
Ecommerce businesses use RevCent as their sole backend for payments, engagement, reporting, management, and more for increased revenue and brand growth.

"Your store is simply where consumers pick what to buy, everything else is handled by RevCent."

SALES 01/01/2023 - 12/31/2023




An ecommerce management system built for payments, automation and growth.

"Your store is simply where consumers pick what to buy, everything else is handled by RevCent."

From Start To Finish

Handles The Entire
Ecommerce Process

RevCent handles the entire ecommerce process from initial visitor, to payment, management, and continuity.

"Your store is simply where consumers pick what to buy, everything else is handled by RevCent."


Before The Purchase

RevCent begins the moment someone lands on your site.

Tracks Visitors

Add your domains to RevCent and enable first party cross domain tracking.

Parses Parameters

RevCent will parse tracking data for each visitor that lands on your domains.

Saves Details

Tracking data is saved to the visitor, customer, sale and more as metadata.


During The Purchase

RevCent excels at anti-fraud, payment routing and recovery.

Prevents Fraud

Prevent fraud attempts using Sentinel, our multi layered anti-fraud tool.

Routes Payments

Conduct simple or advanced payment routing using RevCent's payment profiles.

Recovers Declines

Recover lost revenue on abandoned carts as well as partial and renewal declines.


After The Purchase

RevCent facilitates post purchase actions and management.

Sends Notifications

Automatically send out notifications including emails, SMS and more.

Contacts Fulfillment

RevCent takes care of the necessary shipping and fulfillment logic.

Manages It All

RevCent makes it easy to manage all of your customers, sales, subscriptions and more.


Further Engagement

Continue to engage customers and built brand loyalty.

Segments Customers

Segment your customers for targeted marketing, reporting and more.

Triggers On Events

Automatically trigger emails, functions and more when specific events occur.

Engages Over Time

Create customized flows to engage prospects, customers and more over time.


Utilize enterprise level payment tools

RevCent offers an advanced suite of payment tools to help you manage gateways, process payments and recover revenue.

Credit Card Payments

Process Payments

Route payment requests to the appropriate gateway, and save customer cards for future payments.

Payment Routing

Strategically route payments at the time of transaction to distribute volume and increase approval rates.

Payment Routing

Card Vault

Securely store your customer payment data in RevCent, a certified PCI Level 1 DSS service provider.

Stored Payment Data

Protect Your MIDs

Add an unlimited number of MIDs, use gateway groups to segment businesses and prevent sending fraudulent transactions.

MID Management

Add your merchant accounts with associated gateways and group them to prevent cross corp transactions.

MID Mgmt.


Prevent fraudulent transactions from reaching your MIDs by using Sentinel, an anti-fraud system developed by RevCent.

Sentinel Anti-Fraud

Recover Revenue

RevCent can help you recover lost revenue using automated recovery tools, and win chargebacks using enriched evidence.

Decline Recovery

Recover lost revenue, including abandoned carts and soft declines, using RevCent's fully automated recovery tools.

Revenue Recovery

Chargeback Mitigation

Allow third party chargeback management companies to integrate, fight and win chargebacks.

Chargeback Mgmt.


Manage your entire business in one place

Unify and manage the various aspects of your ecommerce business, all within RevCent.



RevCent offers a plethora of features and capabilities for processing, managing and recovering ecommerce sales.



Create, manage and engage your entire customer base all within the RevCent ecommerce management system.



RevCent takes care of the necessary fulfillment and notification logic when selling shippable products.



RevCent's subscription management enables businesses to create the ultimate recurring revenue stream.



Add users in RevCent with varying access and granular permissions. Group users by business via organizations.



Create notes in RevCent, monitor customer service interactions and extend notes with tools such as functions and AI.



Track conversions with maximum accuracy

Stop losing conversion data due to browser restrictions and Apple ITP. RevCent's DNS tracking enables you to set first-party cookies for all visitors.

DNS Tracking

Modern Ecommerce

Innovate and automate your business

RevCent gives businesses the ability to create and automate innovative techniques for marketing, engagement, payments and more. The possibilities are endless.


Engage dormant customers

Automatically engage high LTV customers, that have not purchased again after a period of time, with an email offer to return.

  • Create a customer group based on a LTV, a dormancy period and zero refunds.
  • RevCent will automatically send a personalized email to any customer that enters the group.

Convert soft declines

Automatically display a custom message to customers during checkout when a gateway returns a "contact bank" response.

  • Create a payment profile that checks declines for any "contact bank" responses.
  • Use enriched BIN data to customize the decline message you display to the customer.

