
The API call ID of the request. Every API request is assigned an ID.
Indicates whether the API call was processed.
The unix timestamp of when the API call was made.
The RevCent ID of the campaign.
The name of the campaign associated with the item.
The RevCent ID of the customer credit card used if a transaction occurred.
The result code for the request.
0 = RevCent Error
1 = Success
The customer object.
The customers' first address line.
The customers' second address line.
Whether the customer has been blocked from purchases.
The customers' city.
The customers' company.
The customers' country.
The customers' email.
Whether the customer is currently enabled.
The customers' first name.
The customers' full address.
Whether the customers' address was successfully geocoded using the Google geocoding service.
The Google place ID for the customers' address using the Google geocoding service.
The RevCent ID for the customer.
Your internal ID for the customer.
The customers' last name.
The approximate latitude for the customers' address using the Google geocoding service.
The approximate longitude for the customers' address using the Google geocoding service.
The customers' phone number.
The customers' state.
The customers' state in long format.
The customers' status.
The customers' zip or postal code.
The RevCent ID of the customer.
Gateway related to the item.
The RevCent ID of the gateway.
The full response from the merchant gateway as a JSON string.
If a payment profile was used to process the credit card transaction for this item. The results of the payment profile are contained.
The ID of the payment profile used.
The original amount submitted in the request using the products, their prices and quantities.
The final amount that was successfully charged after the payment profile was applied, if applicable.
The step in the payment profile that ended in success, if applicable.
The gateway that successfully processed the transaction, if applicable.
The total number of declined transactions that occurred when the payment profile was processed.
An array of IDs for declined transactions during the payment profile processing.
The step_array contains individual objects related to the number of steps taken in the process when implementing the payment profile.
We highly recommend you read more about the Payment Profile feature at RevCent to gain a better understanding of what steps are as well as step methods.
The action taken during the step.
The resulting step amount to be charged after any modifiers to payment amount.
If the step source was cascade, the step_cascade_result object will display the result of the cascade processing.
The order of gateways used when processing the cascade.
The gateways which were enabled within the cascade for processing.
The results for each gateway validated within the cascade, after being passed or failed due to in place rules.
The ID of the gateway validated.
The order of the gateway within the cascade.
Revenue rules validation result for the gateway.
If revenue rules were enabled for the gateway.
If the gateway passed all revenue rules.
If revenue rules were present and enabled, the results of the revenue validation will be displayed here.
Time rules validation result for the gateway.
If time rules were enabled for the gateway.
If the gateway passed all time rules.
If time rules were present and enabled, the results of the time validation will be displayed here.
If the gateway passed all gateway validation requirements.
The ID of the gateway which was selected first for validation.
The name of gateway used to process the step transaction.
The ID of gateway used to process the step transaction.
The response returned by the gateway used to process the step transaction.
The modifier applied to the payment amount, if any.
The specific step number.
The result of the step transaction
The step setting.
The step source, either gateway or cascade.
The ID of the step transaction.
The product object containing information on the related product.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
The product name.
The internal_id you provided when creating the item.
The product sku.
The product price for the specific item.
The product quantity for the specific item.
The RevCent ID of the product sale.
The API request method.
The API request type.
The a brief description of the result of the API call.
The RevCent ID of the sale.
The salvage transaction details object, if created as a result of the request. Null if not applicable.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
The salvage transaction amount.
If the salvage transaction is enabled.
If the salvage transaction will create a new sale.
If a salvage transaction was created as a result of the request.
The ship to object.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
The internal_id you provided when creating the item.
An array of shipping items created. Each object is an individual shipping item containing details.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
The RevCent ID of the subscription.
An array of tax items created. Each object is an individual tax item containing details.
The total calculated amount when an item is created.
The amount captured.
The current gross amount. Equals (amount_captured + amount_settled).
The current net amount. Equals (amount_captured + amount_settled) - amount_fees.
The current amount of calculated fees charged by the payment processor.
The current amount remaining to be captured. Amounts yet to be captured due to a trial or salvage transaction.
The current amount of related salvage transactions not yet salvaged.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
The name of the item.
The description of the item.
Tax rate calculated based on tax amount and total related item amount.
The RevCent ID of the credit card transaction.
The RevCent ID of the trial.
Request JSON
{ "request": { "type": "trial", "method": "expire", "trial_id": "LY5yop5nk7hb6o2Pvl5j" } }
Response JSON
{ "amount": 158.99, "amount_captured": 158.99, "amount_fees": 4.61, "amount_gross": 158.99, "amount_net": 154.38, "amount_original_total": 158.99, "amount_remaining": 0, "amount_to_salvage": 0, "api_call_id": "rm9EA5P5PVHoL5GpQrjL", "api_call_processed": true, "api_call_unix": 1565814909, "campaign_id": "X849YQm7BEf0ZQd7Ol1K", "campaign_name": "Facebook Campaign", "card_id": "1rQA58w6XXcMNRApYLPn", "code": 1, "customer": { "id": "4r158EzJmmcVM69dNLkg", "internal_id": "cus_9299", "first_name": "ahux", "last_name": "qtrpinkz", "address_line_1": "1600 Pennsylvania Ave", "address_line_2": "", "city": "Washington", "state": "DC", "zip": "20500", "company": "", "country": "USA", "email": "", "phone": "1234567890", "metadata": [] }, "customer_id": "4r158EzJmmcVM69dNLkg", "gateway": "Stripe", "gateway_id": "GOJankNpkpsPzw6No1OP", "gateway_raw_response": "", "payment_profile_results": { "payment_profile_id": "l4QbbPOQZES20A1XvjG8", "original_amount": 158.99, "final_amount": 158.99, "successful_step_num": 1, "successful_gateway": "Stripe", "num_declined_transactions": 0, "step_array": [ { "step_action": "initial", "step_amount": 158.99, "step_cascade_result": null, "step_gateway": "Stripe", "step_gateway_id": "GOJankNpkpsPzw6No1OP", "step_modifier": "", "step_num": 1, "step_result": "Approved", "step_setting": "initial", "step_source": "gateway", "step_transaction": null } ] }, "product": { "id": "0pBLXVZW08SNw0XOKZ7X", "name": "Robo Vac", "internal_id": "robo_vac", "sku": "robo_vac_sku", "price": 149.99, "quantity": 1 }, "product_sale_id": "zGld6plAkacWRzRwblaJ", "request_method": "expire", "request_type": "trial", "result": "Trial expired and subscription started.", "sale_id": "k6vnbJom00Ug89mpRj78", "salvage_transaction": null, "salvage_transaction_created": false, "ship_to": null, "shipping_created": [], "subscription": { "id": "WmPnWqPKbpFRmy6Ma2BG", "is_overdue": false, "is_occurrence_limit": false }, "subscription_id": "WmPnWqPKbpFRmy6Ma2BG", "tax_created": [ { "amount_original_total": 9, "amount_captured": 9, "amount_gross": 9, "amount_net": 8.74, "amount_fees": 0.26, "amount_remaining": 0, "amount_to_salvage": 0, "id": "P65Gn2J15pc5KRdLp22w", "name": "Tax Profile: aeega", "description": "", "rate": 0.06 } ], "transaction_id": "wLz5MAWPzoUW5VNlydoa", "trial_id": "LY5yop5nk7hb6o2Pvl5j" }
Trial Cancel
Cancel a trial. Cancelling a trial will not charge the customer, and any subscription related to the trial will be cancelled as well.
Request JSON Schema
The main request object
The type of request being made.
The method for the request type.
The trial ID
Response JSON Schema
The amount of the item.
The amount captured.
The current amount of calculated fees charged by the payment processor.
The current gross amount. Equals (amount_captured + amount_settled).
The current net amount. Equals (amount_captured + amount_settled) - amount_fees.
The total calculated amount when an item is created.
The current amount remaining to be captured. Amounts yet to be captured due to a trial or salvage transaction.
The current amount of related salvage transactions not yet salvaged.
The API call ID of the request. Every API request is assigned an ID.
Indicates whether the API call was processed.
The unix timestamp of when the API call was made.
The RevCent ID of the campaign.
The name of the campaign associated with the item.
The RevCent ID of the customer credit card used if a transaction occurred.
The result code for the request.
0 = RevCent Error
1 = Success
The customer object.
The customers' first address line.
The customers' second address line.
Whether the customer has been blocked from purchases.
The customers' city.
The customers' company.
The customers' country.
The customers' email.
Whether the customer is currently enabled.
The customers' first name.
The customers' full address.
Whether the customers' address was successfully geocoded using the Google geocoding service.
The Google place ID for the customers' address using the Google geocoding service.
The RevCent ID for the customer.
Your internal ID for the customer.
The customers' last name.
The approximate latitude for the customers' address using the Google geocoding service.
The approximate longitude for the customers' address using the Google geocoding service.
The customers' phone number.
The customers' state.
The customers' state in long format.
The customers' status.
The customers' zip or postal code.
The RevCent ID of the customer.
Gateway related to the item.
The RevCent ID of the gateway.
The full response from the merchant gateway as a JSON string.
If a payment profile was used to process the credit card transaction for this item. The results of the payment profile are contained.
The ID of the payment profile used.
The original amount submitted in the request using the products, their prices and quantities.
The final amount that was successfully charged after the payment profile was applied, if applicable.
The step in the payment profile that ended in success, if applicable.
The gateway that successfully processed the transaction, if applicable.
The total number of declined transactions that occurred when the payment profile was processed.
An array of IDs for declined transactions during the payment profile processing.
The step_array contains individual objects related to the number of steps taken in the process when implementing the payment profile.
We highly recommend you read more about the Payment Profile feature at RevCent to gain a better understanding of what steps are as well as step methods.
The action taken during the step.
The resulting step amount to be charged after any modifiers to payment amount.
If the step source was cascade, the step_cascade_result object will display the result of the cascade processing.
The order of gateways used when processing the cascade.
The gateways which were enabled within the cascade for processing.
The results for each gateway validated within the cascade, after being passed or failed due to in place rules.
The ID of the gateway validated.
