Inbound +

Integrate directly with us, integrate with native third parties or create custom integrations.





Easily integrate with RevCent using our API. Documentation is extremely thorough, with full request and response examples.

API Docs


The RevCent API is built for speed, with an average sub-second response, regardless of peak use.


Our serverless architecture is capable of handling an extremely high number of concurrent requests.


Communicate with the API using any language, via HTTP and JSON post body, without needing an SDK.

API Examples

Below are a few examples of the most common API requests and responses. Please review the API Docs for all possible requests and responses.

Create a new sale using the sale create API call. Multiple payment types and options are available.

Details & Schema





Create a new customer using the customer create API call. Include payment data and metadata.

Details & Schema





Insert metadata on the fly using the metadata insert API call. Extremely useful for conversion tracking, AB testing and more.

Details & Schema




WP Plugin


Link your WooCommerce store with RevCent to process payments, manage customers, sync order data and more.

Installation Guide

Plugin Page

Quick Setup

Link your WooCommerce store with RevCent in minutes.

WordPress Plugin

Our plugin handles credit card payments and tracking.

Order Updates

Sale changes in RevCent are reflected in WooCommerce.

How It Works

RevCent acts as a bi-directional payment processing and order management tool for your WooCommerce store.

Install The Plugin

Install the RevCent Payments plugin in your WordPress dashboard.

  • Search for the RevCent Payments plugin.
  • Install and activate the plugin.
  • Link your store with RevCent.
Link Your Store

RevCent will connect to your store and complete the set up process.

  • Create a third party shop in RevCent.
  • Enter your WooCommerce credentials.
  • RevCent will complete the installation.
Process Payments

Begin processing credit card, PayPal and third party payments.

  • Select RevCent Payments for credit card payments.
  • PayPal, Sezzle, etc. will be synced in the background.
  • All order management, such as refunds, should be done in RevCent.
Auto Sync

RevCent will automatically sync order updates in WooCommmerce.

  • Updates to your orders will reflect in WooCommerce.
  • Refunds, shipping status and more will be synced.
  • Everything is done automatically by RevCent.
Integrate Anything


Functions allows you to integrate RevCent, both inbound and outbound, with any third party.

Function Docs

Write Code

Use the built-in code editor to write your own custom code, which is securely hosted and run by RevCent.


Run JavaScript code via the Node.js runtime, with pre-installed dependencies and internet access.


RevCent offers many different function triggers including events, inbound URL's and schedules.

Any Third Party

Functions gives you the capability to integrate any third party, regardless of complexity.


Third Parties

RevCent has native third party integrations, each triggerable via specific events.

Third Party Docs