Keep subscriptions alive

Automatically notify customers when a subscription fails to renew by sending an SMS asking for updated payment info.

  • RevCent has 90+ events, which can be used to trigger other tools for taking action.
  • Create a function that will send a SMS to a customer when their renewal fails.

Analyze your data using a premier reporting suite

RevCent's array of analytic tools empowers businesses with infinite reporting potential.



The RevCent dashboard is a powerful analytic solution, enabling you to view the exact metrics you want.


RevCent updates reports when a change occurs in your account, such as a new sale, renewal, and more.

BigQuery SQL

You have the ability to directly access and query your data using SQL via the Google BigQuery console or API.

Developer Friendly

Loved By

RevCent's easy to implement API and custom functions allow developers to easily integrate all aspects of your ecommerce business and save tons of time.


The RevCent API is simple to integrate for any ecommerce store or custom application.

API Docs


The RevCent API can be used for many different actions. Create sales, check subscription status, add notes, retrieve data and more.

Well Documented

Check out our API docs for examples, schemas and more.



RevCent Functions allows you to run your own custom JavaScript code based on triggers and events that occur related to your RevCent account.


The code is hosted and run by RevCent and can be used throughout your RevCent account including when specific events match your function settings.


Functions are run using the Node.js runtime, allowing easy JavaScript code similar to Cloudflare Workers and AWS Lambda.

Use Cases

How Teams
Utilize RevCent

Read how ecommerce businesses and their teams utilize RevCent within their organization.

  1. We advertise on Facebook and use RevCent to track conversions.
  2. The click ID for each visitor is saved by RevCent.
  3. RevCent now knows the conversion rates down to the click level.
  4. If the visitor converts, RevCent notifies Facebook of the conversion.
  5. We use reporting in RevCent to know the highest converting ads.
  6. We use customer groups in RevCent to create lookalike audiences in Facebook.
  7. We now know where our marketing budget is best spent, and can expand our target audience.



Expand target audience and optimize conversion rates for FaceBook advertising.

Features used

  1. The fully automated Flows feature in RevCent gives us the ability to engage over time.
  2. We create a customer group for dormant customers that purchased a high margin product.
  3. We exclude customers with refunds or chargebacks from the customer group.
  4. If a customer enters the group it triggers a Flow, which sends them a marketing email.
  5. If the customer converts, the flow stops. If not, the flow waits a day and sends them a coupon.
  6. This is all done automatically by RevCent, at the customer level.
  7. We use the reporting in RevCent to see how each particular re-engagement campaign converted.



Continue to re-engage and build a loyal customer base.

Features used

  1. RevCent allows us to put the cost per product, along with processing fees.
  2. When an order comes in, RevCent notifies fulfillment for shipment.
  3. Once the order ships, RevCent sends the customer an email and continually tracks the shipment.
  4. Our cost for each shipment is saved, allowing us to run reports later.
  5. Once an order is delivered, RevCent sends another email to the customer.
  6. This is all done automatically by RevCent, without any manual work.
  7. We use the reporting in RevCent to see shipment status, revenue and costs.



Verify orders are shipped, customers are notified and shipping costs are monitored.

Features used

  1. The payment profile feature in RevCent allows us to manage multiple MID's.
  2. Each gateway has it's own revenue rules so we don't reach it's monthly cap.
  3. We group all of our gateways using gateway groups.
  4. Depending on the business, the appropriate gateway group is used, preventing cross corp transactions.
  5. RevCent distributes transactions to gateways within the group depending on individual volume.
  6. This is all done automatically by RevCent at the time of transaction.
  7. We use the reporting in RevCent to see approval rates, cap remaining and much more.



Manage multiple company MIDs without allowing any cross corp transactions.

Features used

  1. RevCent allows us to re-target specific visitors when they don't attempt or fail to purchase.
  2. When someone visits one of our sites a prospect is created in RevCent.
  3. If the prospect attempts to pay and is unsuccessful, RevCent can retry their purchase later.
  4. If a prospect never attempts to pay, RevCent can send them a text message with a coupon.
  5. We utilize a RevCent Function to send a SMS via Twilio, with a message tailored specific to the customer.
  6. This is all done automatically by RevCent using its advanced capabilities.
  7. We use the reporting in RevCent to see the email, re-attempt and SMS conversion statistics.



Convert abandoned or failed payments into customers.

Features used

Monthly Pricing

RevCent charges each month based on the amount of revenue successfully processed.


New & Growing*


5M - 25M

Medium to large



Negotiable rate

All accounts get
  • All Features
  • Unlimited Users
  • Dedicated Support
  • No Per Trans. Fee

*Minimum fee of $1,999 after 60 days