The order of the gateway within the cascade.
Revenue rules validation result for the gateway.
If revenue rules were enabled for the gateway.
If the gateway passed all revenue rules.
If revenue rules were present and enabled, the results of the revenue validation will be displayed here.
Time rules validation result for the gateway.
If time rules were enabled for the gateway.
If the gateway passed all time rules.
If time rules were present and enabled, the results of the time validation will be displayed here.
If the gateway passed all gateway validation requirements.
The ID of the gateway which was selected first for validation.
The name of gateway used to process the step transaction.
The ID of gateway used to process the step transaction.
The response returned by the gateway used to process the step transaction.
The modifier applied to the payment amount, if any.
The specific step number.
The result of the step transaction
The step setting.
The step source, either gateway or cascade.
The ID of the step transaction.
The product object containing information on the related product.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
The product name.
The internal_id you provided when creating the item.
The product sku.
The product price for the specific item.
The product quantity for the specific item.
The RevCent ID of the product sale.
The API request method.
The API request type.
The a brief description of the result of the API call.
The RevCent ID of the sale.
The salvage transaction details object, if created as a result of the request. Null if not applicable.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
The salvage transaction amount.
If the salvage transaction is enabled.
If the salvage transaction will create a new sale.
If a salvage transaction was created as a result of the request.
The ship to object.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
The internal_id you provided when creating the item.
An array of shipping items created. Each object is an individual shipping item containing details.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
The RevCent ID of the subscription.
An array of tax items created. Each object is an individual tax item containing details.
The total calculated amount when an item is created.
The amount captured.
The current gross amount. Equals (amount_captured + amount_settled).
The current net amount. Equals (amount_captured + amount_settled) - amount_fees.
The current amount of calculated fees charged by the payment processor.
The current amount remaining to be captured. Amounts yet to be captured due to a trial or salvage transaction.
The current amount of related salvage transactions not yet salvaged.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
The name of the item.
The description of the item.
Tax rate calculated based on tax amount and total related item amount.
The RevCent ID of the credit card transaction.
The RevCent ID of the trial.
Request JSON
{ "request": { "type": "trial", "method": "cancel", "trial_id": "y27kyzRKyoCWWJ82M6pp" } }
Response JSON
{ "amount": 149.99, "api_call_id": "wLz5AdRJAoUWV6lj208V", "api_call_processed": true, "api_call_unix": 1565817264, "campaign_id": "mJ1zZoOobEuP8pnWKXd1", "campaign_name": "Adwords Campaign", "code": 1, "customer_id": "2rdJamrL88fGrBmMYanZ", "product_sale_id": "Kn51qY96qjcy5RjjyEER", "request_method": "cancel", "request_type": "trial", "result": "Trial cancelled. Product sale refunded in the amount of $149.99.", "sale_id": "zGldprG799CWWwmPGJMX", "subscription_cancelled": [ "ZVEGykm2y6CZJKyvnAqn" ], "trial_id": "y27kyzRKyoCWWJ82M6pp" }
Trial Extend
Extend the duration of the trial by a set number of days.
Request JSON Schema
The main request object
The type of request being made.
The method for the request type.
The trial ID
The total number of days to extend the trial.
Response JSON Schema
The amount of the item.
The amount captured.
The current amount of calculated fees charged by the payment processor.
The current gross amount. Equals (amount_captured + amount_settled).
The current net amount. Equals (amount_captured + amount_settled) - amount_fees.
The total calculated amount when an item is created.
The current amount remaining to be captured. Amounts yet to be captured due to a trial or salvage transaction.
The current amount of related salvage transactions not yet salvaged.
The API call ID of the request. Every API request is assigned an ID.
Indicates whether the API call was processed.
The unix timestamp of when the API call was made.
The RevCent ID of the campaign.
The name of the campaign associated with the item.
The RevCent ID of the customer credit card used if a transaction occurred.
The result code for the request.
0 = RevCent Error
1 = Success
The customer object.
The customers' first address line.
The customers' second address line.
Whether the customer has been blocked from purchases.
The customers' city.
The customers' company.
The customers' country.
The customers' email.
Whether the customer is currently enabled.
The customers' first name.
The customers' full address.
Whether the customers' address was successfully geocoded using the Google geocoding service.
The Google place ID for the customers' address using the Google geocoding service.
The RevCent ID for the customer.
Your internal ID for the customer.
The customers' last name.
The approximate latitude for the customers' address using the Google geocoding service.
The approximate longitude for the customers' address using the Google geocoding service.
The customers' phone number.
The customers' state.
The customers' state in long format.
The customers' status.
The customers' zip or postal code.
The RevCent ID of the customer.
Gateway related to the item.
The RevCent ID of the gateway.
The full response from the merchant gateway as a JSON string.
If a payment profile was used to process the credit card transaction for this item. The results of the payment profile are contained.
The ID of the payment profile used.
The original amount submitted in the request using the products, their prices and quantities.
The final amount that was successfully charged after the payment profile was applied, if applicable.
The step in the payment profile that ended in success, if applicable.
The gateway that successfully processed the transaction, if applicable.
The total number of declined transactions that occurred when the payment profile was processed.
An array of IDs for declined transactions during the payment profile processing.
The step_array contains individual objects related to the number of steps taken in the process when implementing the payment profile.
We highly recommend you read more about the Payment Profile feature at RevCent to gain a better understanding of what steps are as well as step methods.
The action taken during the step.
The resulting step amount to be charged after any modifiers to payment amount.
If the step source was cascade, the step_cascade_result object will display the result of the cascade processing.
The order of gateways used when processing the cascade.
The gateways which were enabled within the cascade for processing.
The results for each gateway validated within the cascade, after being passed or failed due to in place rules.
The ID of the gateway validated.
The order of the gateway within the cascade.
Revenue rules validation result for the gateway.
If revenue rules were enabled for the gateway.
If the gateway passed all revenue rules.
If revenue rules were present and enabled, the results of the revenue validation will be displayed here.
Time rules validation result for the gateway.
If time rules were enabled for the gateway.
If the gateway passed all time rules.
If time rules were present and enabled, the results of the time validation will be displayed here.
If the gateway passed all gateway validation requirements.
The ID of the gateway which was selected first for validation.
The name of gateway used to process the step transaction.
The ID of gateway used to process the step transaction.
The response returned by the gateway used to process the step transaction.
The modifier applied to the payment amount, if any.
The specific step number.
The result of the step transaction
The step setting.
The step source, either gateway or cascade.
The ID of the step transaction.
The product object containing information on the related product.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
The product name.
The internal_id you provided when creating the item.
The product sku.
The product price for the specific item.
The product quantity for the specific item.
The RevCent ID of the product sale.
The API request method.
The API request type.
The a brief description of the result of the API call.
The RevCent ID of the sale.
The salvage transaction details object, if created as a result of the request. Null if not applicable.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
The salvage transaction amount.
If the salvage transaction is enabled.
If the salvage transaction will create a new sale.
If a salvage transaction was created as a result of the request.
The ship to object.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
The internal_id you provided when creating the item.
An array of shipping items created. Each object is an individual shipping item containing details.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
The RevCent ID of the subscription.
An array of tax items created. Each object is an individual tax item containing details.
The total calculated amount when an item is created.
The amount captured.
The current gross amount. Equals (amount_captured + amount_settled).
The current net amount. Equals (amount_captured + amount_settled) - amount_fees.
The current amount of calculated fees charged by the payment processor.
The current amount remaining to be captured. Amounts yet to be captured due to a trial or salvage transaction.
The current amount of related salvage transactions not yet salvaged.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
The name of the item.
The description of the item.
Tax rate calculated based on tax amount and total related item amount.
The RevCent ID of the credit card transaction.
The RevCent ID of the trial.
Request JSON
{ "request": { "type": "trial", "method": "extend", "trial_id": "LY5yop5nk7hb6o2Pvl5j", "days": 4 } }
Response JSON
{ "api_call_id": "rm9EA5Lv1LuoXj9mJZWg", "api_call_processed": true, "api_call_unix": 1565814908, "campaign_id": "X849YQm7BEf0ZQd7Ol1K", "campaign_name": "Facebook Campaign", "code": 1, "customer_id": "4r158EzJmmcVM69dNLkg", "days_remaining": 4, "end_date_unix": 1566246901, "message": "Trial for Robo Vac extended 4 days. Trial ends, and subscription starts on 08/19/2019.", "product_sale_id": "zGld6plAkacWRzRwblaJ", "request_method": "extend", "request_type": "trial", "result": "Trial extended 4 days.", "sale_id": "k6vnbJom00Ug89mpRj78", "subscription_id": "WmPnWqPKbpFRmy6Ma2BG", "trial_id": "LY5yop5nk7hb6o2Pvl5j" }
Trial Shorten
Shorten the duration of the trial by a set number of days.
Request JSON Schema
The main request object
The type of request being made.
The method for the request type.
The trial ID
The total number of days to shorten the trial.
Response JSON Schema
The amount of the item.
The amount captured.
The current amount of calculated fees charged by the payment processor.
The current gross amount. Equals (amount_captured + amount_settled).
The current net amount. Equals (amount_captured + amount_settled) - amount_fees.
The total calculated amount when an item is created.
The current amount remaining to be captured. Amounts yet to be captured due to a trial or salvage transaction.
The current amount of related salvage transactions not yet salvaged.
The API call ID of the request. Every API request is assigned an ID.
Indicates whether the API call was processed.
The unix timestamp of when the API call was made.
The RevCent ID of the campaign.
The name of the campaign associated with the item.
The RevCent ID of the customer credit card used if a transaction occurred.
The result code for the request.
0 = RevCent Error
1 = Success
The customer object.
The customers' first address line.
The customers' second address line.
Whether the customer has been blocked from purchases.
The customers' city.
The customers' company.
The customers' country.
The customers' email.
Whether the customer is currently enabled.
The customers' first name.
The customers' full address.
Whether the customers' address was successfully geocoded using the Google geocoding service.
The Google place ID for the customers' address using the Google geocoding service.
The RevCent ID for the customer.
Your internal ID for the customer.
The customers' last name.
The approximate latitude for the customers' address using the Google geocoding service.
The approximate longitude for the customers' address using the Google geocoding service.
The customers' phone number.
The customers' state.
The customers' state in long format.
The customers' status.
The customers' zip or postal code.
The RevCent ID of the customer.
Gateway related to the item.
The RevCent ID of the gateway.
The full response from the merchant gateway as a JSON string.
If a payment profile was used to process the credit card transaction for this item. The results of the payment profile are contained.
The ID of the payment profile used.
The original amount submitted in the request using the products, their prices and quantities.
The final amount that was successfully charged after the payment profile was applied, if applicable.
The step in the payment profile that ended in success, if applicable.
The gateway that successfully processed the transaction, if applicable.
The total number of declined transactions that occurred when the payment profile was processed.
An array of IDs for declined transactions during the payment profile processing.
The step_array contains individual objects related to the number of steps taken in the process when implementing the payment profile.
We highly recommend you read more about the Payment Profile feature at RevCent to gain a better understanding of what steps are as well as step methods.
The action taken during the step.
The resulting step amount to be charged after any modifiers to payment amount.
If the step source was cascade, the step_cascade_result object will display the result of the cascade processing.
The order of gateways used when processing the cascade.
The gateways which were enabled within the cascade for processing.
The results for each gateway validated within the cascade, after being passed or failed due to in place rules.
The ID of the gateway validated.
The order of the gateway within the cascade.
Revenue rules validation result for the gateway.
If revenue rules were enabled for the gateway.
If the gateway passed all revenue rules.
If revenue rules were present and enabled, the results of the revenue validation will be displayed here.
Time rules validation result for the gateway.
If time rules were enabled for the gateway.
If the gateway passed all time rules.
If time rules were present and enabled, the results of the time validation will be displayed here.
If the gateway passed all gateway validation requirements.
The ID of the gateway which was selected first for validation.
The name of gateway used to process the step transaction.
The ID of gateway used to process the step transaction.
The response returned by the gateway used to process the step transaction.
The modifier applied to the payment amount, if any.
The specific step number.
The result of the step transaction
The step setting.
The step source, either gateway or cascade.
The ID of the step transaction.
The product object containing information on the related product.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
The product name.
The internal_id you provided when creating the item.
The product sku.
The product price for the specific item.
The product quantity for the specific item.
The RevCent ID of the product sale.
The API request method.
The API request type.
The a brief description of the result of the API call.
The RevCent ID of the sale.
The salvage transaction details object, if created as a result of the request. Null if not applicable.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
The salvage transaction amount.
If the salvage transaction is enabled.
If the salvage transaction will create a new sale.
If a salvage transaction was created as a result of the request.
The ship to object.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
The internal_id you provided when creating the item.
An array of shipping items created. Each object is an individual shipping item containing details.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
The RevCent ID of the subscription.
An array of tax items created. Each object is an individual tax item containing details.
The total calculated amount when an item is created.
The amount captured.
The current gross amount. Equals (amount_captured + amount_settled).
The current net amount. Equals (amount_captured + amount_settled) - amount_fees.
The current amount of calculated fees charged by the payment processor.
The current amount remaining to be captured. Amounts yet to be captured due to a trial or salvage transaction.
The current amount of related salvage transactions not yet salvaged.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
The name of the item.
The description of the item.
Tax rate calculated based on tax amount and total related item amount.
The RevCent ID of the credit card transaction.
The RevCent ID of the trial.
Request JSON
{ "request": { "type": "trial", "method": "shorten", "trial_id": "LY5yop5nk7hb6o2Pvl5j", "days": 3 } }
Response JSON
{ "api_call_id": "4r158E9E94uVAELbpa2G", "api_call_processed": true, "api_call_unix": 1565814908, "campaign_id": "X849YQm7BEf0ZQd7Ol1K", "campaign_name": "Facebook Campaign", "code": 1, "customer_id": "4r158EzJmmcVM69dNLkg", "days_remaining": 1, "end_date_unix": 1565987701, "message": "Trial for Robo Vac shortened 3 days. Trial ends, and subscription starts on 08/16/2019.", "product_sale_id": "zGld6plAkacWRzRwblaJ", "request_method": "shorten", "request_type": "trial", "result": "Trial shortened 3 days.", "sale_id": "k6vnbJom00Ug89mpRj78", "subscription_id": "WmPnWqPKbpFRmy6Ma2BG", "trial_id": "LY5yop5nk7hb6o2Pvl5j" }
Trial Retrieve
Retrieve current information on a single trial or multiple trials.
Please view Pagination and Filters for details on retrieving multiple items.
The response may include AdWords Response Objects within each item if an AdWords click ID is associated with the item.
Request JSON Schema
The main request object.
The type of request being made.
The method for the request type.
The RevCent ID of the item. Required if multiple property equals false or is not present.
Whether it is a multiple type request.
Response JSON Schema
The API call ID of the request. Every API request is assigned an ID.
Indicates whether the API call was processed.
The unix timestamp of when the API call was made.
The result code for the request.
0 = RevCent Error
1 = Success
The number of result items contained in the current page.
The current page of result, same as requested page, default is page 1.
The API request method.
The API request type.
An array of objects, each object being a unique item.
Whether the trial is currently active.
The RevCent ID of the campaign.
The name of the campaign associated with the item.
An array containing check direct IDs related to the item.
The unix timestamp of when the item was created.
The customer object.
The customers' first address line.
The customers' second address line.
Whether the customer has been blocked from purchases.
The customers' city.
The customers' company.
The customers' country.
The customers' email.
Whether the customer is currently enabled.
The customers' first name.
The customers' full address.
Whether the customers' address was successfully geocoded using the Google geocoding service.
The Google place ID for the customers' address using the Google geocoding service.
The RevCent ID for the customer.
Your internal ID for the customer.
The customers' last name.
The approximate latitude for the customers' address using the Google geocoding service.
The approximate longitude for the customers' address using the Google geocoding service.
The customers' phone number.
The customers' state.
The customers' state in long format.
The customers' status.
The customers' zip or postal code.
Total amount of days remaining until the trial expires if active.
The total duration of the trial in days.
An array containing discounts related to the item.
The unix timestamp of when the trial expires or expired.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
Whether the item was created using a live or test RevCent API key.
An array containing offline payment IDs related to the item.
The payment type related to the item.
The system ID of the payment type related to the item.
The system name of the payment type related to the item.
An array containing RevCent PayPal transaction IDs related to the item.
An array containing pending refund IDs related to the item.
The product object containing information on the related product.
The RevCent ID of the object item.
The product name.
The internal_id you provided when creating the item.
The product sku.
The product price for the specific item.
The product quantity for the specific item.
An array containing product sale IDs related to the item.
Products detailed is an array of individual product objects, indicating the products which are related to the item.
The ID of the product
The price of the product.
The quantity of the product.
The product name.
The product description.
The total amount of the product. I.e. Price * Quantity
The product internal ID.
The product SKU.
The product URL.
Product images if uploaded to RevCent.
An array containing sale IDs related to the item.
An array containing salvage transaction IDs related to the item.
An array containing shipping IDs related to the item.
An array containing SMTP message IDs related to the item.
The unix timestamp of when the trial started.
The current status of the related item.
An array containing subscription renewal IDs related to the item.
An array containing subscription IDs related to the item.
An array containing tax IDs related to the item.
An array containing credit card transaction IDs related to the item.
The unix timestamp of when the item was updated.
The total number of result items for the given request.
The total number of pages for the given request.
Request JSON
{ "request": { "type": "trial", "method": "retrieve", "id": "LY5yop5nk7hb6o2Pvl5j" } }
Response JSON
{ "api_call_id": "YaVqjAznZzuGYgJNZl4K", "api_call_processed": true, "api_call_unix": 1565814907, "code": 1, "current_count": 1, "current_page": 1, "request_method": "retrieve", "request_type": "trial", "results": [ { "active": true, "campaign_id": "X849YQm7BEf0ZQd7Ol1K", "campaign_name": "Facebook Campaign", "check_directs": [], "created_date_unix": 1565814901, "customer": { "address_line_1": "1600 Pennsylvania Ave", "address_line_2": "", "blocked": false, "city": "Washington", "company": "", "country": "USA", "email": "", "enabled": true, "first_name": "George", "full_address": "1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC 20500, USA", "geocode_success": true, "google_place_id": "ChIJGVtI4by3t4kRr51d_Qm_x58", "id": "4r158EzJmmcVM69dNLkg", "internal_id": "pres_0001", "last_name": "Washington", "lat": "38.8976633", "lon": "-77.0365739", "metadata": [], "phone": "1234567890", "state": "DC", "state_long": "DC", "zip": "20500" }, "days_remaining": 1, "days_total": 1, "discounts": [], "end_date_unix": 1565901301, "id": "LY5yop5nk7hb6o2Pvl5j", "live_mode": false, "metadata": [ { "name": "adwords_click", "value": "Cjat0KwhCQjdTq..." } ], "notes": [], "offline_payments": [], "payment_type": { "id": "KnQ0KlNE6kf5mobyV0pN", "name": "Credit Card" }, "paypal_transactions": [], "pending_refunds": [], "product": { "id": "0pBLXVZW08SNw0XOKZ7X", "product_id": "0pBLXVZW08SNw0XOKZ7X", "internal_id": "robo_vac", "sku": "robo_vac_sku", "name": "Robo Vac", "quantity": 1, "price": 149.99, "list_price": 149.99 }, "product_sales": [ "zGld6plAkacWRzRwblaJ" ], "products_detailed": [ { "id": "k6EXjKzd7PHOpgvdYjXG", "price": 89.99, "quantity": 1, "name": "USB HDD", "description": "Great USB for data storage.", "total_amount": 89.99, "discount_amount": 3.75, "is_subscription": false, "is_trial": false, "internal_id": "usb_hdd", "sku": "usb_hdd_sku", "url": "", "images": [ { "id": "2r14zlG0mjF5zbQ24XAl", "featured": true, "file_name": "2r14zlG0mjF5zbQ24XAl", "file_ext": "jpg", "image_width": 612, "image_height": 612, "mimetype": "image/jpeg", "base_url": "", "full_url": "", "compressed_extensions": [ "_resize_150", "_resize_600", "_resize_300" ] } ] } ], "sales": [ "k6vnbJom00Ug89mpRj78" ], "salvage_transactions": [], "shipping": [], "smtp_messages": [], "start_date_unix": 1565814901, "status": "Active", "subscription_renewals": [], "subscriptions": [ "WmPnWqPKbpFRmy6Ma2BG" ], "tax": [], "transactions": [], "updated_date_unix": 1565814901 } ], "total_count": 1, "total_pages": 1 }
Query requests are a multi step process.
Step 1: Submit the initial query request.
Step 2: The initial response will contain a query_id property.
Step 3: Submit a query retrieve using the query_id from step 2 to get the query results.
Query Request
Every request object should contain a type property, method propery, parameters object and a filters object.
The initial response is the same for all query requests, regardless of type.
Request JSON Schema
The main request object.
The request type.
The request method.
The parameters object.
The filters object.
Request JSON
{ "request": { "type": "sale", "method": "query", "parameters": {}, "filters": {} } }
Query Initial Response
Every query request receives a response containing a query_id.
Due to the nature of querying big data, and the unpredictable time it may take, it is necessary to retrieve a submitted query.
Once you have submitted a query request, and an error has not occurred, send a separate query retrieve request to retrieve the official results.
Initial Response JSON Schema
The API call ID of the request. Every API request is assigned an ID.
Indicates whether the API call was processed.
The result code for the request.
- 0 = Error
- 1 = Successful
The ID to use when submitting a query retrieve request.
Initial Response JSON
{ "api_call_id": "4rG0OJYQnairJa4Z571Y", "api_call_processed": true, "code": 1, "query_id": "Bv0drQZNAYCZRKKwmWml" }
Query Retrieve
Retrieve the results of a previously submitted query request using the RevCent query_id from the initial response.
The responses containing results for each specific query type are contained in their respective query section below.
Request JSON Schema
The main request object.
The request type.
The request method.
The RevCent ID of the query.
Response JSON Schema
The API call ID of the request. Every API request is assigned an ID.
Indicates whether the API call was processed.
The result code for the request.
- 0 = Error
- 1 = Successful
The total number of query results returned.
The status of the query.
Possible Values
- Query is finished. Results of the query are contained in the results array.
- Query is still running. Submit the retrieve request again.
- Query returned an error.
Request JSON
{ "request": { "type": "query", "method": "retrieve", "id": "Bv0drQZNAYCZRKKwmWml" } }
Response JSON
{ "api_call_id": "4rG0OJYQnairJa4Z571Y", "api_call_processed": true, "code": 1, "count": 1, "results": [], "status": "DONE" }
Query Parameters
The parameters object contains up to three properties. Type, analytic and group_by.
Parameters Object JSON Schema
The type of query specified by a name and value.
View details on the type object.
The computation being performed based on the object(s) contained in the array.
View details on the analytic array.
Group query results by a specific field. Note: The group by object for certain query types are either required, optional or ignored.
Query Types and Group By
- metric
- Ignored.
- pie
- Required.
- timeline
- Optional.
View details on the group by object.
Parameters JSON
{ "parameters": { "type": { "name": "pie", "value": "" }, "analytic": [{ "name": "amount_gross", "value": "sum" }], "group_by": { "name": "product", "value": "name" } } }
Type Parameter
The type parameter is an object. The type object specifies the query type, and for timeline queries it also specifies the date interval.
- Metric
- Metric queries do not have a group by parameter. They return basic metrics. Note: Up to 5 analytic objects can be contained in a metric type query.
- Example below shows a metric type query. The 'value' property can be left blank.
"type": {"name": "metric", "value": ""}
- Pie
- Pie queries return grouped results based on a required group by object. Note: Only one analytic object can be contained in a pie type query.
- Example below shows a pie type query. The 'value' property can be left blank.
"type": {"name": "pie", "value": ""}
- Timeline
- Timeline queries return grouped results based on a specified date interval. The date interval is specified in type 'value' property.
- Up to 5 analytic objects can be contained in a timeline type query when not specifying a group by object.
- Only one analytic object can be contained in a timeline type query when specifying a group by object.
- Example below shows a timeline type query. The 'value' property equals "day" which will group results by the created date of the request
type items.
"type": {"name": "timeline", "value": "day"}
Timeline Value
- day
- Daily interval, format: "MM/DD/YY". Example: "03/14/2018".
- week
- Week interval, the week number in a given year, format: "ww". Example: "30".
- month
- Monthly interval, format: "MMMM". Example: "January".
- year
- Yearly interval, format: "YYYY". Example: "2018"
Analytic Parameter
The analytic parameter is an array, unlike type and group_by which are both objects.
Up to 5 analytic objects can be contained in a metric type query, only one analytic object in a pie query, and up to 5 analytic objects in a timeline query if not grouping.
Value Property
The 'value' property can be only one of the three values listed below.
- sum
- The sum of the name property. Example below shows an analytic object that will return the sum amount gross.
"analytic": [{"name": "amount_gross", "value": "sum"}]
- avg
- The average of the name property. Example below shows an analytic object that will return the average amount gross.
"analytic": [{"name": "amount_gross", "value": "avg"}]
- count
- The count of number of distinct items. When using count, the 'name' property will always be equal to the query request type. Example
below shows an analytic object that will return the number of distinct (unique) sales, sale being the query request type.
"analytic": [{"name": "sale", "value": "count"}]
Name Property
The analytic object property 'name' depends on the request type (i.e. sale, product_sale). Allowed 'name' values are listed below by query request type.
The current amount captured.
The current amount of calculated fees charged by the gateway.
The current gross amount.
Equals (amount_captured + amount_settled).
The current net amount.
Equals (amount_captured + amount_settled) - amount_fees.
The total calculated amount when the item was created.
Total amount of any refunds.
The current amount remaining to be captured.
Amounts yet to be captured due to a trial or salvage transaction.
The current amount settled.
The current amount of related salvage transactions.
The current total amount after any refunds, additions or other changes.
Product Sale
The current amount captured.
The current amount of calculated fees charged by the gateway.
The current gross amount.
Equals (amount_captured + amount_settled).
The current net amount.
Equals (amount_captured + amount_settled) - amount_fees.
The total calculated amount when the item was created.
Total amount of any refunds.
The current amount remaining to be captured.
Amounts yet to be captured due to a trial or salvage transaction.
The current amount settled.
The current amount of related salvage transactions.
The current total amount after any refunds, additions or other changes.
The price of the product when the product sale was created.
The list price of the product when the product sale was created.
The quantity of the product when the product sale was created.
The current amount captured.
The current amount of calculated fees charged by the gateway.
The current gross amount.
Equals (amount_captured + amount_settled).
The current net amount.
Equals (amount_captured + amount_settled) - amount_fees.
The total calculated amount when the item was created.
Total amount of any refunds.
The current amount remaining to be captured.
Amounts yet to be captured due to a trial or salvage transaction.
The current amount settled.
The current amount of related salvage transactions.
The current total amount after any refunds, additions or other changes.
The current amount captured.
The current amount of calculated fees charged by the gateway.
The current gross amount.
Equals (amount_captured + amount_settled).
The current net amount.
Equals (amount_captured + amount_settled) - amount_fees.
The total calculated amount when the item was created.
Total amount of any refunds.
The current amount remaining to be captured.
Amounts yet to be captured due to a trial or salvage transaction.
The current amount settled.
The current amount of related salvage transactions.
The current total amount after any refunds, additions or other changes.
The amount of the transaction when submitted.
The current amount captured.
The current amount of calculated fees charged by the gateway.
The current gross amount.
Equals (amount_captured + amount_settled).
The current net amount.
Equals (amount_captured + amount_settled) - amount_fees.
The total calculated amount when the item was created.
Total amount of any refunds.
The current amount settled.
Salvage Transaction
The current amount to salvage.
Equals (amount_original_total - amount_charged).
The current amount remaining to be salvaged.
The amount successfully charged in the originating transaction
The salvaged captured amount, if salvage was attempted and successful.
The current amount of calculated fees charged by the gateway if salvage was attempted and successful.
The salvaged gross amount, if salvage was attempted and successful.
Equals (amount_captured + amount_settled).
The salvaged net amount, if salvage was attempted and successful.
Equals (amount_captured + amount_settled) - amount_fees.
The amount attempted in the originating transaction.
The salvaged refunded amount, if salvage was attempted and successful.
The salvaged settled amount, if salvage was attempted and successful.
The current amount captured.
The current amount of calculated fees charged by the gateway.
The current gross amount.
Equals (amount_captured + amount_settled).
The current net amount.
Equals (amount_captured + amount_settled) - amount_fees.
The total calculated amount when the item was created.
Total amount of any refunds.
The current amount remaining to be captured.
Amounts yet to be captured due to a trial or salvage transaction.
The current amount settled.
The current amount of related salvage transactions.
The current total amount after any refunds, additions or other changes.
The future amount to be charged based on currently active subscriptions, occurrences and expiring trials.
The total volume (amount_total + future_volume).
The current amount captured.
The current amount of calculated fees charged by the gateway.
The current gross amount.
Equals (amount_captured + amount_settled).
The current net amount.
Equals (amount_captured + amount_settled) - amount_fees.
The total calculated amount when the item was created.
Total amount of any refunds.
The current amount remaining to be captured.
Amounts yet to be captured due to a trial or salvage transaction.
The current amount settled.
The current amount of related salvage transactions.
The current total amount after any refunds, additions or other changes.
Subscription Renewal
The current amount captured.
The current amount of calculated fees charged by the gateway.
The current gross amount.
Equals (amount_captured + amount_settled).
The current net amount.
Equals (amount_captured + amount_settled) - amount_fees.
The total calculated amount when the item was created.
Total amount of any refunds.
The current amount remaining to be captured.
Amounts yet to be captured due to a trial or salvage transaction.
The current amount settled.
The current amount of related salvage transactions.
The current total amount after any refunds, additions or other changes.
The current amount captured, if trial has expired.
The current amount of calculated fees charged by the gateway, if trial has expired.
The current gross amount.
Equals (amount_captured + amount_settled), if trial has expired.
The current net amount.
Equals (amount_captured + amount_settled) - amount_fees, if trial has expired.
The total calculated amount when the item was created, if trial has expired.
Total amount of any refunds, if trial has expired.
The current amount remaining to be captured.
Amounts yet to be captured due to a trial or salvage transaction, if trial has expired.
The current amount settled, if trial has expired.
The current amount of related salvage transactions, if trial has expired.
The current total amount after any refunds, additions or other changes, if trial has expired.
Group By Parameter
The group_by parameter is an object. Only pie and timeline queries accept a group_by object.
The object properties 'name' and 'value' both depend on the request type (i.e. sale, product_sale). The 'value' property also depends on the 'name' property. The group by list shows allowed group by name and their respective value(s).
Example below shows grouping query results by the name of the gateway.
"group_by": {"name": "gateway", "value": "name"}
- name
- Grouping by campaign name.
- name
- Grouping by gateway name.
- latlon
- Grouping by customer geo coordinates.
- city
- Grouping by customer city.
- county
- Grouping by customer county (US only).
- state
- Grouping by customer state.
- zip
- Grouping by customer zip (postal code).
- country
- Grouping by customer country.
- (variable)
- Grouping by all matching metadata values where metadata name is the variable.
Example below will group by the values where metadata name submitted was 'adwords_campaign'.
"group_by": {"name": "metadata", "value": "adwords_campaign"}
All sales that have a metadata entry of {"name":"adwords_campaign", "value": "abc123"} will be grouped by 'abc123'.
- name
- Grouping by payment profile name.
- name
- Grouping by product name.
- name
- Grouping by revenue source. Revenue sources: Product Sale, Shipping and Tax.
- name
- Grouping by status.
Product Sale
- name
- Grouping by campaign name.
- name
- Grouping by gateway name.
- latlon
- Grouping by customer geo coordinates.
- city
- Grouping by customer city.
- county
- Grouping by customer county (US only).
- state
- Grouping by customer state.
- zip
- Grouping by customer zip (postal code).
- country
- Grouping by customer country.
- (variable)
- Grouping by all matching metadata values where metadata name is the variable.
Example below will group by the values where metadata name submitted was 'adwords_campaign'.
"group_by": {"name": "metadata", "value": "adwords_campaign"}
All product sales that have a metadata entry of {"name":"adwords_campaign", "value": "abc123"} will be grouped by 'abc123'.
- name
- Grouping by payment profile name.
- name
- Grouping by product name.
- name
- Grouping by status.
- name
- Grouping by campaign name.
- name
- Grouping by gateway name.
- latlon
- Grouping by customer geo coordinates.
- city
- Grouping by customer city.
- county
- Grouping by customer county (US only).
- state
- Grouping by customer state.
- zip
- Grouping by customer zip (postal code).
- country
- Grouping by customer country.
- (variable)
- Grouping by all matching metadata values where metadata name is the variable.
Example below will group by the values where metadata name submitted was 'adwords_campaign'.
"group_by": {"name": "metadata", "value": "adwords_campaign"}
All shipping items that have a metadata entry of {"name":"adwords_campaign", "value": "abc123"} will be grouped by 'abc123'.
- name
- Grouping by payment profile name.
- name
- Grouping by shipping provider.
- name
- Grouping by the shipping status (i.e. delivered, shipped, etc.).
- name
- Grouping by status.
- name
- Grouping by campaign name.
- name
- Grouping by gateway name.
- latlon
- Grouping by customer geo coordinates.
- city
- Grouping by customer city.
- county
- Grouping by customer county (US only).
- state
- Grouping by customer state.
- zip
- Grouping by customer zip (postal code).
- country
- Grouping by customer country.
- (variable)
- Grouping by all matching metadata values where metadata name is the variable.
Example below will group by the values where metadata name submitted was 'adwords_campaign'.
"group_by": {"name": "metadata", "value": "adwords_campaign"}
All tax items that have a metadata entry of {"name":"adwords_campaign", "value": "abc123"} will be grouped by 'abc123'.
- name
- Grouping by payment profile name.
- name
- Grouping by status.
- name
- Grouping by campaign name.
- name
- Grouping by gateway name.
- latlon
- Grouping by customer geo coordinates.
- city
- Grouping by customer city.
- county
- Grouping by customer county (US only).
- state
- Grouping by customer state.
- zip
- Grouping by customer zip (postal code).
- country
- Grouping by customer country.
- (variable)
- Grouping by all matching metadata values where metadata name is the variable.
Example below will group by the values where metadata name submitted was 'adwords_campaign'.
"group_by": {"name": "metadata", "value": "adwords_campaign"}
All transactions that have a metadata entry of {"name":"adwords_campaign", "value": "abc123"} will be grouped by 'abc123'.
- name
- Grouping by transaction method.
- name
- Grouping by payment profile name.
- name
- Grouping by product name.
- name
- Grouping by transaction result.
- name
- Grouping by status.
- name
- Grouping by subscription profile name.
Salvage Transaction
- name
- Grouping by campaign name.
- name
- Grouping by gateway name.
- latlon
- Grouping by customer geo coordinates.
- city
- Grouping by customer city.
- county
- Grouping by customer county (US only).
- state
- Grouping by customer state.
- zip
- Grouping by customer zip (postal code).
- country
- Grouping by customer country.
- (variable)
- Grouping by all matching metadata values where metadata name is the variable.
Example below will group by the values where metadata name submitted was 'adwords_campaign'.
"group_by": {"name": "metadata", "value": "adwords_campaign"}
All salvage transactions that have a metadata entry of {"name":"adwords_campaign", "value": "abc123"} will be grouped by 'abc123'.
- name
- Grouping by transaction method.
- name
- Grouping by payment profile name.
- name
- Grouping by product name.
- name
- Grouping by status.
- name
- Grouping by subscription profile name.
- name
- Grouping by campaign name.
- name
- Grouping by gateway name.
- latlon
- Grouping by customer geo coordinates.
- city
- Grouping by customer city.
- county
- Grouping by customer county (US only).
- state
- Grouping by customer state.
- zip
- Grouping by customer zip (postal code).
- country
- Grouping by customer country.
- (variable)
- Grouping by all matching metadata values where metadata name is the variable.
Example below will group by the values where metadata name submitted was 'adwords_campaign'.
"group_by": {"name": "metadata", "value": "adwords_campaign"}
All customers that have a metadata entry of {"name":"adwords_campaign", "value": "abc123"} will be grouped by 'abc123'.
- name
- Grouping by payment profile name.
- name
- Grouping by product name.
- name
- Grouping by revenue source. Revenue sources: Product Sale, Shipping, Tax and Subscription Renewal.
- name
- Grouping by status.
- name
- Grouping by campaign name.
- name
- Grouping by gateway name.
- latlon
- Grouping by customer geo coordinates.
- city
- Grouping by customer city.
- county
- Grouping by customer county (US only).
- state
- Grouping by customer state.
- zip
- Grouping by customer zip (postal code).
- country
- Grouping by customer country.
- (variable)
- Grouping by all matching metadata values where metadata name is the variable.
Example below will group by the values where metadata name submitted was 'adwords_campaign'.
"group_by": {"name": "metadata", "value": "adwords_campaign"}
All subscriptions that have a metadata entry of {"name":"adwords_campaign", "value": "abc123"} will be grouped by 'abc123'.
- name
- Grouping by payment profile name.
- name
- Grouping by product name.
- name
- Grouping by status.
- name
- Grouping by subscription profile name.
- name
- Value type is either past revenue or future revenue.
Subscription Renewal
- name
- Grouping by campaign name.
- name
- Grouping by gateway name.
- latlon
- Grouping by customer geo coordinates.
- city
- Grouping by customer city.
- county
- Grouping by customer county (US only).
- state
- Grouping by customer state.
- zip
- Grouping by customer zip (postal code).
- country
- Grouping by customer country.
- (variable)
- Grouping by all matching metadata values where metadata name is the variable.
Example below will group by the values where metadata name submitted was 'adwords_campaign'.
"group_by": {"name": "metadata", "value": "adwords_campaign"}
All subscription renewals that have a metadata entry of {"name":"adwords_campaign", "value": "abc123"} will be grouped by 'abc123'.
- name
- Grouping by payment profile name.
- name
- Grouping by product name.
- name
- Grouping by status.
- name
- Grouping by subscription profile name.
- name
- Grouping by campaign name.
- name
- Grouping by gateway name.
- latlon
- Grouping by customer geo coordinates.
- city
- Grouping by customer city.
- county
- Grouping by customer county (US only).
- state
- Grouping by customer state.
- zip
- Grouping by customer zip (postal code).
- country
- Grouping by customer country.
- (variable)
- Grouping by all matching metadata values where metadata name is the variable.
Example below will group by the values where metadata name submitted was 'adwords_campaign'.
"group_by": {"name": "metadata", "value": "adwords_campaign"}
All trials that have a metadata entry of {"name":"adwords_campaign", "value": "abc123"} will be grouped by 'abc123'.
- name
- Grouping by product name.
- name
- Grouping by status.
Query Examples
Below are examples query requests and results.
Metric Query
Query analytic values without grouping.
Request JSON Schema
The main request object.
The request type.
The request method.
The parameters object.
The filters object.
Retrieve Response JSON Schema
The API call ID of the request. Every API request is assigned an ID.
Indicates whether the API call was processed.
The result code for the request.
- 0 = Error
- 1 = Successful
The total number of results returned.
An array of objects, each object being a query result. Fields below are contained in the query result object(s).
The combined snake case [analytic_value]_[analytic_name] value for each item in the request analytic array.
The status of the query.
Possible Values
- Query is finished. Results of the query are contained in the results array.
- Query is still running. Submit the retrieve request again.
- Query returned an error.
Request JSON
{ "request": { "type": "sale", "method": "query", "parameters": { "type": { "name": "metric", "value": "" }, "analytic": [{ "name": "amount_gross", "value": "sum" }, { "name": "amount_fees", "value": "sum" }] }, "filters": { "date_start": "2018-05-17T18:46:14.646Z", "date_end": "2018-07-30T18:46:14.647Z", "campaign_filter": ["JNXLPjkA1jI2PEK0lNqP"], "metadata_filter": [{ "value": "campaign_abc123", "name": "adwords_campaign" }] } } }
Retrieve Response JSON
{ "api_call_id": "4rG0OJYQnairJa4Z571Y", "api_call_processed": true, "code": 1, "count": 1, "results": [{ "sum_amount_gross": 9624.5, "sum_amount_fees": 246.71 }], "status": "DONE" }
Pie Query
Query based on grouped items.
Request JSON Schema
The main request object.
The request type.
The request method.
The parameters object.
The filters object.
Retrieve Response JSON Schema
The API call ID of the request. Every API request is assigned an ID.
Indicates whether the API call was processed.
The result code for the request.
- 0 = Error
- 1 = Successful
The total number of results returned.
An array of objects, each object being a query result. Fields below are contained in the query result object(s).
The grouped value specified in the request group_by name and value.
The combined snake case [analytic_value]_[analytic_name] value for each item in the request analytic array.
The status of the query.
Possible Values
- Query is finished. Results of the query are contained in the results array.
- Query is still running. Submit the retrieve request again.
- Query returned an error.
Request JSON
{ "request": { "type": "sale", "method": "query", "parameters": { "type": { "name": "pie", "value": "" }, "analytic": [{ "name": "amount_gross", "value": "sum" }], "group_by": { "name": "product", "value": "name" } }, "filters": { "date_start": "2018-06-17T18:46:14.646Z", "date_end": "2018-07-23T18:46:14.647Z", "campaign_filter": ["JNXLPjkA1jI2PEK0lNqP"], "metadata_filter": [{ "value": "campaign_abc123", "name": "adwords_campaign" }] } } }
Retrieve Response JSON
{ "api_call_id": "4rG0OJYQnairJa4Z571Y", "api_call_processed": true, "code": 1, "count": 2, "results": [{ "group_by_value": "Robo Vac", "sum_amount_gross": 2320.97 }, { "group_by_value": "ID Protect", "sum_amount_gross": 189.81 }], "status": "DONE" }
Timeline Query
Query grouped or ungrouped analytic during a specified timeline.
Request JSON Schema
The main request object.
The request type.
The request method.
The parameters object.
The filters object.
Retrieve Response JSON Schema
The API call ID of the request. Every API request is assigned an ID.
Indicates whether the API call was processed.
The result code for the request.
- 0 = Error
- 1 = Successful
The total number of results returned.
An array of objects, each object being a query result. Fields below are contained in the query result object(s).
The date interval specified in the request type.value .
The grouped value specified in the request group_by name and value.
The combined snake case [analytic_value]_[analytic_name] value for each item in the request analytic array.
The status of the query.
Possible Values
- Query is finished. Results of the query are contained in the results array.
- Query is still running. Submit the retrieve request again.
- Query returned an error.
Request JSON
{ "request": { "type": "sale", "method": "query", "parameters": { "type": { "name": "timeline", "value": "day" }, "analytic": [{ "name": "amount_gross", "value": "sum" }], "group_by": { "name": "gateway", "value": "name" } }, "filters": { "date_start": "2018-05-17T18:46:14.646Z", "date_end": "2018-07-28T18:46:14.647Z", "campaign_filter": ["JNXLPjkA1jI2PEK0lNqP"], "metadata_filter": [{ "value": "campaign_abc123", "name": "adwords_campaign" }] } } }
Retrieve Response JSON
{ "api_call_id": "4rG0OJYQnairJa4Z571Y", "api_call_processed": true, "code": 1, "count": 146, "results": [{ "type_value": "06/06/18", "group_by_value": "Worldpay", "sum_amount_gross": 230.42 }, { "type_value": "06/06/18", "group_by_value": "", "sum_amount_gross": 12.32 }, { "type_value": "06/06/18", "group_by_value": "Stripe", "sum_amount_gross": 392.03 }, { "type_value": "06/06/18", "group_by_value": "Braintree", "sum_amount_gross": 10.19 }], "status": "DONE" }
Each retrieve or query request can have multiple filters that can be applied.
Some filters only allow certain values, those values are explained in the list below. Invalid filters and/or values will be rejected and return an error.
Filters List
Below are the applicable properties within the filters object. Each request type has its own set of allowed filters, and in some cases specific filter values.
The JSON request example shows a sale retrieve request, with the filters object containing multiple filters.
Important: The date_start and date_end properties are required for all retrieve and query requests.
The start date for item type created date range. Must be valid ISO_8601 format.
The end date for item type created date range. Must be valid ISO_8601 format.
The page to request. Default is 1, max is 100. Applicable only for retrieve requests.
The number of items per page. Default is 25, max is 100. Applicable only for retrieve requests.
An array of individual string values. Each value being the RevCent ID for a campaign.
An array of individual string values. Each value being the RevCent ID for a RevCent Shop or third party shop.
An array of individual string values. Each value being the RevCent ID for a gateway.
An array of individual string values. Each value being a particular RevCent request method.
Accepted Values
- sale_create
- Transaction occurred when creating a sale.
- subscription_renew
- Transaction occurred when renewing a subscription.
- trial_expire
- Transaction occurred during trial expiration, either manually or via RevCent system.
- pending_refund_process
- Transaction occurred when refunding a transaction.
- salvage_transaction_process
- Transaction occurred when processing a salvage transaction.
- usage_account_invoice_charge
- Transaction occurred when charging a usage account invoice at the end of the usage billing period.
An array of individual string values. Each value being a particular status.
Accepted Values
- created
- The chargeback was created.
An array containing a single sort object. The object should contain a "field" property and "dir" property. The "dir" property can be "asc" or "desc" only.
Default: [{"field": "created_at", "dir": "desc"}]
Sortable Fields
- created_at
- Date the item was created.
- updated_at
- Date the item was last updated.
The start date for item type created date range. Must be valid ISO_8601 format.
The end date for item type created date range. Must be valid ISO_8601 format.
The page to request. Default is 1, max is 100. Applicable only for retrieve requests.
The number of items per page. Default is 25, max is 100. Applicable only for retrieve requests.
An array of individual string values. Each value being the RevCent ID for a campaign.
An array of individual string values. Each value being the RevCent ID for a customer group.
An array of individual string values. Each value being the RevCent ID for a product.
An array of individual string values. Each value being a particular status.
Accepted Values
- enabled
- Customer is currently enabled.
- disabled
- Customer is currently disabled.
- blocked
- Customer is currently blocked.
- fraud
- Fraud was detected.
- chargeback
- A chargeback occurred.
An array of individual objects. Each object contains a "name" property and "value" property.
An array containing a single sort object. The object should contain a "field" property and "dir" property. The "dir" property can be "asc" or "desc" only.
Default: [{"field": "created_at", "dir": "desc"}]
Sortable Fields
- created_at
- Date the item was created.
- updated_at
- Date the item was last updated.
- lifetime_value
- The sum amount_gross for all sales, subscription renewals and usage invoices.
Customer Card
The start date for item type created date range. Must be valid ISO_8601 format.
The end date for item type created date range. Must be valid ISO_8601 format.
The page to request. Default is 1, max is 100. Applicable only for retrieve requests.
The number of items per page. Default is 25, max is 100. Applicable only for retrieve requests.
An array of individual objects. Each object contains a "name" property and "value" property.
An array containing a single sort object. The object should contain a "field" property and "dir" property. The "dir" property can be "asc" or "desc" only.
Default: [{"field": "created_at", "dir": "desc"}]
Sortable Fields
- created_at
- Date the item was created.
- updated_at
- Date the item was last updated.
Fraud Detection
The start date for item type created date range. Must be valid ISO_8601 format.
The end date for item type created date range. Must be valid ISO_8601 format.
The page to request. Default is 1, max is 100. Applicable only for retrieve requests.
The number of items per page. Default is 25, max is 100. Applicable only for retrieve requests.
An array of individual string values. Each value being the RevCent ID for a campaign.
An array of individual string values. Each value being the RevCent ID for a RevCent Shop or third party shop.
An array of individual string values. Each value being a payment type used for the item.
Accepted Values
- credit_card
- Credit card payment.
- paypal
- PayPal payment.
- check_direct
- Physical check payment, not ACH.
- offline
- Offline payment.
An array of individual string values. Each value being a particular RevCent request method.
Accepted Values
- sale_create
- Transaction occurred when creating a sale.
- subscription_renew
- Transaction occurred when renewing a subscription.
- trial_expire
- Transaction occurred during trial expiration, either manually or via RevCent system.
- pending_refund_process
- Transaction occurred when refunding a transaction.
- salvage_transaction_process
- Transaction occurred when processing a salvage transaction.
- usage_account_invoice_charge
- Transaction occurred when charging a usage account invoice at the end of the usage billing period.
An array of individual string values. Each value being a particular status.
Accepted Values
- created
- The fraud detection was created.
- false_positive
- Whether the fraud detection is incorrect. I.e. The related payment is not actually fraud.
An array containing a single sort object. The object should contain a "field" property and "dir" property. The "dir" property can be "asc" or "desc" only.
Default: [{"field": "created_at", "dir": "desc"}]
Sortable Fields
- created_at
- Date the item was created.
- updated_at
- Date the item was last updated.
Pending Refund
The start date for item type created date range. Must be valid ISO_8601 format.
The end date for item type created date range. Must be valid ISO_8601 format.
The page to request. Default is 1, max is 100. Applicable only for retrieve requests.
The number of items per page. Default is 25, max is 100. Applicable only for retrieve requests.
An array of individual string values. Each value being the RevCent ID for a campaign.
An array of individual string values. Each value being a payment type used for the item.
Accepted Values
- credit_card
- Credit card payment.
- paypal
- PayPal payment.
- check_direct
- Physical check payment, not ACH.
- offline
- Offline payment.
An array of individual string values. Each value being a particular status.
Accepted Values
- processing
- Original transaction has not yet settled, or RevCent has not processed the official refund. RevCent processes pending refunds every 3 hours.
- complete
- Original transaction has been officially refunded with the originating gateway for the refund amount.
An array of individual objects. Each object contains a "name" property and "value" property.
An array containing a single sort object. The object should contain a "field" property and "dir" property. The "dir" property can be "asc" or "desc" only.
Default: [{"field": "created_at", "dir": "desc"}]
Sortable Fields
- created_at
- Date the item was created.
- updated_at
- Date the item was last updated.
The start date for item type created date range. Must be valid ISO_8601 format.
The end date for item type created date range. Must be valid ISO_8601 format.
The page to request. Default is 1, max is 100. Applicable only for retrieve requests.
The number of items per page. Default is 25, max is 100. Applicable only for retrieve requests.
An array of individual string values. Each value being a particular product type.
Accepted Values
- basic
- Product does not have a subscription profile, trial period, quota unit or usage profile attached.
- subscription
- Product has a subscription profile attached.
- subscription_only
- Product has a subscription profile attached, without a trial period.
- trial
- Product has a trial period attached.
- trial_only
- Product has a trial period attached, without a subscription profile.
- license_key
- Product is a license key based product.
- quota
- Product is a quota based product.
- usage
- Product is a usage based product.
An array of individual string values. Each value being the RevCent ID for a product group.
An array of individual string values. Each value being the RevCent ID for a RevCent Shop or third party shop.
An array of individual string values. Each value being a particular product hierarchy.
Accepted Values
- parent
- Product is a parent product.
- child
- Product is a child product, or variant, of a parent product.
An array of individual string values. Each value being a particular status.
Accepted Values
- enabled
- Product is currently enabled.
- disabled
- Product is currently disabled.
An array of individual objects. Each object contains a "name" property and "value" property.
An array containing a single sort object. The object should contain a "field" property and "dir" property. The "dir" property can be "asc" or "desc" only.
Default: [{"field": "created_at", "dir": "desc"}]
Sortable Fields
- created_at
- Date the item was created.
- updated_at
- Date the item was last updated.
- name
- The product name.
- price
- The product price.
- sku
- The product SKU.
Product Sale
The start date for item type created date range. Must be valid ISO_8601 format.
The end date for item type created date range. Must be valid ISO_8601 format.
The page to request. Default is 1, max is 100. Applicable only for retrieve requests.
The number of items per page. Default is 25, max is 100. Applicable only for retrieve requests.
An array of individual string values. Each value being the RevCent ID for a campaign.
An array of individual objects. Each object contains a "name" property and "value" property.
An array of individual string values. Each value being a payment type used for the item.
Accepted Values
- credit_card
- Credit card payment.
- paypal
- PayPal payment.
- check_direct
- Physical check payment, not ACH.
- offline
- Offline payment.
An array of individual string values. Each value being the RevCent ID for a product.
An array of individual string values. Each value being a particular status.
Accepted Values
- nocapture
- No revenue has been captured.
- captured
- All revenue has been captured, but none settled.
- partialcapture
- Some revenue has been captured, but none settled.
- settled
- Some or all revenue has been settled.
- void
- All revenue, if any, refunded. Item void.
- refund
- Some revenue or remaining revenue refunded.
- fraud
- Fraud was detected.
- chargeback
- A chargeback occurred.
An array containing a single sort object. The object should contain a "field" property and "dir" property. The "dir" property can be "asc" or "desc" only.
Default: [{"field": "created_at", "dir": "desc"}]
Sortable Fields
- created_at
- Date the item was created.
- updated_at
- Date the item was last updated.
The start date for item type created date range. Must be valid ISO_8601 format.
The end date for item type created date range. Must be valid ISO_8601 format.
The page to request. Default is 1, max is 100. Applicable only for retrieve requests.
The number of items per page. Default is 25, max is 100. Applicable only for retrieve requests.
An array of individual string values. Each value being the RevCent ID for a campaign.
An array of individual string values. Each value being the RevCent ID for a RevCent Shop or third party shop.
An array of individual string values. Each value being a payment type used for the item.
Accepted Values
- credit_card
- Credit card payment.
- paypal
- PayPal payment.
- check_direct
- Physical check payment, not ACH.
- offline
- Offline payment.
An array of individual string values. Each value being a particular status.
Accepted Values
- nocapture
- No revenue has been captured.
- captured
- All revenue has been captured, but none settled.
- partialcapture
- Some revenue has been captured, but none settled.
- settled
- Some or all revenue has been settled.
- void
- All revenue, if any, refunded. Item void.
- refund
- Some revenue or remaining revenue refunded.
- fraud
- Fraud was detected.
- fraud_alert
- A fraud alert was added to the sale.
- chargeback
- A chargeback occurred.
- is_upsell
- The sale was marked as an upsell.
- is_not_upsell
- The sale was not marked as an upsell.
- payment_processed
- The abandoned sale was processed, regardless of result.
- payment_success
- The abandoned sale was recovered successfully.
- payment_decline
- The abandoned sale was processed and the payment was declined.
- payment_fail
- The abandoned sale was processed and the payment attempt failed.
- payment_error
- The abandoned sale was processed and ended with an error.
- exclude_processed
- Exclude sales that were processed by Revcent using Pending Sale Profiles.
Pending Sale Filters
Filter values applying to abandoned sales that were automatically processed by RevCent using Pending Sale Profiles. Prepend values below with pending_sale_
, ex: pending_sale_payment_processed
An array of individual objects. Each object contains a "name" property and "value" property.
An array containing a single sort object. The object should contain a "field" property and "dir" property. The "dir" property can be "asc" or "desc" only.
Default: [{"field": "created_at", "dir": "desc"}]
Sortable Fields
- created_at
- Date the item was created.
- updated_at
- Date the item was last updated.
Salvage Transaction
The start date for item type created date range. Must be valid ISO_8601 format.
The end date for item type created date range. Must be valid ISO_8601 format.
The page to request. Default is 1, max is 100. Applicable only for retrieve requests.
The number of items per page. Default is 25, max is 100. Applicable only for retrieve requests.
An array of individual string values. Each value being the RevCent ID for a campaign.
An array of individual string values. Each value being the RevCent ID for a gateway.
An array of individual objects. Each object contains a "name" property and "value" property.
An array of individual string values. Each value being a particular RevCent request method.
Accepted Values
- sale_full
- Salvage transaction was created when a sale was fully declined.
- sale_partial
- Salvage transaction was created when a sale was partially declined.
- trial_expire
- Salvage transaction was created expiring a trial.
- subscription_renew
- Salvage transaction was created renewing a subscription.
An array of individual string values. Each value being the RevCent ID for a payment profile.
An array of individual string values. Each value being a particular status.
Accepted Values
- salvaged
- Salvage transaction was successfully salvaged
- not_salvaged
- Salvage transaction has not been salvaged.
An array of individual string values. Each value being the RevCent ID for a subscription profile.
An array containing a single sort object. The object should contain a "field" property and "dir" property. The "dir" property can be "asc" or "desc" only.
Default: [{"field": "created_at", "dir": "desc"}]
Sortable Fields
- created_at
- Date the item was created.
- updated_at
- Date the item was last updated.
The start date for item type created date range. Must be valid ISO_8601 format.
The end date for item type created date range. Must be valid ISO_8601 format.
The page to request. Default is 1, max is 100. Applicable only for retrieve requests.
The number of items per page. Default is 25, max is 100. Applicable only for retrieve requests.
An array of individual string values. Each value being the RevCent ID for a campaign.
An array of individual string values. Each value being the RevCent ID for a fulfillment account.
An array of individual objects. Each object contains a "name" property and "value" property.
An array of individual string values. Each value being a payment type used for the item.
Accepted Values
- credit_card
- Credit card payment.
- paypal
- PayPal payment.
- check_direct
- Physical check payment, not ACH.
- offline
- Offline payment.
An array of individual string values. Each value being a particular status.
Accepted Values
- nocapture
- No revenue has been captured.
- captured
- All revenue has been captured, but none settled.
- partialcapture
- Some revenue has been captured, but none settled.
- settled
- Some or all revenue has been settled.
- void
- All revenue, if any, refunded. Item void.
- refund
- Some revenue or remaining revenue refunded.
- free
- Shipping was marked as free, therefore no revenue.
- fraud
- Fraud was detected.
- chargeback
- A chargeback occurred.
An array of individual string values. Each value being a particular status.
Accepted Values
- ups
- UPS.
- fedex
- FedEx.
- usps
- dhl
- DHL.
An array of individual string values. Each value being a particular status.
Accepted Values
- shipped
- Item has been marked shipped by user, however not received by provider.
- notshipped
- Item has not been marked shipped by user.
- received
- Provider received the item.
- delivered
- Provider delivered the item to recipient.
- error
- An error occurred when RevCent attempted to get the shipping status from provider.
An array containing a single sort object. The object should contain a "field" property and "dir" property. The "dir" property can be "asc" or "desc" only.
Default: [{"field": "created_at", "dir": "desc"}]
Sortable Fields
- created_at
- Date the item was created.
- updated_at
- Date the item was last updated.
- shipped_date
- Date the item was shipped.
- delivered_date
- Date the item was delivered.
The start date for item type created date range. Must be valid ISO_8601 format.
The end date for item type created date range. Must be valid ISO_8601 format.
The page to request. Default is 1, max is 100. Applicable only for retrieve requests.
The number of items per page. Default is 25, max is 100. Applicable only for retrieve requests.
An array of individual string values. Each value being the RevCent ID for a campaign.
An array of individual objects. Each object contains a "name" property and "value" property.
An array of individual string values. Each value being a payment type used for the item.
Accepted Values
- credit_card
- Credit card payment.
- paypal
- PayPal payment.
- check_direct
- Physical check payment, not ACH.
- offline
- Offline payment.
An array of individual string values. Each value being the RevCent ID for a product.
An array of individual string values. Each value being a particular status.
Accepted Values
- active
- The subscription is currently active.
- trial
- The subscription is currently inactive as the trial associated with it has yet to expire.
- overdue
- The subscription has at least one overdue renewal.
- occurrence_limit
- The subscription is no longer active as the number of allowed occurrences has been reached.
- suspended
- The subscription was suspended by the user.
- cancelled
- The subscription was cancelled by the user.
- fraud
- Fraud was detected.
- chargeback
- A chargeback occurred.
An array of individual string values. Each value being the RevCent ID for a subscription profile.
An array containing a single sort object. The object should contain a "field" property and "dir" property. The "dir" property can be "asc" or "desc" only.
Default: [{"field": "created_at", "dir": "desc"}]
Sortable Fields
- created_at
- Date the item was created.
- updated_at
- Date the item was last updated.
- amount
- The amount the subscription renews at.
- next_renewal_date
- The date the subscription is set to renew.
- last_renewal_date
- The date the subscription was last renewed.
Subscription Renewal
The start date for item type created date range. Must be valid ISO_8601 format.
The end date for item type created date range. Must be valid ISO_8601 format.
The page to request. Default is 1, max is 100. Applicable only for retrieve requests.
The number of items per page. Default is 25, max is 100. Applicable only for retrieve requests.
An array of individual string values. Each value being the RevCent ID for a campaign.
An array of individual objects. Each object contains a "name" property and "value" property.
An array of individual string values. Each value being the RevCent ID for a payment profile.
An array of individual string values. Each value being a payment type used for the item.
Accepted Values
- credit_card
- Credit card payment.
- paypal
- PayPal payment.
- check_direct
- Physical check payment, not ACH.
- offline
- Offline payment.
An array of individual string values. Each value being the RevCent ID for a product.
An array of individual string values. Each value being a particular status.
Accepted Values
- captured
- All revenue has been captured, but none settled.
- settled
- Some or all revenue has been settled.
- refund
- Some revenue or remaining revenue refunded.
- void
- All revenue, if any, refunded. Item void.
- overdue
- The subscription renewal was either fully or partially declined.
- fraud
- Fraud was detected.
- chargeback
- A chargeback occurred.
An array of individual string values. Each value being the RevCent ID for a subscription profile.
An array containing a single sort object. The object should contain a "field" property and "dir" property. The "dir" property can be "asc" or "desc" only.
Default: [{"field": "created_at", "dir": "desc"}]
Sortable Fields
- created_at
- Date the item was created.
- updated_at
- Date the item was last updated.
The start date for item type created date range. Must be valid ISO_8601 format.
The end date for item type created date range. Must be valid ISO_8601 format.
The page to request. Default is 1, max is 100. Applicable only for retrieve requests.
The number of items per page. Default is 25, max is 100. Applicable only for retrieve requests.
An array of individual string values. Each value being the RevCent ID for a campaign.
An array of individual objects. Each object contains a "name" property and "value" property.
An array of individual string values. Each value being a payment type used for the item.
Accepted Values
- credit_card
- Credit card payment.
- paypal
- PayPal payment.
- check_direct
- Physical check payment, not ACH.
- offline
- Offline payment.
An array of individual string values. Each value being a particular status.
Accepted Values
- nocapture
- No revenue has been captured.
- captured
- All revenue has been captured, but none settled.
- partialcapture
- Some revenue has been captured, but none settled.
- settled
- Some or all revenue has been settled.
- void
- All revenue, if any, refunded. Item void.
- refund
- Some revenue or remaining revenue refunded.
- fraud
- Fraud was detected.
- chargeback
- A chargeback occurred.
An array containing a single sort object. The object should contain a "field" property and "dir" property. The "dir" property can be "asc" or "desc" only.
Default: [{"field": "created_at", "dir": "desc"}]
Sortable Fields
- created_at
- Date the item was created.
- updated_at
- Date the item was last updated.
The start date for item type created date range. Must be valid ISO_8601 format.
The end date for item type created date range. Must be valid ISO_8601 format.
The page to request. Default is 1, max is 100. Applicable only for retrieve requests.
The number of items per page. Default is 25, max is 100. Applicable only for retrieve requests.
An array of individual string values. Each value being the RevCent ID for a campaign.
An array of individual string values. Each value being the RevCent ID for a gateway.
An array of individual objects. Each object contains a "name" property and "value" property.
An array of individual string values. Each value being a particular RevCent request method.
Accepted Values
- sale_create
- Transaction occurred when creating a sale.
- subscription_renew
- Transaction occurred when renewing a subscription.
- trial_expire
- Transaction occurred during trial expiration, either manually or via RevCent system.
- pending_refund_process
- Transaction occurred when refunding a transaction.
- salvage_transaction_process
- Transaction occurred when processing a salvage transaction.
- usage_account_invoice_charge
- Transaction occurred when charging a usage account invoice at the end of the usage billing period.
An array of individual string values. Each value being the RevCent ID for a payment profile.
An array of individual string values. Each value being the initial gateway result of the transaction.
Accepted Values
- approved
- The merchant gateway approved the transaction.
- declined
- The merchant gateway declined the transaction.
- error
- The merchant gateway returned an error upon attempting transaction.
- held
- The merchant gateway placed a hold on the transaction.
An array of individual string values. Each value being a particular status.
Accepted Values
- nocapture
- No revenue has been captured.
- captured
- All revenue has been captured, but none settled.
- partialcapture
- Some revenue has been captured, but none settled.
- settled
- Some or all revenue has been settled.
- void
- All revenue, if any, refunded. Item void.
- refund
- Some revenue or remaining revenue refunded.
- complete
- Transaction is complete. Refund transactions only.
- fraud
- Fraud was detected.
- chargeback
- A chargeback occurred.
An array containing a single sort object. The object should contain a "field" property and "dir" property. The "dir" property can be "asc" or "desc" only.
Default: [{"field": "created_at", "dir": "desc"}]
Sortable Fields
- created_at
- Date the item was created.
- updated_at
- Date the item was last updated.
The start date for item type created date range. Must be valid ISO_8601 format.
The end date for item type created date range. Must be valid ISO_8601 format.
The page to request. Default is 1, max is 100. Applicable only for retrieve requests.
The number of items per page. Default is 25, max is 100. Applicable only for retrieve requests.
An array of individual string values. Each value being the RevCent ID for a campaign.
An array of individual objects. Each object contains a "name" property and "value" property.
An array of individual string values. Each value being a payment type used for the item.
Accepted Values
- credit_card
- Credit card payment.
- paypal
- PayPal payment.
- check_direct
- Physical check payment, not ACH.
- offline
- Offline payment.
An array of individual string values. Each value being the RevCent ID for a product.
An array of individual string values. Each value being a particular status.
Accepted Values
- active
- Trial is currently active.
- expired
- Trial expired and the resulting transaction was fully successful.
- expiredpaymentpartialdecline
- Trial expired and the resulting transaction(s) were partially successful.
- expiredpaymentfulldecline
- Trial expired and the resulting transaction(s) were fully declined.
- expiredpaymenterror
- Trial expired and the resulting transaction(s) produced an error with the merchant gateway.
- inactive
- Trial has not expired but has been deactivated by the user, thus preventing it from expiring.
- cancelled
- Trial has not expired but has been cancelled by the user.
- fraud
- Fraud was detected.
- chargeback
- A chargeback occurred.
An array containing a single sort object. The object should contain a "field" property and "dir" property. The "dir" property can be "asc" or "desc" only.
Default: [{"field": "created_at", "dir": "desc"}]
Sortable Fields
- created_at
- Date the item was created.
- updated_at
- Date the item was last updated.
Request JSON
{ "request": { "type": "sale", "method": "retrieve", "multiple": true, "filters": { "date_start": "2018-05-14", "date_end": "2018-06-13", "page": 1, "limit": 25, "campaign_filter": ["O06jbPqPBgI8pXj5l1oz"], "status_filter": ["captured", "settled"], "metadata_filter": [{ "name": "adwords_campaign", "value": "My Adwords Campaign" }] } } }
Pagination only applies to API retrieve requests which return more than one item (no item id specified). Query requests do not institute pagination in the results.
Pagination is necessary in order to prevent results from being too large, as well as prevent user systems from having to process too much data in memory.
Without pagination, a multiple type request could have thousands or more result items.
This is an example of a sale multiple retrieve request. Different items have different filter fields. View the Filters section for details on item specific filters.
Request JSON Schema
The main request object.
The request type.
The request method.
Must equal true to retrieve multiple results.
Default filters for a multiple retrieve request are below. View the Filters section for details on item specific filters.
The start date for item created date range. Must be valid ISO_8601 format.
The end date for item created date range. Must be valid ISO_8601 format.
The page to request. Default is 1.
The number of items per page. Default is 25, max is 100.
Response JSON Schema
The API call ID of the request. Every API request is assigned an ID.
Indicates whether the API call was processed.
The result code for the request.
- 0 = Error
- 1 = Successful
The number of result items contained in the current page.
The current page of result items, same as requested page, default is page 1.
The total number of result items for the given request.
The total number of pages for the given request.
An array of objects, each object being a retrieved item. Depending on the request type, returned items are the same as an individual request.
For example, a multiple sale retrieve request will return an array of objects, each object containing the same properties as a single sale retrieve request.
To view the response schema of a multiple request, simply view the retrieve section of the request type on this page.
Request JSON
{ "request": { "type": "sale", "method": "retrieve", "multiple": true, "filters": { "date_start": "2018-05-14", "date_end": "2018-06-13", "page": 1, "limit": 25 } } }
Response JSON
{ "api_call_id": "ALWJVEy0ZOtWakBkWn50", "api_call_processed": true, "code": 1, "current_count": 25, "current_page": 1, "total_count": 100, "total_pages": 4, "results": [] }